Flame Storm, Blizzard, Thunder Bomb Infernal, Meteorite Bombardment, the four large-scale magic in Galatea’s hands showed considerable power. Although they can’t directly kill these Yoma, they can give Yoma a certain degree of blow. The most important thing is that these Magic’s attack ranges are very large, so these Yoma basically suffered more or less damage from Magic attacks.

At the same time Galatea shot, Li Yalin and Riful also shot together. Taking advantage of a certain distance from Yomas, all the long-range attacks must be launched. At this time, Li Yalin did not choose a big shot. The Brilliant Cold Honor Shot in the range uses Plague Javelin, which has a strong corrosive ability. After Plague Javelin is launched, all Yomas’s all around are shrouded in a green poisonous smoke, and the toxins with strong corrosive effect are fast Spread among Yoma.

As for Riful also casting his own curse Spell, not only that, Riful also used several Bone Walls to block Yomas’s offensive, and then he held his own sword of excellence in his hand. He looked like he was waiting, but the little loli look of Riful coupled with the huge sword of excellence, it feels a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

At this time, Ophelia started to brew her Certain Kill Skill-Demon Sealing Sword Slash. Yan Su after using the power boost. This is a Magic Skill with Fire Atrribute attack. It is very powerful, but it takes a certain amount of time to display it.

Although Li Yalin and their remote attack power are not bad, Yomas succeeded in breaking through Riful’s Bone Wall, and then approached Li Yalin and the others, and it was time for melee. , The first one was not someone else, it was Saber who had not done anything. At this time, Saber put the Excalibur in his hand in front of him, and then saw countless lights appearing in front of Saber, after the light disappeared. , Yomas standing in front of Saber seemed to explode. In an instant, flesh and blood flew across, with broken hands and feet all over the floor. The defenses that Yoma was proud of were almost like tofu in front of Saber. It’s broken.

Seeing this, Li Yalin’s eyes lit up, and Saber’s this move was even unable to see him clearly. However, Li Yalin still has a general understanding of the specific situation of this move, because Saber and Li Yalin talked about this trick. At that time Saber wearing Leo Gold Cloth got the inheritance skill of Cloth, but Saber is not mainly practice boxing, so Lightning Bolt for Saber is simply tasteless, but Li Yalin also once told Saber if Lightning Bolt is integrated into Sword Technique, and there should be some good effects. Now it seems that Saber has successfully improved Lightning Bolt into Lightning Light Speed ​​Sword, and the power is indeed amazing.

In the case of Saber successfully knocking down a strong enemy, Li Yalin’s imposing manner naturally rose sharply. At this time, Ophelia has been charged up and the Demon Sealing Sword Slash with Fire Element is in Yoma. There was a huge explosion in the middle. It is indeed the Legendary Spatial Slash Sword that can even split the sky. This is more than a little bit stronger than the Claymore used by Ophelia before.

To cooperate with everyone’s offense, Li Yalin also displayed Brilliant Cold Honor Shot. The large-scale Light Arrow envelops Yomas. The light magic gives Yomas a lot of damage bonus, and then Li Yalin put on a pair of Divine Anger Gauntlet and rushed directly into Yoma to start a melee fight. Fist of Miracle and Fist of Firmament were used in Li Yalin’s hands with Major Perfection, and I saw another Yoma from time to time. Flew into the air, or hit the wall directly and was beaten into meat sauce.

However, after Ophelia, Galatea and Li Yalin contract Class Change, Saeko became the weakest one in the team. Although the rank is already Sixth Rank High-Level, but facing With such a large number of Yoma Saeko, it is also impossible to perform an effective attack. Although Saeko will throw out a Medusa’s Eyes or Sleeping Smoke Bomb that Li Yalin put on her from time to time, but at this time Saeko is indeed the slowest in kill efficiency. Saeko is a bit depressed now.

As for this question, Li Yalin naturally saw it. Li Yalin knew that it was time for Saeko to replace the equipment. Originally, Li Yalin planned to let Saeko replace the equipment when he reached the Seventh Rank, but If you don’t act now, Saeko’s self-esteem will be hit, so Li Yalin has secretly prepared new equipment for Saeko.

To deal with such a large number of Yoma, Li Yalin naturally did his best. Because of this, after killing the third Yoma, Li Yalin felt that he had upgraded. At this time, Li Yalin was obviously Feeling the increase in strength, Li Yalin, who has risen to the Seventh Rank High-Level, is only one step away from Saint Rank.

However, what surprised Li Yalin was that after the battle, Saeko was also upgraded. Now Saeko has reached the Seventh Rank Low-Level strength, two upgrades in one day, and It’s still incredible to get promoted from Sixth Rank to Seventh Rank. Although there is not much experience in rising from Sixth Rank to Seventh Rank, it is definitely a lot. From this, it can be seen that Saeko’s has indeed worked quite hard, and her unyielding enthusiasm has prompted her to work hard to improve herself. strength.

In this way, Li Yalin can change the equipment for Saeko with more confidence, so after the battle, Li Yalin pulled Saeko aside and passed the prepared equipment directly to Saeko .

“This is…” Looking at the weapon equipment in Li Yalin’s hand, Saeko showed a slightly hesitant gaze.

“Try it. To tell the truth, secret silver armor is really not suitable for you, but now your strength is Seventh Rank, then this set of equipment is just right for you to wear.” Li Yalin slightly smiled at Saeko, and then handed over a new weapon equipment.

The weapon Saeko uses is naturally a long knife, so at this time Li Yalin handed Saeko’s a long and one short katana, both of which are the two strongest knives in “Generation Xth”. One of them is called Divine Might. In addition to being extremely sharp, it can also increase learning skills and special defenses. The scarlet knife adds a touch of killing to Divine Might, and the other is called Muramasa. It has the same name as the Japanese legendary Murasame, but Muramasa is also a very weird knife. In addition to increasing spell attack, spell defense and special defense, Muramasa actually reduces User’s HP. In other words, this Muramasa is like Murasame generally, can absorb User’s life. But at the same time, Muramasa can increase the maximum User’s HP, which can be said to be a somewhat contradictory attribute, but the power of this knife is beyond doubt.

As for the equipment, Li Yalin prepared a full set of Athena Cloth’s for Saeko. After all, after wearing the secret silver armor, Saeko’s own speed has been greatly restricted, although Saeko has gradually adapted to it recently. The weight of secret silver armor, but Saeko will still show a little unnaturalness during the battle. Of course, all of this is seen by Li Yalin, but due to the limitation of Saeko’s strength, Li Yalin has no better way. Now that Saeko’s strength has reached the standard, then Li Yalin naturally has no reason to let Saeko continue to wear The heavy secret silver armor went to battle.

The whole set of Athena Cloth is mainly based on tan. The style is a bit like school uniforms, but the material is completely different. It looks like it is made of fabric, but after wearing it on the body, the clothes are again It reflects the metal luster, and the texture of the whole set of clothes is very light, and it hardly feels weight when worn on the body, especially the Athena headdress, which is simply suspended on the sides of Saeko’s hair.

Know that Athena Cloth’s is very expensive, but it is also worth the money. After wearing Athena Cloth, Saeko’s defense is also a step up to secret silver armor, and the entire set of Athena Cloth is also Saeko’s spell attack and spell defense can be added, and the Athena headgear can also add additional learning skills to Saeko.

After Saeko wears, Li Yalin is also satisfied and nodded. As a result, Saeko’s overall strength is also improved by more than one level, but this is not over, the next thing to do is this change The highlight of pretending.

In fact, Li Yalin originally planned to directly replace the red shadow cloak behind Saeko with extinct cloak. However, considering that extinction cloak can improve Saeko’s defenses, it can only add special features to Saeko. Defense, and there are no other special effects, so Li Yalin finally chose to redeem the most expensive back equipment in “Generation Xth”-God’s Ring.

There are two God’s Rings, which are in the shape of a ring, and a cross is suspended in the middle of the ring. After the Saeko equipment goes up, the two God’s Rings are suspended behind Saeko’s, and the colors It also matches well with Saeko’s Athena Cloth.

But this is not the point. The most important thing is that the attributes of God’s Ring are indeed very powerful. It can increase Saeko’s spell defense and special defenses. For the time being, Saeko can float freely and is already very strong. This is the same as Li Yalin’s Seraph’s Wings. You can float freely in the air without consuming your own energy. Not only that, God’s Ring can also increase User’s HP maximum, which can also increase Saeko’s vitality.

Apart from this, the most powerful attribute of God’s Ring is that it can be transferred to any place you have visited. What does this mean? This shows that Saeko has a Teleportation Gate that can be used without restrictions and without using energy. By the way, Saeko can bring one squad person for transfer every time, and the size of a squad is six people.

It can be seen that the attribute of God’s Ring is so powerful, and Saeko now has a powerful equipment, but the fly in the ointment is that the attribute of God’s Ring is fixed, and the Teleportation Gate is also very restrictive. It is simply impossible to improve, but fortunately, Saeko, who has reached the Seventh Rank, can already display the Teleportation Gate spell, so Saeko has no choice but to work on the spell.

Thanks to the memory of Xing Xing, invincible Lori, long live the confusion, I really want to see the rewards of this good book, by the way, ask for a monthly pass and subscribe~~~ If it doesn’t work, click on the recommendation or something. It’s not bad to say ~~

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