“I know what I’m talking about. At this level of Yoki, even I can burst out, let alone others.” Originally, Clare was not a girl who likes to compare, but when I saw Ophelia’s prowess After that, Clare couldn’t help but want to show herself in front of Li Yalin and Teresa’s.

“You guy, aren’t you kidding me?” Helen looked at Clare in disbelief, and after being so agitated by Helen, Clare’s unyielding character also came up, especially Li Yalin and Teresa are in front of her, she doesn’t want to be underestimated by others.

At this time, Clare did not continue to explain, but directly broke out of Yoki on his body. The huge Yoki airflow is even stronger than the Yoki that Ophelia just broke out. He even directly touched the Helen beside Clare. Deneve blew a few steps away, which made the Warriors present even more surprised. Judging from Yoki’s feeling, the Yoki released by Clare is even stronger than Ophelia, but at this time they didn’t know that Clare also didn’t take all of it. Yoki is released, but these Yoki are enough, just a little bit over Ophelia.

In this regard, Ophelia just shakes her head in disdain. In fact, Ophelia doesn’t care about Clare very much, and Ophelia is confident that she can beat Clare, but Ophelia can’t ignore Teresa behind Clare. With Teresa’s profound mystery Strength, only a little release of Yoki has already made Ophelia defeated, so Ophelia has a deep fear of Teresa, which also makes Ophelia shout that there is a backstage, which is really good.

“You guy… just disappeared for a while, how do you feel that you are much stronger than your big sister?” At this time, Helen was a little stuttered. You must know that when Clare released Yoki just now It’s just that the eyes have changed color, and even the body is not deformed. Just in this way, you can blow yourself and Deneve with Yoki. How powerful is Yoki to do this?

“Your progress is really great, and there is a chance for the two of us to practice.” Not only Helen, but Deneve also became interested in Clare. When I saw Clare’s before, Deneve only felt Clare’s Yoki. Very weak, and Clare did not perform well, but after seeing Clare this time, Clare’s strength was beyond her expectation.

“Well, everyone, please listen to me now…” Although I was surprised, Miria quickly recovered. After all, as the leader of this team, Miria must have this For Miria’s performance, Li Yalin was very satisfied with nodded, and even Saber on the side looked at Miria with admiration.

Later, Miria announced the captain candidates for each squad. Like the original plot, Warriors are divided into five squads. The captains of these five squads are Miria, Flora, Jean, Undine, and No. .13 Veronica, and the remaining 21 Warriors are all scattered to each squad, so that the crusade team will basically take shape.

Since Miria and the others have already set a squad, Li Yalin is also divided into several squads. After all, if such a powerful battle strength requires team combat, it would be too big and underutilized, just like that. Li Yalin also divided the squad into five, led by Li Yalin, Saber, Teresa, Saeko and Ilena.

Actually, Li Yalin originally planned to let Ikaros also lead a squad, but although Ikaros and Astraea Their omnipotent Angels are very strong, but they are really not expected to be leaders, so in the end Li Yalin decided to let Ilena lead Sophia, Noel and Eva’s Team. They acted together. After all, they are The Organization’s Warrior. Everyone knows the method very well, so that they can also maximize their battle strength.

There are not many people acting with Li Yalin. Apart from Ikaros, Alice and Riful are the only ones left. In fact, Li Yalin didn’t intend to lead the team, but in the end he couldn’t help everyone’s request and had to bring I’m on Ikaros. As for Alice, Li Yalin originally let her stay in the Evolved Space, but Alice said nothing, she had to fight with Big Brother, and Riful didn’t want to leave Alice, so in the end Li Yalin I had to take these three oil bottles with me.

After the squad distribution was over, everyone went to the rest room of each squad to take a rest. At this time, Li Yalin also booked several rooms in the hotel. However, Li Yalin did not relax his vigilance at this time. After all, if you look at the original plot, there will be three Awakened Being attackers in a while. So Li Yalin, Teresa and Saber explained the situation and kept everyone on guard. Then he went out to find Miria.

Before arriving at the place agreed upon with Miria, Li Yalin saw Miria, Helen and Deneve who were on fire. After seeing Li Yalin, Helen had already moved forward and hugged Li. Yalin’s asked behind his neck: “I said you finally came, but didn’t Clare and Elena come with you?” After saying that, Helen moved towards behind Li Yalin and glanced a few times.

“Clare and the others did not come, but I said you should let go! You are strangling me to death.” After answering Helen’s words, Li Yalin quickly struggling to open Helen’s arm, he could Didn’t adapt to Helen’s way of greeting.

“Okay, but I’m very curious, what kind of Magic did you use, so that Clare, No.47, has such a powerful strength at once, don’t say that this matter has nothing to do with you! “After releasing her arm, Helen asked reluctantly and moved towards Li Yalin. She was very curious about Clare’s strength.

“I only played a very small role, but Clare has recently added a few good teachers, so her strength will grow so fast.” Li Yalin was speaking Frankly at this time. In fact, Clare can grow so quickly. In addition to upgrading after signing a contract with Li Yalin, Teresa and Ilena have both guided Clare with heart, so Clare’s strength can grow so fast.

“But your strength has increased a lot.” At this time, Li Yalin slightly smiled, as you can feel from Yoki. Among the three people in front of him, Miria’s strength is the fastest growing Yes, followed by Deneve. Although Helen has also grown a lot, he is a bit inferior compared to the first two.

“Of course, I didn’t train for nothing these days.” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Helen thought he was complimenting herself, so she patted her breasts proudly.

“Forget it, don’t talk about it yet, Miria, do you know about your Quest this time?” After Helen finished speaking, Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing, but Li Yalin immediately made a face Seriously asked Miria, after all, this crusade was not just Awakened Being, but there was also White Silver King Isley here, especially now that the plot has changed, and I don’t know if those powerful High-Level Yoma will appear in the end.

“To understand roughly, in addition to the crusade against Awakened Being, there are also their behind-the-scenes leaders. In front of him, all actions will be meaningless.” Miria said this at the same time , Her tone has become a bit heavy.

“What the hell is going on?” After listening to Miria’s words, Helen, who had just sat on the ground, stood up excitedly and asked Miria in amazement.

“The White Silver King that rules the Northern Lands-Abyssal One Isley, is your main goal this time, but it is not just Isley. Recently, some High-Level Yoma appeared in Northern Lands. The Warrior Awakened Being ranked in the single digits is similar. Although I don’t know the approximate number of the opponent, it is certainly not too small.”

“What? Abyssal One? Yoma, who has the strength of the single digit Awakened Being? How could it be possible? How could The Organization do this?” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Helen’s emotions became more agitated, but Deneve on the side was very calm. After calling Helen’s name, Helen finally It was quiet.

“This time we are afraid that we have become The Organization’s Abandoned, and all Warriors present are.” Finally, Miria groaned and said the heaviest words, although Miria was determined to resist The Organization, but Now The Organization gave up so many Warriors so easily, which made Miria’s mood even heavier, but her rebellion against The Organization’s was even stronger.

“Don’t worry, since I’m here, everyone will survive this disaster safely, but even so, after this battle, the Warriors present will continue to be The Organization’s Abandoned. It seems The Organization is going to be updated, and the new Warriors are about to appear again.” At this time, Li Yalin comforted Miria and the others, but then he said another fact that shocked everyone.

“What? You mean, The Organization wants to get rid of us because it has trained a new Warrior?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Helen hurried to Li Yalin asked.

“Although I don’t want to say that, I’m afraid that’s the case. Otherwise, The Organization would not send so many low-ranking Warriors to die. You know, when facing Awakened Being, these low-ranking Warrior basically didn’t have much effect, not to mention that there were many Male Awakened Being among the targets of this crusade.” Li Yalin faintly sighed, and then said his own guess.

“If I really want you to say it, then I can’t let these Warriors go to death in vain, and you have to help me.” At this time, Miria said firmly.

Three shifts are delivered~ It means that grandma is having a big birthday… I really can’t do it. I can’t do it anymore~~ It’s just twelve thousand and nine thousand. The reminder is even more difficult to deal with~ Depressed………………

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