Along the way, Li Yalin talked and laughed with all the women, and looking at the headmasters, they all looked like enemies, as if they were about to go to the battlefield.

After I left the Ice and Snow Imperial Capital, this journey became a bit difficult. Although the weather is still fine, all around seems to have just been snowing, and the roads are basically covered by snow and ice. , The deep snow even reached a depth of more than one meter, which brought a lot of trouble to everyone’s travel.

Looking at this situation, Li Yalin directly used levitating technique for everyone, so as not to expose everyone’s wings, but also to move forward easily. After seeing Li Yalin’s Magic, a group of teachers in Wind Gliding Academy immediately knew how to bless everyone. Fortunately, the teachers here are pretty good. Otherwise, the floating technique alone can remove all of them. Feng Fa was exhausted.

Due to the floating technique, everyone soon came to the sealed location. At this time, thousands of soldiers have gathered here. Whenever Demon Beast appears from the seal, the soldiers will immediately hunt on the spot. Kill, don’t give these Demon Beast a chance to make trouble at all.

“How? Did you see any doorway?” After explaining their intentions to the Seal Guardian Regiment Commander, a crowd of Headmasters and teachers immediately surrounded them, and they did not give Li Yalin a chance to investigate. . However, Li Yalin had thought of this result a long time ago, and Li Yalin did not say anything about it, but after Headmasters researched for a long time and did not find out anything, Li Yalin stepped forward and asked gently.

“We didn’t see it, so did you see it?” Magic Fire Academy’s Headmaster yelled at Li Yalin unconvinced.

“Don’t be so loud, I can hear it. Besides, this is Snow Mountain. If you cause an avalanche so loud, can you afford the responsibility?” Li Yalin glanced at Magic Fire Academy’s Headmaster with disdain , But the words of Li Yalin’s made the other party even more angry. When the other party wanted to shout out, they were stopped by Icebound Academy’s Headmaster.

“Headmaster Dwight, Schoolmate Yalin is right. You can’t speak loudly in Snow Mountain, it will easily cause an avalanche, when the time comes it will be a very serious disaster “Headmaster Helen looked at Li Yalin’s with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. Didn’t expect that this young man who came to Ice and Snow Kingdom’s for the first time had such knowledge, indeed, he had some knowledge.

“This…” Headmaster Dwight wanted to say something, but after a few more talks, he finally held back.

“I don’t want to tell you that there are some, I can only say that there is no culture, it’s really terrifying, or the Headmaster of the Academy, I don’t have any knowledge, Yuriko Aunt, let’s take a look at this seal. Right.” After Li Yalin gave Dwight a white glance, he muttered in a low voice and called Yuriko to prepare for Yuriko to appraise the seal.

Although Li Yalin muttered in a low voice, everyone present could hear clearly. This made Headmaster Dwight’s face flushed, but he couldn’t burst out immediately. Seeing this situation and this scene, Earth Academy Headmaster and Wind Gliding Academy Headmaster on the side sympathetically patted Headmaster Dwight, looking like you are sad.

“This is not a seal!” Yuriko’s first sentence after the identification made everyone startled.

“Impossible! From the perspective of Magic fluctuations or Magic inscriptions, this is a powerful seal. How could you say that this is not a seal!” After Yuriko finished speaking, Headmaster Dwight I found an excuse right away. At this time, Dwight looked like I was an expert and enumerated the questions about this seal from various aspects one by one.

“Yuriko Aunt, what the hell is this?” Li Yalin simply ignored Dwight’s words, although from the outside, this Magic Array does look like a seal, but Yuriko, who is proficient in identification, said This is not a seal, and Yuriko must have her explanation.

“This is a Two-way Teleportation Array, but it is not fully opened. It needs to be cracked before it can be fully opened.” Yuriko’s words made everyone startled again. Originally, it was not a seal, that’s all, but now it is actually He also said that this is a Teleportation array, and even Headmaster Wendy’s brows are frowned this time.

“Do you have any basis for this?” At this time, Headmaster Wendy asked Yuriko with a serious face.

“Believing or not, do you want me to crack it and show it to you?” Yuriko didn’t give too much explanation for Headmaster Wendy’s distrustful eyes, just faintly towards Headmaster Wendy Asked.

“It would be best if you can crack it. I really want to see what this so-called Two-way Teleportation Array is!” At this time, HeadMaster Christo was very interested. Said, after all, she is a Warrior and doesn’t know much about these Magic Arrays and seals.

“Yes, it would be best if it can be cracked, so that we can understand what is going on.” Headmaster Helen on the side is also nodded, although not very convinced What Yuriko said, but if this matter is true, then this will be a very important discovery.

“Okay, but I need a certain amount of time.” After Li Yalin nodded agreed, Yuriko has begun to use the cracking spell. But this is not like playing a game, saying that if you crack it, you will crack it. Yuriko has now gathered all attention on the crack. Unconsciously, Yuriko’s has already presented the imposing manner of Saint Rank.

“This is…” After the imposing manner of Saint Rank appeared on Yuriko’s, the headmasters next to him were completely stunned. Didn’t expect this one to wear a hat and can’t see his appearance. The female Mage of Mage has the strength of Saint Rank. This is incredible, and listening to the voice of the other party, she should be young. What is going on?

At the time when the headmasters were surprised, Yuriko had completed the cracking spell, and just after the cracking was completed, the Magic Array on the ground suddenly separated, and then regrouped to form an oval. From Li Yalin’s Teleportation Gate, they can actually see the other side of the Teleportation Gate.

Just after the Teleportation Gate was opened, a few Demon Beasts crazily poured out from the other side of the Teleportation Gate. They basically all had the strength of Fifth Rank or so, but in Li Yalin, a Brilliant Star Strike hit After exiting, he knocked back all the Demon Beast that came out.

“Since they are all turned on, let’s go see and see.” Li Yalin smiled and said to the girls. After all the girls agreed, Li Yalin was the first to step into the Teleportation Gate. . However, after entering the Teleportation Gate, Li Yalin found that hundreds of Fifth Rank Demon Beasts had gathered all around, and they were mixed with Sixth Rank Demon Beasts. So Li Yalin sent out a Lightning Attack in an instant, and countless lightning bolts around. The Demon Beast was cleaned up and cleaned up, so that it can be considered as paving the way for the women.

But what surprised Li Yalin was that after the girls came in, a group of Headmasters and teachers also followed in, which made Li Yalin quite puzzled.

“I said why did you follow up?” Li Yalin asked Headmaster Wendy directly.

“smelly brat, if you are allowed to come in, we are not allowed to come in?” Headmaster Wendy exclaimed to Li Yalin, blowing his beard and staring.

“Sorry, Schoolmate Yalin. Now that we know this is a Teleportation team, then we can’t just sit idly by, especially if you as a student can dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety Come and help Arania and Vivian’s, it’s natural for us as adults to be more obliged.” At this time, Headmaster Helen quickly moved towards Li Yalin and explained that she didn’t want Li Yalin to be dissatisfied with it, and in public and in private, she Have to come in and find out.

“Forget it, since you want to come, I can’t stop you, but you must remember, don’t interfere with us.” Looking at Headmaster Helen’s expression of sorry and pleading, Li Yalin Only agreed to the other party, but in order to avoid trouble, Li Yalin decided that it would be better to arrange three chapters in advance.

But just as Li Yalin was talking to Headmaster Helen, the Teleportation array behind everyone suddenly closed. Except for some light spots that were dissipating on the ground, there was no trace of Teleportation array at all. The trail is over, which makes everyone big startled.

“Master, I found a new Quest.” When Li Yalin was wondering, Feifei suddenly said to Li Yalin in the Evolved Space.

“New Quest?” Li Yalin quickly searched it out. Didn’t expect a new Quest. It turned out that after Li Yalin entered this foreign space World, Quest had already been sent out. That is to survive for a month in the foreign space World, and in this month find Teleportation back to Heavenly Wind Continent’s Magic Teleportation array, and at the time of the foreign space World, Heavenly Wind Continent Time Flow Speed ​​stops, just like Li Yalin in dungeon In the same way, as long as the Teleportation array is found and returned to Heavenly Wind Continent, the time will be the time when the Teleportation Gate was closed before.

“Fucked!” If there is a table in front of Li Yalin’s now, Li Yalin will definitely lift it off! This is a what Quest? No hints at all! Oh, I found Teleportation Magic Array within one month, where can I find this Magic Array? Can you give me a direction? This place is so big, how to find it like a headless fly!

“What’s wrong with Yalin?” Looking at Li Yalin’s unhappy expression, Saeko asked with great concern.

“New Quest, survive here for a month, and find Teleportation Magic Array, it’s just a fucking spoof of me!” Li Yalin said helplessly to everyone, and then burst out angrily.

“What Quest? What does this mean?” Rose and Sally both asked Li Yalin in a puzzled way, because they didn’t understand Li Yalin’s words at all.

“In a word, it seems that someone made a joke with us. There is a Teleportation Magic Array in this space. Once we find the Magic Array, we can safely Teleportation back to Heavenly Wind Continent. It’s that simple.” Li Yalin spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and explained to Rose and the others.

Thank you for the memory of Xingxuan, I really want to read this good book, Jian Linghuan, the reward of Seven Realms Wuhen.

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