“That’s right, but what we have to do now is to catch those Necromancers and see if we can lift the curse they cast on the soldiers. These damn guys are so cunning and vicious, if it weren’t for Red Wings. The corpse of the cavalry became zombies, and we still can’t discover the mystery!” At this time, Li Yalin spit out bitterly. In the previous battle, Li Yalin just thought about how to fight this battle well. Without carefully observing whether there was anything wrong with the opponent, so many soldiers were killed now, which really made Li Yalin angry.

“Alright Yalin, now that we have discovered the cause, then we have to solve this problem, and those Necromancers are the key to solving the problem! You have to maintain a good attitude, after all, you are our backbone! “Saber noticed that Li Yalin’s mood was a bit wrong, and he could see that Li Yalin felt guilty for the cavalry who died in battle, so Saber patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, some comfort and some encouragement.

“I understand, but I said Toria. I didn’t have time to say just now. You are the commander of the army. You brought the cavalry forward and charged. What about the soldiers behind? I said…” Nodded, but Li Yalin immediately remembered how Saber led the charge, but before Li Yalin could finish talking to Saber, Saber had already explained.

“Yalin, let me tell you this, I am not the commander of this army, but you are. My mission is to protect you, assist you, and make you grow faster and faster Development, I will not consider other things. I did charge this time, but don’t you still command the troops who took over the command right? You have to remember how you feel today. I believe you can be a better player. My better king!” After explaining, Saber smiled slightly mysterious moved towards Li Yalin.

“Are you saying that you charge this time for me?” Li Yalin said in disbelief. He thought that Saber went on horse and hacked people with his blood, didn’t expect little lion Actually started playing tricks.

As for Li Yalin’s question, Saber did not answer, instead he turned around and started dispatching the army, while the women on the side were all laughing and covering their mouths.

“This…the whole army is going! Head in the direction of Crazy Wolf Regiment!” After Li Yalin was a little depressed, he immediately commanded the assembled troops and moved towards Crazy Wolf Regiment, but Along the way, Li Yalin thought more.

Saber is right. He also needs to study hard. In the next battle with Crazy Wolf Regiment’s, Li Yalin must consider the problem of ordinary soldiers in Legion. Naturally, High-Level officers need not say. But if the 200,000 army is controlled, then there will be enough Li Yalin to be busy.

Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment is not too far away from Crazy Wolf Regiment, about two hundred kilometers away, in less than half a day, the troops led by Li Yalin and the others are already close I was within the range of Crazy Wolf Regiment’s march, but in order to avoid beat the grass to scare the snake, Li Yalin decided to temporarily station the defense line, first to detect the enemy, and then decide how to go next.

“Master, I checked it out. The 200,000 people on the opposite side are all in the same state as the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment we encountered before. It looks like they should all be in Magic. However, these three Necromancers are all in the same state as the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment. It is in the very center of the army, all around are the sharpest Experts in the entire Legion. And the strange breaths around them have also been explored. They are unknown lifeforms that have never been seen before. After testing, they have proved their body energy. After reaching Seventh Rank, the skin hardness is similar to that of Giant Dragon. The comprehensive conclusion is that the opponent should be good at close combat, but the information is not complete and needs to be further investigated.” After the investigation, Li Yalin’s Chief Investigator Nymph began to conduct results on Li Yalin. Report, but after getting the results, Li Yalin and the others frowned slightly.

“200,000 people have been in Magic? Who did it? Could it be that Necromancer of Supreme Rank made the shot?” Li Yalin said in a somewhat unbelievable way.

“Impossible! Supreme Rank is just a legendary existence, how could there be a Supreme Expert sincerely dealing with our Milley Kingdom!” Rose denied Li Yalin’s words. Not to mention Supreme Expert, in Rose’s perception, Seventh Rank Expert is already standing on top of each Class, while Saint Rank Expert is a living Legendary. If there is a Supreme standing in front of her, I guess Killing her will not believe it.

“If it weren’t for Supreme Expert, then the number of Necromancers participating in this operation is really not a small number!” Saya shook the head, said with a sigh.

“No matter how many people there are, we should take care of our eyes. These three Necromancers are obviously one of the main messengers. After catching them, we can learn a lot of information, so now we have to implement decapitation tactics. Now, just grab those Necromancers directly!” Li Yalin looked like it should be by rights.

“That’s good, it would be best if it doesn’t cause a lot of casualties.” After learning that the soldiers on the opposite side were controlled by their minds, Saber didn’t want to fight these innocent soldiers very much. Up.

“Well, now I have arranged it. I am definitely going to take part in this battle, but I am definitely not enough, so which beauty will execute with me What about this Quest?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then said slightly frivolously.

“You guy, you know to be the one to blame, but since you have said so, then I can’t go if I don’t?” What made Li Yalin didn’t expect was that Yuriko was the first to decide to participate.

“Yuriko Aunt, stop making trouble, you know I won’t let you go.” Li Yalin said somewhat helplessly.

“Then you mean I’m not a beauty?” Yuriko raised his brows, and looked like you said “No” to take a look.

“How can I? Yuriko Aunt is a great beauty, but Yuriko Aunt, you also know that you are not very good at fighting, can you stop teasing me!” For Yuriko’s teasing, Li Yalin only smiles wryly的 Ge Rao.

“Okay, mother, don’t tease Yalin. In fact, this action doesn’t require too many people, but if there are fewer people, you will definitely not be able to take care of it, so this time you can count on me. “After a bit of complaining moved towards Yuriko, Saya was the first to participate in this operation.

However, afterwards, all the women decided to act with Li Yalin, which made Li Yalin a little helpless. Li Yalin said that Rika-nee was barely a blocker, and it was also necessary to participate in this operation. Forget it, Shizuka-nee, what are you going to join in the fun? You are so soft-hearted, no matter how strong you are, you won’t be able to escape the fate of the nanny, so you’d better be quiet for me.

In the end, Li Yalin has finalized the candidates to participate in the operation. Saber, whose mission is to protect Li Yalin, will definitely participate. Saya and Rei, Saeko and Asami will also be the main players in this operation. . After deciding on the candidates, everyone completed their weapons and armors. After Li Yalin’s gave an order, all of them soared into the sky and directly moved towards Crazy Wolf Regiment’s and flew over.

But I also want to make it clear here that originally Saber did not have wings, which made Saber embarrassed, so Li Yalin hurriedly exchanged Saber for a Seraph’s Wings, which allowed Saber to have air combat. ability.

“There are so many Angels around Elder Brother Yalin, but when did Elder Sister Saya, Elder Sister Rei, and Elder Sister Toria all become Angels? There are also Elder Sister Saeko and Elder Sister Asami , What are the two rings behind them?” Sally, standing still standing still, couldn’t help but sigh with Rose, seeing Li Yalin, Saber and the other girls flying into the sky.

“Yes, the younger brother is always so unfathomable, and the girls around him are also so powerful. In comparison, we seem really useless.” Rose is also long. With a sigh, there was a sense of loneliness in his eyes.

“Who said you are useless? In Yalin’s eyes, you are all unique and unmatched. You must not undervalue oneself.” Seeing Rose’s sighed, Yuriko stepped forward and stroked it. Rose’s long hair, then said comfortingly.

“Yuriko Aunt…” When Yuriko said that, Rose was even more aggrieved and fell on Yuriko’s chest. Rose really feels a lot of pressure. The girls around Li Yalin are all like that Excellent, Rose really needs to be comforted by others at this time.

Speaking of Li Yalin and the others, Li Yalin can already clearly feel the breath of Necromancer in the middle of Crazy Wolf Regiment’s while flying high in the sky. The sky is already slightly dark at this time. Crazy Wolf Regiment all stopped marching, but to Li Yalin’s surprise, the entire Legion army didn’t even bury pots for cooking. They just sat on the ground as a rest.

Be aware that the soldiers of Crazy Wolf Regiment’s are all living people. They are not like Li Yalin’s Invincible Units. They can act only by relying on energy. If the soldiers don’t eat and get nourishment, it’s Simply can’t last a few days, what exactly do these Necromancers think, are they all just looking at them?

Although he was puzzled, there was no more time for Li Yalin to think about it. In the tent of the Chinese Army, three Necromancers were eating he he. They didn’t expect that these guys were so interested, and it seemed that they were not like the orthodox Necromancer. You must know that Necromancer is known for being staid, rigorous, and gloomy. It is the first time for Li Yalin to be a Necromancer like them. Have seen.

But again, about Necromancer’s knowledge, Li Yalin also learned from books. Except for the dark Necromancer of Riful, the black belly loli Class Change, Li Yalin is still I saw Necromancer for the first time, and Li Yalin got insights immediately after seeing it.

Thanks to the “fake” gangster, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, the beating of tigers, and the memory of stardust, I cut off your JJ, Jian Linghuan, I really want to read this good book, Pandora V Pluto for your reward.

Speaking of today’s three-shift, please support for ticket subscriptions… (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, support Author, support genuine reading!)

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