In addition to Priest, Arch Mage Li Yalin of Fourth Rank High-Level will naturally not forget that this kind of remote Unit Li Yalin, which is quite effective, has dispatched a total of 500 people this time. Although it seems that there are not many, this Five hundred Arch Mage can already control the victory of a battle.

Speaking of remote units, it is natural not to forget the Sharpshooter. After Arch Mage appeared, 500 Sharpshooters with Fifth Rank High-Level strength also appeared, compared to only Second Rank High-Level. Marksman and Third Rank High-Level Grand Elf, Li Yalin likes these Sharpshooters more. If used properly, these five hundred Sharpshooters will play a greater role than Arch Mage.

The last player who played was Knight of Sixth Rank High-Level. There were not many Knights who played, only one hundred people. However, the appearance of these one hundred people shocked all the Li Yalin’s students. The Sixth Rank’s imposing manner is indeed quite a shock to these students who are only capable of the Third Rank, especially when Li Yalin has not ordered the restraining aura.

Seeing the embarrassed look of his students, Li Yalin secretly laughed. In fact, Li Yalin deliberately did not order Knights to converge his Sixth Rank aura. Who told these bastards to follow Go to war by yourself, is it so fun to fight? It’s really ignore.

In this way, Li Yalin dispatched a total of seven Units with a force of 3,000 people. Although compared to the 600,000 army of the rebels, it seems like a drop in the bucket, but the difference in strength between the two sides is very large. Big, and the weak are naturally the side of the rebels.

After Li Yalin’s invincible army came out, everyone moved towards Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment’s direction grandiose opened, and the students who accompanied them, one by one, looked at Li Yalin’s army very curiously. At this time, there was no expression on the soldiers’ faces at all, only a little murderous aura revealed, like a machine born entirely for killing.

“I said Bostoff, can you stop messing around? It’s not easy for me to see these guys. If you still go your own way, don’t blame me for not reminding you.” In the process, the somewhat boring Thief Bostoff suddenly thought of a good idea. He planned to test the strength of those Crusaders. Although the Knights’ appearance was shocking, the Crusaders did not reveal his breath at all when he appeared, which made Bostoff simply unable to Accurately perceiving the opponent’s strength, Thief’s boring curiosity suddenly rose, but after Bostoff revealed his plan, Lemmy gave Bostoff a blank look and then warned Bostoff.

“calm down, if something happens, don’t Teacher Yalin cover us! What are you afraid of.” Bostoff said nonchalantly, but after he said this, he was despised by all his classmates.

“I don’t think so. Look at their neat pace, consistent and smooth imposing manner. They must have gone through a long period of running-in. Such an iron army is not your little Thief. You can provoke it.” Kei also said persuasively at this time.

“Coward!” Bostoff’s courage is so bold. The more people stop him, the more he becomes crazy. I saw that he suddenly entered the stealth state and moved towards a Crusader and touched it.

But just after Bostoff came to Crusader’s side, this Crusader suddenly raised his shield, and a shield shot shot Bostoff far away. This was very real, leaving Bostoff lying on the ground. It didn’t take a long time to relax.

“Haha, what am I talking about, don’t you believe it, have you been punished this time?” Seeing this miserable Bostoff, Kei and the others came to Bostoff’s laughing at hee hee. Let’s watch the jokes together.

“Why are you laughing? Why don’t you pull me up!” Bostoff yelled at Kei with a look of embarrassment. At this time, he really wanted to find a hole in the hole, which was really shameful.

And this farce simply cannot escape the sight of Li Yalin and many beautiful women. From the boring idea of ​​Bostoff at first, Li Yalin and the others have already heard it, and that Crusader’s action Naturally it is the order given by Li Yalin to order these Heroes of Might and Magic Units, simply without Li Yalin or the women speaking, as long as you communicate with your own Spiritual Power, you can do it. In this way, Bostoff, who doesn’t know the truth, eats naturally. A big loss.

Seeing the appearance of Bostoff’s tragic, Li Yalin and the other women naturally laughed loudly as well. In this regard, Bostoff was deeply helpless and ashamed. On this journey, Bostoff became the laughing stock of everyone. .

Of course, this is just a small episode in the march, everyone’s speed is still very fast, because the speed of Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment is also not slow, and the other party does not know the Li Yalin army Trends, this is a favorable condition for Li Yalin. At this time, on the Nymph’s reconnaissance map, the specific situation of the opposing army can be clearly shown, but Li Yalin wonders why these cavalry still have horses. The movements are all stiff, as if being controlled by something?

“Okay, now the enemy is less than twenty miles away from us, now stop advancing. Kei, you take your classmates to hide in heights, you can just wait and see this battle Elder Sister Rose, you took Sally and they left with Kei. There is something wrong with each other. If something happens, I am afraid I won’t take care of you. Toria, you take everyone to meet the enemy. Now move fast!” After determining the location, Li Yalin immediately entered the command state and began to direct everyone’s actions.

“But the younger brother…” Rose still hesitated. She didn’t want to separate from Li Yalin, but after seeing the serious eyes of the other person, Rose realized that even if she was here, she was just a burden. , Rose is not a ignorant woman, at this time she understands what she should do and what she should not do. So Rose soon returned to become a Princess, the leader of a Mercenary Group, and began to direct everyone to evacuate to a safe area.

“Crusader arranged in formation and advance! Griffin Knight lifted off! Mage Priests Units are ready! Sharpshooters Units are ready, Knights are following me and ready to meet the enemy!” At this time Saber seemed to be back when he became King Arthur. With the loyal Knights behind him, Saber is invincible and fearless!

Soon, Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment appeared in everyone’s field of vision, but at this time, the Red Lotus Cavalries were all lifeless, even less energized than Li Yalin’s Invincible Units. From the perspective of the opponent’s imposing manner, the cavalry has basically reached the Second Rank, but why does it feel that something is wrong?

But time does not allow Li Yalin to consider. After discovering Li Yalin’s army, Red Lotus Knights immediately launched an attack on Li Yalin, but Li Yalin did not find any signs of command, just like Li Like Yalin’s Invincible Units, they rushed towards Li Yalin and the others in unison.

The charge of nearly 30,000 horses was really shocking, and the earth seemed to be shattered. In an instant, the sound of horses’ hoofs on the ground was stronger than the thunderbolt in the clear sky, but this is for Li Yalin In other words, it’s just thunder and rain. To deal with these cavalry, you don’t have to do it yourself, the soldiers under your hand can do it.

Since it’s the first time to command an army to fight, everyone is learning at this time. It’s only Saber who really commands the battle. For Saber, commanding a battle of three thousand people is completely no problem, especially Such completely obedient soldiers.

When the enemy was more than one kilometer away from Li Yalin, the Sharpshooters started the first round shooting. The Archery Technique displayed by the Fifth Rank Sharpshooter, which was capable of ignoring the damage from the distance, was quite amazing. Coupled with the intensive charge of the opposing cavalry, Sharpshooters can often shoot through two or three red wing cavalry with one arrow. In this way, after the opposing cavalry has charged a distance of only 500 meters, there are already thousands of people. I fell under the Arrow of Sharpshooter, and the wounded are even more numerous.

However, after being shot down with such a large number of companions, Red Lotus Cavalries’ morale remained undiminished. They still moved towards Li Yalin and the others bravely and charged Kulai, but at this time the Mage troops had already taken action. , Slow Dafa and Curse leaned over and moved towards Red Lotus Cavalries to cast it out, and on the only way for the cavalry, quicksand traps and buried mines were also cast up. At this time, Red Lotus Cavalries had already encountered it. In an unprecedented crisis, in the face of such a powerful long-range attack, will the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment really stand still?

The development of things is naturally not that simple. When Li Yalin’s troops are only about two hundred meters away, Red Lotus Cavalries has already drawn out the bow and arrow behind him, as if it had been discussed before. Okay, tens of thousands of Arrow moved towards Li Yalin’s troops shot over like rain.

“Crusader lifts the shield!” With the assistance of Mages’s stone skin, Crusaders’ defense has been greatly strengthened, but at this time Crusader’s main defense target is Arch Mage Units, which Sharpshooter can completely ignore Bows and arrows, because the Sharpshooters Units have already begun to retreat at this time, and the bows and arrows on the opposite side simply cannot shoot them.

“Knight Units! Charge with me!” Facing the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment that was a hundred times greater than himself, Saber even charged with his one hundred Knights. Saber holding Excalibur seemed to have returned to the past. In the age of being a king, take the Knights who are loyal and brave by your side to follow you, step by step to victory.

At this time Saber’s Knight Units are almost like a sharp knife, piercing the enemy’s heart, no matter what enemy appears in front of him, Saber is so courageous to go forward and kill those who appear in front of him. All enemies.

In this way, the already scattered Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment is now even more unbearable. Saber directly took the Knights to tear the opponent’s formation with a big hole, and taking this opportunity, Li Yalin also commanded the Crusaders and began a new round of encirclement and suppression of the cavalry who had lost their speed advantage.

Thank you for beating the tiger, the memory of the star dust, crossing the Great God, Pandora V Pluto, the hair also kills, I really want to read a good book, Murong Ziying, Jian Linghuan for the reward.

When it comes to clicking on a ticket or something, it’s not a force to say…………(To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit, more chapters, support the author, Support genuine reading!)

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