“You guy, why do you say that!” It was a guy who had been standing behind Busujima Saeko since Li Yalin and Busujima Saeko entered Kendo Club.

“This is?” Li Yalin looked at Busujima Saeko suspiciously.

“This is our Kendo Club’s Vice-President Yoshida. He is also the vice general of the team battle at last year’s conference. His strength can be said to be very strong.” Busujima Saeko introduced lightly, but she seemed to be right Yoshida doesn’t have a cold.

“Oh? Turns out to be Yoshida ‚Vice’-President? Hajimemashite, please take care of me, Yoshida ‚Vice’-President!” Li Yalin, the servant, puts a special accent on this adverb, And there is no expression on his face that needs Yoshida’s attention.

“hmph, kid, Kendo Club is not a place for children to play, you should go home and have milk!” The veins on Yoshida’s angry face were all revealed, so he gnashing teeth Said.

“If I want to eat milk, then Yoshida ‚Vice’-President, you can’t even eat milk!” For this little character, Li Yalin didn’t take seriously at all, just casually ironic Tao.

“You bastard!” Yoshida was furiously furious now, but as his eyes rolled, as if thinking of something, suddenly he calmed down and said to Li Yalin: ” It seems that Kouhai, your Kendo is also superb! Otherwise, we wouldn’t say that our Kendo Club’s guys are all in the viewing department, then as Senpai, I really want to ask you about it. Kouhai you also let Those of us in the viewing department are eye-opening!”

“This…” Li Yalin looked at Busujima Saeko, this is her site, and Li Yalin can’t help but give face to anyone here. Busujima Saeko’s face is good, but Busujima Saeko is nodded to Li Yalin. Li Yalin is a bit puzzled at first glance. It seems that there are internal contradictions. Forget it, now I leave a better impression on Busujima Saeko. The formation of squad is also very helpful.

At this time, Yoshida also taunted on the side: “What’s wrong with Kouhai? Don’t you dare? So you should go home and have milk!”

“Okay Senpai, I promised you!” Li Yalin took a deep breath and then continued: “But how should we compare? I have never learned about your Kendo. I don’t know your rules at all.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Yoshida seems to have largely replied: “We have heard what you said with the President just now, so you can use your Western sword, I can still use my bamboo sword!”

“You nonsense, now where do you want me to find the Western sword?” Li Yalin gave Yoshida a contemptuous look.

“Then Kouhai, are you using a Western thorn sword?” At this time, Busujima Saeko asked Li Yalin.

“No, it’s the Knight Sword in the West. A wider cross sword is also fine.” Li Yalin replied.

“I remember that the Student Council has two Western imported items, two Knight Swords, which are just unopened swords for viewing. Now I will send someone to borrow them. This is the case. There is no element of unfairness anymore.” In the end, Busujima Saeko solved the problem, and then she pointed someone casually and said: “Sorry, I’m sorry, please explain the situation to the Student President, and say that it’s me Busujima Saeko. Borrowing the sword, I believe this student President will give me face.”

“Yes, President!” The club member named seemed very excited, maybe in his opinion this is Busujima Saeko Give him the highest glory.

“Then, the duel will start in half an hour. Now you can move around for a while.” Busujima Saeko glanced at Yoshida casually, and then said to Li Yalin: “Then Li-kun, take advantage of Let’s continue to visit Kendo Club now…”

“Someone is going to a duel with Kendo Club’s lieutenant!”

“That guy is Li Yalin from Class B in the second year!”



The spread of gossip between students is very fast. In a short time, except for the students who have gone home, the whole campus It has been spread in various Clubs, of course, even Sojotsu Club is no exception.

“What’s the matter? Yalin is going to duel with Kendo Club’s lieutenant?” Rei asked Saya incredulously.

“Don’t look at me, I know exactly what this guy is smoking!” Saya sighed helplessly, “It’s really a troublesome guy.” Then he said to Rei, “Let’s go. Let’s go to Kendo Club to see what’s going on.”

“Oh, okay.” After Rei collected the long spear for practice, he walked to Kendo Club with Saya.

The camera turned to Kendo Club again. Now Li Yalin and Busujima Saeko are kneeling in a gentle room, drinking tea made from tea powder, which makes Li Yalin cry secretly, this tea It’s awful to drink, and the tea he makes at home is almost a vast distance away.

“Li-kun, can you tell me why Kendo Club’s exercises are only ornamental?” asked Busujima Saeko, who looked as steady as Mountain Tai and looked like Li Yalin, kneeling across from Li Yalin .

“That…I think Busujima-senpai should know better than me, right?” Li Yalin said with a bitter smile. “Busujima-senpai also understands this kind of armor, holding a bamboo knife and yelling slogans in his mouth. The practice of you come and me is actually useless in actual combat.”

“Indeed.” Busujima Saeko looked at Li Yalin with a smile, “Now ordinary Kendo is indeed reduced to a competitive game, and it is full of spectators. But Li-kun, since you can see this, it means that you are also very strong. Right.”

“In fact, it’s okay, but Busujima-senpai, can you not call me Li-kun? I feel very awkward. After all, you also know that we don’t call one in Chinese alone. The last name of the person…” Li Yalin said somewhat sorry.

“Hehe, of course, so in exchange, you can call me Junior Brother Yalin!” Busujima Saeko agreed with a smile.

“Really? So thank you very much, Poison Island…no, Saeko-senpai.” Of course Li Yalin had such a good opportunity to hit a snake with a stick, because in Japan, if two People’s relations department is very close and would not call each other names, so since Busujima Saeko asked Li Yalin to call her name, it shows that Li Yalin also occupies a certain place in Saeko’s heart.

“Then Junior Brother Yalin, I will speak frankly, I can feel your strength is very strong…no…it can be said to be very strong, but it seems that you have very little experience, just Like when I approached you just now, you seemed to be very surprised. Although I don’t know how you practice, I still hope that we can discuss it when we have time.” Saeko said solemnly.

“Of course this is fine, but Saeko-senpai how did you discover my strength?” Li Yalin was a little strange.

“Of course it is an imposing manner, don’t you feel the imposing manner that you are emitting now?” Saeko asked suspiciously.

Imposing manner? Li Yalin didn’t know when he had an imposing manner, could it be the fluctuations of his body’s energy running? possible! Thinking of this, Li Yalin carefully controlled the flow of energy in his body, trying to reduce the emission of fluctuations. This method really worked, and Saeko on the opposite side had already shown a surprised expression.

“Junior Brother Yalin, you are really amazing. You can hide your imposing manner. Now you are like an ordinary person in front of me. Can you teach me how to do it?” Saeko said excitedly.

“This…” Before Li Yalin could speak, Li Yalin’s words were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Report to the President, the sword has been borrowed! Yoshida Vice-President asks for an immediate war.” A club member’s report came from outside the door.

“Okay, I get it.” After Saeko replied, he turned to Li Yalin and said, “It seems impossible for the time being, but I hope we can find a time to communicate.”< /p>

“Of course, Saeko-senpai, this is what I can’t ask for.” Li Yalin agreed with a smile.

After leaving the house, Li Yalin found that Dojo, which was originally very large, was now crowded with people watching the show. This surprised Li Yalin. Even Saeko on the side called out a Kendo Club’s club. The member asked, after learning that the rumor was already known to the whole school, he had no choice but to follow the crowd. After all, he couldn’t drive everyone away. If he did that, he would offend all the students in the school.

“Yalin!” “Yalin!” At this moment, two female voices came from the side. Li Yalin followed the voice and saw that it was Rei and Saya.

“Why are you here?” After saying sorry to Saeko, Li Yalin ran to the two women and asked suspiciously: “Didn’t I say that I will come to you in a while?”

“Are you so embarrassed to say?” Saya said angrily, “I can’t help you stabbing you down with a huge basket. I will fight Kendo Club’s Vice-President? What is your mind?”

“Yes, Yalin, I heard that Kendo Club’s Vice-President is very strong, otherwise I should refuse this duel.” Rei on the side also persuaded, but Rei is really Gentle, at least much gentler than Saya.

“Don’t worry!” Li Yalin smiled and said to the two women: “I never fight an insecure battle, and that Yoshida is very weak, at least much weaker than Saeko-senpai.”< /p>

“Saeko-senpai? Could it be Busujima Saeko-senpai, who won the group and individual awards at the conference last year?” Rei asked in surprise.

“Of course, besides the Saeko-senpai, there is that?” Li Yalin said with a smile.

But Saya, who was on the side, whispered, “Saeko-senpai, it’s really affectionate.”

“Saya, what did you say? I didn’t have anything just now. Hear it clearly.” The scene is already vast crowd, so Saya’s whispered Li Yalin and did not hear clearly.

“I didn’t listen to it, don’t say good things twice.” Saya blushed and raised her head, the way you look at me.

“Junior Brother Yalin, the duel is about to begin…what are these two?” At this time, Busujima Saeko had communicated with Kendo Club’s, and then came to Li Yalin’s side and asked.

“Oh, Saeko-senpai, these two are childhood friends I grew up with. This is Miyamoto Rei, and this is Takagi Saya. They are both second-year class B like me. Students.” Then Li Yalin said to the two women: “This is Kendo Club’s President——Busujima Saeko-senpai.”

“Hello Busujima-senpai, Hajimemashite, I’m Miyamoto Rei, please Excuse me a lot.” Rei bowed slightly to Saeko.

“Takagi Saya, please advise.” Although Saya tsundere, she also said hello.

“Hello, I am Busujima Saeko, Class A of the third year. Please advise me a lot, but Junior Sister, you are really cute.” Saeko said with a smile.

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