“Yeah, your progress is so great, so close to you, I can’t feel the Yoki on you, it seems that you are training pretty well.” After seeing Clare and the others, Helen let go After Li Yalin, they moved towards Clare and they ran over.

“Mr. Li Yalin…” After seeing Li Yalin, Flora whispered to the side. It was obvious that she had recognized Li Yalin, but Flora did not make a loud voice. Miria who was next to her heard it really, but Miria’s heart felt uncomfortable at this time, but Miria didn’t even know where this feeling came from.

“He is here.” After putting aside the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, Miria’s heart was slightly sighed in relief. After all, the pressure of this battle was all on Miria’s at this time. It seemed to be a heavy burden that made Miria breathless, but the arrival of Li Yalin’s made Miria a lot easier. Miria trusted Li Yalin in her heart, and she believed that Li Yalin would definitely be able to save these abandoned Warriors.

After Li Yalin and Deneve finished greeting, Miria came to Li Yalin’s. At this time, neither of them spoke, but there was a sense of warmth in both of them. like a, everything is silent.

“You are here.” It took a long time for Miria to say such a sentence.

“Well, I’m here.” Li Yalin also gave a simple answer, but after answering, Li Yalin and Miria both smiled tacitly, but the women present at this time were very happy. It’s uncomfortable.

“No.6, didn’t expect you to be alive.” The first one who took the trouble was Ophelia. After Ophelia held Li Yalin’s arm, she looked at Miria angrily and said.

“You are…No.4, Ophelia…” After Ophelia finished speaking, Miria’s face changed drastically. Didn’t expect Ophelia to be with Li Yalin. This is really incredible. Things.

“No.4?” After Miria finished speaking, the Warriors present exclaimed again. The appearance of No.6Miria’s was surprising enough, but now it has appeared again. The top five Warrior.

“What about me? Can’t it?” Ophelia curled her lips, not paying attention to Miria at all.

“Ophelia, why are you disobedient?” How did Li Yalin not know that Ophelia was jealous, but for Ophelia, Li Yalin was very powerless, as long as Ophelia acted like a baby, Li Yalin specified nothing.

“Okay, I know.” Ophelia still listens to Li Yalin’s words, so at this time Ophelia did not continue to provoke Miria, but stood by Li Yalin’s obedient. But she still looked bad when she looked at Miria’s.

“Is she the No.4 that the big sister said? It doesn’t look like the legend.” Helen asked Clare a little puzzled as she looked at the little girl Ophelia.

“It’s not because of Yalin. They are all pitiful persons.” Clare faintly sighed. At this time, Clare thought of his past. Although he experienced many twists and turns, he finally reunited with Teresa. And now with Li Yalin again, Clare feels that all his previous sufferings have not been in vain.

“You are…” Miria looked at Ophelia, who looked very well-behaved in front of Li Yalin, and said hesitantly. She never thought that before this, whether it was a companion or a human being, she was indifferent, even There are still some cruel guys who have become such endearing little bird now, which makes Miria a little doubt whether he admits the wrong person.

“The process of the matter is very complicated. When it is simple, Ophelia was defeated by me. Then there were some things. In the end, Ophelia became my younger sister, although she only admitted it unilaterally… “Touching his nose, Li Yalin said somewhat sorry, but after listening to Li Yalin’s words, Ophelia was a little unhappy.

“What do you mean by unilateral admission? Big brother, you said you would protect me.” Ophelia grabbed Li Yalin’s arm and started acting like a baby.

“Okay, I know, you don’t need to be so close to me.” Li Yalin said very helplessly, but this action made Flora pffft on the side smile, but everyone looked towards himself At the time, Flora was a bit sorry.

“Long time no see, Mr. Li Yalin.” Seeing Li Yalin’s gaze, Flora hurriedly stepped forward and said hello to Li Yalin. Although he only met once, he Flora still has a deep impression of Li Yalin’s.

“It’s been a few months, it looks like you have a good time.” Li Yalin said to Flora with a smile on his face.

“Thanks to you, it’s pretty good.” Flora slightly smiled, but this time Ophelia is jealous again, but with the lesson just now, Ophelia did not directly challenge Flora, but rather The face is glare like a tiger watching his prey. It means like saying, “The big brother is mine, you leave now!”.

“Since No.4 has arrived, I will be instructed by No.4 in the future.” At this moment, Miria seemed to be unable to stand it anymore. After she coughed, Diverted from the topic of Li Yalin and Flora’s.

“Although I am No.4, my ranking is not the highest. There are still higher rankings than me.” Ophelia quickly helped Li Yalin and Flora. Continue the conversation.

“Oh? There is a higher-ranking Warrior?” Obviously, Ophelia’s words successfully changed the subject, not only Flora, but even Miria’s attention was transferred to Ophelia. In fact, to be honest, Miria is not very willing to hand over the command of this battle to Ophelia. After all, Ophelia’s previous performance was really poor, and her cruel belligerence is also famous. If you hand over the team to her If so, Miria is really worried that the entire team will survive in the end and may not even reach the single digits.

“My ranking is No.3, Galatea.” Seeing Ophelia shifting everyone’s attention to her body, Galatea knew she could no longer remain silent, and she simply picked it off generously. The hat came in front of everyone. As for Teresa and the others, they have already stated that they will not participate in the battle for the time being, and Teresa and the others will only take action when there is a strong opponent. In addition, Teresa and the others are not suitable to show up at this time. After all, they seem to be the target of The Organization now, and it is not a good time to show up at this time.

“No.3?” The low-ranked Warriors are all stunned at this time. Why do the high-ranked Warriors pop out one by one? Originally thought Flora was the highest ranked Warrior. Didn’t expect No. 6 Miria appeared. Now even No. 3, No. 4 and No. 7 appeared. If you add No. 9 to it. In Jean’s words, there are six single-digit Warriors, which is really incredible.

Speaking of No.9 Jean, she is also a member of the crusade team at this time, and the three extra people who came out before are probably the Warriors who teamed up with Jean during the crusade against Mount Zakol in the original plot, right? But now they have become The Organization’s Abandoned, but now that Li Yalin has come to Pieta, then Li Yalin will not let the tragedy happen again.

“According to my opinion, this time I should let Miria lead the team. After all, Ophelia and Galatea did not accept The Organization’s Quest. This time we came here alone. There is nothing like The Organization. Of course, we will do our best to cooperate with you. The most important purpose is to catch the Awakened Being in the North.” But at this time, Li Yalin said his own thoughts. After all, Miria’s team leadership ability is very good. Yes, it couldn’t be more appropriate for her to lead these Warriors.

“But is this good? After all…” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Miria hesitated, but she was interrupted by Galatea’s words.

“It’s okay. Actually, I was not very suitable to lead the team. Since Yalin has decided to let you lead the team, then Yalin naturally has his reasons. I respect Yalin’s decision.” Galatea slightly smiled, Agreed to Li Yalin’s decision.

“Well… well, I will accept this Quest, but Yalin, you have to cooperate with us.” Looking at Galatea in front of him, Miria didn’t see a trace of disagreement. Hopefully, in the end, Miria was only slightly smiled, and the next Quest officially became the leader of this team.

Since both No.3 and No.4 have agreed, the low-ranking Warrior naturally has no say in it. Finally, under the announcement of Miria’s, everyone was notified that they needed to deal with this time. The plural Awakened Beings, after hearing this news, Warriors can be said to have exploded, even when they heard Ophelia’s ranking just now, they did not look like this.

“You guys give me some peace!” At this moment, Ophelia suddenly broke out a powerful Yoki. This powerful Yoki stunned all the Warriors present, even Flora. Miria is no exception.

“Is this guy really so strong? This is the strength of No.4?” After feeling Ophelia’s Yoki, Helen murmured beside Clare, with a complete expression of disbelief. Faithful expression.

“It’s nothing, she hasn’t exploded with all her strength yet, and this level of Yoki is nothing.” Clare said very calmly. For Clare, Teresa is the strongest person in her heart. As for Ophelia, she is just a goal she needs to surpass.

“What did you say? This hasn’t exploded with all your strength yet? This is nothing? Clare, do you know what you are talking about?” After Clare finished speaking, Helen used a very incredible He looked at Clare with his eyes, and everyone’s attention shifted to Helen. After all, Helen’s famous loud voice could indeed allow everyone present to hear her.

Thank you for crossing the big god, long live the confusion, Murong Ziying, book friends 080816074157069, wind under the sky 00, baby leaves, memory of star dust, Jian Linghuan, hair also kills, moving>#虫宅潘dora V Pluto The rewards of qidian, by the way, will be delivered today, please subscribe and have a monthly pass~ Of course, it is recommended to click or something, Xiaoshuai is also the favorite~ (to be continued, if you want to know what happens, please visit www.qidian .com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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