According to legend, Ragnarok is an equipment used by gods. It has the ability to destroy the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Although the Ragnarok in Li Yalin’s hands is not so exaggerated, its quality is close to Low-Grade Divine Artifact and its power Naturally, it can be imagined.

As for Li Yalin’s armor, Li Yalin still has a headache. Although there are still a few Gold Cloths modified by Feifei in Evolved Space, they are not very suitable for Li Yalin. While Li Yalin was looking for equipment, Little Elf Feifei appeared mysteriously in front of Li Yalin’s.

“Master, is it worrying about the armor on his body?” Feifei, who danced beside Li Yalin, said to Li Yalin playfully.

“You just came here. You are more familiar with the stuff here. Come and help me find it.” After seeing Feifei, Li Yalin was like seeing a savior, although thousands of The proportion of armor in the equipment is not large, and the high level is also less. Only this and many equipment are placed together. How can Li Yalin find it?

“hee hee, I said Master, you can’t find any good things here, but look!” at first Little Elf still shaking his head, but immediately she offered treasures Suddenly a Cloth box appeared, I really don’t know where she changed from.

“This is…Cloth?” Li Yalin said hesitantly looking at the look before him. Although it is similar to Cloth’s box, the simple pattern and lightning shape on the box told Li. Yalin, this is no ordinary Cloth.

“Of course, although the Stick of Thor was not made, this God Cloth was made.” At this time, Feifei looked at Li Yalin with pride, as if he was saying ” You praise me quickly.”

“No way? Don’t tell me this is Zeus God Cloth!” Li Yalin was really shocked. In “Saint Seiya”, God Cloth of the 12 Olympians did not appear many, Zeus God Cloth is just seen on the gallery, didn’t expect Feifei actually did it.

“Of course, this is a meticulous work of Feifei, which is absolutely comparable to the original version.” Feifei is definitely nodded, and looks like my best.

“This is too handsome!” Li Yalin, who admired him so much, was also itchy at this time. Didn’t expect Feifei to transform the Divine Artifact obtained before into Zeus God Cloth, but since God Cloth is right in front of you, so Li Yalin is definitely going to try.

I used my mind to sense the God Cloth box in front of me, and the box immediately spread out. What appeared in front of Li Yalin and Feifei was a God Cloth shining with pale-gold light. In this God Cloth piece Behind them, there are still six pairs of metal wings, and the metal wings are shining with silver light.

Along with Li Yalin’s thoughts, God Cloth automatically decomposes, floats to Li Yalin’s side, and attaches to Li Yalin’s body. After putting on God Cloth, Li Yalin can clearly feel that he is very interested in Lightning Element. The Magic and Thunder-related skills instantly increased by more than one level. Not only that, Zeus God Cloth also inherited several skills for Li Yalin, all of which are very powerful and practical skills.

“Master, you are so handsome!” Seeing Li Yalin wearing God Cloth, Little Elf Feifei has folded his hands together and his eyes have turned into a heart shape. This makes Li Yalin somewhat didn’t. ‘t know whether to cry or laugh.

But to say that Li Yalin looks really beautiful now, because I haven’t had a haircut for several months, and Li Yalin’s hair is quite long now, even though Li Yalin’s head is now quite long. Wearing a helmet, but it can’t completely cover Li Yalin’s long hair, plus Li Yalin’s handsome face, and it’s in harmony with a God Cloth, and vividly and thoroughly exuding Li Yalin’s charm, it’s no wonder that Feifei will reveal Such an expression.

I felt the power increase God Cloth brought to me a little bit. Li Yalin is very satisfied at this time. This Zeus God Cloth is more than a little bit stronger than Li Yalin’s Silver Cloth, and now Li Yalin The Ragnarok in Yalin’s hands is also a rare Divine Artifact. If Li Yalin stood in front of everyone in this way, everyone would definitely think that Li Yalin was a Heavenly God who descended to the world, even though Li Yalin is just an alternate god now.

“Yalin, you are…” Sure enough, after Li Yalin appeared in front of everyone, everyone looked at Li Yalin in a daze. At this time, everyone could feel the faintness from Li Yalin. Divine Might, of course, this is also the result of Li Yalin not suppressing his breath. Li Yalin just wants to see how everyone will react after seeing who he is now, but now Li Yalin’s reaction to everyone is very positive. satisfaction.

“Haha…” While everyone was stunned, Li Yalin couldn’t help but laughed at last, and Li Yalin’s smile also broke the heavy atmosphere.

“You bad guy, did you come here to tease us on purpose?” Seeing Li Yalin laughing, little loli Riful stopped doing it, and saw her come full of anger In front of Li Yalin, I looked at Li Yalin with an angry look.

“Sorry, I just want to see your reaction, didn’t expect…” But before Li Yalin finished speaking, Li Yalin realized that his face had been given by a pair of jade hands. Pinched.

“Do you think this is interesting?” It is not someone else who pinches Li Yalin’s face, it is the Great Britain’s King Arthur-His Royal Highness Artoria.

“wú wú wú.” Li Yalin, whose face was pinched, simply couldn’t speak normally, and at this time Saber also found that his actions seemed a bit indecent, and the women on the side were all there. Staring at herself, Saber quickly released the jade hand that pinched Li Yalin’s face, and took a few steps back with a slightly red face, but her eyes never left Li Yalin at this time.

“Listen to my explanation. Actually, I just want you to feel it, and then see your reaction before deciding whether to wear this God Cloth and go out directly. If I take my breath completely Contain, how do you feel?” At this time, Li Yalin looked aggrieved at the girls. Although Li Yalin said so, he didn’t think so in his heart. The reason was Li. Yalin just figured it out.

“Well, what you said earlier, I said the big brother would not scare us so much.” After listening to Li Yalin’s explanation, Ophelia was the first to sighed in relief, and then she stepped forward Hugging Li Yalin’s arm, Li Yalin has completely condensed his breath at this time, so even if God Cloth still has a faint Divine Might on it, Ophelia can already ignore it completely.

“Is that so?” Unlike Ophelia, Galatea is not that easy to deceive. Galatea is now looking at Li Yalin with a playful look. For Li Yalin’s words, Galatea believed five times. The achievements are already pretty good.

It’s not just Galatea, except that Ophelia is somewhat infatuated and didn’t think about Li Yalin’s words carefully, the rest are not someone who is easy to deal with, even Riful is the same, don’t Seeing that Riful is now a loli look, and recently even the tone and movements are the same as a little loli, but Riful lives longer than anyone present, so just after Li Yalin finished these words, Riful He was the first person to give Li Yalin a blank look.

Although everyone does not believe Li Yalin’s words very much, but they did not continue to carry on this topic tacitly. After all, Li Yalin’s face is still very important. If you continue to struggle, it is not a good woman. What should be done, this sentence came from Saeko’s, and all the women present were deeply impressed.

“Okay, all we need to do now is a multiple choice question. If we continue to deepen or retreat, it is estimated that the next journey will be even more difficult. We must know that it is just a Tongmen has such a large number of Yoma, so no one knows how many Yoma will appear next. I hope everyone can consider it.” At this time, Saeko said the problems that everyone is facing now. Solved Li Yalin’s embarrassment, and everyone really needs to think about it.

“To be honest, I am not very optimistic about the next action. In my perception, the more I walk in, the stronger the surrounding Yoki, and this Yoki also makes me shudder. Even though my current strength has improved a lot, the uneasy feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.” After Saeko finished speaking, Galatea also expressed his feelings.

“I don’t care, I listen to the big brother.” Everyone has ignored Ophelia’s words, this girl has become infatuated.

“Whether you move forward or backward, as long as you stick to the belief in your heart, no matter what the difficulty is, you can solve it. Yalin, you have to consider this matter carefully, we all believe that you will do the most correct Choice.” At this time, Saber turned his attention to Li Yalin, and at the same time, all the beautiful women turned their eyes to Li Yalin’s body.

“No way? Me again?” Li Yalin smiled bitterly. He was the only man here. No way. Li Yalin had to think carefully about the pros and cons. Of course, if you continue to move forward, there will definitely be more Yoma waiting for Li Yalin, but using these Yomas to upgrade is actually a good choice, but the road ahead is definitely more dangerous… Wait, this At that time Li Yalin thought of the idea that had flashed in his mind before, and then Li Yalin made a decision.

“I’ve decided. I’ll be here today. Tomorrow I will call Rei and Saya to come over. Let’s talk about it when the time comes.” Li Yalin said to the girls slightly smiled. After listening to Li Yalin, everyone’s heart was actually sighed in relief. After all, today everyone had a series of high-intensity battles. If you can take a break, that would be great.

By the way, the results are really bleak, Xiaoshuai needs everyone’s support, even if you don’t have money to subscribe, there are always clicks and recommendations without money~~ Give Xiaoshuai some motivation. Ah~ (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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