“You…you guy…” The Silver-eyed Lion King clutching his arm let out a roar, but no matter how roar it is, the gap between strengths will not change. At this moment, Li Yalin hit Rigaldo’s other arm in a spear thrust.

In fact, besides Li Yalin’s plan to kill the Silver-eyed Lion King, Li Yalin wants to tease him more. After all, Li Yalin was very upset when watching anime. Lion King, especially when it was killing claymore beauties, made Li Yalin feel this worrisome, but now that Li Yalin has the strength to tease Rigaldo, then Li Yalin will naturally not miss this opportunity.

“Not killing me directly is your biggest mistake. You will regret your mistakes!” At this moment, Rigaldo suddenly said something that made Li Yalin feel unfathomable mystery , And then an object of unknown function appeared in its hand, which looked a bit like a stone, but the specifics have yet to be studied.

After Rigaldo took out the stone, he swallowed it in one gulp. Then, Rigaldo’s started to burst out a rather amazing Yoki. The Yoki that almost condensed into substance was quite amazing, and soon Rigaldo broke through the barrier of Seventh Rank and reached Saint Rank, and Yoki continued to ascend until it stopped at Saint Rank High-Level.

“Fuck me, you are shameful! You dare to take drugs!” Seeing Rigaldo taking drugs, Li Yalin is really helpless about it. I really don’t know what Rigaldo’s can improve. Where did it come from? There is no place to put this thing on Rigaldo’s body after transforming.

“It is useless to say more, this is the price you underestimate me!” After all, Rigaldo instantly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared behind Li Yalin.

“The speed has increased a lot, but to me you are not qualified. I said let Isley come out. You are not obedient. You have to be strong.” Just when Rigaldo caught Li While Yalin shot, Li Yalin blocked Rigaldo’s attack with a backhand shot, and at the same time, Li Yalin was still talking to Rigaldo.

“Are you teasing me? I will make you pay!” Seeing that Li Yalin cannot be hurt, and Li Yalin is teasing himself like a child, which makes Rigaldo’s self-esteem Rigaldo was hit hard, but Rigaldo, who knew he was not Li Yalin’s opponent, suddenly thought of a good idea. Since he could not defeat Li Yalin, the weak Warriors Rigaldo could still be killed easily, so Rigaldo immediately gave up Li Yalin and accelerated the moved. The gathering place towards Warriors ran over.

“All staff are on alert!” Miria has been observing Li Yalin’s movements, and at this time Rigaldo’s every move is naturally included in Miria’s eyes, so Miria immediately commanded all the staff to face the upcoming Silver- eyed Lion King.

“Do you think you can beat me when you fight for speed?” Just when Rigaldo approached Warriors immediately, Li Yalin’s voice suddenly came from behind Rigaldo’s, which made Rigaldo a big startled , And Miria and their hearts are happy. Li Yalin is undoubtedly a savior from the sky in their eyes. Miria did not expect that she was a little disappointed when she saw Li Yalin did not move. When Li Yalin came here in an instant, Miria’s heart was filled with a feeling called happiness. Of course, Miria was not the only one who felt this way. The claymore beauties present would more or less have it. This feeling.

In fact, Li Yalin just performed a Dimensional Jump and moved to Rigaldo’s in an instant. No matter how fast Rigaldo’s is, Li Yalin is confident that he can catch up with it. After all, Li Yalin’s own speed is Not too slow, and with the ultimate weapon of Dimensional Jump, which is faster than Li Yalin, it is definitely an old birthday star who eats arsenic—courting death.

After arriving behind Rigaldo’s, Li Yalin lifted Rigaldo into the air with a single kick, and then Li Yalin disappeared in place, instantly appearing above Rigaldo’s body, which was still flying upwards , Then Li Yalin pointed at Rigaldo and it was a Fist of Firmament. In an instant, Rigaldo was smashed into the ground by the huge fist strength of Fist of Firmament, even if Rigaldo skin is rough and flesh is thick at this time, but for a while But it was also impossible to move, and Rigaldo had already smashed a huge hole in the ground at this time.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you. This has always been Li Yalin’s absolute goal. Since Rigaldo is not far from getting a bento, then Li Yalin will naturally not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the air. In the process, Li Yalin suddenly thought of a Palm Technique of dropping from the sky, but Li Yalin, who is called Buddha’s Palm, naturally wouldn’t, but at this time Li Yalin started to use dropping from the sky. At this time, Li Yalin was violently accelerating towards the ground in the air. As Li Yalin’s speed got faster and faster, Li Yalin’s Fist of Firmament shot at the same time. After only a loud sound of shaking the mountain, Rigaldo was in There was a huge explosion at the location. When the smoke and dust passed, within 30 meters of Rigaldo’s center, all became barren flat ground, and Rigaldo’s body had long been bombed into slag.

“Did you die…Rigaldo…this powerful force…” On the edge of a cliff away from Pieta several li, a handsome young man with full head silver long hair said thoughtfully , But at this time, he was full of interest in the guy who killed Rigaldo’s. If you can kill Rigaldo so easily, the opponent is definitely not an ordinary character.

But beside this handsome young man, there is a black hair little loli wearing a red cloak lying on the ground with a face of horror. Seeing little loli panic, the handsome young man leaned forward and came. Little Loli’s side asked softly: “Priscilla, are you okay?” But Little Loli did not pay attention to the young people’s concern, but turned around and rode on the horse on the side of the road and ran away.

The handsome young man was faintly sighed, but did not catch up. Instead, he continued to watch Pieta’s battle, but at this time the identity of this handsome young man was ready to emerge. He was to rule the White Silver King of the Northern Lands — —Isley.

Let’s talk about Li Yalin and the others. After Li Yalin killed Rigaldo, the women’s battle ended one after another. Although there were a lot of Awakened Being and Yomas, they couldn’t stand the strength of the women. High strength, and dealing with these Awakened Beings and Yoma, everyone has very rich experience.

However, when the battle reached the second half, the Awakened Beings had already begun to escape. This caused a little trouble for everyone. After all, the Awakened Beings who only managed to escape were still very fast. A kill made everyone wasted some time, but in the end all the opponents were wiped out.

“It’s over!” After the battle, this was the voice of all Warriors present. Everyone let out a long sigh. After all, this battle was really a thrilling battle, and at the same time , Warriors are also deeply ashamed of their incompetence. Facing such a powerful and large number of Yoma, let alone all, I am afraid that more than 30 Yoma is enough to destroy the Warriors, right? Not to mention that there is even more powerful Awakened Being.

But then, after the battle, the women gathered together excitedly. They talked and laughed together, as if the battle just now was just a little bit of heat, and there was no battle at all. After the exhaustion and relaxation.

At this moment, not far from Pieta, a very powerful Yoki suddenly came, and this Yoki made Li Yalin, Teresa and Clare very familiar with them. That was the Yoki after Priscilla awakened, and after feeling this Yoki, Clare also released his Yoki not to be outdone. The same Yoki as Teresa triggered a chain reaction on the other side. At this time, Priscilla’s Yoki released even more. Strong.

“Okay, Clare, don’t try hard, let’s go and see.” After saying hello to Miria and the others, Li Yalin took Clare, Teresa and some of their old friends back then Flew in the direction of Priscilla’s, Li Yalin and the others quickly came to Priscilla’s location because they were not far away.

At this time, Priscilla is not beside the volcanic crater like the original plot, but standing in a very open area, but the choice here is also good, although the sky is snowing, but at this time The ground is empty. It seems that Priscilla was the Yoki that broke out here just now.

“Why… why are you still alive?” When she saw Priscilla’s, she was talking to herself. It seems that Priscilla’s is not very sane at this time.

“Priscilla!” After stopping the impulsive Clare, Li Yalin whispered Priscilla’s name. After hearing Li Yalin’s voice, Priscilla slowly turned his head to Li Yalin and the others’ direction.

“Why, why did Teresa become two, and Ilena, why are you with this The Organization’s traitor? Oh? Are you also The Organization’s traitor? Since you are The Organization’s traitor, Then must be killed!” Priscilla muttered louder and louder, and at the same time, the long sword in Priscilla’s hand had been moved towards Teresa and waved past.

“For so many years, you have not grown at all.” Yoki was not released at all, and his eyes did not even turn into silver. Teresa blocked Priscilla’s attack with the Spatial Slash Sword in his hand. Although the long sword in Priscilla’s hand is just an ordinary item, after the blessing of Priscilla’s Yoki, this long sword has become extremely hard, so Teresa did not even cut off Priscilla’s long sword with a single sword.

Thanks to Jian Linghuan, Memory of Star Chips, Murong Ziying, I really want to read this good book, Pandora V Pluto, and the hair is also killing rewards.

Talking about the monthly pass subscription, I like it the most~ dungeon is about to end, everyone is looking forward to the story after returning to Heavenly Wind Continent~~~~ Wow Hahaha………………(To be continued , If you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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