“What are you? I’m afraid of you if I increase my strength a little bit? Give me a beating!” Li Yalin smiled yin, then Ragnarok flicked, several lightning bolts moved towards Ghost Dragon and shot past , And then Brilliant Cold Honor Shot was activated, countless Light Arrows followed the lightning, and moved towards Ghost Dragon flew past.

However, after transforming into Ghost Dragon, this guy’s Physical Resistance ability has been greatly enhanced. It should be said that it can be immune to some physical attacks, so Saber and Astraea are a little depressed. Every time you attack Ghost Dragon, you have a feeling of hitting the cotton. Although Ghost Dragon will still get hurt, it feels quite bad, as if the person sitting with him eating in the toilet did not wash his hands. Although it has nothing to do with me, I still disgust myself.

Because of this, Li Yalin and Ikaros have become the main force against Ghost Dragon, and at this time Ikaros has already held his final weapon, Apollon, in his hands, and Li Yalin and the others will contain it. Ikaros On the other hand, he is saving energy, striving to give the opponent a fatal blow.

This kind of battle makes Saber very uncomfortable. It is the first time to fight this kind of guy, but when he saw that the opponent’s Magic Resistance was not very high, Saber decisively gave up the close combat. I chose to release Invisible Air. After the Excalibur in my hand revealed the prototype, a wave of Wind Pressure went straight to the Ghost Dragon.

Actually, the Wind Pressure issued by Invisible Air is not a serious attack for Ghost Dragon, but now Ghost Dragon is very tired just dealing with Li Yalin. Said that every wound on the body will be the key to this battle, so as long as it is avoidable damage, Ghost Dragon will try its best to avoid it, but while it is avoiding Wind Pressure, Li Yalin is I also found a weak spot of Ghost Dragon.

When Ghost Dragon turned around to avoid, Li Yalin teleported under Ghost Dragon’s chin, and the Fist of Miracle with bright attributes directly blasted out with the greatest power. While Ghost Dragon was suffering, Li Yalin and Astraea, who were still fighting in close quarters, immediately dispersed, because in the peripheral vision at the corner of his eye, Li Yalin found that Ikaros had already prepared Apollon, and the flame on the arrow had been completely burned. It became golden.

At this time, Ghost Dragon, who is suffering because of Li Yalin’s Fist of Miracle, simply has no defense against Ikaros’ Apollon. The Arrow burning Flame is in the middle of Ghost Dragon’s eyebrows, and Heaven and Earth vibrates in an instant, huge The explosion almost spread to Li Yalin and the others, but after the smoke dissipated, this bad luck Ghost Dragon has completely returned to the embrace of the Undead god.

“Damn, I forgot to stay alive, it seems that only this guy can speak here!” After Ghost Dragon was killed, Li Yalin remembered this, but immediately Li Yalin I’m relieved, it would be difficult to catch this big guy alive, and if you play self-destruct like the Necromancer last time, when the time comes Li Yalin has no place to cry. After all, this is Ninth Rank’s Supreme. , The power of self-destruct is comparable to a nuclear warhead.

“I’m sorry Master.” Looking at Li Yalin’s sighing expression, Ikaros thought he had done something wrong, and was looking at Li Yalin with a pitiful face.

“It’s okay. I asked for a bit more. In case this guy comes to a self-destruct, we’ll be out of luck. If you think about it, it’s better to just kill it, Ikaros, you Good job this time.” After that, Li Yalin smiled and stroked Ikaros’ head.

“Master…” Ikaros enjoyed Li Yalin’s rare intimacy very much, and his face was flushed for a while.

At this time, the battle on the ground is also coming to an end. At this time, the dark fighters and Lich’s troops have been beheaded to death, and only dozens of Evil Spirit Knights are still struggling on whilst. at death’s door resisted, but it was only a matter of time to destroy them.

However, some small accidents occurred in the frontline blockade. Although the zombies Legion was bombarded and killed by Titan and Ultimate Hydra, and in the process of advancing, they were also attacked by Giant Dragon and Angel. And Phoenix’s blow, but a small part of the plague zombies survived, and the Skeleton Warrior who was attacking the first line of defense outside the Elves Forest and the remaining Skeleton Knight reconciled. After the integration, a small battle strength was formed. moved towards the first line of defense.

In this way, the elves who guard the line of defense and Unicorn Knight and Enchanting Dragon Knight are under great pressure. Although it is a small battle strength, it is also for whom, for Li Yalin. It is indeed a small battle strength, but for these elves guarding the defense line, the Undead army that is already close to them still has tens of thousands of numbers.

Under this situation, Elf Queen Catherine hurriedly took Elf Elders behind her to join the battle group. The significance of this battle is very important. As long as you win this battle, then Elf Race Morale will be greatly improved, and it will also deal a heavy blow to Undead Race. It also declares that Elf Race does not need Church’s assistance at all.

Speaking of Church, Elf Race still has some connections with it. It’s said that tens of thousands of years ago, Elf Race and Church seemed to get along pretty well, but I don’t know why. One day, Church suddenly attacked. After Elf Race, Elf Race suffered a great blow, but in the end it was not a big loss, but the relationship between Elf Race and Church is very rigid. Even after tens of thousands of years of running-in, the relationship between the two parties It’s just a little improvement.

After discovering the Undead attack this time, Church immediately got the news immediately, and then Church hypocritically told Queen Catherine that he would assist Elf Race, but because Light Empire was located in the north of Elves Forest’s, Undead attacked The location is in the south of Elves Forest’s, which takes a while to send troops there.

But these high-sounding words will be said, if Church really wants to assist Elf Race, then the other party will definitely use Teleportation Magic Array to transport troops immediately instead of chirping here. Some and some don’t. Now Church is clearly planning to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. If both sides of Elf Race and Undead Race suffer, then Church is really called the fisherman catches both. So in this case, Catherine understands that she must Win this victory.

The Elf Queen, who has the strength of Saint Rank, is really extraordinary. It is a series of High-Level Magic in one shot. In addition, the Elf Elders behind Queen Catherine are also extraordinary in their strengths. With so many powerful helpers, it is very The quick elves suppressed the attacking Low-Rank Undead Legion, believing that it would be no problem to completely eliminate all Undead.

The next step is a thorough cleanup time. After Li Yalin and the others have killed all the Bone Dragons, they all returned to help. Soon, all the remaining Undead troops were destroyed. After the last Skeleton Warrior was killed, all the elves cheered. If this is playing Heroes of Might and Magic, it will definitely appear like this. A line of words, this is a brilliant victory.

Of course, it is no exaggeration to say that it was a glorious victory, because in this battle, none of the elves were killed miraculously. However, this is also related to the ability of Elf Race. If the elves are really allowed to play close combat with these Undeads, it is estimated that the elves will have been played to death.

The appearance of Li Yalin completely reversed the defeat of the elves. Although this is only the first line of defense of Elf Race, more than two thousand elves can give up not just to give up. , If you really lose more than two thousand elves in this battle, it will be a big loss for Elf Race. How many years will it take to recover? You must know that Elf Race is inherently low in fertility, and the growth period is long, Elf Race simply cannot afford to lose so many clansman.

“Yalin, thank you so much, thank you for saving my clansman, I really don’t know what to say.” After Li Yalin and the others returned, Queen Catherine was already excited. I stayed with Li Yalin’s hands, the excited expression exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech, and he kept saying thank you.

“It’s nothing.” Li Yalin, who was held by Catherine, touched his nose and felt a little sorry. In Li Yalin’s eyes, this is simply nothing. To be precise, if it weren’t for God Rank Li Yalin’s opponent or super hard bones, Li Yalin simply wouldn’t care.

“Anyway, you are all great benefactors of our Elf Race. Please let us do our best to the landlord. Tonight we will hold a grand celebration to celebrate our victory, and thank us for Benefactors!” After Queen Catherine said excitedly, the elven MMs all around cheered.

In the eyes of the Elf MMs, Li Yalin and the women are simply the messengers of Elf Goddess. They suddenly came to everyone when Elf Race needed it the most and saved Elf Race. In short, Every elves regard Li Yalin and them as Elf Race’s hero. On the way back to Elf Imperial City, Li Yalin and them received a very warm welcome.

After this battle, the sky was completely dark, but after returning to Elf Imperial City, there were brightly lit everywhere, and the roof of every tree house was lit. Magic Lamp, and the elves lit a bonfire in the clearing. Although Elf Race is vegetarian, the wine of Elf Race is famous.

Speaking of Elf Race’s fine wine, although the alcohol content is not high, but the taste is mellow and delicious, after drinking it, it is endless aftertaste. No, Saber has been captured by Elf Race’s fine wine. At this moment Saber is eating the delicious food from Evolved Space, while eating fruit and drinking wine. He looks like hesitantly, simply not like the big Britain’s King Arthur before.

Three changes today…………(To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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