“I’m lying down!” Very rare, Li Yalin exploded with foul language, and finally found a clue. Just after asking, he was probably self-destructed? Li Yalin would not believe that this Necromancer chose to disrupt his own Magic Power for self-destruct. Someone must be controlling everything in secret. If this Necromancer is so courageous, he can completely choose self-destruct immediately. Why bother to endure the torture of Li Yalin and say that many things.

However, the man behind the scenes does have a hand, and he can manipulate Necromancer’s body without Li Yalin even aware of it. If it is not for the opponent’s strength far surpassing everyone present, then the opponent must be They have their own set of Secret Techniques, just like Soul Devouring Insect. Li Yalin has absolutely no way to solve this kind of tricks that they have never seen before.

“Alright Yalin, don’t be angry, don’t we have got a lot of useful information.” Seeing Li Yalin’s angrily jumping feet, Rei on the side immediately stepped forward and comforted.

“Being put together, this beam is closed!” Li Yalin said very upset. Although Li Yalin simply did not intend to let these Necromancers leave alive, the result was not Li Yalin. Acceptable.

“Forget it, all we have to do now is to immediately return to Milley Royal Capital to see if Milley Kingdom communicates with other countries. These guys are really great generosity this time, just Milley Kingdom’s small In the town, there appeared a Necromancer who can summon two Saint Rank Bone Dragons. You must know that other towns don’t have us to help.” At this time, Saeko said a very serious problem.

Yes, there is Li Yalin here and they came to get it done, but what about towns in other countries? Three Great Empires Fortunately, there are three Saint Rank oversees after all, but what about other kingdoms duchy? Even if all countries have some hidden battle strength, but in the face of this situation, they don’t know how they will respond.

Although there are some concerns in my heart, Li Yalin is not a Savior, nor is he a superman wearing red underwear. The rescue of Milley Kingdom’s rebellion is only because of Rose’s relationship. If Rose and Milley Kingdom have nothing to do In terms of money, Li Yalin simply doesn’t care about rebellion or rebellion here, as long as his friends and relatives are not harmed.

However, regarding this Necromancer incident, Li Yalin will not stand idly by. After all, Li Yalin is not a cold-blooded and cruel person. In the face of countless people who lost their lives in front of him, Li Yalin’s heart The same will not be good, and this time Li Yalin moved True Fire, these nasty Necromancers have exceeded Li Yalin’s moral bottom line.

After returning to Milley Royal Capital, Li Yalin met with King Milley directly. After telling the news he had received, King Milley also shared the information he had received.

It turned out that what Necromancer said was true. Now, nearly 20 large and small cities have been found on the entire continent, completely shrouded in the cloud of plague, and this number is still expanding. Now countries All have sent troops to conduct quarantine investigations. No one is allowed to approach the epidemic area, and no one is allowed to come out. Now this is the only way to control the epidemic.

However, Light Empire, Necromancers’ rival, is relatively stable. After all, there are a lot of Priests stationed in every city in Light Empire, and there is no lack of Fifth Rank Priest, which is the Early Stage of the plague. , The epidemic in the city has been basically controlled, and in Light Empire, Necromancer simply doesn’t dare to be too arrogant, so Light Empire’s situation is pretty good.

However, Desert Empire and Andra Kingdom are the worst affected by this epidemic. After all, these two countries are too far away from Light Empire, and because of their different beliefs, among the two countries The number of Priests is very scarce, resulting in a significant drop in the rescue rate.

But in contrast, it is also far away from Light Empire’s Ice and Snow Kingdom, but it is much stronger than these two countries. Once Ice and Snow Kingdom is World of Ice and Snow all year round, the cold weather will plague the virus. The contagiousness of Ice and Snow has been compressed to an extreme, and don’t forget that there is Ice Crystal Grass that can relieve the plague in Ice and Snow Kingdom. Although there are not many stocks, it has produced a great effect.

Out of this, Galan Empire. Phoenix Dance Kingdom, Tanni Kingdom, and some larger duchy have also been infected with different levels of epidemics, and it is said that the plague has also appeared in the Land of Beastmen, as the self-destruct Necromancer said, now the whole The continents are all in a haze.

About the plague that appeared this time, everyone already knows that this is a masterpiece of Necromancers, and now the entire continent is looking for Necromancers, whether it is a registered Necromancer or not, it will be arrested. However, this caused a backlash from Necromancers to a certain extent. I heard that many Necromancers suffered from both sides because of their arrests, which further lost the battle strength of various countries.

After understanding these situations, Li Yalin did not express a very clear attitude, because Li Yalin is also powerless to do this. After all, there is no better solution. Take a step back, even if Li Yalin Countries are not necessarily willing to come forward to help countries eliminate zombies in these epidemic areas.

After explaining to King Milley what happened this time, Li Yalin left and returned home. At this time, Milley Kingdom’s problem was basically solved. As for the rest, King Milley himself Go get it done. But after Li Yalin had just returned home, even his buttocks hadn’t even been hot, Rose and the others rushed over.

“Big Brother Lin is not good!” As soon as he entered the door, Lynn cried out moved towards Li Yalin in some panic.

“What’s wrong with Lynn? Don’t worry about it slowly.” After calming Lynn’s emotions, Li Yalin asked Lynn to continue.

“I just received a message from my mother that Elves Forest…Elves Forest was attacked by Necromancers, and now everyone is resisting Necromancer’s attack…I…” At this point, Lynn’s eye corners There was already a ray of tears.

“How is it possible? These Necromancers are too bold, right?” Li Yalin was very surprised. The strength of Elf Race is self-evident. Deliberately befriending them, didn’t expect Necromancer dare to attack Elves Forest so blatantly, did these guys have their heads caught by the door panels?

“It’s true, we also just got the news, now Royal Father should also know about it.” Rose said a little helplessly, the past few days Milley Kingdom’s alone has caused her torment. , Didn’t expect that Elves Forest was in trouble again this time, is Heavenly Wind Continent’s innocence really going to change?

“Lynn, don’t worry too much. The strength of Elf Race is not blown out. You have to trust your clansman, you will definitely get over this difficult time.” Helped Lynn wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. , Li Yalin comforted softly.

“But… this time the Necromancers’ attack is unprecedented. Saint Rank’s Bone Dragon alone dispatched thirteen, and the remaining Undead creatures are countless. I’m really worried. , Big Brother Lin, what do you think I should do?” Lynn’s tears are getting more and more, it seems that she is really worried about her clansman.

“Thirteen Bone Dragons?” Li Yalin was silent, didn’t expect that this time Necromancers actually dispatched so many battle strengths. If there is no accident, these 13 Saint Rank Bone Dragons It will be the most difficult bone for the elves, but what kind of medicine are sold in this bunch of Necromancers bottle gourd? Why did such a large-scale attack on Elves Forest? Is there anything Necromancers needs in Elf Race?

“Lynn, don’t be sad. Let’s go to your mother now. You have to trust your Big Brother Lin. I will help you solve this matter.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin Decided to leave Elves Forest immediately. It seems that Necromancers must have some conspiracy this time. If this is the case, why didn’t Li Yalin follow the vines to see if he could find any other clues? Besides, even if it was based on Lynn’s face, Li Yalin would help.

“But… forget it… Big Brother Lin, I don’t want you to face that many powerful enemies because of me.” Although Lynn was very happy after hearing Li Yalin’s words, but After hesitating for a while, Lynn still rejected Li Yalin’s decision. After all, Lynn doesn’t understand Li Yalin’s true strength. Even if Li Yalin has Angels like Ikaros, even if Li Yalin can summon up to 20 Seventh Rank Giant Dragons, even if Li Yalin has a powerful army, but in Lynn’s eyes, this time Necromancers’ The offense is absolutely invincible. Lynn doesn’t want Li Yalin to be hurt because of himself. If Li Yalin is really injured or even take advantage of helping Elf Race, Lynn will not be comfortable in his life.

“You silly girl!” Looking at Lynn’s frail appearance, how Li Yalin didn’t know what was thinking in Lynn’s heart. While feeling a touch of warmth, Li Yalin knew that he had been taken up by Lynn. After seeing it, Li Yalin smiled and touched Lynn’s little head and continued: “Don’t think about that many, you Big Brother Lin, I’m very difficult to deal with, those Bone Dragons, I simply didn’t look at them. Not to mention there are only 13 Bone Dragons, even if there are 23 or 33, you Big Brother Lin, I will send them back to grandma’s house with one punch!”

“What grandma? Home, Big Brother Lin, you will tease me.” Pu Chi laughed at Li Yalin’s weird tone. At last there was a smile on Lynn’s face, but the shadow of the cloud could not be eliminated by any means.

“Okay, now you all listen to your Big Brother Lin. Let’s set off now, but I am not familiar with Elves Forest’s roads. You have to show you Big Brother Lin well.” Li Yalin knew that Lynn could not completely change his mood right away, but now is not the time for amusement, Li Yalin decided to leave Elves Forest immediately.

Thank you for the memory of Stardust, Beat Tiger, Saberalter, just for YY reading, I really want to read a good book, Jian Linghuan, Pandora V Pluto for their rewards.

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