“Oh? Putting it that way, the soldiers of Violent Wind and Storm two regiments were not controlled?” Hearing Necromancer’s words, Li Yalin’s heart was relieved a lot.

“Yes, I heard that only the High-Level management above the Centurion of these two Legions were controlled, and the remaining soldiers just obeyed orders.” Necromancer gave a positive answer.

“In this case, it is very good, but is there a way to crack this Soul Devouring Insect? Since it is a parasite, there should be something to restrain these Soul Devouring Insect?” Li Yalin continued to ask.

“I don’t know about this, but all soldiers parasitized by Soul Devouring Insect should be incurable. As long as the parasitized humans or wild beasts, there is only one way to death. Moreover, after death, the parasite will become the zombies of the Undead System, without any rationality, all it will have is obeying orders and killing.” At this time, Necromancer’s words made everyone’s hearts instantly cold.

“Why is this…” Rose covered her mouth with some disbelief. If it was a rebellion before, killing opponents would be acceptable, but these innocent soldiers who were parasitic Is there really no way to help them?

“Damn it!” Li Yalin slammed a fist on the ground. The huge force made the whole earth tremble three times, and the unconscious power of anger exploded, causing Necromancer to kneel on her knees. The ground trembled, and the low-strength Sally, the others, and Li Yalin’s students were a little trembling.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Seeing everyone who was shiver coldly, Li Yalin quickly curbed his imposing manner, but now Li Yalin is really angry and provoked the war. People must die. More than 200,000 lives have become their item so cruelly?

“But what should we do now? There is a Legion soldier here. Can’t we just let it go?” Saya said hesitantly at this time.

“Never let it go, but what should we do? I don’t have a clue at all now.” Li Yalin said with some distress.

“Yalin is not good, Crazy Wolf Regiment’s soldiers are beginning to mutate!” At this moment, Galatea, who had been sensing the movements of Crazy Wolf Regiment, reported to Li Yalin in a little panic.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yalin asked quickly.

“The soldiers in Legion began to mutate in large numbers. They felt a bit like the zombies in the Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment battle, but they were slightly different. Now I feel that these mutated soldiers are more Those Red Lotus Cavalry Regiment zombies are much stronger, and ordinary soldiers have the strength of the Third Rank.” After continuing to perceive for a while, Galatea’s face has changed a little.

“What?” Everyone present was shocked. Two hundred thousand Third Rank soldiers? What is this concept? You must know that ordinary soldiers are only capable of reaching First-Rank Low-Level, and some can’t even enter the ranks. Even so, the army of 200,000 is scary enough. Now there are two. One hundred thousand Third Rank opponent? How will this battle be fought?

Of course, those who have the above thoughts are Roses who don’t know Li Yalin and their true strength, like Li Yalin, although they are a little surprised, but they didn’t take this issue seriously, let Li Yalin Somewhat uncomfortable is that originally intended to save these innocent soldiers, but now it seems that it is too late. The zombie soldiers cannot be restored to humans at all. What Li Yalin they can do now is only It’s time to overtake them.

“There is no way, kill it.” Li Yalin reluctantly gave this order. The women present understood Li Yalin’s helplessness, so everyone was just silently nodded and took it out. With their respective weapons, they began to command Li Yalin’s forces.

Since the opponent is the 200,000 Third Rank army, the Low-Rank Unit is useless. After communicating with Feifei, Li Yalin waved his hand and directly summoned out of the Evolved Space. With five Green Dragon, Golden Dragon, Red Dragon and Black Dragon, after 20 Giant Dragons appeared, Rose and the others were completely stunned by the huge Dragon’s Might.

After summon got out of Giant Dragon, Li Yalin then got out 100 Knights of Sixth Rank High-Level. Together with the previous 100 Knights, there are a total of 200 people. These Knights It belongs to Saber to lead it. You know, this is all of Li Yalin’s Knights. In fact, Li Yalin didn’t have so many High-Level Knights originally. After Li Yalin was upgraded from the existing cavalry, he barely made up two hundred people. As for the remaining Units, Li Yalin didn’t let them play, just let them protect Rose and the others. With these twenty Giant Dragons and two hundred Knights, plus Li Yalin and the others, they can completely handle the twenty in front of them. Thousand zombies army.

“These Giant Dragons…” Although I saw that Li Yalin summon had come out of Golden Dragon, everyone didn’t expect that Li Yalin still had so many Giant Dragons. At this time, Maca was already sitting down. On the ground, I don’t know what to say. Although Kiruvere beside Maca didn’t say a word, his eyes were full of enthusiasm for the Giant Dragon flying in the sky. After all, Dragon Knight is the ultimate dream of every Knight, even the iceberg man Kiruvere is no exception. .

“Have you seen it? Twenty Giant Dragons, Teacher Yalin is really great generosity.” Although Kei was surprised at this time, the sense of pride in their hearts was even greater. Li Yalin was theirs. Teacher, Kei and the others are naturally more excited when they see that their teacher has such a powerful strength.

At this time, the Giant Dragons flying in the sky have already begun the first wave of attacks. After all, Giant Dragon’s flight speed is still very fast. A wave of Dragon’s Breath moved towards zombies and sprayed past.

Zombies who are only the Third Rank can’t resist the mighty Dragon’s Breath. At this time, the Giant Dragons are just like a fish in water, entering and exiting in and out of the 200,000 army as if no one Circumstances, often a Dragon’s Breath can blow at least hundreds of people. After being sprayed with the highly corrosive Dragon’s Breath, the zombie soldiers were either burnt to ashes or completely melted. For a while, the battlefield exuded a disgusting smell.

After the Giant Dragon invaded successfully, Saber immediately led two hundred Knights to charge, and then followed Saber to charge. At this time, Li Yalin, together with Shizuka and Rei, started to cast the Magic spell of the Healing System. The Magic of the Healing System showed quite powerful attack power in the crowd of zombies.

Especially Li Yalin’s Healing Carol. As soon as a large-scale Healing Magic comes out, the zombies will be emptied instantly, and Shizuka, Rei’s High-Level Group Healing and Light Blast S are all killing zombies. Powerful spell, after Li Yalin and the others shot, the speed of killing zombies has increased a lot.

Even so, the 200,000 army does not mean that the army will be killed after killing. The whole battle lasted for nearly an hour before it was considered to be over, and at this time the entire battlefield was no longer available. Hell to describe it. The stench in the air, the stumps and broken arms everywhere, and the burning corpses after Dragon’s Breath sprayed, all confided to people the tragic war.

After the battle, Li Yalin stood there silently, looking at his hands. Unconsciously, his hands were already stained with blood. If there is no crossing before, if someone and Li Yalin are If you say that, Li Yalin will definitely not believe it, and now…

“This is war, you have to understand, although these soldiers are innocent, but if we don’t get rid of the zombies Soldiers, then there will be more innocent victims. Many things are a last resort, just like me. If I choose to choose again, I may not pick up the sword in the stone, nor will I Become a king, but after I choose, then I will fulfill a responsibility as a king. Yalin you, now you must fulfill a responsibility as our Lord God!” As if understanding what Li Yalin’s was thinking, Saber stepped forward He patted Li Yalin’s shoulder lightly, and said to Li Yalin, half comforting and half teaching.

“Yes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If it were me before, I guess I wouldn’t have such distress, right? Everyday all is a flat life until birth, aging, Sickness and death, it’s just like an ordinary person. To be honest, I feel like I’m in a dream now. I’m really afraid that you will be gone after I wake up one day.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, but there are some Said self-deprecatingly.

“Don’t worry, we will be with you. Even if the entire world is destroyed, we will be by your side. Forever will not leave.” At this time Saber is also a little sad, although Killed countless zombies, but at this time Saber didn’t have a trace of blood on his body. After hugging Li Yalin lightly, Saber stood silently beside Li Yalin’s.

“Well, I’m just a little bit emotional, don’t make it seem like a goodbye to life and death, I have already said that I want to protect the girl I like, forever to make you happy.” Li Yalin Energetic, seeing the corpse in front of him, Li Yalin instantly equipment on Zeus God Cloth, using the energy of the whole body, began to cast Ascension Carol on a large scale, although he had to kill these soldiers, but in the end Li Yalin It is still necessary for them to leave with peace of mind and not allow the evil Necromancers to continue to play with the souls of the dead.

Looking at Li Yalin, who was brow beaded with sweat because he tried his best to save the dead, Saber’s mouth showed a sweet smile, but Saber did not continue to say anything, but stood silently on Li Yalin’s side, and Of course, Rei and Saeko could hear the conversation between Li Yalin and Saber. After smiling at each other, the women looked at Li Yalin silently. Everyone’s smiles were filled with sweetness and happiness.

To say that these two hundred thousand corpses are not a small number, Li Yalin has been exhausted by over 30,000 corpses before, and the figure of two hundred thousand is six times as much as before. How much, then the energy needed by Li Yalin is even more predictable.

Thanks to Pandora V Pluto, I really want to read this good book, Jian Linghuan, the hair is also a reward for killing people~~It seems that today, it seems that we can’t change three times… But tickets are still required…( To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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