Rei, who has reached the Saint Rank Low-Level strength, displayed this angry blow with incomparable natural power. Even if the opponent’s Evil Spirit Knight has already summoned all his energy to resist, it is because of the Light and Darkness attribute. Sexuality, Evil Spirit Knight was finally annihilated in Rei’s Sacred Flame. And at the same time, as the Sacred Flame made a huge explosion, the soldiers nearby were all startled.

Although the mind was controlled by the control, the soldiers of Crazy Wolf Regiment’s faithfully performed their mission. With the three Necromancers being controlled, the soldiers still maintained it spontaneously. After the formation, they started moving towards Li Yalin and moved towards Li Yalin.

“Happened! Rei! do it quickly!” The soldiers who saw all around were shocked, and didn’t want to hurt these innocent soldiers, Li Yalin had to choose to quickly kill these Evil Spirit Knights, although These Evil Spirit Knights are all Seventh Rank Peak Experts, but after Li Yalin put on Zeus God Cloth, the powerful Divine Might has made the remaining three Evil Spirit Knights unable to move even a little bit.

At this moment is a good opportunity to attack. Under the Might Strike issued by Li Yalin Ragnarok, the two Evil Spirit Knights opposite Li Yalin were instantly brought to the ground, and Rei also took this opportunity , A light burst accurately hit the last Evil Spirit Knight.

Although the Evil Spirit Knights were not killed directly, they had completely lost their combat capability at this time, and Li Yalin immediately stepped forward to find the strongest Evil Spirit. In Knight’s arms, Li Yalin found a small spar exuding evil aura. After getting the target Item, Li Yalin and Rei were not in love with each other, and directly used Dimensional Jump to return to Saber and the others.

“How? Did you get it?” When Li Yalin and the others came back, Saya asked Li Yalin anxiously.

“Successful, now that the entire Legion has been alarmed, let’s evacuate first.” After Li Yalin nodded, he began preparations for evacuation.

But at this time the entire Legion has entered combat mode, a large number of soldiers began to move towards Li Yalin and their camps attacked. If they retreat by flying now, they will definitely expose the target, when The time comes A big battle is inevitable.

Since air retreat is not possible, then Li Yalin and the others will have to use other moves. You must know that the God’s Ring behind Saeko and Asami are not decorations, but they can carry a team of people for space transfer , And it just came in handy now. So Saeko took three Necromancer and Rei, and Asami took Li Yalin, Saber and Saya. At the same time, Teleportation was turned on. After a huge Magic Array appeared on the ground, Li Yalin and them disappeared instantly. In the camp.

After returning to Li Yalin and their troops, Saeko and Rei threw the three Necromancers on the ground, but the sudden appearance of Li Yalin shocked everyone. Just now Everyone saw the commotion in Crazy Wolf Regiment, and after seeing Li Yalin and them return safely, everyone huffed around.

“younger brother, are you okay?” Rose was the first to pounce on Li Yalin’s side, looking concerned, but at this time Li Yalin’s Zeus God Cloth hasn’t taken off yet. This is gorgeous. And the majestic armor instantly stopped Rose. From Li Yalin’s body, Rose could feel a faint coercion, which was stronger than the pressure when facing his Royal Father. Now in Rose’s eyes, Li Yalin seems to be the god of aloof and remote, which is beyond expectation.

“It’s okay, Elder Sister Rose.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but Li Yalin soon noticed Rose’s anomaly, and Li Yalin immediately thought that he could still wear God Cloth on his body, so Li Yalin Yalin quickly took off Zeus God Cloth and reduced his breath to a minimum, so that he was back to normal.

“Elder Brother Yalin…Are you… God?” At this time, Sally was not as lively as usual. Although Sally is naughty and cute, it does not mean she is stupid. I saw Sally at this time. He asked Li Yalin hesitantly.

“Do you ask that?” Touching Sally’s head, Li Yalin laughed dumbfounded. Although he was only an alternate god, he was far away from the true god by vast distance.

“But look, Elder Brother Yalin, you and other elder sisters all have Angel’s wings, and you have six pairs of wings just now, then Elder Brother Yalin, you are not Lord God. Huh? And Elder Sister Toria, aren’t they just like your confidant?” Didn’t expect Sally to say something, although not comprehensive.

After Li Yalin puts on Zeus God Cloth, his Seraph’s Wings will fuse with the wings behind God Cloth to form six pairs of pure white wings, but the wings emit bursts of light Halo, it looks even more beautiful. In this way, the wings behind Li Yalin are like his own, completely different from the wings that God Cloth comes with.

“Don’t think about it. There is nothing. In fact, the so-called gods are just relatively powerful beings. As long as you work hard, you can also become gods. Simply don’t have to deal with those so-called gods. What a sense of fear.” Knowing that if you don’t explain it well, Sally and the others will definitely have some shadows in the heart, which is not what Li Yalin wants to see, so Li Yalin quickly comforted Sally.

“Big Brother Lin, you have a tendency to blaspheme when you say that. Our Elf Goddess is our mother, although we hate other gods…” said these words in Li Yalin Later, Lynn, who worshipped nature and Elf Goddess, put forward a different opinion. Although he didn’t want to refute Li Yalin, Lynn couldn’t help but say something stammering.

“Sorry, Lynn, I didn’t mean to slander Elf Goddess. I just stated my own opinion. In fact, I am not denying the gods. I just think it is better not to fear the gods too much. “I noticed that Lynn’s complexion was a bit bad, Li Yalin quickly apologized to Lynn, after all, everyone has everyone’s beliefs, and Li Yalin can’t impose his views on others.

“hee hee, it’s nothing, I believe the kind-hearted Elf Goddess won’t care, because Elf Goddess is really easy-going and approachable. Every time I talk to her, I’m very Happy.” Lynn stuck out a little playful tongue. For Li Yalin’s apology, Lynn felt very happy.

“Lynn, have you met Elf Goddess?” At this time, Sally looked at Lynn with surprise.

“Of course, my mother and I have seen Elf Goddess. As long as the elves bred on Elves Ancient Tree, we have the right to meet Elf Goddess.” Lynn said A secret that surprised everyone.

“Lynn, are you the elf bred on Elves Ancient Tree?” Everyone was surprised.

“Of course, every generation of Elf Empress is bred from Elves Ancient Tree, my mother is like this, and I am like this too.” Lynn is as it should be by rights.

“Then what about your father?” Sally asked quickly, this topic aroused Sally’s curiosity.

“I don’t have a father. If I have a father, it may be Elves Ancient Tree, but Elves Ancient Tree can also be regarded as my mother.” When it comes to Elves Ancient Tree, Lynn seems right It has a very difficult feeling.

“In this case, Elf Empress is not like your elder sister?” Saya’s raised her brows. She couldn’t understand the principle of this. Human-like life can be born from trees. ? This is too illusory, right? Although since the outbreak of Resident Evil, what Saya has experienced every day is very fantasy.

“The same can be said, but the time when the life of Elves Ancient Tree was born is not regular. Sometimes it will be born once in three thousand years, and sometimes it will be born once in a thousand years. I was born in Mother It was born a thousand years after ascending the throne,” Lynn said proudly.

“A thousand years, it’s really unimaginable.” Rei said with a sigh, although clearly know to oneself that will obtain immortality, but now only 18 years old Rei simply can’t imagine himself living for a thousand years Afterwards. However, as long as Li Yalin is there, everything is not a problem. I have given my whole heart to Li Yalin’s Rei. I am convinced that Li Yalin will accompany him forever, whether it is for thousands of years or for thousands of years.

“Yes, a thousand years, but whether it’s a thousand years or ten thousand years, we will be together forever…” Seeing the rolling love in Rei’s eyes, Li Yalin couldn’t help it. The front hugged Rei’s lovable body, but Li Yalin’s action made the girls present so much that they coughed continuously.

“Cough cough, I digressed as I talked, but now let’s see what this thing is.” Li Yalin, who reacted, took out from lightly coughed. The spar ball found in the hands of Evil Spirit Knight is for everyone to study.

“Nymph, this is still your field, you can check it out, and Yuriko Aunt, the identification of this is your expertise, let’s take a look with Nymph.” Everyone researched together. For a long time, apart from the very evil Undead aura that could be felt from it, no strangeness was felt, so Li Yalin could only give this thing to experts in appraisal.

Speaking of Yuriko, she is unparalleled in terms of identification. After all, she has redeemed Leonardo da Vinci’s genes and Scholar with the inherited skill of Appraisal Code. For this kind of unknown Item, Yuriko is the best. Have a say.

“Master, I checked it out. There are a lot of Undead Energy in this spar, and there are dozens of Magic Circuits inside, but I can’t find out what these Magic Circuits do. There is no record in .” After scanning the spar ball, Nymph gave this answer.

Three more sent to ~~~

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