“Big Brother Lin, what are you doing here? Hurry up and dance with us!” While Li Yalin was sitting in a clearing watching the elves by the campfire singing and dancing, Lynn was running He pulled up Li Yalin and wanted to drag Li Yalin to dance with everyone.

“Forget it, I’m not good at dancing.” Li Yalin said embarrassingly. In fact, I can’t say that Li Yalin is not good at dancing. It’s just that Li Yalin is not very used to it. After all, he has never been good at dancing before. Didn’t skip any dance.

“Isn’t it Big Brother Lin? I listen to your harp, how can you not dance?” In the eyes of Lynn’s, generally everyone learns to dance first, then sing, and finally For those who are learning musical instruments, there may be people at Elf Race who do not know how to play an instrument, but absolutely no one knows how to dance and sing. It is no wonder that Lynn is so puzzled.

“Say playing piano and dancing are two different things, right?” Li Yalin smiled bitterly. It’s not that he is pretentious, but now he really doesn’t have any thoughts of dancing. Beauty requires quiet viewing.

“Then Big Brother Lin, please play us again. Since the last time you played for us, you have never played the piano for us again. I am so happy today. Day, let everyone listen to your intoxicating voice again.” Seeing that Li Yalin really didn’t want to go dancing, Lynn immediately changed his mind and let Li Yalin play a song now.

“Okay, then I’ll show my ugliness.” Li Yalin knew that if he was hypocritical at this time, he would be a little uncomfortable, so Li Yalin took out the silver harp from the Evolved Space and prepared to play Play a song.

“Lynn said before that Yalin your piano skills are extraordinary, today you have to let us feel it.” At this moment, Queen Catherine also came to Li Yalin’s. Seeing the strings Li Yalin was about to pluck, Queen Catherine smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“It’s just nothing to play, Bo Jun smiled.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then played a serenade, the melodious piano sound stopped the elves who were still singing and dancing. After coming down, everyone gathered in the direction of the sound of the piano. There were thousands of elves in the whole party, but at this time everyone was listening to Li Yalin’s sound of piano in absolute silence.

At this time, a crescent moon is hanging in the air, and the sky is full of stars. Although the Elf Imperial City is brightly lit, the soft light does not make everyone feel dazzling, but rather shines. Warm everyone’s heart. At this time, Li Yalin’s serenade was very suitable for the scene. The moonlight, stars, grass, and forest at night were all vividly and thoroughly displayed in front of everyone, so that everyone was intoxicated, so that after the end of the song, there was still no scene. A faint sound.

Originally, Li Yalin planned to continue watching singing and dancing after finishing a song, but playing was a kind of artistic conception. When Li Yalin lifts the head came, he was shocked. There were thousands of people on the scene. Looking at you quietly, anyone will be shocked.

“That…” Li Yalin said softly, but it seemed as if a stone was thrown into the silent water. Everyone woke up immediately, but after waking up, everyone used Looking at Li Yalin with a very complicated perspective, there are worship, surprise, and joy. In short, many emotions can be found in everyone’s eyes.

“Yalin, I really have to say, this is the most melodious and beautiful song I have ever heard. Originally, I didn’t believe it when Lynn said it, but now I completely believe it. It’s so wonderful.” Queen Catherine said in admiration, and after Catherine finished speaking, all the elves cheered.

“It’s not so exaggerated.” Looking at the worshiping eyes, Li Yalin is really sorry. After all, this is an inheritance skill attached to the Lyra constellation. The previous Li Yalin is a piece of music. An idiot, I have never learned anything like music or art, let alone an instrument such as the harp.

“Indeed, I have never heard such wonderful music. Even my previous Imperial Family musicians could not reach your level. I have to say, Yalin, you surprised me again. “Saber is also nodded, but this makes Li Yalin’s forehead three black lines appear. I remember what Saber said after eating the meal cooked by Li Yalin for the first time: “This is the first time I have eaten this. Delicious food. Even my former queen chef does not have your cooking level. Yalin, you really surprised me.”

Then Li Yalin couldn’t help the begging eyes of many elves, and played again. A lot of wonderful music, of course, in addition to the serenade, Li Yalin also played a lot of cheerful music, everyone dancing lightly and gracefully in front of the bonfire, spent a very happy night.

On 2nd day, after observing the southern part of Elves Forest, Li Yalin and the others did not find any signs of Undead activity. Just when everyone was sighed in relief and preparing to return to Milley Kingdom, Queen Catherine called I lived in Li Yalin and said that I wanted to talk to Li Yalin about something.

“Okay Yalin, I will speak frankly with you. Last night I went to meet our Elf Goddess. I explained to Elf Goddess what happened yesterday, and Elf Goddess After knowing your presence, I want to express my gratitude to you personally, and Her Highness the Goddess also said that there are some things that need to be discussed with you alone. I don’t know if Yalin would you like to meet our Elf Goddess.” Among them, Queen Catherine said to Li Yalin hesitantly.

“Elf Goddess? Do you really have gods in this world?” Li Yalin asked in amazement, he didn’t feel any particularly powerful aura.

“I don’t know the details, but I know that every time I talk to Elf Goddess, I need to enter a Teleportation Magic Array. This Magic Array will take my Teleportation to a special space. It’s only there that I can see Elf Goddess. Although I don’t know much about it, I think it’s not the World where we are now, and I don’t think Elf Goddess can come to this continent. If possible, she was in the first place. An Undead attack will show up. After all, Elf Race is the foundation of Goddess. If there is no Elf Race, then Elf Goddess will lose faith. If a god loses faith, it will be a terrifying thing.” It is strange that Queen Catherine told Li Yalin all she knew, and even after Queen Catherine finished speaking, she herself was a little puzzled, why was she worried about this youngster in her heart?

“Is that so? Okay, I’ll go meet this Elf Goddess.” Without any hesitation, after Queen Catherine finished speaking, Li Yalin promised to meet Elf Goddess. You need to know Li Yalin has never seen a god before. For this meeting, Li Yalin embraced big curiosity.

Although I don’t know if seeing the other person this time is good or bad, Li Yalin is not worried about the threat this so-called Elf Goddess will pose to him. After all, Li Yalin has a life-saving trick. In the event of an accident, Li Yalin can immediately return to Evolved Space. When the time comes, go to dungeon to upgrade or transfer. It depends on Li Yalin’s mood. Evolved Space is just like Li Yalin’s. The transfer station can be operated in accordance with Li Yalin’s wishes.

Follow Queen Catherine along the way to a very hidden room. On the floor of this room, a very complicated Teleportation Magic Array is depicted. This Space Teleportation Magic Array is similar to the general Teleportation on the continent. The array is completely different, more complicated and difficult to understand. Anyway, Li Yalin is a little bit understanding.

After standing on Teleportation Magic Array, Queen Catherine instructed Li Yalin, and then activated Magic Array. As a burst of blue light flashed, Li Yalin appeared in a There is space for flowers in the grassland. Why is it a space? Because this space is only a few thousand square meters in size, and outside this space, there is a chaos.

“You are here.” At this time, a very gentle and delicate voice came into Li Yalin’s ears. Li Yalin turned his head fiercely and found a beautiful elf girl silently Appeared behind him.

The elf girl in front of Li Yalin is dressed in white cloth, and her long green hair is draped casually behind her. Her face is more beautiful than any girl Li Yalin has ever seen. Of course, it is not to say that Saber and Ikaros are much worse than this elf girl, their looks are almost the same, but the main problem is their temperament. The elf girl in front of Li Yalin has a temperament that no one can match. Judging from the trace of Divine Might exposed from the other side, the elf girl in front of him should be the so-called Elf Goddess.

“Well, I’m here.” Although the Elf Goddess in front of you is absolutely beautiful, but Li Yalin is not a pervert who drools when he meets a beautiful woman, but the throbbing in his heart is inevitable, although There are a lot of things I wanted to say, but after I said it, it turned out to be just four simple words.

“Although I don’t know which World you came from, it seems that you are a very interesting person.” But then what Elf Goddess said was to start Li Yalin a little bit. Is this Elf Goddess? Know your origin?

“Don’t be too surprised, I can feel a trace of divinity from your body, but it definitely does not belong to any god in this World, and the energy circulation method in you is very different from ours, it looks like you You don’t need faith to increase your strength, and you haven’t formed your own Divine Spark yet, or do you simply don’t need to form Divine Spark? It’s really interesting, but what you can know is that it’s definitely a powerful one. The gods in this world must know that there is a Creation God’s barrier in this world, let alone creatures from other worlds. Even gods cannot pass easily. Only a few tricks can be used to connect with this continent.” Elf Goddess laughed He explained to Li Yalin.

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