“Are you Your Majesty Andre’s daughter? Lynn also often mentions you to me. I heard that you have a girl named Sally’s, but three of you are the best sisters. By the way, is Your Majesty Andre okay?” When Rose interrupted like this, Catherine couldn’t say anything to Li Yalin anymore, and could only continue to follow Rose’s topic.

“The Royal Father is not bad now. Aunt Catherine should know that Milley Kingdom was attacked by Necromancer and almost suffered the doom of extinction. Fortunately, the younger brother he was pulling strongly against a crazy tide, and Milley The Necromancer in the Kingdom was wiped out in one swoop, and this was considered to calm the turmoil. Now Royal Father is busy dealing with some follow-up matters.” Rose said to Queen Catherine with a chuckle. While telling, Rose also used a kind of pride Looked at Li Yalin.

“Oh? younger brother…” Seeing Rose’s look at Li Yalin’s eyes, Catherine’s words were a bit playful.

“Aunt Catherine, I am one of Lynn’s best sisters, my name is Sally!” At this time Sally also came out and introduced herself to Queen Catherine. After seeing the lively and lovely Sally, Catherine Slightly smiled, in the first impression, she liked this little girl very much.

“Are you Sally? Really beautiful and cute.” Queen Catherine exclaimed.

“How can I compare with other elder sisters, I am like an ugly girl, simply inconspicuous, or Aunt Catherine, you are beautiful, as beautiful as the elder sisters.” Listen to Catherine complimenting herself Beautiful and cute, Sally is naturally very happy, but after thinking of the girl next to Li Yalin, Sally’s originally excited expression fades, but Sally still moved towards Queen Catherine praised. But while praising Queen Catherine, Sally also praised all the girls present. Although a little envious, this is Sally’s truth. After all, Sally has a very good relationship with everyone, and Sally also likes to be with all the girls very much. Together.

“Are you elder sisters like me?” Queen Catherine looked around all around meaningfully. Except for Kiruvere, Maca and Sam, all of them are cloak with a hat to cover their faces. Nothing can be seen from the appearance. As for the girls around Li Yalin, those who are close to the vermilion and the ink are really black. Li Yalin is now used to wearing cloak and hats in front of outsiders, and all the girls are following the wind. Now everyone likes it. When outside, I did the same dress as Li Yalin, except that the hooded cloak has different colors, red, white, yellow, blue and black, but this can be regarded as an alternative landscape.

“Sally said something exaggerated, we are just ordinary persons.” Under the leadership of Yuriko’s, everyone took off their hats, and for a time many enchanting females, even if they were I was also surprised when I was used to seeing the handsome and beautiful woman Queen Catherine. The beauty of the ladies is also the top choice in Elf Race, especially Yuriko. The elegant and poised temperament is not weaker than Catherine, the Elf Queen, let alone the heroic Saber, the natural Ikaros and Shizuka, and the Nymph of tsundere. With Saya, Onee-san type Saeko and Rika.

“It’s not an exaggeration at all, you are really very beautiful.” Queen Catherine exclaimed repeatedly. Didn’t expect to encounter such many beautiful human girls. This is very rare.

Next, everyone introduced themselves to Queen Catherine one by one, but after introducing each other, Li Yalin did not continue to politely, but directed the topic directly to this topic-about Necromancers’ offense.

“Aunt Catherine, I need to understand the strength of the Necromancer and their attacking methods, as well as detailed information on the current situation of the war.” As long as the Necromancer’s problem is discussed, Li Yalin’s expression will become very serious.

“Okay, then I’ll start from the beginning.” Queen Catherine nodded, after reminiscing for a while, began to tell the story of Necromancer’s offensive one by one.

“This Undeads attack was a day before. Various Undead creatures appeared out of thin air in the southern periphery of the forest. After investigation by our Elf Ranger, we found that the other Undead creatures had gathered nearly There are hundreds of thousands. Among them, I won’t talk about the Low-Level Undead creatures. The opponent’s high-end battle strength has 13 Saint Rank’s Bone Dragons, the Seventh Rank’s Evil Spirit Knight has hundreds of riders, and the Sixth Rank’s death. The number of fighters and Lich is nearly a thousand. However, the opponent’s first attack did not play high-end battle strength yesterday, but used the Third Rank Skeleton Warrior for the Sea of ​​Skeleton tactics. Even so, the Third Rank Skeleton Warrior is considered to be the best. The above is not a weak battle strength, and the first time to attack the opponent, only 20 Skeleton Warriors were dispatched, and the Elf Warriors who guarded the periphery of Elves Forest were already exhausted. After all, the number of our Elf Race is indeed limited.” , Queen Catherine faintly sighed, a little bit sad and a little tired.

“In that case, yesterday’s offense was only tentative, what about today’s offense?” After a little understanding, Li Yalin continued to ask.

“Undeads is not attacking today, but is gathering troops, but what makes us a little puzzled is that our Elf Ranger did not see the Necromancer who is in charge of the command. Is it remote control?” Speaking of this, Queen Catherine is also a little puzzled.

“Nymph, open the map and let us have a look.” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin called Nymph immediately. It’s better to observe the opponent’s situation first, although it is not close to the periphery of Elves Forest , But it was also within the scope of Nymph’s detection. At this time, the opponent’s every move was all under Nymph’s monitoring.

“This is…” After Nymph opened the holographic map, Queen Catherine was surprised to cover her lips. Didn’t expect there to be such an incredible Magic, although there is no magic fluctuation , But now the surrounding conditions of Elves Forest appear clearly in front of everyone, it’s just reduced in proportion.

At this time, in the southern outskirts of Elves Forest, there were indeed a large number of Undead troops gathered, and they have been extended to the outskirts of Elves Forest’s. It seems that these Undead troops should be from Elves Forest and Tanni Kingdom, Galan Empire There is also the Demon Beast Forest’s junction area.

Speaking of this junction zone, it belongs to a three-regardless area. Basically some gangsters Mercenary and bandits and bandits live here. In short, this is the heaven of powerhouse, the hell of common people, every day What is staged here is violence and blood, but it seems that the emergence of the Undead troops also brought a devastating blow to this three-regardless region.

In short, this Undead troop regards this as a gathering place for troop, and then slowly extends towards Elves Forest, attempting to invade and occupy Elves Forest by little by little.

From the current situation, the number of the entire Undead troops has almost reached more than 100,000, but there are not many High-Level Undead races, except for the High-Level battle strength mentioned by Catherine before. In addition, the only remaining are zombies and Skeleton Soldier, but this time the Skeleton Soldier has a very complete range, from Skeleton Warrior to Skeleton Archer, and even High-Level Skeleton Knight, and only Skeleton Soldier With a strength of more than 60,000, it is really difficult to handle.

“The number has increased again.” Looking at the number of Undeads on the map, Queen Catherine sighed, these Undeads are just like locusts, and they can’t be killed. Yesterday they clearly killed at least 20 The above Skeleton Soldier, didn’t expect not only made it up today, but even more than yesterday.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the front line to arrange it. If Undeads launches a general attack now, then the elves outside are in danger.” Looking at the number of elves outside, Li Yalin was very surprised. Worried, there are only less than two thousand elves hidden in the woods. Although every elves is proficient in bows and arrows and Magic, but if you want to face so many Undead attacks, it is not a gift to others.

“Well, I am going to prepare for the Teleportation array now. It is not too close to the periphery of Elves Forest. It is better to use the Teleportation array faster.” Seeing Li Yalin’s firm appearance, Queen Catherine did not I was able to persuade something, so I had to order the Teleportation formation below. Queen Catherine would personally accompany Li Yalin and them to the outskirts of Elves Forest’s. After all, Catherine is also very worried about the situation there.

This time I followed Queen Catherine and there were more than a dozen female elves behind her. I heard that they were all Elf Race Elder. After listening to it, Li Yalin was puzzled. Are all the men in Elf Race so bad? Or does Elf Race have become a matriarchal clan?

Of course, Li Yalin can’t directly ask about this. After everyone set foot on the Teleportation Magic Array, everyone soon came to the outer barrier in the south of Elves Forest. Since the Undead troops did not attack the Tanni Kingdom and Galan Empire’s borders, the fronts on both sides were not very long, and the elves could occupy favorable terrain for effective Counter-Attack.

But these Skeleton Soldiers like locusts are not so easy to deal with. To kill them, in addition to the most effective Light Element Magic, you must hit their vitals, such as the head or The neck, otherwise, even if the Skeleton Soldier’s arms were smashed or the thighs were discounted, they would continue to attack without hesitation until they completely lost the ability to move.

After everyone came to the periphery of Elves Forest, the commander here immediately came to Queen Catherine to salute. It seems that these elves did fought a tough battle yesterday, and their faces were full at this time. It was a tired look, but after the arrival of Queen Catherine, the elves were all rejoiced. It seems that Queen Your Majesty has a high status in the hearts of the elves.

And after observing the strength of the all around elves, Li Yalin was a little bit emotional. Elf Race is indeed an ancient race, and the strength is indeed extraordinary.

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