“Legendary-Grade Magic Item ——Sigh of the Undead, it needs auxiliary supplies Soul Devouring Insect before it can be used. The function is to manipulate humans or wild beasts parasitized by Soul Devouring Insect on a large scale, but requires the Magic of the Undead System Power can maintain its effect. I can only find out so much. No matter how specific it is, I can’t do anything.” After Nymph finished speaking, Yuriko also told everyone the results of his identification. This is very important information, but In this way, more problems arise.

“Soul Devouring Insect? In this way, this thing controls the entire Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment and Crazy Wolf Regiment? But even if it is controlled, someone will have to direct it. These insects You won’t have the wisdom comparable to humans, right?” At this time, Saya raised her own question.

“Indeed, there must be something or someone controlling the Soul Devouring Insect of the soldiers within the body, but now we simply don’t know who the other party is. What is the motive, it’s hard to do this time. After touching his chin, Li Yalin lightly sigh. The more he understands, the more puzzles will appear, but now Li Yalin can only peel the onion layer by layer, like peeling an onion. Only then can we see the truth hidden in it.

“Then now our goal is to focus on these three Necromancers, this timid guy and his friends will not say anything about it, the hard-mouthed guy must know a lot of things, let’s think How to pry his mouth open.” Saeko put forward his own suggestion, which was then unanimously affirmed by everyone.

Now all the goals are focused on this hard-mouthed Necromancer, but at this time this hard-mouthed guy has passed out because he can’t stand the severe pain in his arm, and there are only two gangsters left. Necromancer slumped on the ground and shivered.

Seeing this situation, Li Yalin directly cast a Healing Spell on the body of the hard-mouthed Necromancer, but unexpectedly, after receiving the Healing Spell, the Necromancer seemed to be lit by sulfuric acid. , Smoke came out unexpectedly. In this way, Necromancer woke up, but because his Undead Magic Power conflicted with Light Element’s Healing Spell, Necromancer’s injury seemed to be more serious.

“Ara? I’m sorry, I forgot that Necromancer can’t stand Healing Spell. You see this is a mess, don’t forget to go to your heart.” Although Li Yalin said sorry, However, Li Yalin didn’t show his sorry expression at all. After filling this Necromancer with a bottle of Light Healing Potion, Necromancer recovered a little.

“Now I start asking you questions, of course, you can choose not to answer, but accordingly, you can imagine your fate.” Li Yalin slightly smiled at Necromancer, but he said it out The words made Necromancer shudder. At this time, Li Yalin’s smile was almost like Demon, full of danger and temptation.

“I…what did I not say…you Demon!” said the stiff Necromancer trembling with fear.

“It feels really subtle to be called Demon by a Necromancer. But I don’t have time to chat with you. Let’s talk, who gave you this Sigh of the Undead?” Li Yalin Shrugged, but his problem was to start Necromancer.

“How do you know Undead’s sigh?” Necromancer asked with some horror.

“I know a lot, hurry up and answer my question.” Li Yalin’s eyes twitched, as if I would be tortured if you didn’t say anything.

“I don’t know!” At this time, Necromancer was still reluctant to say.

“I don’t know, do you? I think you know it!” After that, Li Yalin raised his hand is a Healing Spell, although Li Yalin has suppressed the effect of Healing Spell to the weakest, but Necromancer He still couldn’t stand the damage brought to him by Light Element Magic. After being enveloped by the light of Healing Spell, Necromancer began to roll around with smoke all over his body, but this guy’s mouth was so hard that he still refused to say a word. .

“Aiya, I’m really a bit stubborn, then Saya, give him a Sacred Flame to taste. This is a good thing that can burn Undead Energy. I guess your soul will be burned. “After Li Yalin finished speaking, Saya immediately displayed a pinch of Sacred Flame the size of a lighter flame. The Sacred Flame can be controlled so finely. Among the girls who can use Sacred Flame, there is only Saya this Magic.

“No…Don’t…” Looking at the Sacred Flame on Saya’s fingers, Necromancer has instinctively felt fear, the burning of his soul, this is not something I can try. At this time, Necromancer No longer caring about other things, he hurriedly begged for mercy.

“If you don’t want to taste it, tell me the truth. As long as you tell the truth, you don’t have to suffer.” Li Yalin said seductively.

“No, if I say it, I’ll be dead!” Necromancer’s face is still full of fear, but his mouth is not as hard as before.

“If you don’t say anything, you will die now.” Li Yalin continued, how evil his expression looks.

“It’s not that I don’t want to say it, I really can’t say it. I’m not afraid of death, but I’m afraid I won’t be peaceful after I die. They are experts in playing with the soul. If I say it now, then my soul will surely be treated as a toy forever!” At this time Necromancer was already a little hysterical, and it seemed that he was really scared.

“Necromancer’s Class is to play with the soul. Since you are playing with the Soul Necromancer, then you should have the consciousness that the soul is being played with!” Li Yalin hates this kind of guy the most, so Li Yalin simply doesn’t Give this Necromancer a good face.

“I was originally not a Necromancer. In fact, I was originally a Dark Element Mage of the Fourth Rank. When I was walking around the continent, I was suddenly caught and transformed into a Necromancer. In fact, I was Necromancer was not my intention, but I was also forced!” At this time, Necromancer explained helplessly.

“Oh? Really? But no matter what your reason is, now you are already an accomplice of take the side of the evil-doer. If you didn’t say anything, please answer my question quickly. Don’t think that the other person is the only one. Will play with the soul.” As he said, Li Yalin instantly disappeared in place. After Li Yalin appeared, there was already a Demon Beast corpse in his hand. After throwing the corpse to the ground, Li Yalin used it. Necromancy learned before.

I saw Skeleton, holding a bone knife and a bone shield in one hand, staggered out of the body of Demon Beast, but what made Li Yalin a little puzzled was that this Necromancy, whether it was Whether it’s a human corpse or Demon Beast’s corpse, even the corpse of a mouse can summon a Human Skeleton? It’s totally illogical.

However, Li Yalin’s Necromancy completely stunned Necromancer. Didn’t expect this person who can display Light Magic can actually use the Magic of Undead System, and it seems that the level is not low. Human Skeleton can be summoned from different kinds of corpses. How powerful is it to do it?

“You…you…you…” Necromancer has been speechless for a long time, but it seems that he has been completely stunned by Li Yalin. At this time, he has bowed his head dejectedly, and he seems to have Resigned.

“How is it? Can you tell me now?” Li Yalin still looked at Necromancer with a smile, but Necromancer no longer had the courage to resist. He just took what he knew One by one has all been said.

“Actually, I was just a wandering Fourth Rank Dark Element Mage. Although Dark Element Mage is very popular among some Lords or Great Influences, this Class is generally not liked by ordinary people. After all, Darkness represents evil and destruction. Everyone has rumored that as long as I stay with Dark Mage for a long time, I will be controlled by Dark Magic. And I don’t like doing things under the hands of others, so I just lived alone and wandered. Life.” Faintly sighed, Necromancer began to briefly introduce himself, and Li Yalin and the others were listening quietly.

“On that day, I was resting in a forest. Since my strength was pretty good, I fell asleep in a quiet corner of the forest without any precautions. But after I woke up, I found myself lying on a stone bed, and all around were all gloomy bones, and even the lights of all around were cyan phosphorous fires burning above the bones, and I At the same time, I also found that my dark Magic Power is completely gone, and all that is left is the Undead Magic Power that makes me sick.” At this point, Necromancer choked up. Look, this bad luck guy really hates Undead. Magic.

“Next, I was led by a group of black clothed persons and watched various punishments. It was really a nightmare of a lifetime. They told me that as long as I had a strange heart, I was The curse cast will happen, and when the time comes the next person to be tortured will be me. Then, a black clothed person at the head told me the next job, that is to follow this Crazy Wolf Regiment, except for the leader In addition to the other two Necromancers, our Quest is to add Undead Magic Power to Undead’s sigh. As for the other Quests, we will not continue to deliver until we arrive at the designated location.” Necromancer briefly told the story. However, what he said made everyone frowned again, and there was no useful information at all. This kind of answer would have no effect on Li Yalin and the others.

“How much do you know about that Soul Devouring Insect?” Li Yalin asked Necromancer again.

“I don’t know much about this Soul Devouring Insect. I only know that Soul Devouring Insect and Undead’s sighs complement each other to control soldiers, but I heard that this Soul Devouring Insect has an Insect Queen. The people above are using Insect Queen to control the soldiers, but due to the limited number of Soul Devouring Insects, it seems that after only controlling the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment and Crazy Wolf Regiment, it is not enough.” Necromancer replied.

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