After killing Duke Kamir and Ruze, Li Yalin flew out of the study. Miyu was playing fiercely with the black clothed female in the air. You come and I neither give way to the other, but at this time the other party The black clothed woman is obviously inferior to Miyu. Faced with Miyu’s attack, the black clothed woman has already revealed her defeat, and at this time the black clothed beautiful woman’s hooded cloak has long been torn in the fight, black clothed The appearance of a beautiful woman was naturally revealed in front of Li Yalin.

Li Yalin absolutely didn’t expect, the black clothed woman who could produce machine-synthesized sounds, even if she was a woman, would have to be quite old, after all, how would someone with Seventh Rank think about her age? It won’t be too small, but something surprising happened. The black clothed woman in front of her had a baby face, long silver hair and scarlet eyes. She was just an old loli, but at this time, this silver-haired woman Li was not easy. A pair of daggers flew up and down, both to block Miyu’s Shuriken and Butterfly Sword. In contrast, it really seemed a little inferior.

“Oh, didn’t expect, did I say, Little Sister, are you an adult? The young ones don’t learn well, you have to learn from others to fight and kill.” Seeing the silver-haired loli in front of me Li Yalin couldn’t help but laugh.

“You this bastard!” Seeing Li Yalin teasing herself so, the silver-haired loli was ashamed and angry, abandoned Miyu, and moved towards Li Yalin with a dagger, but such a monotonous attack was not enough Fa injured Li Yalin, and after grasping the arm pierced by the silver-haired loli, Li Yalin pinched the silver-haired loli with an anti-joint technique.

“Little Sister, this thing is too dangerous, you still don’t play.” Then, Li Yalin handed over the opponent’s dagger, and then Li Yalin laughed at hee hee and pinched it. Pinching silver-haired loli’s face.

“You bastard! I’m going to kill you!” The silver-haired loli yelled, feeling severely humiliated, and at the same time, the silver-haired loli was still struggling violently, but the silver-haired loli Lori’s struggle seemed so weak in Li Yalin’s hands, she couldn’t escape Li Yalin’s palm.

“Kill me? You are still young! But now the special treatment time is over, let’s go, what is the name of your The Organization? What is your name? What are you in your The Organization Position? What are your conspiracies in Tanni Capital City this time? Why are you targeting me like this?” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly changed his face, without the expression of laughing just now, but asked with a serious silver-haired loli. There are a few problems.

“You kill me! I won’t say it!” Faced with Li Yalin’s question, the silver-haired loli came to see her as dead. After saying these words, she just stared at Li fiercely. Yalin stopped talking, and simply didn’t have the consciousness of being a villain. And the look of the silver-haired loli makes Li Yalin feel that the roles of the two sides have been reversed? Obviously Li Yalin was the victim.

“Don’t say yes? Well, since you don’t say anything, then I have countless ways to make you open your mouth, hehehe!” Since I feel like I am already a villain, Li Yalin is lucky. Play this role well. At this time, Li Yalin is like a common cannon fodder villain on TV, speaking to the silver-haired loli with a smirk.

“Asshole, stay away from me! You kill me!” Even if Li Yalin has a smirk, it doesn’t hurt his face and temperament at all, but obviously this Shi’s silver-haired loli didn’t have any appreciative mood at all. Her heart was completely filled with fear and shyness. Didn’t expect to meet Li Yalin, a nemesis when she first came out of Quest.

“Kill you? Of course it’s impossible. I will only take off your clothes and hang you on the head of Tanni Capital City’s. Then…” Before Li Yalin could finish, this silver hair Luo Li was shocked by Li Yalin’s words, but the silver-haired loli bit her lip firmly, forcing herself not to cry.

“Damn, of course, as long as you tell the truth, then these will be avoided, how about? This transaction is not bad, right?” Seeing the other’s expression, Li Yalin couldn’t continue. , So Li Yalin now starts the seduction strategy again.

“I won’t reveal The Organization’s information!” Although she was scared in her heart, the silver-haired loli still did not let go, but only with the words of the silver-haired loli, Li Yalin has found a breakthrough. Up.

“Since you do not disclose The Organization’s information, then I will ask you, what is your name?” Li Yalin changed the subject and did not directly ask the question about The Organization’s, but instead asked about it. Silver-haired loli’s name.

“I don’t have a name, I only have a code name. I am called Murasame in The Organization’s Code Name, which is how other people call me.” Silver-haired loli, oh no, Loli Monster Blade whispered, about her There is nothing to keep secret of his name.

“Murasame, a very interesting name, but I said Murasame, why do you say that you always have trouble with me? I didn’t provoke you.” At this time, Li Yalin complained a bit sadly. Loli Monster Blade is almost covered.

Sure enough, Loli is a lie. After Li Yalin said this, Loli Monster Blade rolled his eyes and reluctantly said: “You think we are willing to trouble you, if it’s not Kamir If you are a fool, we are not willing to provoke a powerful opponent like you. Haven’t I always wanted you to join us?”

“But those Assassins…” But I haven’t waited for Li Yalin. After finishing talking, Loli Monster Blade interrupted Li Yalin’s words, “Those Assassins have nothing to do with us. Although they are trained by our The Organization, they are temporarily under the command of Kamir. Kamir simply acted without notifying us. The idiot who contacted Kamir has returned to The Organization to accept punishment. If it weren’t for Kamir’s use value, I would have killed the idiot!” Loli Monster Blade’s expression at the moment is very resentment.

“That’s it…” After Li Yalin pondered for a while, he let go of the hand controlling the Loli Monster Blade, and then handed the Loli Monster Blade’s dagger to the opponent, “In this case, Many friends and many roads, fewer enemies and fewer walls. Kamir and Ruze have been killed by me. I can ignore the previous Assassin affairs. Although I can’t join you, at least we can maintain a cooperative relationship. “

Murasame was taken aback by Li Yalin’s words. She didn’t expect Li Yalin to believe in herself so easily, and also returned her weapons to herself.

In fact, Li Yalin is not so simple to trust the other person. Li Yalin is not a fool. For Loli Monster Blade, Li Yalin believes 30%, but Kamir father and son have already received the lunch, then The clues about the dark forces are all concentrated on the Loli Monster Blade in front of him. If this is the case, Li Yalin first uses the soft-hearted policy to stabilize the opponent first, and then proceed with the next step.

At this time, Loli Monster Blade naturally does not understand what Li Yalin is thinking. At this time, Little Loli Monster Blade is completely filled with happiness. After all, this is her First Quest, and Quest’s The goal is to make good Li Yalin, didn’t expect to complete it so easily, then I will definitely be rewarded after I go back.

“Really? Can you really cooperate with us?” Loli Monster Blade asked incredulously.

“On the premise that I can guarantee that my interests will not be harmed.” Li Yalin a nod, since he intends to give the other party some sweetness, then Li Yalin will naturally agree.

“very good! We will definitely not harm your interests. Although it is a cooperation, but in fact, the above means to make good friends with you. I am so happy! The first time Quest is as simple as that It’s done!” At this time, Murasame was like a little child, flying back and forth several times in the air.

“But look at your wings, are you Fallen Angel?” Li Yalin continued to ask Loli Monster Blade while the other party was happy.

“Fallen Angel? What is that? Who said I must be Angel if I have wings? Actually, this pair of wings is our Dark Clan’s unique logo, just like Demon Wings, but our Dark Clan only has Bloodline. Pure talents will use Wings of Darkness, ordinary clansman doesn’t have it at all!” The Loli Monster Blade of Excited MAX didn’t estimate anything at all, so he told his secrets directly, which gave Li Yalin another useful one. information.

“Well, then your wings are really handsome, much more handsome than mine.” At this time, Li Yalin said flatly. After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Loli Monster Blade appeared More excited.

“Yes, I feel the same way, your wings are like those Light Clan’s Birdman, simply not as good as my wings, but are you really from the Birdman clan? Your wings It’s really like them, but those Birdman simply won’t kill each other. You killed a lot of Birdman again. I really can’t figure it out!” At this time, Loli Monster Blade said somewhat stupidly, and said Li Yalin was Black lines on a face.

The one with wings is Birdman? You don’t want to think about what is behind you, Angel is Birdman, then you are not Birdman? To be honest, Li Yalin really wanted to make complaints very much. At this time, he insisted on insisting, and resisted not making complaints.

“Well, I am not the Birdman, and I have nothing to do with the Birdman. Now that we are in a cooperative relationship, I will leave it to you about Kamir and Ruze’s, Nymph, Miyu , Let’s go.” Unable to continue communicating with this little loli, Li Yalin chose fleeing is the best policy, so before the other party could speak, Li Yalin winked at Nymph and Miyu, and then the three of them Speeding up at the same time, he threw away the Loli Monster Blade and flew towards home.

Originally, this Loli Monster Blade planned to continue to say something to Li Yalin, but when they saw Li Yalin, they had already flown away. After stomping their feet in the air, Loli Monster Blade flew back. I went to Kamir’s study room and started the aftermath.

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