“Not bad.” Li Yalin exclaimed, but he was not idle under his hands, but leaned back, intending to avoid this move. But this move is not as simple as imagined. Saeko missed a hit and immediately squatted down after landing. Due to the high-altitude inertia, he jumped out in front of Li Yalin’s. At the same time as he jumped out, Saeko also withdrew the wooden knife. Seeing this scene, Li Yalin immediately realized what trick Saeko was going to use, that is-Juhe.

This is the Sword Technique of one hit strike, so the victory or defeat will be determined at this moment. Although he knows about Saeko’s Sword Technique, Li Yalin did not choose to retreat, instead holding the sword in both hands. The sword edge droops, intending to give Saeko the same Fatal Strike from bottom to top. However, things were not imagined by Li Yalin and Saeko. Knight Sword and the wooden sword did not hit each other, but intersected, and the enormous power made the Knight Sword, who had not yet pierced the blade, cut into the wooden sword.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin couldn’t help Haha laugh. Although he didn’t use his real strength, Li Yalin also saw Saeko’s strength. If you do your best, Saeko might be able to compete with Third Rank High-Level Warrior.

Although Saeko on the opposite side wondered why Li Yalin laughed, but seeing Li Yalin’s strength is so strong, he was also happy to have such a friend and opponent.

In the following time, what Li Yalin has to do every day is to exercise Sword Technique with Busujima Saeko, chat with Marikawa Shizuka, and then train with Rei and Saya on firearms and physical fitness. When alone, Li Yalin is also practicing his Diablo Skills. After a long time of speculation, he also has a deeper understanding of Amazon Skills. Of course, the relationship between Li Yalin and the beautiful women is rapidly heating up.

Finally, the day when the plot began came, but Li Yalin still came to the school as always, but he did not enter the class, but came to the rooftop with Saya and Rei.

“Today is the day when the disaster will break out!” Li Yalin said to the two women on the rooftop, “Now let’s prepare first, and then face the upcoming disaster will be easier, remember , No matter what happens, we have to calm down.”

“Of course! What did we work so hard for this month? But say in advance, if no disaster breaks out today, then your whole life Obey us!” At this time Saya tsundere again.

“Okay! My Hime-sama!” Li Yalin bowed slightly, made a gentleman’s gift, and then directed at Rei a nod. Li Yalin took out the weapon he exchanged from Evolved Space , There are five special battle uniforms and bullet-proof vests purchased a few days ago. These are all equipment purchased from special channels. The defense performance is much better than the general market.

After the three of them dressed up, the remaining two Li Yalins were put aside, and then Li Yalin distributed the weapons. The two girls put SIGP226 on the holsters on their waists. Li Yalin also handed Rei the White-Tier long spear he had used before, because her Sword Technique is also very powerful. According to Li Yalin’s estimation, Rei also has the strength of Second Rank Low-Level now. Saya’s main weapon is of course the micro submachine gun MAC-10. This type of micro-impact has a small weight and low recoil. It is suitable for the current Saya. The most important thing is that the MAC-10 also has a silencer, which is good for a while to escape. The school meeting played a decisive role.

Li Yalin is of course carrying Magnum Pistol. Two katanas have been put in the scabbard of the rear part, one straddling the waist, the other is placed next to the two women, and the other M16A2 He has also been carried on his back.

After preparing everything, Li Yalin called Saeko and asked her to come to the rooftop to talk to her. Then Li Yalin urged the two girls not to go down on the rooftop no matter what happened. If you find an abnormality, you can call your parents to warn them. After Busujima Saeko arrives on the rooftop, he will hand the Katana to Saeko, and then wait for him to come back together. He is now going to the health room to find Shizuka-sensei, and Li Yalin walks to the health room after all the instructions.

Li Yalin, who was walking on the corridor, glanced unintentionally and found that zombies had appeared at the school gate. Li Yalin did not want to change the plot. It was not his cold blood, but even now Li Yalin Can save these people’s lives, but he’s impossible forever to save their lives. Resident Evil Li Yalin hasn’t seen it before, and now Li Yalin doesn’t have the ability to save the world. From the very beginning Li Yalin said, he wants to get Invincible power to protect the person he wants to protect, who is the person he wants to protect? Of course it is the one he loves! So for this, Li Yalin had to be cruel.

Although he is impossible to save the entire school, Li Yalin is still alone, so if someone in front of him needs to save himself, he will definitely do it, but the general trend is Li Yalin Will not change. But the people he liked still had to be rescued, so he quickened his pace, no matter how weird the people around him looked at him. He ran to the health room quickly, and took out the phone and called Igou Hisashi.

“Hisashi, where are you now?” Li Yalin asked.

“I’m in the classroom? What’s wrong with Yalin? Why didn’t you and Rei and Saya come to class?” Igou Hisashi also asked.

“Don’t worry about this, now you leave the classroom as soon as possible, now a major event has occurred. Hurry up to find weapons, don’t act empty-handed.” Then he hung up the phone. ‘That’s all I can help you. ‘Li Yalin sighed in his heart.

Kicked open the door of the health room and shocked Marikawa Shizuka, who was sleeping on the table inside, but she was confused when she saw Li Yalin in front of her. Shizuka was relaxed.

“Younger Brother Yalin is you? Really, it scared the elder sister.” Shizuka still patted her G-cup fierceness.

“Hurry up, Shizuka-nee, follow me!” Li Yalin grabbed Shizuka’s hand and walked out.

“Wait, Younger Brother Yalin, what are you going to do?” Li Yalin was a little worried, so Shizuka was a little bit painful, so Shizuka struggled.

“Sorry, Shizuka-nee, there really is a major event happening now. I can’t explain to you, but let’s go to the rooftop together.” Ignoring Shizuka’s struggle, Li Yalin insisted Shizuka ran towards the rooftop.

But now the campus broadcast has begun to broadcast: “Violence is happening in the school! Students, please follow the instructions of the teacher to evacuate! Repeat! Violence is happening on the campus! Students, please follow the instructions of the teacher to evacuate! “Then there was a heart-piercing cry, “Ah…help me…don’t…ah…ah…don’t…don’t…help me…ah…” At last there was a scream. For the end.

Not good! It’s already started! “Go! Shizuka-nee!” no longer paid attention to Shizuka with a surprised expression, Li Yalin bent over and hugged Shizuka in his arms, and then sprinted towards the rooftop. Although there was an extra Shizuka on his body, Li Yalin’s speed was still fast, and soon Li Yalin came to the rooftop.

At this time, Busujima Saeko has arrived on the rooftop, holding the katana exchanged by Li Yalin, and said to Li Yalin: “Junior Brother Yalin, do you know something?”

“Well, Saeko-senpai, now is not the time to talk about these.” Saying this, Li Yalin quickly took out the remaining two sets of battle uniforms and bulletproof vests, “Hurry up! Rei and Saya is here to help!” Then Li Yalin turned his head to guard the entrance.

Soon Shizuka and Saeko have already put on the equipment. Since the two women don’t know how to use firearms, Li Yalin has not exchanged weapons for the time being. Instead, he came back and planned to discuss with everyone. do. Just after Li Yalin turned around, Rei jumped into Li Yalin’s body and cried loudly: “Yalin! What should I do? Father him! Father him! What the hell is going on?”

Looking at Rei’s appearance, Li Yalin knew that she had called her father, but Li Yalin didn’t know how to comfort him. He just touched Rei’s head silently and muttered, “This is God. Speaking of disaster, the disaster has already come.”

Although Saya has called her home to confirm the safety of her home, but now Saya still wants to know what happened, so she rushed to Li Yalin’s side , Took Li Yalin’s hand and said: “Yalin, do you know what happened? Why do they become cannibals? This World What’s going on? “

“Yes.” Li Yalin said in a tranquil voice: “Now I know why. God has sent me a message just now. This is caused by a virus. Yes, it’s like Resident Evil. The end is here!”

“Then can we save it?” Although Saya had known that there was an imminent disaster before, Saya didn’t expect the end to come, so Saya only pinned her hopes on Li Yalin’s body.

“There is no way.” Li Yalin said, “The only way is to live!” Li Yalin said this with a serious and firm expression. The four women around were all infected by Li Yalin’s expression. Up.

“Junior Brother Yalin, I want to know what exactly you just said?” Busujima Saeko on the side spoke.

“Yeah, Younger Brother Yalin, what the hell is going on?” Shizuka showed her natural stupefaction again, tilting her head and asked.

“It’s like this…” So Li Yalin simply explained his previous explanation to Saya and Rei to the two women again. Then he said: “What we need now is to escape from this school. There are not many living people in the school now. We have to go across the Onbetsu Bridge to the other side of the river to find Rei and Saya’s parents. How about Saeko-senpai? Shizuka-nee, what about your parents?”

“I only have my father, and he is also in Dojo abroad. In other words, I only have this life now, so I still follow you Right.” Saeko said in a tranquil voice.

“My parents have already passed away, and relatives live far away, so now I can only follow Younger Brother Yalin!” Shizuka on the side also said with a smile.

“Okay, then! The top priority is to escape from this campus, so first of all we need a car!” Before Li Yalin could speak, Saya on the side had already made suggestions.

“I have it if you have a car!” Shizuka’s eyes lit up immediately.

“Can you seat so many people in your car?” Li Yalin said angrily.

“Uh! speaking of which…” After thinking about it, Shizuka lowered his head depressed immediately after finding that he couldn’t sit so much.

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