This time the Necromancers’ offense was not fun. When Rose and Sally both expressed their intention to follow, Li Yalin immediately expressed their opposition, but after Rose and their insistence, Li Yalin finally only chose to compromise. However, Li Yalin repeatedly emphasized that as long as there is a fight, immediately run to a safe place to hide, Li Yalin does not want to worry too much.

Elves Forest is not too far away from Milley Kingdom, but there is still a Demon Beast Forest in between. If you want to cross Demon Beast Forest, you must go through Demon Beast Forest’s deep layer. This is one of Heavenly Wind Continent’s Three Great Forbidden Land. It’s not a joke. Even if Li Yalin rides a Giant Dragon, it will take 7-8 days to reach it.

After looking at the map, Li Yalin couldn’t think of a better way. He could only fly on the Giant Dragon, but at this moment, Lynn gave everyone an unexpected surprise. It turns out that because Elf Race has a good relationship with Milley Kingdom, there is a gathering point for elves in Milley Royal Capital, but what outsiders don’t know is that there is a large Magic Teleportation array in this gathering point, and you can directly transfer Li Yalin They Teleportation to Elves Forest.

“Didn’t expect this thing, but this is really a masterpiece.” After Li Yalin entire group came to the elves gathering point, I looked at the huge Space Teleportation Magic Array and the above Magic engraved the text, and Li Yalin sighed.

“Of course, this is the Teleportation Magic Array passed down by our Elf Race generations. Human Race is basically impossible to own.” Lynn said with pride after hearing Li Yalin’s emotion.

“Are you ready? After determining the number of people, we will start Teleportation!” After arriving at the elves gathering point, Lynn had already communicated with the elves here, probably looking at Lynn Elf Princess’ identity, the elves at the gathering point reluctantly agreed, but due to the large number of people, everyone still waited a long time for the preparation time. At this time, a handsome male elves opened the Teleportation Magic Array and then proceeded to everyone. The final confirmation.

“Okay, let’s start.” Lynn a nod, everyone stood on the Teleportation Magic Array. This time I went to Elves Forest’s except Rose and Lynn, six Soaring to the Sky Mercenary In addition to Group’s people, Li Yalin took Saber, Ikaros, Astraea, and Saeko, a total of 13 people. Alice has been temporarily returned to the Evolved Space. As for Maris and Nina, the two of them were left behind. Watching the house at home.

After the Teleportation Magic Array was opened, everyone was shrouded in a burst of light. When the light passed, everyone was greeted by a dense forest. Didn’t expect this Teleportation Magic Array to be One-way Teleportation Magic Array, it seems that the scope of Teleportation should be fixed, which not only saves the energy of two-way Magic Array, but also can carry out fixed-point Teleportation according to the location of Teleportation. It is really a convenient good thing.

“Everyone, welcome to my home.” After coming to Elves Forest, Lynn’s spirit has improved a lot, and even his personality has become a lot more cheerful.

Li Yalin and the others looked around all around and found that this place should belong to a village of elves. The living habits of elves and humans are different. Their houses are all built on trees, although the ground There are also houses on the site, but the number is much lower than that of tree houses, and Elf Race is indeed the place where handsome men and beautiful women are produced. Male handsome and beautiful women are beautiful, but the number of male elves is much lower than that of female elves. Li Yalin glanced at After looking at it, eight of the ten elves are elves MM, it seems that this is really a paradise for men.

“Are you who? Huh? Her Majesty the Princess is back! Come out soon!” Just as Li Yalin and the others looked around, a few elves holding bows and arrows surrounded everyone Live, after all, this is Elves Forest. Few humans can come here, but after seeing Lynn among the crowd, the elves holding bows and arrows cheered loudly.

“What what? Her Majesty the Princess is back?” After hearing the shouts, the elves nearby quickly gathered around. While greeting Lynn, everyone was looking curiously. With Li Yalin and the others, if you know that humans are very rare to see, these elves naturally have to take a closer look.

“Big Brother Lin, this is our Elves Forest’s outlying village. Generally, when we use Teleportation Magic Array, we will be Teleportation back here, but there is still some distance from Elf Imperial City. This section of the Road, we are going over.” After explaining to the elves watching, Lynn came to Li Yalin’s again and explained to Li Yalin.

“Well, let’s set off right away, but are you going to see your mother first or deal with those Necromancers first?” Li Yalin smiled and said to Lynn. For these steps, Li Yalin doesn’t care at all, just treat it as a sightseeing tour.

“Let’s go see my mother first. Everyone doesn’t understand the format here. It’s better to find out what’s going on first.” Lynn thought about it for a while and made a Very correct choice, Li Yalin nodded, it seems that Lynn this girl is very good and has the potential to become an Elf Queen.

Elves Forest’s scenery is beautiful, it can be said to be picturesque, and there is no High-Level Demon Beast here, even if a Demon Beast occasionally appears, it is only First and Second-Rank The Low-Level Demon Beast is nothing but a threat to everyone. It seems to be a good place to travel and relax.

On this road, this charming scenery is full of praise, but soon, everyone came to the Spirit King City, but after coming to the Spirit King City, everyone I was shocked by the scene in front of me again.

The spirit king is different from the human city. If the human city is made of stone and wood, then the spirit king is completely made of woods. The entire Spirit King is all covered by a huge tree. It seems that this tree is the so-called Elves Ancient Tree. The Elves Ancient Tree is intertwined, forming a natural barrier in the entire royal city, just like a human city. In general, it is very difficult to use brute force to break through this Elf Imperial City.

After entering Elf Imperial City, there are all kinds of trees and flowers everywhere in front of everyone. Above the trees are tree houses of different styles, but in general they are very beautiful , It seems that the elf is a born artist, and there is really nothing wrong with it.

Through the guidance of Lynn’s all the way, the entire group finally stopped in front of a palace relying on the Elves Ancient Tree. Although it is not as luxurious as the human Imperial Palace, it is not inferior to the continent in terms of dressing. Any Imperial Palace can be said to be a combination of beauty and art. It seems that when building this palace, the builders should have put a lot of thought into it.

“Big Brother Lin, Elder Sister Rose, you guys will wait for me here for a while, I will tell my mother, I will go back.” After introducing Li Yalin and the others into the palace, Lynn immediately Arrange for the elves to arrange seats for Li Yalin and Rose, and then Lynn ran to the inner hall immediately. It seemed that she was very anxious to see her mother.

In this regard, Li Yalin and Rose looked at each other and smiled. You can understand Lynn’s current mood. After learning about the rebellion in Milley Kingdom, Rose showed the same expression before meeting King Milley.

However, Li Yalin and the others did not sit for long. Not long after Lynn entered, many elves walked out of the inner hall. The head one looked very similar to Lynn, but it looked The elves who are much older than Lynn should be Lynn’s mother, the queen of Elf Race.

“Hello, I am Lynn’s mother Catherine Feiya, are you friends of Lynn’s? I heard Lynn say that you came right away after learning about the disaster in Elf Race. Thank you very much.” After coming to Li Yalin and them, Lynn’s mother, Queen Catherine, first saluted everyone, and after introducing herself, thanked everyone.

“It’s okay. Lynn is like our younger sister. We all like her very much. After hearing Lynn say that Elf Race is in trouble, we are obliged to help, as long as the queen Your Majesty Don’t blame us for overestimate one’s capabilities.” Since Elf Queen has already given the salute first, then Li Yalin and the others will naturally get up and return the salute immediately.

“Just call me Aunt Catherine, but you are…” Looking at Li Yalin in front of her, Queen Catherine was a little hesitant. Although this person is wearing a cloak and a hat, it is hard to see Looks, but Queen Catherine can feel a very cordial and natural taste from Li Yalin’s body, just like Elf Race, even more pure than Elf Race.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Li Yalin, and I am a friend of Lynn’s.” When I saw Lynn’s mother, Li Yalin could no longer be mysterious, wearing a hat, and being myself At the same time as the introduction, Li Yalin took off his hat easily.

“So you are the Big Brother Lin that Lynn often says. I often hear Lynn talk about you. Every time I communicate with Lynn, Lynn always mentions you to me, but Yalin, you really Is this a human? It feels like you are very similar to our Elf Race.” Looking at the somewhat beautiful and excessive boy in front of you, Catherine’s felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. After taking a look at Lynn, Said to Li Yalin somewhat witty.

“mother…” After Queen Catherine said, Lynn was already flushed, but opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

“Hello Aunt Catherine, I’m Rose Andre. I can often hear Aunt’s name from Royal Father’s mouth. After seeing Aunt today, it’s like what Royal Father said. It’s so beautiful. .” Seeing the embarrassment in Lynn’s heart, Rose hurriedly stepped forward to interrupt the topic and said directly moved towards Queen Catherine.

Seeking support~

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