Now there are more than two thousand elves defending the entire outer defense line of the Elves Forest, none of which is below the Fourth Rank. Among them, the number of Fifth Ranks exceeds 800, and there are hundreds of Sixth Ranks and two. Thirteen Seventh Rank. This terrifying strength is amazing for the entire Heavenly Wind Continent, and it seems that this is the first line of defense for Elf Race, and the more powerful elves have not yet appeared.

But even with this kind of strength, in the face of the tide of Undead army, it is only a drop in the bucket. After all, the opponent is the Seventh Rank Evil Spirit Knight alone with hundreds of riders. It’s three times as many as here, not to mention the Sixth Rank, it’s more than ten times the number here, I really don’t understand, where did the Necromancers find so many Undead Legions? .

Although I was screaming in my heart, the tension in front of me must be resolved. With the two thousand elves in front of me, I simply can’t resist the Undead army’s pace. Now it’s just the Skeleton Army. It’s enough for the elves to drink a pot, but what about the High-Level Undead in the back? There is no way, Li Yalin can only dispatch his Heroes of Might and Magic army.

“How could this be? Is God really going to destroy our Elf Race?” After carefully checking the densely packed Undead army distribution map on the virtual map, Queen Catherine couldn’t help but groan. For these more and more Undead Army, although all the battle strength of Elf Race can indeed be won, what will happen afterwards? Elf Race will definitely suffer heavy casualties. When the time comes, I don’t know how many years it will take to recover.

“You don’t need to be too pessimistic, Aunt Catherine, we are here!” Seeing that, Li Yalin was quickly comfortable. Besides, Li Yalin can see that there are not so many elves who can receive lunch in front of him and have tender , Protective feelings for the fairer sex are the good qualities that every real man should have. Of course, it would be better to have a few MM devote one’s life to.

By the way, since I ended the identity of Mage with Rei, Li Yalin has become more and more unable to control himself, or that he has completely let go of his previous boring personality. Now Li Yalin can It’s not the little boy who used to blush when he hugs him. Sometimes teasing him will make the girls blush and heartbeat.

“Yalin, you should take Lynn with you. The current battle is no longer under our control. Compared with these Undead creatures, we are already slightly inferior to the high-end battle strength. There are more and more Low-Level cannon fodder, I’m afraid I will not take care of you.” At this time, what Queen Catherine said is simply a copy of what King Milley said to Li Yalin. It is really pitiful to the parents of the world, but it looks like Li Yalin. Are they seen as coming over to make soy sauce? Or does Queen Catherine never thought about what Li Yalin could help?

“Aunt Catherine, don’t you have so much confidence in us? Didn’t I say that I was here to help? Since I said so, then I will definitely do it.” But Li Yalin Just after saying this, an Elf Ranger rushed to Catherine’s to report.

“Queen Your Majesty, the opponent’s Skeleton Army has already begun to move, and is moving towards our first line of defense!”

“What? Pegasus is going to be dark, isn’t it? Is the opponent planning to fight at night?” Queen Catherine was shocked. Originally thought that the opponent would not attack today, didn’t expect it is now close to dusk, and the opponent chose to attack at this time.

Although elves are also good at night battles, for these Undeads who have no eyesight, there is no difference between dark and daytime. It is better to say that the sunlight during the day will slightly reduce the battle strength of Undeads. , The dark night happens to be Undead’s paradise.

“Nymph, I want the entire situation of the other party’s Skeleton Army!” Li Yalin hurriedly asked Nymph to transfer the screen to the Skeleton Army. After analysis, the entire Skeleton Army had more than 60,000. , The Skeleton Warrior who charged forward was all Skeleton Warrior, and behind Skeleton Warrior was the Skeleton Archer, and at the end was a group of four Skeleton Knights.

Now there are as many as 30,000 Skeleton Warriors in front of the opponent. Facing the number of 30,000, the 2,000 elves do seem a bit thin, but they occupy powerful terrain, and the elves can often Exercising extraordinary strength, but this time Skeleton Warrior has 20 Skeleton Archer behind him. There are more ants and the elephant is killed. This 20 Skeleton Archer can shoot 20 bone arrows in one volley. This is not a cracking a joke. of.

From the analysis of the map, the opponent’s Skeleton Warrior still has ten minutes to enter the range of the elf. This leaves Li Yalin’s time to be quite ample, and he is talking to Feifei in Evolved Space. After communicating for a while, Li Yalin began to mobilize his Heroes of Might and Magic army outside.

In this battle, Li Yalin didn’t even want to use Low-Level Units, so all of them were High-Level Units or combined Units. They were far away in terms of quantity and strength. More than any previous battle.

This time Li Yalin only dispatched the six Seventh Rank Low-Level Units of Angel, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, Behemoth, Hydra, and Fire Bird. There are 20 units each, while Archangel and Golden Dragon , Black Dragon, Titan, finally Hydra and Phoenix also have ten each. In this way, Li Yalin’s Seventh Rank battle strength has as many as 180. In Angel, Giant Dragon and Behemoth, these Units will appear. After that, both the Elf Queen and the elves who were preparing to fight were completely stunned.

In addition to these Seventh Rank Units, Li Yalin also dispatched Eight Rank Units that have never played before. Although the number is small, the Eight Rank Low-Level Faerie Dragon, Rust Dragon and Crystal Dragon, Eight Rank High-Level Sacred Dragon and Li Yalin each had two Sacred Dragons, and Saint Rank’s Giant Dragon, after the first appearance, caused great shock among the elves.

But this is not over yet, and the next appearance is the Unicorn Knight composed of Sixth Rank High-Level Single-Horned Divine Beast and Sixth Rank High-Level female Knight, two Sixth Ranks After the High-Level Regiment combination, a new Seventh Rank Low-Level Unit was formed, but due to cost issues, Li Yalin only took out a hundred rides.

Also as the combination unit of Seventh Rank Low-Level is Enchanting Dragon Knight, which is a combination of Wyvern King of Sixth Rank High-Level and Enchanter of Sixth Rank Low-Level, with The combination of Wyvern King with super physical attack and Enchanter with super long range attack can be said to be invincible on the battlefield, but also due to the cost issue, Li Yalin can also only play a hundred rides.

This time Li Yalin did not intend to play Units below the Sixth Rank. To be precise, playing so many Units is just to help the elves defend, and the task of clearing the Low-Level mobs will be handed over. Give these Units all right. As for Saint Rank’s Bone Dragon and Seventh Rank’s Evil Spirit Knight, it’s all experience, and it’s the best way to use it for leveling. In this way, these Undeads can also be considered as a waste of heat. Li Yalin’s leveling career has made a contribution to neither too big nor too small.

“Yalin…these all are your subordinates? But these Unicorns…” Queen Catherine, the Giant Dragon Angel and Phoenix watching flying in the sky, are really a little dizzy. And after seeing the Single-Horned Divine Beast riding on Unicorn Knight, Queen Catherine was completely stunned.

Elf Goddess is here, what do I see? The golden long horn, is it Holy Unicorn? Why does this legendary Unicorn actually appear here? And when it appeared, there were more than a hundred? Queen Catherine felt that God made a big joke on herself.

After being invaded by such a large number of Undead troops, Catherine felt that his entire world had begun to collapse. Catherine did not want to see the death of clansman. After the undead army’s tentative attack yesterday, although there was no The elves were killed in battle, but the wounded were countless. This is also because of Spirit Spring, which has allowed a lot of badly injured elves to recover. Otherwise, they must have suffered heavy casualties yesterday.

However, Spirit Spring is not infinite. Only one quarter of Spirit Spring was used in the first battle yesterday. Then, facing more opponents today, can Elf Race still maintain a record of no deaths? This Catherine simply couldn’t imagine. But now the appearance of Li Yalin’s really makes Catherine feel that every cloud has a silver lining. In fact, Catherine simply never thought that their arrival would change the situation.

Although it has been heard that Li Yalin solved the Milley Kingdom’s Legion rebellion, Catherine simply didn’t care about the Human Race army. These average ranks are only in the First-Rank army even if it comes to millions of dollars. What is the threat? But the Undead Legion in front of me is different. In addition to the high-end battle strength, even the cannon fodder has the strength of the Third Rank. How can this be solved by a youngster?

But after Li Yalin brought out the Heroes of Might and Magic army summon, Queen Catherine understood that Elf Race was saved, and with so many powerful helpers, Elf Race would definitely be able to tide over this difficulty.

However, after the stone in the heart was put down, Catherine’s question appeared: Why did Li Yalin have so many powerful subordinates at a young age, and Li Yalin’s Teleportation Magic (Catherine I also thought that Li Yalin’s summon of Units out of Evolved Space was Teleportation Magic.) With the same Major Perfection, even Elf Queen, who has the strength of Saint Rank High-Level, did not notice any magic fluctuations. And Li Yalin’s own strength is also super strong. Although I can’t feel what kind of attribute the energy in Li Yalin’s body is, Catherine can instinctively feel a familiar feeling from Li Yalin’s energy. It feels like a face. Same as when seeing Elf Goddess.

All of Li Yalin seems to be a mystery, making Queen Catherine curious, but a little afraid to touch it, but this is not good for Queen Catherine. phenomenon.

Thank you for beating the tiger, the memory of star dust, the other side of Paris, I really want to read this good book, Hisashi Heng’s bloody sunset, Jian Linghuan, Saberalter for your rewards.

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