“This is a complete misunderstanding. This is just Kamir’s personal action. It has nothing to do with us. If Mr. Li Yalin is really willing to join us, I will let Kamir apologize to you.” The black clothed in front of me The person hesitated for a while and came up with the above answer, but the black clothed person is also clear in his own heart, although what he said is true, but if he is Li Yalin’s, even if he himself will not believe it, let alone I said Li Yalin, but now the black clothed person can only try. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the black clothed person will definitely not let go.

“Do you think there is a problem with my IQ? You used this kind of excuse to coax kids to lie to me?” Sure enough, Li Yalin was already laughing when he saw the other person’s push on 5/4/06 Came out.

“Mr. Li Yalin…” The black clothed person wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Ruze.

“Stop talking about Lord Emissary, he will never join us, let’s work together to kill him!”

“Yes, Lord Emissary, based on our current strength , You can definitely kill this Li Yalin, even if it is alive!” Duke Kamir also said at this time. It seems that Duke Kamir is quite confident in the strength of his Duke’s Mansion.

“Hehe, really interesting, I want to see how you guys killed me!” After listening to Ruze and Duke Kamir’s words, Li Yalin slightly smiled and took out his own After Ragnarok, Miyu also put the shadow suit on him, holding the sword in his left hand, and holding the Butterfly Sword in the right hand, making an offensive posture, while Nymph is even more exaggerated, directly using the card to make Vibrating Particle Compression Cannon Some barrels similar to rocket launchers have been aimed at Duke Kamir and the others. As long as Li Yalin gives an order, Nymph will fire the gun immediately.

“You two guys who succeeded less than failed!” Seeing the battle in front of them, the black clothed person gave Duke Kamir and Ruze a fierce look, and had no choice but to take out his weapon. Come out, since this battle is unavoidable, so the black clothed person is only brace oneself.

However, facing Li Yalin and the three of them, the terrible imposing manner that erupted, made this black clothed person feel a little frightened. He clearly felt that the three in front of him had not reached the Seventh Rank yet, why? He who is already a Seventh Rank Expert will feel so heart palpitations. Although I can’t figure out the reason, the black clothed person knew that it was not the time to hesitate. After spreading out a pair of black wings, the black clothed person soared into the sky and flew out directly from the study window.

“Want to run? It’s not that simple!” Although I was a little surprised that the other party actually had a pair of black wings, some resembling the legendary Fallen Angel, but Li Yalin still unfolded his own Seraph’s Wings, moved towards black clothed The person chased in the direction of the person. As for Duke Kamir father and son, I will pick them up after coming back for a while.

After Li Yalin chased the black clothed person, Nymph and Miyu on the side didn’t have much to do, because just after the black clothed person and Li Yalin spread their wings and burst into an imposing manner, Duke Kamir and Ruze and the two were completely stunned. Nymph and Miyu were not interested in dealing with the two demented fools, and they were also worried about the safety of Li Yalin’s. After a glance at each other, they both spread their wings. , Moved towards Li Yalin’s direction and chased it.

But after Li Yalin chased out the window, the black clothed person did not choose to escape. Instead, he turned back and hovered in the air. After shaking the huge wings twice, the black clothed person moved towards Li Yalin. Said: “Mr. Li Yalin, we are not malicious to you. I hope you can understand us and believe that joining us is your best choice.” At this time, the black clothed person even wanted to persuade Li Yalin.

“It’s useless to say more, let’s see the real chapter below.” Li Yalin didn’t have the opportunity to explain to the other party. For these guys who may harm the girl next to Li Yalin, Li Yalin is absolutely not. Will be soft.

“If this is the case, then I am offended!” Seeing that my kind words could not be used to persuade me, the black clothed person had to drew out his own weapons to prepare for the challenge, but the black clothed person’s weapons were very weird. It is a pair of daggers. The length of this pair of daggers is about fifty centimeters, which is very different from ordinary daggers. It is like a crescent moon. Some are similar to scimitars, but they are completely different. When the two daggers are combined, they can form one. The round moon is full and the dagger is covered with various Magic spells. It looks like it should be a High-Level weapon.

At this time, Nymph and Miyu have flown to Li Yalin’s side, but when they saw Miyu’s Devil’s Wings, the black clothed person’s eyes lit up, and he said to Li Yalin, “Mr. Li Yalin, isn’t there a Demon by your side? Then you are not Church’s lackey. If that is the case, why can’t you join us?” So this guy regarded the equipment as Devil’s Wings Miyu as a Demon.

“May I say you brighten your eyes? Which eye did you see that I am Demon?” Hearing this, Demon obviously refers to himself, so Miyu The face panting with rage said to the black clothed person.

“Are you not Demon?” The black clothed person was a little puzzled. The first time I saw someone with Demon wings, he said that he was not Demon’s.

“Nonsense!” Miyu gave the black clothed person a white look, and then moved his shuriken towards the black clothed person.

Although Miyu’s strike seems random, but the original shuriken with powerful attack power coupled with the strength of Miyu’s Saint Rank, the shuriken actually produced splitting the air sound during the dance. , This surprised the black clothed person, but the speed of the shuriken is indeed extremely fast. The black clothed person simply cannot Dodge and can only choose hard resistance, but even if it is hard resistance, the black clothed person also spent a lot of effort , His own dark energy has completely exploded, and it can be considered to be able to resist Miyu’s attack.

“Who you are?” At this time, the black clothed person was frightened and horrified. Even the emphasis of the speech had been forgotten to change, exposing his original voice, but the voice of this black clothed person It’s very crisp and sweet. It turns out that this guy is a beautiful woman.

“It’s a beautiful woman, then I won’t do anything, Miyu, Nymph, I’ll leave it to you here, I will deal with Kamir and them.” Li Yalin is already a beautiful woman when he heard that the other party turned out to be a beautiful woman. There is no interest in fighting. After all, Li Yalin is a person who has tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, but there are Miyu and Nymph here. If Li Yalin doesn’t beat women, it doesn’t mean Miyu. They don’t beat women. After seeing women, Miyu But the fight was even harder.

With a flick of his wings, Li Yalin flew back to Duke Kamir’s study room. Seeing Duke Kamir and Ruze who were still sluggish, Li Yalin kicked and awakened the two who were still in a daze. Then he asked Duke Kamir slightly mockingly: “Duke Kamir, where is your awe-inspiring?”

“You…you…” Duke Kamir, you haven’t said a word for a long time. To be complete, the imposing manner on Li Yalin’s body has already suppressed Duke Kamir’s speechless.

“Maris, you know, tell me, what is your grievance with Maris, if you speak frankly, I can let you and your son.” Constricted some of his own imposing manner, Li Yalin Asked Duke Kamir disdainfully.

“Can you really let us go…” Duke Kamir asked tremblingly.

“I stand by one’s word, hurry up and answer my questions! My time is limited.” Li Yalin was already a little impatient.

“Yes, yes, I said, this Maris is the son of a previous opponent of mine. By chance, I discovered that my opponent, that is, Maris’ father actually had a legendary At that time, I was already a member of The Organization. Although the rank was very low, I also knew the origin of some items. I immediately recognized that it was the legendary Netherworld Ring, so I reported it The Organization, in fact, I didn’t want to kill him, but he really failed to appreciate somebody’s kindness, so under the cooperation between me and The Organization’s, I killed this opponent and got the Netherworld Ring.” Duke Kamir was a little trembling. Tell the truth about the murder of Maris’ father.

“Netherworld Ring, what the hell is that?” Li Yalin continued to ask.

“I don’t know about this, but I heard that it can open a huge hidden treasure.” Duke Kamir’s replied Li Yalin was taken aback. Could it be that this Netherworld Ring was obtained by himself in the Individual Competition Is that dark ring? Thinking of this, Li Yalin took out the ring in Evolved Space and handed it to Duke Kamir.

“Do you see this ring?” Li Yalin asked Duke Kamir.

“Yes, it’s this ring, but how could this ring be with you?” After Duke Kamir nodded, he turned to ask Li Yalin.

“I still want to ask you!” Li Yalin gave Duke Kamir a white look, and then continued to ask: “You are the one who sent someone to assassinate Maris’, and is there a curse on Nina? You’re a ghost?”

“It’s indeed the Maris I sent someone to assassinate. The curse on Maris called Younger Sister Nina was also sent by me.” Duke Kamir nodded, continued power in Li Yalin Under the circumstances, Duke Kamir didn’t even have the courage to lie, so he explained it all directly.

“If this is the case, then you can go with peace of mind.” After that, Li Yalin waved his hand, and a Brilliant Star Strike light ball appeared in Li Yalin’s hands.

“You…Didn’t you let us go after I answered your words? You don’t speak credit!” Kamir and Ruze looked at Li Yalin with horror at this time.

“Really? Did I say that? So sorry, I lied!” Li Yalin slightly smiled, Brilliant Star Strike completely annihilated Duke Kamir and Ruze in the light, The current Duke Kamir and Ruze are no longer useful. Keeping them will cause trouble for Li Yalin. In order to prevent future troubles, Li Yalin has to choose to kill them. After all, we must eliminate the roots.

Thank you for beating the tiger, and killing your hair, cut off your JJ with a single knife, Murong Ziying, Memory of Star Scraps, Passing Through the Sea, Pandora V Pluto, “Counterfeit” Rogue, Jian Linghuan’s reward .

Talking about subscription tickets, I like it the most~ (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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