Actually, Li Yalin didn’t quite agree with Saber’s charge. Although Li Yalin was in command of the army, Saber was still the commander-in-chief of this battle. Now Saber rushed out with such enthusiasm. , This is really a bit ill-considered.

But things have happened, then Li Yalin will naturally take the place of Saber, although Saber’s charge tore the formation of Red Lotus Cavalries, but the scattered cavalry on the other side has already rushed to the front. , Even if there are not many cavalry rushing at this time, there are still more than two thousand horses. This is two thousand people, not two thousand ants. Even if the Crusaders are strong, it still takes time to swing a sword, right? So the gap flowed out. Although Arch Mage and Priest have a certain melee ability, if facing so many cavalry charges, death and injury are inevitable.

But how did Li Yalin make this happen? Li Yalin, who hadn’t seen it well, directly directed the Griffin Knight, who was still hovering in the sky, to launch an attack. A thousand Griffin Knights came from the sky. Dive down, facing Royal Griffin’s sharp claw and Halberdier’s battle halberd. Before the Red Lotus Cavalries could get close to Arch Mage, they were killed by the dropping from the sky attack.

After Griffin Knight cleared some obstacles, this gave Arch Mages time to perform Magic. Chain lightning, the combined force of five hundred Arch Mage, should not be underestimated. Numerous chains of lightning are integrated. At the same time, an even greater chain of lightning was formed, and this strike was comparable to the lightning rage that Li Yalin displayed after putting on Zeus God Cloth.

However, unlike Li Yalin’s Lightning Fury Strike, although this chain lightning is slightly inferior in attack power, it is definitely stronger than Lightning Fury Strike in terms of chain durability. After reaching the first target, they immediately scattered into hundreds of chains, and after the chain of lightning struck the second person, they were immediately divided into dozens of them. In this way, almost all the Red Wing Cavalry were affected by this. The chain lightning was hit. The Red Lotus Cavalries that were hit by the first wave and the second wave were all killed immediately, while the remaining Red Lotus Cavalries were more or less burned by lightning, except for the deaths. In addition to the cavalry, there are also many cavalry who have lost battle strength.

In this way, the whole battle began to move towards one side. At this time, Saber was already in and out of Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment, which played a very good harassment effect. In this way, the opponent simply Unable to make an effective offense or Counter-Attack, and the unreasonable Li Yalin started a new round of offense.

Crusader and Griffin Knight’s land-air combination cooperates tacitly. Griffin Knight often dives first, and then Crusader starts to clear a fish that escaped the net later, so the efficiency can be said to be Greatly improved.

In this way, Li Yalin’s army reaped the lives of Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment mercilessly, but at this time, Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment did not completely reduce morale, and there was no deserter. They were dumbfounded. There was no trace of expression in his eyes, only the mechanical charge still attacked.

“This…Is this war…” At this time, on a hillside, everyone hiding in the safe place was already stunned. At this time, Kei stammered even when talking. power.

It’s not that the people present have never seen killings. Some people have even committed suicide. But seeing slices and slices of people falling down like cutting wheat, this is everyone’s first Saw once. After all, tens of thousands of soldiers were killed, not chickens. Even if tens of thousands of chickens were killed in front of you, I believe you will feel a little uncomfortable, right?

At this time, the battlefield is nearing its end. Under the merciless killing of Li Yalin’s Invincible Units, the cavalry of Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment has been killed and wounded, but at this time, the battlefield has been killed. The Red Lotus Cavalries in twos and threes stood up, like zombies, slowly starting a new round of attack.

“Undead Magic!” Li Yalin’s eyes narrowed. Although I felt something was wrong for a long time, I didn’t expect these Red Lotus Cavalries to have Undead Magic in them. No wonder from the very beginning of the cavalry. The action seems very stiff, now it seems that it should be Dark Magic like the central wisdom Magic.

But now that the cavalry have become zombies, it is easier to deal with them. At this time, Priest and Arch Mages have exerted unexpected battle strength. Undead killer Magic is frequently used, and he just stood up. Knight zombies fell to the ground one after another after being hit by the Undead killer.

At the same time, in order to prevent Necromancer from causing trouble, Li Yalin immediately used Ascension Carol. The level of Ascension Carol has reached MAX. It is already a large area of ​​Undead, and there are countless corpses. After the Magic inscription appeared, they were all scattered into light spots and dissipated in the air.

The corpses of 30,000 people are not a small number. In addition to the powerful energy needed to save so many corpses, Li Yalin’s Spiritual Power also consumes very difficult to deal with, which is displayed in Ascension Carol. After that, Li Yalin was already tired of gasping for breath.

“Really, what are you doing so desperately?” Rei wiped the sweat from his forehead for Li Yalin, and Rei complained a little bit.

“Hehe, there is no way. If this is not the case, these Warriors will have trouble after death.” Li Yalin smiled tiredly, but there was more pride in his heart.

“Okay, everyone knows that you are amazing! But this time it was really a bit unexpected. It seems that this rebellion is not simple. Such a large-scale Undead Magic is not an ordinary Necromancer. It can be displayed. It seems that we have met our opponents this time.” At this time, Saeko gently lifted up Li Yalin, but her brows were very tight. After all, this reminded her of being in her original world. Zombies too.

“Yes, Nymph, can you find out the location of this Necromancer?” Li Yalin nodded, and then instructed Nymph.

“I see, the search mode is on, and the search is in progress…” After Nymph agreed, he began to investigate the remaining Undead breath in the battlefield.

“I will try it too, although I don’t know if it works.” Galatea also started Yoki perception. Although he is not familiar with the energy of this World, the breath of Undead and the breath of Yoma Somewhat similar, Galatea can still perceive the breath that belongs to Dark Element on February 1st.

Speaking of Galatea, she is the only Warrior who did not stay in the Evolved Space. She was summoned out by Li Yalin because she needed her search ability, but she did not send Galatea back. Evolved Space, after all, Galatea can also play a big role on the battlefield.

“Master, there is more than one Necromancer breath here. The breath is very mixed and it is not easy to distinguish, but what is certain is that there are three hidden in the Crazy Wolf Regiment not far from here. Necromancer.” Soon, Nymph finished searching, but her answer was to let Li Yalin brows tightly frowns.

“Nymph is right, but in Crazy Wolf Regiment, apart from Necromancer, there are several strange breaths. Although I don’t know what the other party is, it is definitely not a human being.” Galatea on the side continued to add.

“What about Violent Wave Regiment and Storm Regiment? Is there a Necromancer among these two Legions?” Touching his chin, Li Yalin was already in a state of deep thought.

“Necromancer was not found among these two Legions, but…” Nymph said hesitantly.

“But what?” Li Yalin raised his brows and motioned for Nymph to speak.

“But there is a strange aura in Violent Wave Regiment and Storm Regiment. Although ordinary soldiers are fine, it seems that there is one in the body of the Regiment Commander and the commander. A weird energy is at work, but the distance is too far, and the search is not very clear.” Nymph said a little frustrated.

“You are not to blame, but now our goal is Crazy Wolf Regiment. Only by catching the three Necromancers can we solve our doubts.” Li Yalin touched Nymph’s hair , Comforted the opponent with a very gentle voice, and then Li Yalin commanded Legion and began to assemble the formation.

“younger brother…the soldiers…” At this time Rose and the others have returned to the team. The scene just now has been seen by everyone, and the dead soldiers have become zombies. , This surprised everyone.

“Necromancer’s masterpiece, Elder Sister Rose, I guess this is not a simple rebellion. It seems that some black hands have penetrated into the Milley Kingdom, Heavenly Wind Continent’s day-it’s going to change.” Li Yalin With a long sigh, the Dark Clan’s incident has just come to an end, and Church is quite honest now. Didn’t expect the Undead System to come out and cause trouble again. It’s really a moment of peace and no peace.

“Aren’t the Necromancers on the continent registered? Generally speaking, these Necromancers will not interfere with the affairs of various countries, and such a large-scale controlling army has triggered rebellions. Isn’t Necromancer afraid of being wanted by the whole continent?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Lynn on the side already shouted out in surprise.

After all, elves who worship nature are very hostile to Necromancer. In the eyes of elves, birth, aging, sickness and death are a natural process, and what Necromancer does is to blaspheme the dead. Lynn, who is Elf Race Princess, naturally doesn’t like Necromancer.

“I am afraid that the other party is not any Necromancer registered on the continent. These Necromancers should be specially cultivated by certain forces, or some Necromancers formed into small groups. After all, the Necromancers who have not been registered must have Without the recognition on the continent, everyone generally hates this Necromancer.” At this time, Saya made the above analysis.

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