“Go to the faculty’s office! There should be the key to the minibus used by the Club to go out in the game.” Saeko suggested on the side, it seems she is familiar with it. But Li Yalin thought it was indeed, isn’t this just the same as the plot. Forget it, it’s the same. Anyway, Li Yalin has no better way now. For the time being, he doesn’t want to expose Diablo skills or expose Ikaros and Astraea. He thinks that step by step is best for a few women to accept everything about him. s Choice.

So everyone agreed with this suggestion, so everyone packed up the equipment and started to move towards the faculty’s office, because Li Yalin, Rei and Saeko all use melee weapons, and Saya’s micro punch is also equipped with a silencer. Yes, so it went smoothly along the way, and the few zombies that appeared occasionally have been settled. Now that the initial riot period has passed, the students who became zombies are wandering around, or have been hidden in the dark, if they are not paying attention, they will be caught by a sneak attack.

After arriving at the faculty’s office, Li Yalin and the others didn’t make too many stops. They picked up the keys and left. However, after going out, they found that a lot of zombies had gathered outside the building. If he rushes down like this, Li Yalin may not be a problem, but the women behind him are not necessarily the same. After all, they are just ordinary persons, although Saeko seems unusual. But now Li Yalin they need a breakthrough from the front entrance, and the car is in the parking lot next to the school playground.

“You don’t have to be in love, you can avoid it.” Busujima Saeko said calmly.

“They should only be sensitive to sounds, and their wrist strength is amazing, so now our only choice is to walk over without making a sound.” Li Yalin’s expression is very relaxed now.

“How did you know?” Saya gave Li Yalin a blank look.

“che, I will prove it to you now.” Li Yalin curled his lips and said that you still found these in anime. After speaking, Li Yalin walked quietly to the crowd of zombies.

“Yalin, let me go.” Rei on the side grabbed Li Yalin’s hand and said.

“Hehe, this is what a man should do.” Li Yalin touched Rei’s face, but his heart was warm, just such little zombies, Li Yalin alone It can be done, it’s just a matter of time.

“Yalin…” Rei wanted to say something, but Saeko was caught by it.

“A good woman will respect the enlightenment of a man.” Saeko said calmly.

At this time, Li Yalin walked to the bottom of the stairs. Sure enough, the zombies were invisible. So Li Yalin picked up a scattered schoolbag on the ground and threw it to the far box. After hearing a sound, all the zombies beside Li Yalin had already walked slowly towards the place where the sound was made.

Li Yalin gently opened the door of the hall and waved in the direction of a few beautiful women. Saeko took the lead, and the girls walked out gently. After finding that there was no problem, everyone went together. Walk to the bus. Everyone was very careful along the way, but after Shizuka opened the car door and turned on the car engine, the zombies had exploded and all moved in the direction of the bus.

“Quick! Get in the car!” Li Yalin guarded the door and sent a few girls into the car. After the last Saeko got in the car, Li Yalin quickly got in the car and was about to close the door. At the time, they heard someone shouting.

“Help!” Li Yalin followed the voice. It turned out that it was the surviving students who discovered the activated car and were all running towards the car.

“That’s…” Li Yalin took a closer look. Among the students who ran over was his original friend Igou Hisashi, the fat house in the same class, that is, Hirano Kohta, a member of the squad in the original work. There is the student and the others who were gnawed to death in the original plot with a towel on his body, but the most important thing is that Shidou Kouichi was also there. Li Yalin wondered, why did they all get together?

“Shidou from Class A in the third year.” Saeko thought Li Yalin didn’t know them, so he explained.

When Saeko said this, Rei was taken aback for a moment, and then an angry look appeared in his eyes, “Shidou…”

“What should I do? Younger Brother Yalin, now he can Let’s drive!” Shizuka had already started the car.

“Wait.” Li Yalin said. Although he has become a bit cold-blooded now, he is not really inhuman. If they leave now, then this group of students will die. Up. Just now because Li Yalin did not change the plot, the death of so many people has made Li Yalin unbearable, and now that he found that Jinghao Hisashi and Hirano were among them, then Li Yalin said he would save them whatever he said. Died. In fact, after learning that Rei had no interest in Igou Hisashi, Li Yalin also had a good relationship with Igou Hisashi this month.

“It also appeared in front of me, too much surrounding it will make me unable to move.” Shizuka said embarrassedly.

“Then I’ll go…” With that, Li Yalin was about to get out of the car. At this time, the originally silent Rei grabbed Li Yalin’s arm. “There is no need to save that kind of guy.”

“Rei, what’s wrong?” Li Yalin didn’t react.

“Don’t worry about him, that kind of guy should die!” Rei looked very excited now. Seeing how excited Rei was, Li Yalin suddenly remembered it. There is Shidou Kouichi.

“Don’t worry Rei, I know how to do it, but you see Hisashi is there too, can we not save them? As for some people… just let him fend for himself! Li Yalin smiled, then his expression was a little cold.

“Hurry up, everyone! I’ll be rescued!” On the other side of the bus, Shidou Kouichi was still guiding the students, but Li Yalin walked toward this side with a cold face.

“Yalin, what’s the matter with you?” Igou Hisashi on the side also found out that Li Yalin was in the car. He ran to Li Yalin’s and asked suspiciously, and he looked at the equipment on Li Yalin’s body. There is also a daze.

“Get in the car first, and talk later.” Li Yalin didn’t give too much explanation, he kept moving towards Shidou Kouichi’s direction.

At this time, an ugly scene of Shidou Kouichi appeared. After a student wearing glasses fell, he grabbed Shidou Kouichi’s leg and shouted: “My ankle is twisted!”

“Really Shidou Kouichi looked at the student slightly smiled, “Then, you wait here to die.” After saying that, he kicked the student’s face, regardless of the student’s painful shouts on the ground, Shidou Kouichi watched Sky said: “The world so far is over. People without power have no value in living!”

“Really?” Li Yalin’s voice appeared in Shidou Kouichi’s ear, Shidou Kouichi Turning his head, he found that it was Li Yalin.

“Oh… it turned out to be Li-san…” Looking at Li Yalin’s equipment, Shidou Kouichi was a little speechless, “You have some misunderstanding…”

“No Misunderstanding, Shidou Kouichi.” After saying that Li Yalin punched Shidou Kouichi’s body. The huge pain caused Shidou Kouichi to squat on the ground, convulsing speechless.

“Goodbye, Shidou-sensei.” After saying that, Li Yalin grabbed the student who was about to be surrounded by zombies, no longer paid attention to Shidou Kouichi, who fell to the ground and twitched, indifferently to Go in the direction of the bus.

After getting in the car, Li Yalin closed the door, “Drive!” Li Yalin said loudly. When Shizuka heard it, he said, “I’m driving!” After he finished speaking, he stepped on the accelerator, and the bus rushed out like an arrow from the string.

“Go to the school gate!” Saya commanded from the side.

“I know!” After Shizuka finished answering, she found that all the students who had become zombies were in front of her. “Not humans, they are…not humans anymore!” Shizuka whispered in a low voice at the beginning to shout out hysterically, and finally slammed on the gas pedal and rushed out of the school gate, hitting how many zombies along the way.

It was safe, and everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief. However, after knowing the safety, the stab person has appeared, and the yellow-haired man who originally watched Komuro Takashi in the plot was not pleasing to the eye has appeared.

“Why didn’t you save Shidou-sensei just now?” The yellow-haired man yelled at Li Yalin.

“Why should I save him?” Li Yalin asked indifferently.

“He is a teacher! Besides…” For a while, the yellow-haired was asked by Li Yalin.

“If you want to know why I didn’t save Shidou, then you can ask this guy.” Li Yalin pulled the bad luck egg that was broken and shattered by Shidou.

After the bad luck egg, everyone who understood Shidou’s personality was silent, while Rei hugged Li Yalin tightly and whispered: “Yalin, thank you .”

“Silly girl, what are you thankful for.” Li Yalin smiled and touched Rei’s cheek, and said softly.

Hirano Kohta on the side came to Saya’s with an infatuated face, “Hello, Takagi-san, it’s very good to see you all right.” “Cut.” Saya gave Hirano a blank look. After that, Hirano was ignored, but Hirano didn’t care, just watching Saya from the sidelines.

At this time, Igou Hisashi also came over and looked at Saya and everyone’s equipment. He was very self-aware and did not disturb Li Yalin and Rei, but came to Saya’s and asked quietly: “I said Saya, are you all these real guys?”

“Absolutely real guys.” Before Saya could answer, Hirano on the side already said excitedly: “This is MAC-10, a mini submachine gun. It’s simply not available on the Japanese market. There is also the M16A2 on the back of Li-san. These are all prohibited weapons. Ah? Takagi-san’s pistol is SIGP226, Made in Switzerland semi-automatic pistol, which is special for the county police. The equipment of the assault force……”

“You guy knows so much, he is really a Gunji Ota.” Saya looked at Hirano Kohta in an incredible way.

“Of course!” The more Saya was surprised that Hirano was excited, but Igou Hisashi on the side had interrupted Hirano.

“Where did you find these weapons?” Igou Hisashi asked somewhat surprised.

“Recently, we are more fascinated by these, so I asked my father to get it. Originally I just wanted to play in school, but today it really came in handy.” Of course, Saya is impossible to tell the truth.

“Oh, it turned out to be Takagi-oji-san.” Igou Hisashi also knows the situation of Saya’s house, so it is clear.

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