Chapter Twenty-Three Marikawa Shizuka

“Yes, First Quest is to build a team. The Quest after that is unknown, but the rewards are already known.” Li Yalin said mysteriously.

“Is the reward already known?” Both girls were taken aback.

“Yes, that is the conversion of blood, but this is somewhat limited.” Li Yalin’s fashion work is somewhat sorry.

“What is the use of blood exchange? Are there any restrictions?” Saya asked strangely. Rei also has an expression on your face that you are quick to answer.

“Blood Exchange can strengthen and transform itself according to the blood you exchange, so that you can learn some Combat Skills and some Magic, but this restriction is that it can only be exchanged for my Subordinate God. My Subordinate God wants to sign contract forever with me again. In other words…you know it!” Li Yalin didn’t say the rest, but he thought it could be understood with the wisdom of two beautiful women.

Sure enough, immediately the faces of the two girls turned red.

“Yalin, you are really H!” byRei.

“Yalin, you are really a big lecher!” bySaya.

Then the two ran out of the roof holding hands, leaving Li Yalin alone with a wry smile. In fact, Li Yalin can’t do anything about it. First, he doesn’t know why. His ambition to get a girl is now growing. The second is that Li Yalin also understands that a girl’s love is blind, as long as she gets the girl’s heart, then everything will be easy to handle.

Since the two girls have escaped, Li Yalin doesn’t need to stay here, so he went to the school’s welfare shop and bought a piece of bread to fill his stomach, and Li Yalin came. In the school’s health room, he plans to get to know the doctors of his future team first.

When I came to the health room, I found that there was no one inside. But think about it. At this time, Marikawa Shizuka should have gone to eat. No one in the health room is normal. Li Yalin shook the head, and said he would come again next time, so he turned his head and planned to go back to the classroom, but after he turned his head, Li Yalin suddenly felt like he had hit a soft giant stuff and stretched out his hand When I touched it, I heard a very appealing cry of “Ah…”. Li Yalin reacted instantly and hit someone, so Li Yalin stepped back quickly and took a closer look. In front of him was a beautiful woman in a white coat and long golden-yellow hair, especially the murder weapon in front of her. , F? Do not! It should be the legendary G! This beauty is Marikawa Shizuka.

“Ah…I’m so sorry, Marikawa Shizuka-sensei.” Li Yalin’s face turned red after being sneak attacked by such a huge weapon, but he quickly apologized to Marikawa Shizuka.

“Ara, who are you? Why did you come to the health room during your lunch break?” Marikawa Shizuka, who was natural, didn’t seem to care about being attacked in the chest, but asked Li Yalin.

“This…” Li Yalin rolled his eyes, “I’m Li Yalin in Class B of the second year. It’s like this. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so I went to the health room to take a rest. For a while.”

“Oh! That’s how it is!” Naturally, Shizuka put her hands together and suddenly realized: “Since Schoolmate Li Yalin feels uncomfortable, you need to see a doctor! Since you are a teacher I see that my student is uncomfortable, so I should do my responsibilities as a doctor and teacher, then Schoolmate Yalin, are you uncomfortable there?”

“That Marikawa-sensei…I …It’s just that the head feels a little uncomfortable…I’ll be fine after a short rest.” Li Yalin simply didn’t get sick, so he hurriedly said.

“How can it be!” Marikawa Shizuka said softly: “Since you are uncomfortable, you must be treated. If the delay is too long, you will miss the time of treatment. By the way, Schoolmate Yalin, you You can call me Shizuka-sensei! My friends call me that, and I hope Schoolmate Yalin can also be called teacher.”

After that, Shizuka-sensei went to pick Li Yalin’s eyes and stretched out his hand. , And said: “A lot of general headaches are caused by eyesight, Schoolmate Yalin, since your eyesight is not very good, then let’s take a look…” Before finishing talking, he took off his glasses and saw Li Yalin’s full picture of Shizuka Suddenly stunned.

“Shizuka…teacher?” Li Yalin asked a little strangely. Li Yalin remembered that Rose looked like this when she took off her glasses for the first time.

“Hmm?” Shizuka-sensei reacted after hearing Li Yalin’s words, “Oh, is that Schoolmate Yalin a girl?” After staring at Li Yalin for a long time, Shizuka-sensei suffocated a word. Come this way.

“Of course not! I have been a man for eighteen years!” Li Yalin said a little annoyed, too bully, am I just like a girl?

“I’m sorry.” Shizuka-sensei quickly covered his mouth, “Because Schoolmate Yalin is so beautiful, so I immediately regarded Schoolmate Yalin as a girl!”

“Teacher! Men shouldn’t be described as beautiful!” Li Yalin’s face is now full of black lines.

But it’s strange to say that Li Yalin and this naturally beautiful school doctor accidentally fell in love with each other, and the two of them kept chatting until the end of the afternoon class. After this afternoon’s chat, Marikawa Shizuka I have to recognize Li Yalin as the younger brother. Li Yalin was forced to agree, but what Li Yalin was thinking at the time was:’Why every woman older than me likes to recognize me as the younger brother What? ‘

Since the afternoon class is over, Li Yalin plans to go to Kendo Club to find Busujima Saeko to contact him. After all, Busujima Saeko will be the main force in squad melee combat. Just do it when you think of it. This has always been Li Yalin’s purpose, so Li Yalin returned to the class, packed his schoolbag, and came to Kendo Club.

“Look, it’s Li Yalin from Class B in the second year!”

“Did he defeat Yoshida Vice-President?”

“It doesn’t look like It looks like!”

This time Li Yalin didn’t surreptitiously watch, but just and honorable walked into Kendo Club, so all around faintly heard the above voice. Li Yalin looked around all around and found that Saeko was not here, and the Vice-President Yoshida was also not there, so Li Yalin found a Kendo Club’s club member and asked Busujima Saeko’s whereabouts.

“President’s words, in the Club President’s Room.” The other party looked at Li Yalin in awe, and then bowed slightly. Before Li Yalin could say thank you, he went back to practice the pairing.

Li Yalin came to the room where he had tea with Saeko last time, of course, because that is the Club President’s Room. Looking at Kendo Club, which is decorated in such a gentle style even in the Club President’s Room, Li Yalin couldn’t help laughing secretly. She deserves to be a Dojo woman at home.

“Junior Brother Yalin, what are you laughing at?” At this moment, the door of Club President’s Room opened, and Saeko walked out of it.

“No, Saeko-senpai, I didn’t laugh at anything, I just lamented that’s all.” Li Yalin quickly denied.

“Oh? Junior Brother Yalin, what’s the exclamation?” Saeko slightly smiled.

“It’s just that there are really few places where there is such a gentle breeze now.” Li Yalin shook the head said.

“Hehe, this is just my hobby, because my home is a Dojo, so I prefer this kind of decoration.” After that, Saeko made a please gesture to Li Yalin, and then the two of them They entered the Club President’s Room together.

“I heard that Kouhai didn’t go to school in the past two days?” After kneeling on the edge of the teapot, Saeko asked Li Yalin while making tea.

“Oh, didn’t expect even Senpai knows, I just deal with some personal matters.” Li Yalin smiled and touched his nose, some said sorry.

“Of course, your legend has appeared in the past few days in the school, and I have also visited you. The classmates in your class told me that you asked for leave, and I also asked you The classmates heard some gossip about you.” At this point, Saeko also covered her mouth and smiled.

“I’m dizzy, Saeko-senpai, if you don’t mind, can you tell me what gossip is?” Li Yalin said with a bitter smile.

“Of course not!” Saeko pretended to be serious and said: “But if Junior Brother Yalin is willing to compare with me, I might tell you!” In the end, Saeko crafty looks really cute. However, Li Yalin didn’t expect Saeko to have such a side. For a while, Li Yalin was speechless.

“Junior Brother Yalin?” Looking at Li Yalin in a daze, Saeko summoned Li Yalin a bit.

“Oh, Saeko-senpai, I understand, then I will deference is no substitute for obedience!” Li Yalin who reacted immediately agreed to the duel with Saeko. To be honest, Li Yalin also wants to know how strong Saeko’s is.

Half an hour later, Li Yalin and Saeko stood in a small forest behind the school. Li Yalin still had the Knight Sword in his hand. It seemed that since Li Yalin and Yoshida had a duel, This sword does not appear to be returned to the Student Council. On the other side, Busujima Saeko is holding a wooden knife, and the two sides are holding each other.

“Saeko-senpai, let’s attack first.” Li Yalin held the Knight Sword in a defensive posture.

“Okay! Then I’m welcome!” Saeko held a wooden knife, flying in front of him was a sweep.

“Good coming!” Li Yalin shouted. With Saeko’s current speed, he was already comparable to some Third Rank combat class players. Li Yalin held the sword in one hand and blocked Saeko’s attack. How powerful is Li Yalin’s? Although the energy was not transported, Li Yalin’s body is now the body of a Fifth Rank Class player, and his own strength is already conceivable, so Saeko didn’t retreat with Li Yalin’s sword for several steps.

“This kind of power……” Saeko took a deep breath, but she didn’t give up, but she held the wooden knife tightly with both hands, and changed her pace from the very beginning. Hurry up, in the end Saeko suddenly rushed into the air, using the power of his body to increase the power of the knife, intending to give Li Yalin a heavy blow.

But of course Li Yalin can also see that with this move, Saeko’s power can be the same as the Battle Aura power issued by the Combatant of the Third Rank.

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