“Let, let me let you use it! You little bastard!” Headmaster Wendy was very speechless, facing Li Yalin, he really felt like he had encountered nemesis, so every time I met this guy, there was nothing good. What?

“That’s right, I’m so old, and I’m so stingy to die, it’s true.” Li Yalin actually got a bargain and still sells well, I saw him shook the head, and I was very optimistic about it. how you look like.

“You guy!” Headmaster Wendy got angry when he saw the magic item in Li Yalin’s hands. Headmaster Wendy had no choice but to suppress his temper. Give Li Yalin a smile.

“Okay, to be serious, what do you think of this seal incident?” Seeing Headmaster Wendy almost burst out, Li Yalin stopped teasing Headmaster Wendy, but Said somewhat solemnly.

“This seal should have been handed down from ancient times. Although I don’t know what the seal is, it’s definitely not a good thing. The Undead chaos on the continent has just started, and now Demon Beast has appeared again. Is it troublesome, is the Heavenly Wind Continent’s war going up again?” Headmaster Wendy faintly sighed, looking rather worried about the country and the people.

“Don’t be so pessimistic, isn’t the plague now getting basic controls.” Seeing the sigh of Headmaster Wendy’s face, Li Yalin wanted to laugh a little, but had to hold it back, only to transfer Topic to comfort Headmaster Wendy.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it, how many people are you going to visit this time? I’ll make an arrangement first.” Headmaster Wendy’s sentiment of worrying about the country and the people comes and goes fast, it has been completely I can’t see a trace of worry on Headmaster Wendy’s face. It is indeed an old fox. If you go to Oscar, you will definitely get a golden man.

“You should count as 20 people. If you have more refunds and less supplements, it will not exceed 20 people.” After thinking about it, Li Yalin didn’t decide the final number. Just give A vague number.

“Well, don’t make it clear, this time I am going bankrupt.” Headmaster Wendy was still whispering when he agreed, which made Li Yalin feel quite funny .

But being able to take the Teleportation Magic Array with Headmaster Wendy this time did save Li Yalin a lot of time. From Milley Kingdom to Ice and Snow Kingdom, even if it’s not a huge mountain, but that It’s not a place that can be reached in a short while. Although both countries are in the Heavenly Wind Continent’s southern part, Milley Kingdom is located east of the south central region, while Ice and Snow Kingdom is in the southwest corner. This distance can’t be considered close.

And if you want to enter Ice and Snow Kingdom, you have to go through Andra Kingdom, during which you have to cross several small duchy. From the map, Ice and Snow Kingdom is surrounded by the sea on both sides. , The remaining two sides are completely high mountains, the only two flat exits are a small road above Ice and Snow Kingdom and Desert Empire, and a wider road on the northeast side of the junction with Andra Kingdom.

Of course, wanting to go out of the mountains is not impossible, but in the mountain range of several thousands li, there are countless dangers. Wanting to cross the mountain range is pure courting. The act of death.

“Okay, don’t be so resentment. By the way, there is one more thing I want to inform you. Elder Sister Sch and Elder SIster Fina are going to Ice and Snow Kingdom with me. Their class is Please arrange it.” At this time, Li Yalin thought that Orfina and Schley’s had not been told to Headmaster Wendy, so Li Yalin smiled at hee hee and said to Headmaster Wendy.

“It’s up to you, even if I don’t agree, you will threaten me to agree. As for these two girls’ classes, there will naturally be someone to manage, so don’t worry.” Headmaster Wendy obviously Having fallen into the realm of breaking the jar, no matter what Li Yalin said, he will only nodded and agree now.

“Then I would like to thank you, but when shall we leave?” Listening to Headmaster Wendy’s words, Li Yalin naturally smiled. After asking about the departure time, Li Yalin walked out of Headmaster with a smile on his face. In the office, only Headmaster Wendy was left alone in the office, sighing, and encountering Li Yalin, a nemesis in this life, is a blood mold.

After returning home, Li Yalin told the women about the general situation, and the departure time is also set early in the morning tomorrow. All everyone has to do now is to conserve strength and store up. Energy, take a good rest. After all, the running around the past few days has made everyone very hard. I don’t know what new adventures will be waiting for you tomorrow.

Early in the morning of 2nd day, Li Yalin brought all the girls to Headmaster Wendy’s office, but this time apart from Li Yalin, all the rest were girls. As for Kiruvere, there are Maca, Sam, they, simply don’t know the action this time, maybe they are still sleeping in the boys’ dormitory.

After seeing the girls, Headmaster Wendy didn’t say much. After all, all the girls have a good battle strength, especially the girls with unknown origins with Li Yalin. The strength of this is high. This returns to Ice and Snow Kingdom, and it can also form a good battle strength. Headmaster Wendy, who doesn’t know the true strength of the women, thought of it at this time.

After everyone set foot on the Teleportation Magic Array, a burst of light flashed and everyone appeared in Ice and Snow Kingdom. Li Yalin, who was already cold and hot, and the women felt okay, but Rose and Sally immediately shrunk their necks. It seems that they are very uncomfortable with the cold of Ice and Snow Kingdom’s.

“Hurry up and put it on.” Seeing this, Li Yalin, who knew that he and the others were ill-prepared, quickly took out a few sets of cotton clothes from the Evolved Space and put them on Rose and the others. At the same time, Li Yalin also opened the Holy Protection Wall. The oval-shaped Holy Protection Wall is like an egg shell, which completely covers Rose and the others, and this time completely isolates the cold wind. .

Now Li Yalin and the others Teleportation came to a very empty space, looked all around, surrounded by a piece of wrapped in silver and white, and in the distance is the endless Snow Mountain. Not far from this open space is a city almost built of snow and ice. It seems that it should be the destination this time-Ice and Snow Imperial Capital.

Ice and Snow Imperial Capital is one of only a few large cities in Ice and Snow Kingdom, and it is also known as the miracle of Ice and Snow Goddess, because it is generally speaking, I want to be in Ice and Snow It is very difficult to cast city in Kingdom, but Ice and Snow Imperial Capital not only succeeded in casting, but also built next to the big Snow Mountain, and miraculously, Ice and Snow Imperial Capital has not been affected by avalanches for thousands of years. , As if there is an invisible force protecting the Ice and Snow Imperial Capital.

“It looks good, let’s go and see.” Looking at the Ice and Snow Imperial Capital in front of him, Li Yalin smiled and made an inviting gesture to the women. As for Headmaster Wendy, Gorgeous ignore him, now there is nothing to do with him.

But for Li Yalin’s ignorance, Headmaster Wendy is sighed in relief. If this little bastard comes up with any small tricks, this Headmaster Wendy will have no tears. It’s better to ignore yourself now. As long as Li Yalin thinks of himself, there is definitely no good.

When the Li Yalin entire group came to the outer city gate of Ice and Snow Imperial Capital, it was accidentally stopped by two female soldiers guarding the city gate. It turns out that Ice and Snow Kingdom is under martial law. If you want to enter the Ice and Snow Kingdom, you must accept inquiries and inspections.

“I said this elder sister, can you tell me about the current Ice and Snow Kingdom’s form? We were entrusted by our friends to help, but I still don’t understand the specific situation.” While being checked, Li Yalin went up to talk to one of the most beautiful female soldiers. According to Li Yalin’s observation, this female soldier is definitely the Chief-In-Charge here.

“Oh? Are you here to help? Who are your friends?” Hearing what Li Yalin said, the other party suddenly became interested. This female soldier is about twenty years old and has a pretty face. It was full of heroic spirit, and it was a waste of running to serve as a soldier.

“What am I asking you, why are you shaking your head?” Just when Li Yalin shook his head and sighed, the beautiful female soldier pulled Li Yalin again, which made Li Yalin come back to his senses .

“I said you don’t know them either. They are Icebound Academy’s students. Their names are Vivian and Arania.” After Li Yalin said the names of two beautiful women, the beautiful female soldier opposite was stunned.

“Vivian and Arania? How did you meet these two girls?” The beautiful female soldier continued to ask.

“Do you really know each other? We met at the Academies Martial Great Competition, which is considered familiar.” Li Yalin didn’t expect the other party actually knew Vivian and Arania, for a while There is also a bit of a daze.

“You met at the Martial Great Competition? Oh! I see, you won’t be the Li Yalin who won the Individual Competition champion of the Academy Martial Great Competition plus the Team Competition champion, right?” At this time, a beautiful female soldier. Suddenly, what made Li Yalin didn’t expect was that the other party even called out his own name.

“I am Li Yalin, but you are…” Li Yalin asked hesitantly.

“Hehe, I haven’t introduced myself yet. You can call me Lilian. I am Vivian’s elder sister. I have heard of you from these two girls.” Beautiful female soldier, That is, Lilian smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“It’s my own after a long time, this World is really small, but since it is Vivian’s elder sister, then you must know that Vivian is there. I originally planned to go to Icebound Academy to find them. , But I don’t know if they are there or not, but Big Sister Lilian, you surely know where they are now?” Li Yalin was a little surprised when he heard that the other party was actually Vivian’s elder sister. It was a coincidence.

“Of course this is fine. If you want to go to Icebound Academy to find them, you may not be able to find them. Now they all have their own things to do. They are so busy.” Lilian smiled and said to Li Yalin.

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