Shortly after Saber left, Teresa took Clare Ilena and the four to find Li Yalin. Now that he has decided to sign the contract, Li Yalin will naturally not hesitate anymore, and finally confirmed everyone’s After feeling his mind, Li Yalin immediately signed a contract with the five women.

After the contract is established, Teresa and the others will naturally also carry out Class Change. Only in this way can their strength be increased. After repeated discussions with everyone, everyone’s class is determined, Teresa Clare and Clare are now inseparable from each other, and even the Class is exactly the same, both of which are Swordman. But Ilena and their three choices are completely different. Ilena chose Holy Knight, Sophia chose Assassin, and Noel chose Barbarian.

It should be said that Sophia and Noel’s choice is actually expected by Li Yalin’s. After all, Sophia is good at speed, Noel is good at strength, and these two classes can just show the strength of the two , But Ilena’s choice made Li Yalin confused. Why would Ilena choose a Class that is totally unrelated to her own type.

“We are now a team. I will try my best to choose some classes that can cooperate with the team, and this class is also quite good. I am very satisfied.” After Li Yalin asked the question in her mind, Ilena This is the answer.

After everyone finished Class Change, Li Yalin chose the appropriate equipment for everyone, such as Teresa and Spatial Slash Sword used by Clare to fight Dragon Battle Robe. And Ilena and the others are all golden suits in the dark. After wearing all the equipment, everyone’s strength instantly rose by more than one level.

In fact, Li Yalin has never figured out the true strength of Teresa and the others, because he has never seen Teresa and the others use true strength, especially Teresa, just yesterday when they played against Seventh Rank Yoma. Teresa didn’t even release Yoki, and cut down two on the spot. So if Yoki is released, what level will Teresa reach? What if 100% Yoki is released? This is what makes Li Yalin very interested.

In the next few dozen days, the mysterious space in the stone gate has become Li Yalin’s dedicated leveling place, and Li Yalin has become more and more sure of what he thinks in his mind. This is simply A game, the scene in the stone gate is like the first pass of the game, the second pass of the iron gate, and the third pass of the bronze gate. In the third pass, there are three small Saint Rank BOSSs. How many levels need to be passed? Will a big boss appear when the last pass is reached? After figuring out some things, Li Yalin’s had new doubts in his mind.

But now what Li Yalin they have to do is crazy leveling. The rich experience here makes everyone earn money, especially after the fourth day, Li Yalin notified Yuriko and them, let them also Come to Yoma town to upgrade with everyone. In this way, Li Yalin and all the beautiful women have greatly improved their strengths. After reaching the silver gate of the fourth pass, there are a total of twenty Saint Rank Yoma inside. Inside, in this way, Ikaros and the others can also get a very rich experience.

In this way, when you can easily come to the golden gate of fifth pass, the progress of everyone’s strength is amazing. First of all, Ikaros has broken through the barrier of Saint Rank and became Li Yalin. The first Supreme among them, and Li Yalin, Saber, Astraea and Nymph all reached Saint Rank High-Level. Afterwards, Saeko, Rei and Saya, Asami and Miyu also broke through the Seventh Rank barrier, all reaching the Saint Rank Low-Level. The remaining Shizuka, Yuriko and Rika, although they have not yet broken through to Saint Rank, are only one step away from Saint Rank. All have reached the Peak strength of Seventh Rank High-Level, even the little Alice, Her strength has reached the Fifth Rank Low-Level, which is the result of her seldom shots.

As for the claymore beauties, their improvement will naturally not be less, basically after 100% release of Yoki, everyone can reach the strength of Saint Rank, but according to Li Yalin’s estimation, if Teresa releases Yoki completely After that, she should be able to reach Supreme’s strength, after all, so many Yoma are not suicide.

Of course, since everyone is already so strong, it’s natural to replace the equipment. In fact, it is Rei and the others who want to change the equipment. Because only the weapons they use are of low rank, but now everyone is changing shotguns, Li Yalin naturally wants to give everyone the highest weapon equipment.

First is Rei, the weapon is the highest Valkyrie Javelin, and the clothes are a pink Defense Carol, plus Louise’s Helmet. As for the back, Li Yalin prepared Angel’s Wings for Rei, so Li Yalin It can be regarded as fulfilling the previous promise. The second one is Saya. The Magic Staff in Saya’s hands is naturally the most powerful Destruction Magic Staff, and he wears Chi Angel Equipment Set, Chi Angel’s Clothes, Chi Angel’s bottoms and Chi Angel Halo, behind him Naturally, it is also Angel’s Wings. After the equipment is on, Saya looks a lot like Ikaros’ Strategy Mode.

The next one is Asami. Asami as a Fighter naturally uses Rocket Fist with super attack. Although there is no special attribute attached, the super attack power has made up for all the shortcomings. As for equipment, Li Yalin chose Ares Cloth similar to Athena Cloth for Asami, except that Ares Cloth is suitable for Warrior and Athena Cloth is more suitable for Mage. The problem is so equipment.) As for the background, Li Yalin originally planned to choose Devil’s Wings for Asami, but after Asami’s repeated opposition, Li Yalin finally had to exchange God’s Ring for Asami.

But Miyu’s weapon, to be honest, this shuriken doesn’t actually have any good attributes, it’s just that the attack power is slightly higher, so Li Yalin then exchanged a Butterfly Sword for Miyu, so You can also use Miyu with it. Regarding Miyu’s armor, Li Yalin chose the most suitable Shadow Equipment Set for Miyu Class. The shadow equipment plus Shadow Mask makes Miyu disappear into the air almost instantly. Among them, the equipment behind Miyu made Li Yalin a difficult time. To say that the most suitable Miyu’s is naturally cloak, but Miyu naturally hopes that there will be a pair of wings behind it. In the end, Li Yalin still exchanged an extinct cloak and a pair of Devil’s. Wings, these two pieces of equipment are very suitable for Miyu. Now that there is room for equipment, the two pieces of equipment can be used alternately.

As for Yuriko, her equipment is very easy to handle, a super exemplifier plus Spirit Goggles, and the equipment behind it is Enola Gay, which is the upgraded version of the mechanical wing. As for the weapon, just add another Pandora Program. After all, the previous program can still be used.

No need to say more about Shizuka’s equipment. It’s exactly the same as Saya’s equipment, it’s all Angel Equipment Set plus Angel’s Wings, but when it comes to Minami Rika, Li Yalin is a little worried. To say that Rika’s equipment is actually very easy to handle. The armor is just an Ares Cloth. The same equipment behind it is God’s Ring, but Rika’s is really not good at using bows and arrows, and the H&K41 in her hand is indeed no longer suitable. She was gone, so Li Yalin had to find another way.

About the class of guns, it often appears in the «Wind Fantasy» series. However, there is no exchange of guns in Wind Fantasy 3 now. Only bullets can be exchanged, yes, bullet! While thinking of this, Li Yalin immediately redeemed the strongest bullet in Wind Fantasy 3-Pulse Attack Bullet. After getting Rika’s H&K41, Li Yalin integrated Pulse Attack Bullet into it. This also confirmed that Li Yalin’s guess was correct. After integrating Pulse Attack Bullet, H&K41 was automatically upgraded. , Became Pulse Attack Gun, became Epic-Grade’s equipment, and at this time H&K41 also has four modes, namely normal mode, Flame bomb mode, burst bomb mode and Pulse Attack Bullet mode. After Rika got her love gun, of course, she moved towards Li Yalin and gave a kiss of gratitude, which made Li Yalin dizzy.

After everyone’s equipment was replaced, Li Yalin originally planned to continue to hit the golden gate, but at this time Nymph and Galatea both discovered that Yoki in Northern Lands broke out frequently at this time, and many Yoma Awakened Being is also begin to stir, which made Li Yalin understand that Isley had already prepared. So after explaining the situation to the women, Li Yalin temporarily stopped the leveling journey, and then moved towards Eva’s Team stationed in the north.

Since everyone didn’t want to miss this battle, everyone also entered Li Yalin’s Evolved Space conserve strength and store up energy. Now the only ones who are with Li Yalin are Saber, Ophelia and Galatea. As for little Loli Riful, now she is playing in Evolved Space, especially after meeting Alice, the two little loli can be said to have met at first sight. Now everyday all is stuck together, and no one can do without.

On this road, Li Yalin and the others walked fairly smoothly. After reaching the place where Eva and the others were stationed, Li Yalin discovered that several Yoki had appeared all around, from Yoki. The judgment should not be Awakened Being, but this is not ordinary Yoma, although it is not comparable to Yoma in the stone gate, but from the perspective of breath, it should have reached the strength of Sixth Rank High-Level. This surprised Li Yalin. This Are several Yoki related to Isley’s forces? Did Isley master the way to improve Yoma’s strength? Or is the secret in the stone gate related to Isley?

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