“That’s really good. Talking about Headmaster Wendy, are you planning to go to Icebound Academy?” At this time, Li Yalin turned his head and asked Headmaster Wendy again.

“Well, I won’t go with you.” Headmaster Wendy said in his heart that you think of me.

“This is the best. I don’t know how to arrange you if I bring you.” Li Yalin’s words made Headmaster Wendy’s eyes almost stare out, but Li Yalin didn’t have any idea. Method.

However, when Li Yalin returned to the women with ambition and declared that they could find Vivian and Arania soon, Saya and Rei were alone and grabbed the soft flesh on Li Yalin’s waist. Li Yalin, who used his energy, was directly hit by two beautiful women’s iron claw attacks. In an instant, Li Yalin’s mouth grinned.

“I said, I’m just talking, and nothing else.” Li Yalin quickly begged for mercy.

“hee hee, this is just a small sect training for you.” Asami on the side said to Li Yalin with a smile, and the women also made nodded gestures together.

“Okay, why are you jealous? I don’t mean anything to her.” After Li Yalin said, he hugged Rei next to him, which made Rei’s face immediately floated up. flush.

“Let’s go, with this Vivian’s elder sister leading the way, we can quickly find Vivian and them, when the time comes, we can have a good understanding of what happened here.” Li Yalin smiled to everyone Said.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Lilian’s, Li Yalin and the others soon came to a building, but this building looked very luxurious. After entering the lobby, Lilian moved towards Li Yalin said: “I’ll tell Vivian them, you can wait here for a while.”

In a short while, Vivian and Arania ran out of it quickly and saw Li Yalin After that, they seemed very excited.

“Schoolmate Yalin, didn’t expect you to come so soon.” Arania said to Li Yalin very happily.

“It’s okay, we came here for Teleportation with Headmaster Wendy.” Li Yalin also smiled and replied.

“What did I say, I just sent the letter to Di the day before yesterday…Ah no, to Big Brother Tyr, why did Schoolmate Yalin come today? It turns out that you are all in Teleportation.” Vivian did There was a sudden insight, but there was something wrong in her statement that made the careful Angy heard it out. Combining Tyr’s appearance and every move, Vivian and Arania and Tyr’s intimate behavior, (this Li Yalin explained to the public when explaining Women said it.) Now Vivian’s slipped the tongue, which gave Angy’s an immature idea, but at this time Angy is not sure yet. She thinks she should find a time to have a good talk with Li Yalin.

“Yes, what you wrote in the letter is not very detailed. Now that we are here, you can explain the whole matter to us in detail, so that we can also be prepared.” Li Yalin immediately shifted the topic to the topic, but Li Yalin paid close attention to this sealing incident.

“Speaking of this seal, it’s actually not very far from Ice and Snow Royal City, it’s just separated by two mountains.” Arania’s first sentence caught everyone by surprise, didn’t expect the seal It’s so close to here.

“A few days ago, a plague broke out in a small town near Ice and Snow Imperial Capital. However, due to the timely detection, the epidemic was quickly controlled, but at this time the plague was treated There are not many Ice Crystal Grasses, so everyone went to the nearby Snow Mountain to collect Ice Crystal Grass with several teams of senior hunters from The Organization. But in the process of collecting Ice Crystal Grass this time, an accident happened.” When I got here, Arania’s mood was already a little depressed.

“These hunters have very rich experience in hunting and expeditions, but the Ice Crystal Grass in the Snow Mountain they have been to has been lighted up, so everyone dispersed, moved towards never entered I had searched Snow Mountain, and in one of the Snow Mountain caves, a hunter found this seal.” Seeing Arania’s not very emotional, Vivian on the side succeeded Arania and continued.

“After the hunter discovered the seal, he didn’t really understand what it was. So inadvertently, the hunter broke the seal. In this way, a large number of Demon Beasts emerged. ……”

“Impossible!” Just when Vivian said this, Saya had already stood up excitedly, “Leave aside, is the seal so easy to break? A trifling ordinary The hunter wanted to crack the seal, it was a fantasy story!”

“To be honest, I don’t believe it, but now there is only this explanation. The hunter was killed immediately when he appeared in Demon Beast. The corpse has been torn to pieces, and simply can’t understand what happened.” Arania on the side also said somewhat helplessly.

“Anyway, you are indeed a bit arbitrary in doing this. As far as I know, if you want to cast a seal, you must have the strength above Sixth Rank, and the caster must also be proficient in Sealing Magic. With various Magic Items, the seal can be performed, and after the seal, you must have the corresponding strength and the item that can break the seal to break the seal. How can such a cumbersome and complicated thing be done by a hunter? “At this time, Li Yalin also nodded said.

“There is no way, we must give the people an explanation, otherwise the people will panic. The original plague incident has already made everyone alarmed, and now this mysterious seal has appeared again. It really is Add fuel to the fire.” Arania sighed softly, everything was suppressed, Arania really felt so tired.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it, but Schoolmate Arania and Schoolmate Vivian, shouldn’t you tell us your true identity?” Seeing the atmosphere is a little dull, Saeko on the side quickly changed the subject. But to be honest, Arania and Vivian have not yet revealed their identity in Ice and Snow Kingdom’s. What Saeko said, everyone is really interested.

“Schoolmate Saeko, you mean this, it’s not a secret, I am Ice and Snow Kingdom’s First Princess, and also the first heir to Ice and Snow Kingdom’s, and Vivian is Ice and Snow Kingdom First Prime Minister’s second daughter, Lilian is naturally the eldest daughter.” Arania slightly smiled, then said to everyone.

“Oh? Isn’t that the same as Rose?” At this time, the outspoken Asami called out.

“Schoolmate Rose is the same as me? Are you Schoolmate Rose the mysterious Princess of Milley Kingdom’s?” Arania asked Rose in surprise.

“Although it is not something to be particularly proud of, I am indeed Milley Kingdom’s First Princess-Rose Andre.” Rose got up and moved towards Arania and imposed a customary etiquette for Imperial Family meetings. Arania also saw it. Immediately stand up and reply.

“I really didn’t expect it, but Her Majesty Rose, I hope that in the future our two countries can get along friendly, and I will work harder for this.” Arania said to Rose with a smile.

“Of course this is good, Her Majesty Arania. I hope that our two countries can coexist peacefully. Although the distance is long, this does not hinder the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries.” Rose is also very formulaic towards Arania. Speaking, but it seems that the taste changes as you say it. How can the issue of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries be mentioned from the seal?

“I said we should return to the subject?” At this time, Li Yalin said to the two women with a wry smile.

“Okay, I know. Her Majesty Arania, please continue.” Rose unexpectedly spit out a bit of scented tongue at Li Yalin, and then made a request to Arania gesture.

“Oh, then I will continue. After the appearance of Demon Beast, we used to send a large number of soldiers to suppress it, but at first it’s okay to say, but now more and more Demon Beast is coming out. And the ranks are getting higher and higher. According to the latest news, in addition to a large number of Fifth Rank Demon Beasts, it has begun to be mixed with Sixth Rank Demon Beasts.” When it comes to this, Arania is lightly sigh again. When it comes to this seal, Arania always sighs.

“Is there any other information? For example, the legend about the seal or what was found in the scene?” Yuriko, who had been meditating at this time, suddenly asked.

“No, I have never heard of the legend of this seal. There is nothing in the scene except the Magic Array of this seal.” Vivian shook the head, it seems that there is no clue. Up.

“If this is the case, it is not easy to handle, we have to go to the scene to have a look, then Her Majesty Arania, besides us, you Ice and Snow Kingdom also sent out a request for help, right? Basically? Which countries have come back to Ice and Snow Kingdom for assistance?” Finally, Li Yalin asked another key question.

“Don’t call my Highness anymore, just call me by my name. Actually, at first, we don’t really know much about this matter. Later I learned about it from Headmaster , She just sent a request for help from the Academy Headmaster, which she had close friends with. In fact, it was mainly for the problem of the seal. I believe that as long as the seal is thoroughly studied, the matter should be resolved smoothly. As far as I know, I was invited. There are five academies such as Milley Academy, Wind Gliding Academy, Earth Academy, Magic Fire Academy and Phoenix Dance Academy. As for the others, I don’t know.” explained Arania moved towards Li Yalin.

“Well then, Schoolmate Arania.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, “But five academies, forget it, when the time comes, go and communicate with these Old Guys first, save when the Time comes if there is a disagreement, then there will be anything in disorder.” Then after a deep groan, Li Yalin decided to meet these Old Guys first. After all, Li Yalin still has to give this face.

“Well, now all the Headmasters should have arrived. They are discussing this in Icebound Academy. Let’s go directly to the Academy now. Let’s lead the way.” After Li Yalin finished speaking , Vivian stood up first and said.

Thank you for the memory of Stardust. I really want to read this good book. I have fate if I missed it. Jian Linghuan, book friend 081209164311152, Seven Realms Wuhen, Saberalter, and a reward for the tiger.

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