“I said Yoshida-senpai, don’t you really consider stopping this meaningless duel?” Seeing more and more people around, Li Yalin asked Yoshida. After all, Li Yalin thinks that more is worse than less. , If Yoshida is killed under all the eyes, then the beam between Li Yalin and Yoshida will become bigger. Although Li Yalin is not afraid of trouble, he also hates the flies.

“snort snort! Are you scared? Well, if you are scared, then kneel in front of me, give me kowtow and admit your mistake, I will stop this duel that you think is meaningless !” Looking at Yoshida’s small man intoxicated by success face, Li Yalin’s anger rushed over his head unconsciously.

“Since you want to court death, then I will fulfill you.” Li Yalin waved the Knight Sword he was talking about. To be honest, the quality of this sword is quite average, and it belongs to that kind of company. Grade is not a weapon, and there is no blade, it is only very painful if it hits the body, especially Yoshida has already put on the armor and mask, so this allows Li Yalin to attack boldly.

“Aren’t you wearing armor?” The referee standing on the field saw Li Yalin on the field with the Knight Sword, and asked Li Yalin.

“Forget it, that kind of thing is just a cumbersome to me, and besides, it is impossible for him to meet me.” Li Yalin said disdainfully.

“Boy, I will let you put everything you vomit back into your mouth again!” Yoshida said bitterly.

“Then now I announce that Li Yalin will fight Yoshida Saburou, and the duel has officially begun.” Seeing that both sides are ready, the referee on the court announced the beginning of the duel.

“You go ahead first, Senpai.” Li Yalin waved the Knight Sword in his hand, feeling uncomfortable. Rose’s Elite-Level and other Claymore Li Yalin were also used, but that sword is Claymore with four fingers wide and a blade length of more than one meter. It also has a weight of more than 15kg. The most important thing is that the sword is also on top. Comes with Fire Atrribute damage. Now this Knight Sword is only three fingers wide and weighs no more than four kg. It doesn’t feel light and fluttering in Li Yalin’s hand, but against the most First-Rank Low-Level Yoshida in front of him, Li Yalin is confident with a finger. Can knock him down.

“snort! As Senpai, you have to take care of your own descendants, so you should do it first, so as not to say that I can’t win. Aiyaya, look at how kind I am!” Yoshida said Said lovingly.

“Forget it, if I take the shot, it will be over in an instant. That’s not worth seeing. You should come first.” Li Yalin looked at Yoshida mockingly.

“you guy, you guy really reserves a beating!” Yoshida’s anger was ignited again, and when he raised the bamboo knife, he struck Li Yalin’s face.

“Such a big action, full of weak spots, I really don’t know how you became the lieutenant of Kendo Club’s.” Li Yalin ignored the fact that the other party had already cut the bamboo knife and was still talking about it.

“Ah!” The two women, Rei and Saya, covered their eyes, not daring to see the imminent tragedy, but Saeko was slightly smiled. Sure enough, although the bamboo knife that Yoshida hacked was extremely powerful, Li Yalin escaped Yoshida’s seemingly fatal blow by a slight sideways. After that, Li Yalin didn’t have a sword edge, just shining Yoshida’s belly with the sword face was just a shot. It felt like playing a baseball. Although Li Yalin was not holding a baseball bat, and Yoshida was not a ball, but The huge force knocked Yoshida flying more than one meter above the ground, and then fell heavily to the ground.

“Ah…” Seeing this situation, everyone present was stupid. No one had thought before that this man with seemingly thin and ordinary eyes would give Kendo Club’s Vice-President to him. Hit KO.

“Yalin? Really won?” Rei and Saya looked at each other, both of them saw the unbelievable look in each other’s eyes.

“I’ve said it, really.” Li Yalin shook his head and came to the three beautiful women. “Obviously I told him and told him to give up, but this girl really doesn’t listen to the old man’s words. I’m sorry.” Hearing Li Yalin’s words, the three girls all smiled.

“Then, may I ask you this year?” Saya asked with a smile.

“Lao Na has already jumped out of the Three Realms, and is no longer in Five Elements. For Lao Na, age is just a number.” Li Yalin calm and easy going said.

When Li Yalin said this, the three women laughed more happily. At the side of Kendo Club’s guys, seeing their always cold President laugh so happily, they couldn’t help being dumbfounded.

“Then we will leave first, Saeko-senpai.” After chatting with each other for a while, Li Yalin took Rei and Saya to bid farewell to Saeko.

“Well, Junior Brother Yalin, but remember our agreement!” Saeko blinked at Li Yalin.

“Okay, I see.” Looking at Rei and Saya’s unkind eyes, Li Yalin only said with a bitter smile.

“Yalin, what exactly did you agree with Saeko-senpai?” Although Rei is very gentle, but it is a question of his sweetheart, Rei couldn’t help but ask.

“Oh, this, Saeko-senpai and I agreed to have time to discuss each other.” Li Yalin answered truthfully.

“Really?” Before Rei could speak, Saya on the side was suspicious.

“Of course it is true, otherwise what do you think it is? Saeko-senpai and I just met.” Li Yalin said with a bitter smile.

“I’ve been called by my name just after we met. We have known each other for so many years, and you just called my name.” Saya said jealously from the side.

It turns out that this is the reason, Li Yalin suddenly realized. However, it was a bit of a concealed meaning to explain, so Li Yalin did not continue to explain, but went back to the gun department with the two women. After Rei packed up his things, they sat on the top of Saya’s luxury Bentley.

“Today, Yalin, you are really strange. You would simply not call my name before, and you would not ride in my car. And you are so amazing? Why didn’t I know before? “Saya kept asking Li Yalin in the car.

“Okay Saya, I used to be wrong, now if you have any questions, come to my house to talk about it?” Li Yalin, who was very embarrassed by Saya, had to delay. Although Li Yalin was procrastinating, his current mind was sharply changed. Although he could find a home, how to explain it after returning home? Speak frankly is impossible, I have to think of a way to lie to them, or else…

After returning home, Li Yalin found that he was in front of a two-story villa, but fortunately, it was not a residence. If you are living in a residential building, you still need to find a door, it will be troublesome. After entering the door, Li Yalin threw his school bag on the sofa, and then sat down.

“Hey, I said you should tell us the truth? What the hell is going on today?” Saya couldn’t help asking after entering the door, and Rei on the side looked at Li Yalin expectantly.

“Where does this… start? In short, it is a very long and very long story…”

“Then start from the beginning!” Saya said firmly. If you don’t say anything, I won’t leave.

“Well, then I’ll start from the beginning.” Li Yalin paused, then continued: “If I said from the beginning, I can say that I am or not.”

“Stop!” Saya got a headache after listening, “What is it that is neither you nor you? Isn’t it a bit logical to speak?”

“Next, I will explain What are you doing in such a hurry?” Li Yalin said helplessly. “Presumably you have also heard of World’s theory of relativity, right? That is to say, there are countless Worlds, countless you, and countless mes in this universe.”

“Wait, World’s theory of relativity is just a hypothesis. , You…” When Saya was about to use her profound knowledge, Li Yalin interrupted her again.

“Saya, listen to me first. In fact, the theory of relativity in World exists, but it is not what you imagine. Do you know why I am a little weird today? That is because there is a god who counts me in several Worlds. It became one, which made my memory a little confused, so I would say something like that.” Li Yalin looked at Rei with apologetic eyes.

“God? Several Worlds of you merged together?” Saya was a little silly, and Rei looked at Li Yalin in surprise.

“What are you kidding?” Saya shouted loudly, then stood up and turned around and left, “It’s fine to lie, but I don’t want a better reason.”

< p>Seeing that Saya was about to leave, Li Yalin quickly stopped Saya, “I said great aunt, I really didn’t lie to you, or I will show you the evidence!”

“Let me go! You this bastard!” Saya continued to struggle. Li Yalin had no choice but to hug Saya. Feeling the warmth of Li Yalin’s embrace, Saya gradually stopped struggling and looked at Li Yalin with a stream of spring water.

“Cough cough, I said you should let go?” Rei said jealously when seeing Saya and Li Yalin hugged together.

“Ah!” Hearing Rei’s coughing, Saya jumped out of Li Yalin’s embrace and sat on the sofa with a flushed face, and stopped talking when he picked up a cushion.

“That…” Li Yalin also felt a little sorry, after all, he was just a momentary impulse just now, so his face is also a little red now.

There was silence in the hall, but after a while Saya broke the calm, “Didn’t you say to show me the evidence? What about the evidence?” Rei on the side also said, “Yes. , Yalin, what you told us just now is too unimaginable, how do we accept this?”

“Oh, well, I will let you see and see.” Li Yalin thought for a while. I flipped my hand and took out a gold coin from my hand, “This is the gold coin I got when I was in a magical world. Is this proof?”

“What is this? Evidence!” Saya shouted loudly, “It’s just a gold coin, just go to a gold store and you can make it! Huh?” Saya, who was still indifferent, immediately discovered the difference between this gold coin, this time Saya’s curiosity was raised immediately.

Saya is very smart, and of course she has received a variety of elite education since she was a child, so she is also very good at appraisal of antiques. Now Li Yalin has taken out gold coins. At a glance, she could tell that it was not a product of modern mechanical processing, and she had never seen the gold coins in that shape, so Saya’s interest immediately came up, grabbed Li Yalin’s gold coins and began to study carefully.

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