Early on the 2nd day, Li Yalin brought the girls to the stone gate, but this time it was very easy. Li Yalin opened the stone gate, but after pushing the stone gate to enter this mysterious space, Li Yalin and the others discovered that dozens of Yoma appeared in front of them.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t we clear the Yoma from the stone gate yesterday? How come there are so many again?” Saeko frowned, in only one night, so many Yoma appeared again .

“No matter what, kill them first.” Li Yalin also frowned, but at this time a single thought appeared in Li Yalin’s mind, but Li Yalin was not sure about this idea. Whether it is correct or not, he needs further verification.

With yesterday’s experience, today’s battle was unexpectedly easy. Soon everyone cleared Yoma from the stone gate, and then everyone continued to move towards the iron gate. After walking into the iron gate, everyone found that there were hundreds of Yoma in front of everyone. They were about the same number as the Yoma that appeared yesterday. So everyone continued to use yesterday’s tactics. Although it took some time, they still Get rid of these Yoma quickly.

After killing Yoma in the iron gate, everyone began to move toward the depths of the iron gate, but this time it was a large bronze gate that appeared in front of everyone, and on both sides of the bronze gate were There are two bronze Yoma statues erected, but this time the Yoma statue is not the same as the one in front of the iron gate. Not to mention the strange appearance, it feels even more terrifying and scary.

After pushing open the bronze gate, Li Yalin and the others appeared in front of Li Yalin and the others more than Seventh Rank Yoma, I saw that there were hundreds of Seventh Rank Yoma inside the bronze gate, and among them were the first. It turned out to be three Yoma exuding Saint Rank Yoki. This time, Li Yalin and the others were started. Hundreds of Seventh Rank Yoma were enough for Li Yalin and the others. Now there are still three Saint Rank Yoma. , Isn’t this killing people?

“Isn’t it? This is impossible!” The single thought that appears in everyone’s mind is impossible. Such a number of Yoma is simply unprecedented. If these Yoma appear on the continent, It is estimated that there is no room for human existence for a long time. What is it that brings such a large number of Yoma together? This is a question that has appeared in the minds of everyone present.

But they have already come here, so now all Li Yalin and the others have to do is to kill these Yoma directly. After all, communication seems to be impossible, because as soon as Li Yalin and the others enter the door, Yomas’s Yoki They have already begun to stir, and at this time they have already rushed towards Li Yalin and the others.

“Keep the formation, don’t disperse the battle, everyone in a circle!” At this time Saber began to command everyone to fight. After all, Yomas does not have long-range attack methods, so Saber’s combat method is completely correct of.

Now Li Yalin, Saber and Riful are the main players in hand-to-hand combat, while Galatea, Ophelia and Saeko are backing support. Because of the arduous battle this time, everyone is naturally. I tried my best without any reservations, and all the moves were moved towards Yomas to greet them.

“Ex——Excalibur!” At this time, Saber completely released Noble Phantasm’s real name, huge Magic Power spewed out of Saber, and Excalibur had also become a huge beam of light. Under the scope of sword glow, Seventh Rank Yomas is either dead or injured. With this move alone, Saber has already killed nearly a hundred Seventh Rank Yoma.

Seeing Saber’s performance so dazzling, Riful on the side is naturally not to be outdone. Riful, who is also Saint Rank, has also become Abyssal One at this time, and countless tentacles start to catch Yoma everywhere. , As long as it is Yoma caught by Riful, all will end in a different place.

Saint Rank is worthy of Saint Rank, it is not Seventh Rank at all. Yoma can make up for it by quantity, especially these Yoma, which have no special tricks, are more vulnerable in front of Saint Rank powerhouse, but Even so, Saber and Riful can’t kill all Yoma instantly, so Li Yalin and the others still have room to play.

At this time, Li Yalin and the others also saw Saber and Riful’s strength, so Li Yalin and the others are naturally not to be outdone, especially Li Yalin, if it is like this, it would be shameful. So at this time, Li Yalin had gathered all the energy in his body and began to use the combination skill that he was not proficient in—Thunderclap Honor Shot.

The so-called Thunderclap Honor Shot is a combination of Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, Lightning Fury and Lightning Attack. To be honest, combining skills from different games is a very The most difficult thing is that due to the different Magic Power circuits, a little carelessness will lead to Magic backlash.

Fortunately, Li Yalin successfully completed this skill, and saw that the entire space was surrounded by Light Arrow and lightning in an instant. The powerful Lightning Attack and Light Arrow merged with each other to produce With the effect of mutual assistance, hundreds of Seventh Rank Yoma were killed and injured by Li Yalin’s powerful blow, and only a few Yoma were left struggling on whilst at death’s door, but this blow Although it is strong, you must know that there are still three Saint Rank Yoma that haven’t been dealt with. These three guys are not eating dry food.

After issuing this blow, Li Yalin quickly took a breath. The use of this skill is very expensive for Li Yalin. Among them, the most important thing is the unskilled relationship, which wastes a lot of Unnecessary energy.

At this time, the three Saint Rank Yoma saw that the boys were almost dead, they moved towards Li Yalin expressionlessly, and they attacked. Different from these Seventh Rank Yoma, The attacks of these three Saint Rank Yoma began to become cunning and diversified. At this time, Riful and Saber had each stopped one of them, but the remaining one was moved towards Li Yalin and attacked.

Faced with this Saint Rank Yoma, Li Yalin did not have a trace of fear. With his current strength and equipment, he could duel this Saint Rank Yoma, so Li Yalin prevented Saeko from getting on. The thought of helping before, after shaking out the Burning Angel Spear in his hand, the long spear instantly moved towards Yoma and stabbed in the past.

It is indeed Saint Rank’s Yoma. Li Yalin’s ordinary blow did not cause any harm to Yoma. Even so, this Saint Rank Yoma can’t do anything with Li Yalin, after all, except for Silver Cloth. In addition to the high defense, Li Yalin himself also added a lot of Support Skills, and this Yoma had been hit by Riful’s curse Spell before. As a result, neither side was able to break the opponent’s defense.

Since ordinary attacks are useless, Li Yalin immediately used Thorn Burst. Now it’s not time to care about the durability of the weapon. After continuously stabbing Thorn Burst with explode attribute, add With the addition of Fatal Attack, Yoma’s body has already begun to appear wounds of different sizes.

Yoma, who was injured by Li Yalin, was even more angry at this time. Every time he attacked Li Yalin’s, he became more fierce. However, Li Yalin’s speed is extremely fast. With Dimensional Jump, Yoma simply didn’t Way to attack Li Yalin.

As a result, Yoma who was fighting with Li Yalin has fallen into a very tragic situation, unable to effectively give Li Yalin. Not to mention, excessive release of Yoki, physical strength and blood loss make this tragic Yoma even more Li Yalin is the more fights the more brave is. In addition to the long spear skill, occasionally Li Yalin also beats the Yoma with a Fist of Miracle. Although the power is not as powerful as the Fist of Firmament, it is better than the Fist of Firmament. The speed is fast, and it can be displayed as one pleases.

In this way, this tragic Yoma fell under Li Yalin’s kite-flying tactics, and at the moment he killed Yoma, Li Yalin felt that his level had risen to Saint Rank Low- Level, now Li Yalin’s perception of energy has gone deeper.

After entering Saint Rank, Li Yalin discovered that his own energy has undergone a qualitative change. If the original energy was a small river, the current energy is already like a big river, although not comparable The sea, but this undoubtedly brings Li Yalin’s strength to several steps, especially at the moment Li Yalin’s own temperament has also changed a lot. Li Yalin’s body has already surfaced a sense of mysterious majesty, but this I don’t feel that an ordinary person can feel it, only a person who has reached a certain level of strength can detect it.

Just after Li Yalin killed Yoma, Saber and Riful also solved their opponents separately. Compared with Li Yalin, Saber and Riful fought very easily, even if Yomas’s own energy The two women are similar, but the gap between them is very obvious, whether it is in weapon equipment, combat experience, or move skills, they cannot be mentioned on equal terms.

Although Li Yalin’s level was promoted to Saint Rank Low-Level in this battle, it was not without a price. After the battle, Li Yalin’s Burning Angel Spear was already fragmented. , But there is no other way. While using Thorn Burst regularly, it will also greatly reduce the durability of the weapon. This is also the price to pay for having a strong attack power. Fortunately, Little Elf Feifei also has weapon equipment repair skills. Although it will cost some Energy Points, Burning Angel Spear can still recover as before.

But even if Burning Angel Spear can be repaired, Li Yalin feels that it is time to change the weapon equipment. Now Lyra Silver Cloth is no longer suitable for Li Yalin, so while changing the armor, Li Yalin I think the weapons should be replaced at the same time.

For weapons, what Li Yalin needs now is naturally the long spear, and in «Wind Fantasy 3», Burning Angel Spear is not the best long spear. The best long spear is called Ragnarok. So Li Yalin’s goal is naturally placed on Ragnarok.

Thank you for not breaking ‖do not dispersing 〃, I want to read this good book, the memory of star dust, and the hair is also murderous. The first Elder in this book has appeared, and that is Don’t break, don’t break up, everyone applauds~~~~

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