After Li Yalin entire group came to Icebound Academy, Vivian first went to the Headmaster of the Academy, and Arania and Lilian accompanied Li Yalin and the others to tour the entire campus. It really is the Water Element Academy. There are so many MMs of Water and Ice Elements Mage Robe. Boys here are really rare animals. Sometimes when you meet a boy, you can only walk with your head down. This makes Li Yalin quite good. Wondering.

“Do I say that your Academy is feminist? Why are those boys all the same as those who eat soft meals?” Li Yalin moved towards Arania and Lilian asked.

“No way, who is called Icebound Academy? Even the entire Ice and Snow Kingdom is more women than men. We are not feminist, but Ice and Snow Kingdom’s men are indeed too disappointing.” Arania sighed lightly. Said.

“In fact, this is also a normal phenomenon. Any boy who is always crushed by a bunch of girls around him will cause this phenomenon. This cannot be solved in a day or two. And here we are still It’s good. If it’s the Phoenix Dance Academy, the boys there are miserable. The all-in-one Phoenix Dancer Warrior is not as gentle as our Water Element Mage.” Lilian on the side explained next, and when it came to Phoenix Dance Academy’s, Lilian still helplessly shook the head.

“It is estimated that all the boys at Phoenix Dance Academy’s have become a nuisance.” Li Yalin whispered sympathetically.

“Xiao Su? What do you mean?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Lilian asked puzzledly.

“It’s nothing, just sympathize with them.” Li Yalin is a little embarrassed, can’t explain to Lilian what attack is, what is suffering, right? Seeing Li Yalin’s expression, all the girls on the side laughed.

“Schoolmate Yalin, I have found Headmasters. Headmasters is having a meeting in the large Conference Hall of the Academy. Let’s go there.” At this time, Vivian gasping for breath ran over, and it seemed that she was running. A lot of places.

“Then let’s go, see these Old Guys earlier, we can also go to the scene of the incident earlier to take a look.” After letting Vivian calm his breath, Li Yalin directed at everyone Said.

After coming to Icebound Academy’s large Conference Hall, Li Yalin found that there are really a lot of people gathered here. In addition to Icebound Academy’s instructors, other Academy’s instructors also participated in this conference. There are even some players who have participated in the Academy Martial Great Competition. It seems that Old Fox Wendy is indeed not the only one who cheated.

“Sorry, I interrupted your meeting, but I don’t know if you mind if we also participate in your meeting?” After knocking on the door at random, Li Yalin entered with a group of MMs Large-scale Conference Hall. Although there are a lot of people on Li Yalin’s side, the Conference Hall is indeed very large. There are more than 20 people who enter here together and it is not at all crowded.

“Are you Milley Academy’s Schoolmate Li Yalin?” One of the Headmasters stood up hesitantly and asked. Judging from the Fire Element on him, this guy should be Magic Fire Academy’s Headmaster.

“That’s right, I’m Li Yalin.” After Li Yalin was nodded, he didn’t ask the other person to agree with him, and sat down on a chair opposite to Headmasters, looking very leisurely. .

“Since Schoolmate Yalin is here, it really adds a big boost to us, everyone applauds and welcome!” didn’t expect, a blue Magic Robe covered in water, it seems that the age is only more than 20 years old The Beauty of Water Spell was the first to take the lead in welcoming Li Yalin, and it seems that this beauty is of high authority, is she the Icebound Academy’s Headmaster? Isn’t that too young?

“Actually, I came here this time without any other intentions. I was only entrusted by my friends to solve this sealing incident, but I don’t want to have any conflicts with the Headmasters when solving the problem, so This is just to inform you.” Amidst the sparse applause, Li Yalin smiled slightly at everyone, but what he said made everyone present almost choked.

“What do you mean? Are you saying that we are not capable of solving this seal?” The most hot-tempered Magic Fire Academy Headmaster was the first to shoot the table and saw him. Asked moving towards Li Yalin with an angry face.

“The ability is not stated, but made. What’s the use of yelling at me now? If you are capable, go and continue to seal the seal now. You, except What else would you do if you’re awkward?” Li Yalin said after taking a look at Magic Fire Academy’s Headmaster with disdain.

“you guy! I want to teach you a lesson!” Being excited by Li Yalin, the fire of Magic Fire Academy Headmaster couldn’t be suppressed. When he was about to step forward, he was Headmaster Wendy on the side was grabbed. It seemed that Old Fox Wendy had a good personal relationship with this guy, and he held it down for the Magic Fire Academy Headmaster.

“What the hell do I say you guy is going to do? You are not here to look for trouble, do you? Schley, Orfina, you two girls don’t know how to control him!” Headmaster Wendy is somewhat flustered and exasperated towards Li Yalin shouted, Li Yalin offended everyone present, and Schley and Orfina even let Li Yalin so indifferently, which really made Headmaster Wendy extremely depressed.

“Headmaster Wendy, don’t get excited. Since Schoolmate Yalin has said so, he must be very confident to solve this seal? If that’s the case, why don’t we take a look at Schoolmate Yalin first? What do you do? So that we can learn too!” At this time, an elderly Earth Element Mage on the side persuaded Headmaster Wendy. It seems that this guy should be Earth Academy’s Headmaster, but on the surface it looks like this guy. They are saying good things, but actually this guy has hidden meaning.

“That’s right, I also agree with this point. Since Schoolmate Yalin has said so, let him try first. Trying is the most important thing.” After the Earth Academy Headmaster finished speaking, The old Wind Element Mage on the side, that is, the Headmaster of Wind Gliding Academy, also agreed. It seems that these two Old Guys are very black belly.

“Okay, since the Headmasters have agreed, then I’m not welcome.” Li Yalin has nothing to do with them. Since the other party has said so, it is in line with Li Yalin’s heart, as long as these Headmasters don’t make trouble, so Li Yalin naturally doubles the results for half the effort.

“Wait, I have an opinion!” Just when Li Yalin was about to turn around and leave, a female Warrior suddenly stood up. Judging from where she was sitting, she should It is also one of Headmaster. However, after the other party took off the helmet, Li Yalin found out that this female Warrior was really young, almost the same age as Icebound Academy’s Headmaster, she looked pretty good, and her face was very heroic, even though she looked unconventional among the women. Not outstanding, but it can be regarded as a rarely seen beauty.

“Oh? HeadMaster Christo have any different opinions?” Earth Academy Headmaster looked at this beauty Headmaster with surprise.

“Don’t you think this is sloppy? Although Schoolmate Yalin’s is very strong, he is still young after all. Is it possible to leave such a serious matter to him? And we have not been to the scene to see it, just With Headmaster Helen telling everyone and starting to study this seal, don’t you feel wrong?” Although this HeadMaster Christo underestimated Li Yalin, Li Yalin felt that she was a very responsible person. With just this sentence, Just let Li Yalin’s affection for her double.

“I think what HeadMaster Christo said is quite right. It is indeed a bit rash to start researching only by relying on my description. I also want to apologize to everyone here because I didn’t think about it.” This Just now the beauty of Water Spell, that is, Icebound Academy’s Headmaster Helen also stood up and said to everyone.

“Since this is the case, Schoolmate Yalin, I don’t know if you mind if we all go to the scene of the incident together, we will not interfere with each other. Maybe you have your method, but we have our experience Let’s discuss it together. This will solve this problem more perfectly. Schoolmate Yalin, what do you say?” After looking at the headmasters present, HeadMaster Christo moved towards Li Yalin and asked, of course, the teacher here. We have no right to find out.

“Since HeadMaster Christo has said so, then I have nothing to say. Let’s go to the scene and have a look.” Since the other party has said so, Li Yalin naturally has no objections. Li Yalin this person is Amenable to coaxing but not coercion, as long as others talk to Li Yalin, then everything is easy to talk about. But if someone talks to Li Yalin like the Magic Fire Academy just now, then Li Yalin will not give him a good face. Who is afraid of whom these days?

Soon, everyone agreed. In addition to Li Yalin and their entire group who went to Land of Sealing this time, Vivian, Arania and Lilian will also accompany them. On the Headmasters side, in addition to the major Headmasters, there are also more than a dozen teachers accompanying them, so the two sides together have formed a large force of more than forty people.

“I said Big Sister Lilian, don’t you go back to defend the city? Why are you still with us?” But when Lilian wanted to follow, Li Yalin asked Lilian a little puzzled. .

“Haha, I’m actually not a soldier defending the city. It was just a little more interesting there. There is no more defender than me, and there are no more defenders. It doesn’t matter if I have one or not.” Lilian patted Li Yalin’s shoulder heartily, as if you didn’t care about it.

“I said elder sister, you ran out to fool around again, how many times have I told you, why are you always non-stop!” Vivian heard Li Yalin and Lilian’s dialogue, repeatedly Shook his head and sighed.

“Well, don’t be like an Old Antique, I just play around by the way, or else I’ll be boring every day.” After saying that, Lilian even did something to Vivian With a grimace, these two sisters are really lively enough.

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