After Saeko’s level was promoted to Seventh Rank, Saeko has learned the Seventh Rank spell, but also has one of the biggest changes in himself, that is, he has 18 more equipment space, which is just like in the game Similarly, in this way, Saeko can put his equipment into the equipment space. However, unlike Spatial Ring, the equipment space of Saeko’s can only store equipment and items in “Generation Xth”, and other items simply cannot be placed in this equipment space. But even so, Saeko is still quite happy. It is also much more convenient to come to Saeko. As long as his mind moves, Saeko can wear his weapon equipment on his body.

For this result, Li Yalin also feels quite surprised, but this is also good. From this point of view, when Rei and the others reach the Seventh Rank, it is estimated that they will be the same as Saeko, with such an equipment space. This also saves Rei and the others from having to take off the equipment and leave it to Li Yalin for preservation, so Li Yalin will be a lot easier.

“How? Are you going to move on?” Just after Saeko put all the equipment on, Galatea came to Li Yalin’s side. After Class Change Holy Spirit Master, Galatea had a sense of Yoki. A deeper understanding, after all, meditation practice can greatly increase Galatea’s Spiritual Power. Under the dual perception of Spiritual Power and Yoki, Galatea’s Yoki perception is only slightly inferior to Nymph’s radar.

“Let’s stop here today. The speed of our upgrade is too fast. We must first go out to stabilize our realm. If we rush forward again, that’s not a good idea.” Li Yalin slightly smiled In fact, Li Yalin has already considered this matter a long time ago. Although he is very curious about what exists in this space, it is not a good time to rush into it. After all, today’s gains are already great, except for Riful. In addition, everyone’s strength has grown, and Li Yalin also needs to stabilize his realm. After all, after the fight just now, Li Yalin’s experience has increased a lot. To say that this is really a good place for leveling. what.

In this way, Li Yalin entire group walked back to the exit, and the road was smooth, but what surprised Li Yalin and the others was that after they left the stone gate, this stone gate It turned off automatically, as if it had never been opened before.

“Is someone controlling this thing?” Saeko looked at the stone gate with great interest, but she didn’t see what mechanism was in it.

“It should be the pure Yoki who closed the door, but why is it so heavy, how did you push it open just now?” I probed the stone gate a bit, and then Galatea again I pushed the stone gate, but this stone gate is completely motionless. Even if Galatea releases his Yoki, there is no way to push the stone gate away.

“It doesn’t make sense, but I easily pushed it away.” Seeing Galatea’s hard work, Li Yalin was also quite puzzled. Just now, he just pushed the door slightly and opened it. Does this thing still recognize people? Li Yalin, who was full of doubts, also stepped forward and pushed the stone gate, but this time is different from the last time. This time Li Yalin also did not push the stone gate.

“It seems that there are any restrictions, is it time? Or number of times?” At this time, Saber also said analytically.

“Forget it, no matter what it is, let’s explore the town. It’s still early anyway, and it won’t take long to explore the town.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, anyway, this stone gate I can’t run here, and I can come back tomorrow.

“It’s weird. We didn’t have a long time to go in, right? Why is there no trace of Yoma in this small town? There is no place in the whole town that emits Yoki except this stone gate. It’s really strange.” Galatea was also very puzzled after exploring all around. After all, before entering the stone gate, the town still exudes a lot of Yoma breath, why is it gone now? It’s almost like disappear from the face of the earth. And now within Galatea’s maximum detection range, only the stone gate emits Yoki.

“It’s kind of interesting, all the breath I felt before is gone.” Li Yalin also touched his chin with great interest. Now the whole town is lifeless and full of gloom everywhere. And fear, and the body of Yoma that Li Yalin killed before is now gone, everything seems to be a mystery, waiting for Li Yalin to solve it.

“I don’t care about this. I’m hungry. I want to eat.” When everyone lowered their heads and thought, Riful was heartless shouting hungry. After reverting back to humans, Riful has a lot of attention to eating. It’s quite an amazing obsession, but since Li Yalin has signed a contract with Ophelia and Galatea, Evolved Space is no longer a secret for the two women, so Li Yalin sent everyone to Evolved Space. In addition to having a good meal, everyone’s safety is also guaranteed. After all, no one can enter Li Yalin’s Evolved Space without authorization.

After entering Evolved Space, Galatea and Ophelia’s eyes were not enough. Although Li Yalin had been known for a long time, they were very mysterious, but after seeing these modern buildings in front of them, the two women felt You can imagine the shock of Li Yalin, and Li Yalin also introduced some details about Evolved Space to the two women. The two women also heard with keen interest pleasure, especially Ophelia. For such unknown things, Ophelia is always able to Shows a curiosity far beyond ordinary people.

“Yuriko Aunt, how is your place?” After eating, Li Yalin took out the Nymph before leaving and gave it to Li Yalin’s communicator. This communicator does not limit the space, location, and What kind of signal source is needed, as long as you dial the other party’s number, you can talk to the other party, which is really amazing. And this communicator seems to be produced by Nymph. For these electronic products, Nymph’s talent is really not high. Before everyone is separated, Li Yalin, Yuriko and Saya all have a communicator so that everyone can keep in touch at any time. If there is an emergency, everyone can reunite immediately.

“It’s Yalin. We’re pretty good here. Yoma’s rank is not high, but there are many. Today, everyone has basically upgraded. I believe we will reach Sixth Rank soon. However, it is estimated that the speed of upgrading after the Sixth Rank will be slower. I am also considering whether to go to Saya and the others to upgrade after reaching the Sixth Rank.” After connecting to the communicator, Yuriko also seemed very happy, but Yuriko was still first. Reported their results to Li Yalin.

“Well, this is fine, but you must be careful, don’t panic when you encounter powerful enemies, and Ikaros and others. Finally, pay attention to Alice. She is still young, don’t let her Practice too much, just appropriate.” After listening to Yuriko’s words, Li Yalin was satisfied and nodded, and then carefully warned.

“Okay, I don’t know this yet, I know it in my heart, but what’s going on with you? Be careful about everything.” After hearing Li Yalin’s instructions, Yuriko couldn’t help being on the other side of the communicator. With a smile, she could hear the deep concern from Li Yalin’s words, which made Yuriko’s heart warm.

“Today’s harvest is good, everyone has their own upgrade…” Then, Li Yalin told Yuriko about what happened today, but after Li Yalin finished speaking, Yuriko said the first A word made Li Yalin stunned.

“Let you succeed two girls again, are you happy this time?” Yuriko’s words revealed a strong vinegar smell, which even Yuriko himself did not notice.

“This, it’s a matter of love, let’s talk about what makes me succeed, I haven’t succeeded yet, no, this is not right…” Yuriko’s words make Li Yalin talk a little bit inconsistent. After listening to Li Yalin’s confused explanation, Yuriko also smiled at pffft. If Li Yalin is now in front of Yuriko’s, it is estimated that Li Yalin will definitely watch it.

“Well, I won’t tease you anymore, but you must be careful where you are. Your safety is the most important thing to us.” After laughing, Yuriko was serious about Li. Yalin said, but this is what Yuriko’s thought. Now Yuriko’s heart is put on Li Yalin and Saya’s. As long as Li Yalin and Saya have a good life, then Yuriko will be more happy than what he got.

After speaking with Yuriko, Li Yalin continued to chat with other women. Among them, Alice was very proud to tell Li Yalin the news of her upgrade, and Li Yalin naturally had the slightest bit of information. I didn’t spare my words of praise, but it was a good compliment to Alice. On the other side of the communicator, Alice’s little nose was so high that Yuriko couldn’t help but pinch Alice’s little nose affectionately. Alice showed a look of disobedience.

After finishing the conversation with the beautiful women on Yuriko’s side, Li Yalin then talked to Saya again. Saya and the others, the upgrade speed is naturally not slower, but it is better than Li Yalin. It’s much worse. After thinking about it for a while, Li Yalin finally made a decision. Li Yalin intends to let Saya and the others upgrade to Heaven Grade tomorrow, while Li Yalin and the others will continue to explore the stone gate if they find out what is useful tomorrow. After the information, Li Yalin is going to let Saya and the others come here to upgrade. After all, the experience of Seventh Rank Yoma can make everyone upgrade very quickly. As for the stability of the realm, I can talk about it later.

Finally, after Li Yalin told everyone, he ended the conversation with the beautiful women. Immediately, Li Yalin devoted himself to stability within the realm, because tomorrow There will be a big battle waiting for Li Yalin.

Thank you for beating the tiger, white~white! White?, Invincible Lolicon, Jian Linghuan, Xing Xing’s memory reward~ (to be continued, if you want to know what happened, please visit www.qidian .com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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