“Sorry, Miria, something went against your original intention at the time.” After the battle, everyone let out a long sigh of relief, but at this time Li Yalin turned his head and said to Miria.

“Do you know what I mean?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Miria was taken aback. Clare and the others defeated the Awakened Being, which really made Miria very happy, but they did not participate in the war this time. The Warriors have lost an experience of fighting against Awakened Being. Although everything is not satisfactory, Miria’s still has some remnants in his heart.

“Well, in fact, you originally planned to let everyone add some experience against Awakened Being. From your grouping, you can also see that it is indeed Clare and the others this time. I believe Isley. Next time I send Awakened Being, it won’t be that easy.” Li Yalin sighed and said, it is estimated that the Silver-eyed Lion King will play next time, so I won’t be far away from Isley and Priscilla’s. Far.

“It’s okay, everyone who came with you is an Expert, you see, they are now pointing these Warriors.” Miria was slightly smiled, and then she pointed to the one who was instructing the younger generation. Ilena and the others, Li Yalin also said before, to protect these The Organization’s Warriors, and as the Senpai of these Warriors, Ilena naturally spared no effort to pass on the experience to these Warriors.

Easy time is not very long. Less than 20 hours after the first batch of Awakened Beings were killed, the second batch of Awakened Beings has arrived at Pieta, and at this time ordinary residents of Pieta Having been dispelled by Li Yalin and the others, Li Yalin does not want to have so many unnecessary victims. After driving out the residents, Li Yalin and the others are also ready to fight, but unlike the tensions of the Warriors, the girls around Li Yalin are all. With a relaxed expression on his face, Riful even started to eat snacks at this time.

“Come!” Galatea and Riful said at the same time. At this time, Yoki of the other party has entered their exploration range, and after hearing the words of two beautiful women, Warriors’ emotions are even more intense. Nervous.

“I still need to exercise.” After seeing this picture of Warriors, Li Yalin shook the head and said with a sigh. Fortunately, the high-ranked Warriors are fortunate to say, the low-ranked Warriors even started at this time. Start shaking, shaking like this before starting the fight, if after starting the fight, isn’t it going to die.

Soon, when it was about to reach Pieta, the Awakened Beings all began to transform, but didn’t the original plot say that Isley’s Awakened Being Legion had only 27 Awakened Beings in total? Why are there so many now? Judging from Yoki, there are hundreds of Awakened Beings alone, and Yoma in the Sixth Rank is even more numerous. Where did Isley find these locust-like guys?

The huge Yoki from Awakened Being and Yomas shocked all the Warriors present. Even Miria and their sword-holding hands trembled slightly. The low-ranked Warriors Not to mention.

“Come on, don’t participate in this battle. If you participate now, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties. Let’s take the lead.” At this time, Awakened Being and Yomas and There is no concealment, but carefree directly into the town, without a trace of concealment. In this way, Li Yalin naturally does not need to use any tactics, just defeat them one by one, but The Organization’s Warriors is not so good. It was done, so Li Yalin quickly instructed Miria.

“But… well…” Miria originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​being brave. After all, every Warrior’s life is precious. Miria did not want to increase unnecessary casualties at this time.

“All retreat!” In the end, Miria gave the retreat order, but after the order was issued, Helen was the first to stand up and say, “Wait for big sister, we are just like that. Retreat? Watching Clare and the others fighting like this?”

“Execute the order, this is no longer within the range we can bear. I believe Mr. Yalin and his companions can solve it. The predicament in front of me.” While Helen was excited, Flora patted Helen on the shoulder, comforted Helen softly, and then looked at Li Yalin with trust in her eyes. There was an unknown feeling in her heart. , She believes that Li Yalin can definitely solve the problem at hand.

Although there was a slight criticism of Miria’s order, Warriors still executed the retreat order, and everyone retreated to the back of the town. Although they chose to retreat, everyone did not evacuate too far, but they all stood on the farther houses. Here you can clearly observe the situation of Li Yalin and the others. If anything changes, all these Warriors will be there. Desperately rushed up.

“We are all better than the game. Let’s see who kills more, but Alice will advance to the Evolved Space and let you come out after the battle is over.” While the Awakened Beings approached, Li Yalin smiled and said to the women, and at this time Alice was very obedient and was sent to the Evolved Space by Li Yalin. After Li Yalin turned around, the battle finally began.

Faced with these different appearances of Awakened Being and Yoma, Li Yalin and the girls did not hesitate to kill them, especially Ophelia. Her dislike of Awakened Being has not changed. Although the presence of Li Yalin made her temperament a lot more restrained, Ophelia’s cruel and bloodthirsty character would be fully exposed if Li Yalin’s agreed.

Because of this, Ophelia’s first opponent was a purple Awakened Being that resembled a dinosaur, and Ophelia shot a sword dance combo, and instantly cut the opponent into several pieces. The one who followed Ophelia was Saber. You must know that Saber has always disliked these crooked ways. After learning about the evil deeds of Yoma and Awakened Beings, Saber is 10,000 haters, so every time he deals with Yoma and Awakened Beings At that time, Saber always stood in the forefront, no, at this time Saber Lightning Speed ​​Sword has been shot, after every flash of electric light, an Awakened Being or Yoma will fall down.

In the face of such a large number of Awakened Beings, everyone shows their abilities, Elena’s Exploding Heaven Slaying Dragon Strike, Clare’s Magnificent Confusing Dance, Galatea’s Edge Breaking Cut, Riful’s Highly Toxic Nova, Teresa’s Connected Dance Strike , Ilena Fist of Paradise, Noel’s Phoenix Charge, Sophia’s Whirlwind, Ikaros’ Apollon, Astraea’s Super Vibrating Photon Blade, Nymph’s Paradise Song, all kinds of super big tricks all greeted Awakened Being.

Of course, Saeko and their Combined Spell are naturally indispensable. In the previous month or so, Saeko and the others did not work hard. At this time, Saeko’s Dark Magic Flame Slash, Rei’s Sacred Flame Burst Spear, Miyu’s Shadow Assassination, Asami’s Flame Rock Crushing Fist, Rika’s Atomic Assault Gun, Yuriko’s Dark Gate, Shizuka’s Light and Dark Blasting Strike, and Saya’s three elements combined spell-Ice and Fire Banisher, these super combined spells are naturally very powerful Surprisingly, under the attack of everyone working with a common purpose, not only the Awakened Being but also Yomas who came to the small town, even most of the small town was completely wiped out under everyone’s attack.

The battle was unexpectedly fierce in the eyes of Warriors. The various moves they had never seen before made them even more eye-opening, especially the more combative Warriors like Deneve, these powerful moves Can make them quite yearning.

“I said big sister, are we Warrior or are they Warrior? Why do you look at them more like monsters than we are?” Helen asked Miria in surprise, looking at the battle in front of her. After the battle started, Helen was stunned. What moves are these all? The wind and fire are all coming up.

“Don’t talk nonsense, look now…” At this time, Miria’s eyes are all focused on Li Yalin’s body, because at this time, Li Yalin is standing in front of a black haired youth wearing a red shirt. When the two were holding each other, they didn’t say a word.

“It seems that we made a mistake in our calculations. We didn’t expect so many changes here.” After the two looked at each other for a long time, the black haired youth opposite Li Yalin spoke first.

“Silver-eyed Lion King-Rigaldo, Isley hasn’t come yet? If you are alone, this battle will be meaningless.” Li Yalin also looked at each other with a smile on his face. .

“If you want to see him, you can beat me first. As long as I die, he will naturally appear.” Rigaldo said blankly, but after he said this, Rigaldo said Began to transform.

“If this is the case, then I have nothing to say, let’s fight a good fight.” Seeing that the opponent has entered a fighting state, Li Yalin will naturally not show weakness, and will After pulling out the Ragnarok, Li Yalin put on his Zeus God Cloth at the same time. After putting on God Cloth, Li Yalin’s Divine Might was naturally revealed. The mighty power actually suppressed Rigaldo and took a few steps back. Even the imposing manner of Awakened Being and Yomas was suppressed by three points, but with Li Yalin’s Divine Might, the imposing manner of the women has increased a lot. It seems that this Divine Might has a bonus to yourself. effect.

“Who… are you…” Facing Li Yalin’s mighty power, Rigaldo’s felt a sense of powerlessness, which he didn’t feel when facing Isley’s.

“Dead people don’t need answers, but you are not human anymore, so you can go with peace of mind!” After saying that, Li Yalin long spear stabbed and hit Rigaldo’s. Shoulder, Rigaldo simply did not react at this time, and his super defense did not play a role, Rigaldo’s arm was immediately pierced by Ragnarok.

There are so many people at home…it’s troublesome~~ I finally grabbed the computer. I will post the last chapter first, but today this should be the last one~

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