At this time, Li Yalin really did his best. After drinking bottle after bottle of Magic Power Potion, Li Yalin finally overwhelmed all 200,000 corpses, but after the end, Li Yalin was already exhausted on the verge of collapse. Fortunately, Saber on the side was quick and quick. When Li Yalin was about to fall, he stepped forward and supported Li Yalin.

At this time, both Li Yalin’s own energy and Spiritual Power are seriously depleted. This is not something that can be recovered by taking potion. So everyone rested separately this evening. As for The problem of Violent Wind and Storm two regiments will be solved tomorrow.

After a night’s rest, Li Yalin finally recovered a lot of energy, and based on the distance, at this time, Violent Wave Regiment is only three days away from Milley Royal Capital. Storm Regiment is faster, it only takes about two days to reach Milley Royal Capital. After thinking a bit, Li Yalin decided to deal with Storm Regiment’s problem first.

After the army was pulled out, everyone was rushing along the way. There was no time for small talk, and they were just sullen and headed. Since everyone’s speed was originally fast, it would only take less time. In one day, Li Yalin’s troops had arrived at the pre-designated location.

To make a digression here, the three non-mainstream Necromancers are being watched by a squad Griffin Knight. During the march, these three guys were not treated so well, all of them were Being caught in the paws by Royal Griffin, they are overwhelmed by the roller coaster addiction this time.

“Now we can’t attack rashly. The opposing soldiers are not controlled, so there is room for relaxation. Our Main Quest is to get Storm Regiment’s Regiment Commander and high-level commanders. What do you think about this battle?” After the troops were stationed, Li Yalin first discussed with the women how to play this battle.

“Since this is the case, then we should only be smart. How about the previous methods of catching Necromancer? I think this method is quite good.” Rei first said his opinion It seems that she is very satisfied with yesterday’s successful battle.

“I don’t agree. Yesterday we were able to succeed so easily. There were many unexpected factors, especially Crazy Wolf Regiment’s soldiers were controlled. There is simply no ordinary person so vigilant. If this time rashly If you are dispatched, you may be spotted by the patrolling soldiers soon. And now the opponent’s Legion is still marching. If you want to use this method, you must wait until dark, but there is still some time before dark. If you want to act now, it must be like a perfect way.” Saya put forward a different opinion.

“Indeed, now the opposing army is still marching, our chances of starting are not great, but the high-level officers are too scattered, even if we use the previous method, we cannot guarantee the success of the battle. rate.” Li Yalin quite agrees with Saya’s opinion.

“Don’t forget Nymph, Nymph can hide us. In this way, we don’t have to worry about other problems. Only this problem of high-level officers is too scattered, we have to solve it.” At this time Saeko proposed Nymph’s ability, but everyone is right to think about it. Although Nymph is not outstanding in battle strength, other special abilities are not comparable to other women, and this invisible function is even more outstanding.

“Otherwise, let’s start the assassination operation now. As long as it is a person parasitized by Soul Devouring Insect, regardless of whether the opponent is a general or an ordinary soldier, kill without mercy. When the opponent has no leader, it is When Elder Sister Rose appeared.” After thinking about it for a while, Li Yalin decided to kill Storm Regiment’s, the parasitic high-ranking officer. After all, this is about the lives of Storm Regiment’s 230,000 soldiers. , Li Yalin had to abandon some people.

“Well, that’s it!” The girls knew that Li Yalin’s determination was not easy. You can see it by looking at his biting lips, but everyone understands that with twenty For thousands of lives, the sacrifice of a small number of people is inevitable.

After determining the plan of action, Li Yalin determined the candidates for this dispatch. First of all, Li Yalin and Nymph must be dispatched, and this time Miyu, who is good at assassination, will be accompanied. Rika, who is good at blocking, and Saeko, who is proficient in distance and close combat, except for a few of them, none of the other Li Yalin was dispatched.

The women are quite resentment to this, but there is no way. This time it is an assassination, not to arrest someone. However, Li Yalin made Rose ready. After he succeeded, Rose would appear in front of Storm Regiment as Milley Capital City’s First Princess, and Ikaros, Astraea and Saber would personally protect Rose to prevent some dissatisfaction with Milley. Kingdom’s soldiers attacked. Of course, there is Li Yalin’s Heroes of Might and Magic behind Rose’s, but the Giant Dragons were taken back from the Evolved Space by Li Yalin. For the time being, these guys are not in their turn. Li Yalin intends to use these Giant Dragons. A big gift to Storm Regiment, I believe that when the time comes will definitely be very interesting.

After everything is ready, Li Yalin and the others set off immediately. After all, time is not and the others. After solving Storm Regiment’s problem, there is Violent Wave Regiment waiting for Li Yalin and the others to solve it.

Li Yalin led the four MMs and quickly came to the top of Storm Regiment’s, and it was time for Rika to play a role. After Nymph designated the target of attack, Rika could directly explode with a single shot. The other’s head.

But just after Rika exploded the head of the first Thousand-man Commander, the troops where the Thousand-man Commander was located exploded. The soldiers were all yelling around in a panic, after all, their own The commander lost his head uninnocently, and he still doesn’t know how it’s missing. It’s really a trouble in Undead during the day. These soldiers with average strength are just First-Rank. Naturally, they have never seen such a weird scene. In this case, it makes sense to explode the nest.

Just when the soldiers were in a panic, Rika exploded the heads of the Centurion commanding the soldiers one after another. After all, these Centurions had also been parasitized by Soul Devouring Insect, because there was no way to solve Soul. Devouring Insect, then keeping them will be a scourge in the future, it’s better to give them a happy one now.

After Rika started sniping, Miyu’s shuriken also began to show off. As a Dark Warlock, Miyu naturally has his own set of experience on long-range attacks, and Rika alone is not efficient. So high, after Miyu’s joined, the killing efficiency has obviously increased a lot.

But at this time, Li Yalin, Nymph, and Saeko turned out to be idlers. Nymph needed to specify the target to kill, which’s all, but Saeko and Li Yalin were a bit embarrassing. For this kind of long-range sniper, Saeko is totally incompetent, but Li Yalin is different. As Amazon’s Li Yalin is very good at bows and arrows, so Li Yalin quickly took out his golden longbow and prepared to join the sniper ranks. in.

At this time, the golden longbow is no longer suitable for Li Yalin, but for a time Li Yalin did not have any better longbow, but after seeing Rika’s H&K41, Li Yalin Suddenly he slapped his head and looked at his own brain, fusion, there are many good arrows in «Wind Fantasy 3», after fusion with own golden longbow, it couldn’t be better.

Thinking of this, Li Yalin immediately redeemed the best Arrow in “Wind Fantasy 3”-Angel of Wisdom’s Arrow. After integrating Arrow with the golden longbow, it was originally only Legendary-Grade Angel of Wisdom’s Golden Bow has been transformed into Epic High-Level’s longbow-Angel of Wisdom’s Golden Bow. In addition to the substantial improvement of the original attribute, this longbow also has a very powerful attribute for killing demons.

After opening his Angel of Wisdom’s Golden Bow, Li Yalin’s first arrow accurately hit Nymph’s set target. After killing the first target, Li Yalin felt a little bit in his hand He was not unfamiliar, so Li Yalin immediately asked Nymph to tell him all the target people. Immediately, Li Yalin directly used multiple Guided Arrows. In this way, after Li Yalin fired a bow, dozens of parasitic high-level officers would fall down. As a result, Storm Regiment quickly fell into a state of no leader. .

After most of the Centurion, Thousand-man Commander and even Ten Thousand-Man Commander generals were killed, the entire Storm Regiment fell into chaos. The person in charge is gone, so what should I do now? Where did these ordinary soldiers have any opinions, and just like that, the army of two hundred and thirty thousand turned into a mess.

Seeing that the matter has been successful, Li Yalin immediately took the four women back to the troop’s camp, and at this time, Rose was preparing to clean up Storm Regiment’s mess. After all, everyone had seen Storm Regiment’s chaos. situation.

“younger brother, you are back so soon, it just so happens, you hurry up with me.” After seeing Li Yalin, Rose seemed to have seen her own backbone, originally still a little dangling His heart was immediately put down.

“Since Her Majesty the Princess is dead, how dare you not follow? Please, my Her Majesty the Princess!” Li Yalin smiled at hee hee and looked at Rose, and made a standard The Knight Ritual.

“You bad younger brother, now you are still making fun of elder sister, let’s see how I will deal with you in the future!” Li Yalin’s actions made a chuckle, but Rose’s mentality is more relaxed at this time , The feeling of tension before has been completely thrown into beyond the topmost clouds.

After everything was prepared, Rose followed everyone to Storm Regiment’s troops. Although the soldiers were still a little noisy at this time, some sharp-eyed soldiers had already noticed Li Yalin and the The arrival of others, after all, Li Yalin and the troops behind them are not here to watch the excitement.

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