Sixth Rank Yoma, the strength is not high, for No.7 Eva, there is no problem with them, but the three low-ranking Warriors around Eva are not easy to say, unless Release a large amount of Yoki, otherwise, there is absolutely no way to deal with such a large number of High-Level Yoma, but releasing too much Yoki will face the danger of awakening. It seems that Eva and the others will definitely fall into a hard fight in this battle.

“Ophelia, bring the Warriors here, and let them deal with these Yoma is absolutely dangerous.” Li Yalin winked at Ophelia, and Ophelia casually released her Yoki. .

“Are you who?” After feeling Ophelia’s Yoki, Eva’s Team quickly came to Li Yalin, but Li Yalin discovered that besides Eva, there were three claymore beauties. The Yokis of Yoki are all trembling and fluctuating. It seems that they were scared by those Yoki of Yoma before.

“Are you the No.7 stationed in the Northern Lands?” Galatea first stood up and asked. After hearing Galatea’s words, Eva looked at Galatea in surprise. Wearing a hooded cloak, I don’t see much from the outside, and Ophelia and Galatea’s Yoki have been compressed into an ordinary person. Now Eva simply can’t detect anything unusual, if it weren’t for The Organization Warrior before. As for Yoki, Eva thought the four people in front of him were just ordinary humans.

“Who are you? How do you know my ranking?” Eva looked at Galatea with a vigilant face and asked. It seems that even as No.7, Eva’s psychological quality is not very good. what.

“It doesn’t matter who we are, the important thing is that we will come to help you.” At this time Li Yalin stood up and said to Eva with a smile, but he stood up at Li Yalin After that, Eva looked towards Li Yalin again with vigilant gaze. After all, Eva had experienced several high-intensity battles in the past few days. At this time, her nerves were tense, especially the Yoki they met today was better than before. Everything that arrives must be strong, no wonder she is always nervous now.

“Don’t be too excited. Although I don’t want to admit it, we are considered to be of the same kind.” Seeing Eva and their state at this time, Galatea understood that they couldn’t stimulate them, so Galatea took the initiative to take off his own The hat allows Eva to see her face clearly.

“Are you also The Organization’s Warrior?” Eva asked a little uncertainly, after all, she couldn’t feel a trace of Yoki from Galatea’s at all.

“Don’t be nervous, let’s get rid of the clutter first and let’s talk about it.” Seeing Eva, their emotions relaxed a little. Li Yalin also said with a smile, and then Li Yalin pointed at Ophelia a little Ophelia drew out his Spatial Slash Sword and released a large amount of Yoki in an instant. At the same time, those Sixth Rank Yoma moved towards Li Yalin after they felt Ophelia’s Yoki. They gathered here.

At this time, Eva and the others also felt the approach of Yomas. At this time, they had no time to take care of Li Yalin and the others, holding Claymore tightly in their hands, looking like they were waiting.

However, Ophelia’s performance was very relaxed, I saw Yomas just showing a silhouette. Ophelia’s sword dance combo instantly split the two Yoma into corpses, followed by another sword attacking the two. A Yoma standing side by side was strung together to form a bottle gourd, that is, in the blink of an eye, Ophelia killed four of the five besieged Yoma, leaving only the one Yoma headed and stunned. Looked at Ophelia.

Ophelia’s attack only happened in an instant. With the strength of Eva and the others, Ophelia’s movements could not be seen at all. In their eyes, Ophelia was just body flashed and then fell down. With four Yoma, Eva and the others couldn’t believe it with such a powerful strength.

“You…you…” After you heard a few times, the last Yoma left turned around and planned to escape, but the moment it turned around, its head instantly Separated from home.

“Are you… The Organization’s Warrior?” After Ophelia killed the five Yoma who came from the crime, Eva’s tone trembled when she asked Ophelia questions, with blond hair and silver eyes. The Yoki exuded on her body is exactly the characteristic of The Organization Warrior, but at this time the weapon equipment on Ophelia is completely different from Claymores, which is the main reason why Eva raised this question.

“Do you mean me?” After listening to Eva’s question, Ophelia slightly smiled, and then instantly appeared behind Eva, with her left hand touching Eva’s face gently, “Now I am It’s not The Organization’s Warrior, but it was also a member of The Organization’s before.” Although her temperament has changed drastically, Ophelia, who likes to tease people, has not completely changed.

“Ophelia all right, come back.” Li Yalin was really helpless for Ophelia’s little child’s temper. Although he obeyed his own words, Ophelia in the bones still has some attributes of lily.

“Got it, I just teased her.” Ophelia curled her lips unhappily when she heard Li Yalin’s summon, but she returned to Li Yalin’s side very obediently.

“Sorry, Ophelia is just a bit naughty.” Looking at the nervous Eva, Li Yalin smiled a little sorry.

“Who the hell are you? What’s the purpose of being here?” After calming his mind, Eva asked Li Yalin.

“This…actually, there are many reasons, but now let’s talk in another place.” After saying this, Li Yalin waved his hand and sent Eva’s Team and the others to Evolved Space , And then Teleportation back to Evolved Space with her and Saber and other women.

After coming to Evolved Space, Eva’s Team and the others were naturally started, but then Li Yalin gave some explanations to Eva and the others. Although he did not say where this is, Eva and the others understand what happened.

In fact, Li Yalin had his own plan to include Eva and the others in the Evolved Space. After all, if Eva and the others were not destroyed, The Organization might not send that many Warriors over and die. Destroying The Organization will be even more distant. Now that Eva’s Team is missing, then The Organization will continue to send abandoned Warriors to die.

Sure enough, as expected by Li Yalin, just seven days later, The Organization’s Warrior already came to Northern Lands one after another, and like the original plot, everyone chose Pieta for their gathering place. Three days later, Pieta had gathered more than twenty Claymores. At this time, Li Yalin realized that it was time for him to play. After explaining the situation to the girls in Evolved Space, everyone agreed that they would all Take part in this action.

In these ten days, Eva and the others have gotten acquainted with Li Yalin. Under the bombardment of Teresa, Ilena and Galatea, Eva and the others learned The Organization is not a good thing, and their mentality is gradually changing. Although it cannot be said that they are fighting the Organization desperately, they have already chosen to leave The Organization at this time.

After Li Yalin and the others came to Pieta, there have been 26 The Organization’s Warriors gathered here. In addition to Clare, there are actually a few more people than the original plot. At this time, Miria is also I just came to Pieta, and I am preparing to stand on the stage to announce the squad candidates.

“Hey, are you who? This is not where you should be, wait…you are…” Just after Li Yalin entire group grandiose came to the gathering place of Warriors, a whole body It’s muscles. Two Warriors with Claymore on their backs came in front of Li Yalin. You must know that Li Yalin has a lot of the entire group. With the addition of Eva’s Team, the number has reached 27, which is more than the number of Warriors. A person, but at this moment, this Warrior also clearly felt the Yoki emanating from Eva and the others. Because Eva and the others could not suppress their own Yoki without signing a contract with Li Yalin, so this Warrior Immediately I distinguished that four of them were the same as myself, and they were all The Organization’s Warriors.

“Report your ranking. Although you don’t know your ranking, don’t you know how to respect the Warrior who ranks higher than you?” Before Li Yalin could speak, Eva had already stood up, After opening his hat, he revealed his iconic golden long hair.

“No.11, Undine, you are…” Undine said hesitantly.

“No.7, Eva.” After Eva said this sentence, the Warriors present gave out a burst of exclamation. It was already stated by the agent when the Quest was released before, Eva’s The Team suffered annihilation, didn’t expect Eva actually appeared here alive, so the Warriors all muttered quietly for a while.

“Please be quiet, everyone, I believe Miss Eva should tell us what happened.” At this time, Flora stood up. After stopping everyone’s whispered conversation, everyone’s eyes were cast on On Eva’s body.

“Let me explain.” Seeing Eva’s help, Li Yalin realized that it was time for him to appear on the stage, so Li Yalin lifted his hat and stood by Eva’s Around.

“Yalin, it turned out to be you guy!” After seeing Li Yalin, Helen stepped forward and put his arms around Li Yalin’s shoulder, and then looked around excitedly and said: “Clare still There are Elena and others, didn’t they come with you?”

“Of course they are here.” Li Yalin really didn’t know what to say about Helen’s carefree character, so Li Yalin pointed out Pointing to Clare and Elena’s direction, Clare and the others knowingly took off their hats, revealing their iconic blonde and silver eyes.

Three changes today…………

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