“Teresa! Teresa!” Repeating Teresa’s name in his mouth, Priscilla’s Yoki exploded more and more at this time, and at the same time, Priscilla began to move towards the awakening of the complete body evolution, except that the body became higher and more In addition to being strong, even the wings behind him have become wider. At this time, Priscilla’s Yoki has fully reached the Peak status of Saint Rank High-Level, which is different from the effect of the Silver-eyed Lion King taking drugs, but it is real. In the Saint Rank High-Level Peak.

“Oh? That’s kind of interesting.” After seeing Priscilla’s strength skyrocketing, Teresa’s mouth showed a slight smile, but people familiar with Teresa’s will know that this is Teresa is about to kill Yoma. The precursor.

“I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go!” Priscilla, who is somewhat unclear in his mind, is a bit blind in attack, but her target is obvious, that is Teresa. At this time Priscilla has already Some are attacking Teresa frantically, and Teresa is performing Counter-Attack very gracefully, but at this time Teresa has begun to release Yoki, and his eyes have become golden, but Li Yalin feels that Teresa is not doing his best, so Teresa is now comparable to Priscilla’s Yoki. What kind of level will Teresa reach if it exhausts all its strength? Li Yalin is really interested.

“Why? Why are you so strong?” Unable to hurt Teresa’s Priscilla soaring into the sky, after flying into the air, Priscilla’s wings separated countless Yoki light blades, and directly moved towards Teresa and attacked the past. , But with a single wave of the Spatial Slash Sword in Teresa’s hand, all the light blades that attacked were bounced away, without any damage at all.

“After all, you are too tender.” Teresa disappeared in an instant after saying this. When everyone saw her, she had appeared behind Priscilla’s. I saw that the Spatial Slash Sword in Teresa’s hand flashed with countless sword lights. While Priscilla’s wings were cut off, her body was also cut with countless wounds. In this way, Priscilla naturally fell directly to the ground and suffered. After such a blow, Priscilla could not continue to remain awakened, and directly reverted to the little loli figure.

“father, mother…” Priscilla, who became a little loli, was covered with purple blood, and whimpered quietly. Seeing Teresa who had landed on the ground, Priscilla’s trembling was even more obvious Up.

“Okay, Teresa, don’t fight anymore.” Seeing Priscilla’s poor appearance, Li Yalin moved the compass. They were originally poor people. Li Yalin couldn’t bear to let Teresa kill like this. Drop Priscilla.

“Okay, don’t be afraid.” After covering his cloak on the naked little loli, Li Yalin stroked Priscilla’s hair, then said with some comfort.

“father…father…” Feeling Li Yalin’s warmth, Priscilla plunged into Li Yalin’s arms and burst into tears. Seeing this situation, Teresa was also gone With the excitement of swinging the sword down, I saw Teresa shook the head and then came to Clare’s.

“Teresa…” At this time, Clare’s also had an unexplainable feeling in his heart. Unable to vent his feelings, Clare, like Priscilla, hugged Teresa, just like himself As a child, she sought her own warmth in Teresa’s arms, and Teresa also stroked Clare’s hair without saying a word.

“Aiyaya, really happy Grand Finale.” At this moment, an abrupt voice reached everyone’s ears, and everyone quickly raised their heads. I don’t know when, a silver-haired youth appeared. In the eyes of everyone, although he was standing there, everyone did not feel the breath of him at all.

“You finally appeared, that many of your men were killed, I don’t believe you will be indifferent.” Touching the little loli in his arms, Li Yalin slowly stood up, Li Yalin I have long known that Isley will definitely appear. Although I can’t feel Isley’s strength at this time, he is definitely the strongest opponent Li Yalin has ever encountered.

“Although I don’t know who you are, but it seems that you know me well.” Isley slightly smiled at Li Yalin, without any emotional fluctuations due to Li Yalin’s words.

“It’s not an understanding, but I’ve heard of your name. Although I don’t know what you’re thinking, I won’t return Priscilla to you.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but The air between Li Yalin and Isley had a bit of solidification, but the little loli in Li Yalin’s arms looked at them with some unknown reason.

“Priscilla? Forget it. Originally, I just wanted to take care of her. Now that she has found a good destination, then I will not impose any interference.” Isley is still so tepid. Said.

“Oh? It looks like your friends are here.” Before Li Yalin could speak, Isley already felt dozens of powerful breaths approaching, and Li Yalin could feel it naturally. , Not only Saber, Saeko and others, but even Miria and the others rushed here with Warriors.

“Yalin, are you okay?” Although Li Yalin has already confessed not to follow, in the end the women still followed. Just now everyone felt that Yoki of Saint Rank was afraid of accidents, so After discussing it, the women headed by Saber finally decided that it would be better to come over and have a look, and Miria and the others have the same reason. Instead of waiting for the result with worry, it is better to come over and see the situation directly. How do you say Li Yalin They are also their own life saving benefactor.

“Okay, it’s okay. I told you not to follow.” Although he said so, Li Yalin’s heart was still warm, looking at the worried eyes of the women, Li Yalin I feel that I am full of motivation.

“You are…Isley!” Originally, Ophelia looked at Li Yalin very worried, but after seeing Isley, Ophelia’s Yoki instantly fluctuated. Out of the enemy Isley.

“Do you know me?” Isley is somewhat interested in Ophelia’s hatred look. It seems that the Warrior in front of him has a lot of hatred with him, but there are many people who have hatred with him, so Isley didn’t care too much. What interested him was only the powerful Yoki released by Ophelia, which was almost comparable to Priscilla.

“You killed my big brother, my whole family, today I will kill you to avenge my family!” After saying this, Ophelia slashed at Isley After the past, the mighty Yoki made Isley dare not to be big, and only after turning into Abyssal One body in an instant, Isley barely avoided Ophelia’s attack.

“You have good speed and strong strength, but if you alone cannot defeat me.” Elis, who became Abyssal One, still said in a tranquil voice, Yili at this time Si is already more than ten meters tall, and his huge body has an amazing speed of movement.

“Anyway, I will kill you!” After Ophelia calmed her mind, she said with an unusually firm expression. After all, she already has Li Yalin now. If it were Ophelia before, She would definitely ignore everything and go straight up to fight to the death.

“Ophelia.” At this time, Li Yalin calmly nodded to Ophelia. After getting Li Yalin’s affirmation, Ophelia became more confident, waving the Spatial Slash Sword in his hand, and then moved towards Isley and slashed past. .

To be honest, Li Yalin’s heart does not want Ophelia and Isley duel. With the Yoki that is now breaking out of Isley, Ophelia is obviously still slightly inferior to Isley, but Isley has always been a part of Ophelia’s heart, if If Ophelia didn’t get rid of this heart disease, maybe Ophelia will encounter many obstacles on the road in the future. In this way, it is better to let Ophelia fight Elis one-on-one now, just as it is now. With many Experts present, Li Yalin is confident that he can handle it immediately, even if there is an accident.

Since the opponent is Isley, Ophelia naturally worked hard. Although there is no time to accumulate tricks, Ophelia’s fame and fame — Rippling Sword when he shots, but Isley is also not a waiter, in Ophelia The moment he shot, Isley understood the weakness of Ophelia’s move, so at the same time Ophelia shot, Isley’s hands had become double swords, and the high-speed swinging double swords directly knocked Ophelia’s Rippling Sword. Go out, leaving Ophelia completely unable to get close to Isley.

“you guy!” Since he couldn’t get close, Ophelia decisively chose a long-range attack. At the moment of retreating, Ophelia launched a sword impact, and the huge sword qi moved towards Isley and ran away, but At this time, the two swords in Isley’s hand had become a huge shield, directly blocking Ophelia’s sword impact.

Seeing that her attack was ineffective, Ophelia hurriedly used Divine Movement Boots to increase her speed, her strength increased and her attack power increased, and her concentration of thoughts increased her hits. After going through this series of After Support Skill, Ophelia rushed towards Isley again.

“Oh? It’s kind of interesting. The speed and power have increased a lot, and the attack is also much more accurate. Although I don’t know what method you used, it is still not enough for me. “Although he was surprised at Ophelia’s improvement, Isley still had a plain face and didn’t pay attention to Ophelia at all.

Speaking of monthly pass subscription or something, it’s really not awesome, Xiaoshuai needs everyone’s support~~~~

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