“The other party’s zombies Legion is no longer in our control. Our current goal is to focus on the other party’s high-end battle strength. Let’s compare and see who we kill more.” At the ladies slightly Smiled, Li Yalin was the first to rush to the Dark Warrior’s line. One Lightning Attack killed three Dark Warriors, and the chain of lightning also severely injured several Dark Warriors.

“Compared!” Saya curled her lips in disdain, and then Saya directly displayed the Ice and Fire Banisher. This is a combination of Flame S, Wave S and Dimensional Exile. Its power It goes without saying. This group of bad luck Dark Warriors, in addition to being burned and frozen, some of the more bad luck will also be exiled to the dimension space, there is not a fun place, as long as they enter, they will instantly receive lunch.

Saya’s one move is effective, the women naturally not to be outdone, and the combination of Certain Kill Skills all moved towards Dark Warrior and Lich’s body greeted the past. However, the Dark Warrior and Lich of the Sixth Rank were not given for nothing. After Li Yalin and their first wave of attacks, the remaining Dark Warrior troops and Lich troops immediately launched the Counter-Attack, with countless necromantic shock waves and dark battles. Aura Slash moved towards Li Yalin like a tide and flew in their direction.

Obviously, these attacks are not like Skeleton Archer’s bone arrows. If they are careless, they will still cause a certain degree of damage to everyone, so Li Yalin immediately covered everyone with a layer of Holy Protection Wall, Blocked this attack for everyone.

At this time, the Bone Dragon of Saint Rank and the Evil Spirit Knight of Seventh Rank were all dispatched. The 13 Bone Dragons of Saint Rank naturally made everyone not underestimate. Li Yalin brought Ikaros, Astraea and Saber hurriedly greeted the Bone Dragon in the air, while the troops on the ground were handed over to Saeko and Rei to deal with them.

“Are you who? Why are you blocking our way?” Just after these Saint Rank Bone Dragons approached, the headed Bone Dragon actually spoke human’s words, which scared Li Yalin and the others One jump, didn’t expect Undead, can you still talk?

“cracking a joke! You still ask who we are! I also ask what Undead you are? Why are you attacking Elves Forest?” Li Yalin said to the opposite Bone Dragon a little uncomfortable.

“No matter you are who, as long as you block our way, you are obstructers!” After all, Undead Bone Dragon spits out a death Dragon’s Breath directly at Li Yalin.

“I am your second Uncle!” Li Yalin flashed disdainfully and easily escaped the Dragon’s Breath. Then Li Yalin immediately returned the color to the Bone Dragon, a Brilliant Cold Honor Shot directly moved towards Bone Dragon shot over.

“Stubborn guys! You accept the sanction of death!” After being beaten by Brilliant Cold Honor Shot, Bone Dragon immediately shouted loudly, and then greeted the little brothers behind them towards Li Yalin. Launched an attack.

“Angel Race? Just go to death with peace of mind! As for your soul, I will accept it!” After seeing the wings behind Ikaros and the others, all these Bone Dragons were refreshed, although I don’t know where the excitement comes from these bones, but the opponent’s attack has indeed strengthened a lot.

“Don’t confuse us with those idiot Angels!” Saber has no good impressions of Angel Race of this World, especially after hearing what Church did to Li Yalin’s, at this moment Saber is in his hands The Excalibur instantly turned into countless electric lights, and the moved towards Bone Dragon group used the Lightning Light Speed ​​Sword.

“You can’t hurt me!” Then he faced Saber’s Lightning Speed ​​Sword. The headed Bone Dragon was not afraid at all. I saw a shield made up of countless wraiths appeared in front of it. After the lightning speed sword hit this wraith shield, all the attack power was absorbed by the wraiths, but after the attack, the wraith on the shield was significantly less, and the rest of the wraith was all howling in pain. Shouting.

“Damn! You guys who play with the souls of the dead are the most disgusting!” Seeing this, Saber said bitterly, this Bone Dragon is obviously made of human souls. Shield!

“It’s useless to say more, this is a world that powerhouse is respected! As long as I am strong enough, I can do whatever I want!” Bone Dragon is not ashamed of what it does, but rather proud of it. For it, human souls are nothing more than small insects, which can be collected anytime and anywhere. It is also the glory of these wraiths to make a shield.

“Then you go to die!” Li Yalin on the side was also a little bit overwhelmed. Ragnarok in his hand continued Jab, and countless gun shadows moved towards Bone Dragon attacked the past, but the wraith shield absorbed the attack. The ability is indeed very strong, even Li Yalin can’t break through this shield for a while.

At this time, all the Bone Dragons on the opposite side have sprayed out the Dragon’s Breath of death, and the thirteen Dragon’s Breath gradually converged into one. The powerful Dragon’s Breath made Li Yalin have to avoid the front for a while, but at this time But Astraea didn’t care about these terrifying deaths, Dragon’s Breath. She was suspended in the air, Aegis-L in her hand was fully opened, the Dragon’s Breath that was sprayed was completely blocked by Aegis, and Astraea just stepped back a few steps.

“Artemis!” While Astraea resisted the dead Dragon’s Breath, Ikaros had launched dozens of permanent homing missiles. Ikaros also understood that the main target was the Bone Dragon headed by the opposite side, so homing missile simply didn’t aim at others, but instead focused on the headed Bone Dragon.

“What is this?” Obviously feeling the power of homing missile, the headed Bone Dragon hastily planned to use wraith shields for defense. Only a trifling wraith shield can’t completely defend against the huge Bone Dragon. Body, after Ikaros’ calculation, Artemis hit all Bone Dragon’s body.

“You guys! I won’t forgive you! All rush to me!” The Bone Dragon hit by Artemis has not been killed yet, but the embarrassment is still there. It was inevitable that the bones of this guy had been blown off for several quarters, and in some places it was simply blown to pieces, and even the left wing was blown off for a while, letting it inflamed several wings in a row. Reluctantly stabilize the figure.

The very obedient Bone Dragon boys all flew in front of Li Yalin and the others, planning to start a close battle with Li Yalin and the others, but they made the wrong wishful thinking, Li Yalin and the others in close combat. But invincible. I saw that after Li Yalin a Fist of Firmament beat a Bone Dragon, Ikaros had also flapped a Bone Dragon with one wing, while Astraea was more direct, overpowered vibrating photon sword directly divided a Bone Dragon into two, This bad luck guy became the first among the group of Bone Dragons to receive a lunch box.

The Saber on the side also not to be outdone. The Excalibur in his hand is continuously waving. After each flash, a Bone Dragon will be seriously injured, even when the lightning speed sword hits one place. , You can have a Saint Rank Bone Dragon in seconds, but this requires Saber to spend some effort.

“Master, please give me strength!” Looking at the younger brother who was being slaughtered in front of him, the headed Bone Dragon unexpectedly shouted something that made Li Yalin very want to complain. Although this Bone Dragon is not the legendary Xirui, it seems that the Master of this guy really gave the Bone Dragon power. I saw that without warning, waves of Undead appeared on the body of this Bone Dragon. Breath, and in this gray black energy, the bones that had been crushed by Artemis actually began to regenerate.

“Damn, this guy won’t be Xiaoqiang’s possession, right? What did he just say? Next, he won’t transform, right?” Li Yalin looked at the girls in surprise. I really can’t help myself wanting to complain.

But maybe Li Yalin really has some crow mouths. After all the scars on Bone Dragon’s body were healed, the skeleton of its body began to blur, and the whole body began to mutate very abnormally. Is this the legendary transformation?

The time for Bone Dragon to mutate is not long, probably it only took less than ten seconds, but in these ten seconds, Li Yalin and the others were not idle, leading Bone All of Dragon’s little brothers had all received their lunch boxes, and they were all hit to pieces.

“You have to pay for what you do! My great Master has given me invincible power, and now I accept your soul!” After the mutation is completed, Bone Dragon’s body originally The huge skeleton has been completely ghosted, but some bones are still vaguely visible in it, but it is not very obvious anymore. It looks like the upgraded version of Bone Dragon in Li Yalin Evolved Space, but of course, this guy may be called a wraith dragon. It looks like this guy’s current resentment is quite big.

At this time, the Bone Dragon, oh no, in order to distinguish it from the ghost dragon, we call it Ghost Dragon. Well, the strength of this upgraded Ghost Dragon has broken through the original Saint Rank High -Level, unexpectedly reached the Supreme Low-Level, but because it is a forcibly improved strength, so the realm is not very stable, although it is much stronger than the Saint Rank, but as long as you encounter a stable Supreme Low-Level, then this Ghost Dragon is destined to be tragic.

But what seems to be very tragic is that there is indeed a Supreme level Expert here. It is Ikaros who was promoted in Claymore Dungeon. Facing the Ghost Dragon who has reached Supreme strength, Ikaros is also improving With his own energy, soon, the imposing manner emerging from Ikaros surpassed Ghost Dragon, which made Ghost Dragon greatly startled.

“You…you…” Ghost Dragon has been speechless for a long time. Originally, this guy thought he could completely kill the four guys in front of him with his Supreme strength, but he didn’t expect to improve himself. At the same time of strength, the opponent is also rapidly increasing energy, and soon surpassed himself.

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