“You…what do you want?” This Flame Lion is like a girl who meets Highway Robbery in the middle of the night, cowering backwards, but this sentence comes from a lion’s mouth, how do you look? How do you feel that there is a sense of violation.

“Let’s talk about why you were chased by these Flying Demon Beasts first.” Seeing that this Flame Lion did not have the perish together mind like the White Crane, Li Yalin immediately began to question.

“You said this, actually…” Then, Flame Lion told Li Yalin the whole story of his attack. It turns out that there are quite a few in this forest. Saint Rank Demon Beast, and every Saint Rank Demon Beast has its own territory. Of course, Saint Rank Demon Beast invades territories often. This time, this bad luck Flame Lion’s territory was occupied by these two Saint Rank Flying Demon Beasts for no reason, and because of strength problems. , Flame Lion can only choose to lead a group of younger brothers to escape, but the other party is chasing after him and must kill Flame Lion to the last one.

In this way, a desperate escape began. Flame Lion is an aimless run, and two Flying Demon Beasts are chasing behind. Everyone knows what happened after that, these bad luck The guy met Li Yalin and their killers, which eventually caused the entire army to be annihilated.

“It turned out to be the case, but what do you think I should do with you?” After listening, Li Yalin touched the chin with his left hand, looking indecisive, but this time made this one Flame Lion was even more frightened.

“Don’t come here, I tell you, I have a secret weapon! If you come, I will perish together with you!” Flame Lion backed back again and again, it seems that Li Yalin’s is indeed shocked She’s gone.

“Don’t be so nervous, if you choose acknowledge allegiance, I might save you a life.” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly changed his conversation and became kind.

“No, I’m the noble Saint Rank Demon Beast, impossible acknowledge allegiance…” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, Flame Lion’s tone has dropped a lot, even though he said impossible, But hesitated in the words.

“If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, then die, and you will have a lot of benefits after you acknowledge allegiance!” Li Yalin started bullying and lure tactics again, this tactic is quite easy to use, I only see Li After Yalin finished speaking, Flame Lion’s hesitation became stronger.

“That…I acknowledge allegiance what benefit will you have afterwards?” Flame Lion asked only nonsense.

“There are many benefits. For example, you can eat and sleep well in the future, and no one can bully you. As long as you are obedient, everything you want can be achieved.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Flame Lion.

“Really?” Flame Lion’s eyes lit up after hearing Li Yalin’s words. To say that this Flame Lion has just grown up, it has almost nothing except the strength of Saint Rank Low-Level. Even her territory is too small and outrageous. After hearing that she will not bully herself in the future, Flame Lion’s thought But it became active.

“Of course it is true!” Li Yalin was definitely nodded, as if I never told lies.

“Well, if this is the case, I can choose to acknowledge allegiance to you, but do I need to sign a soul contract with you?” After thinking about it for a while, Flame Lion finally agreed to acknowledge allegiance Li Yalin, but when it comes to the soul contract, Flame Lion still hesitates.

The so-called soul contract is the ultimate contract signed between Demon Beast and humans. As long as the contract is completed, Demon Beast’s life will be dedicated to the contract person, and there will be no rebellion in any case. In his heart, as long as the contract person dies, Demon Beast will die. Even if the contract person is unhappy with Demon Beast, he directly orders Demon Beast to commit suicide, and Demon Beast will faithfully execute this order. This can be said to be very cruel. Kind of contract.

“The soul contract is unnecessary, but I have another contract!” Of course Li Yalin will not sign a soul contract with Flame Lion, but the Subordinate God contract can be signed. Li Yalin has already signed a contract with Flame Lion before. The Feifei ditch is passed. The Flame Lion of Saint Rank has human wisdom. After reaching the God Rank, Flame Lion may be transformed into a human form. There is no problem in terms of contract.

“Another contract?” Flame Lion looked at Li Yalin with some wonder. In her inherited memories, it seemed that the contract only had three contract methods: friendship contract, slave contract and soul contract. Does the other party want to sign a slave contract with you?

“Forget it, you just need to accept it.” Li Yalin didn’t have time to explain to the other party carefully, but soon, Li Yalin concluded the Flame Lion contract, and then Li Yalin ordered Saber Called over.

“Toria, you will take care of this little lion.” Li Yalin said to Saber with a smile.

“Yalin, you mean… can I?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Saber looked surprised and happy.

“Of course, otherwise, why would I have to contract this guy so hard?” Li Yalin was nodded and then replied, but this sentence made Flame Lion next to him very upset, why is it called This guy?

“Thank you so much.” Saber cheered and rushed to Flame Lion’s, but then Saber realized that he had some lost self-control, and quickly stood up and coughed, then immediately I organized my own Gold Cloth again.

“What’s your name? I don’t know how to call you yet?” Li Yalin asked Flame Lion again.

“I don’t have a name. After I was born, I was alone. Everyday all struggled for survival. What do you want a name for.” Flame Lion felt a little frustrated when she said this.

“Really? Poor child, then I will take your name. It’s Snowflake.” Flame Lion’s words made Saber sympathetic, but Saber’s name Let Li Yalin be embarrassed.

“I said Toria, this guy is obviously a Flame Lion, right? If you want to name it, you have to take a name like Blaze, Blaze. The name of Snowflake is obviously not compatible.” Li Yalin looked at Saber in wonder.

“Because Snowflake is a girl, how can a girl be called a flame or a flame? Don’t you?” Saber’s expression is very firm. It seems that she likes the name Snowflake very much, and in Sabermoved towards Flame When Lion asked, Flame Lion nodded his head violently, leaving Li Yalin speechless. The two guys cooperated in a tacit agreement.

“Forget it, just as you please.” Although he felt helpless, Li Yalin nodded agreed to the name. After all, it seems that Saber and the Flame Lion like it very much.

“Nymph, continue to scan to see if there is any danger nearby?” At this time, Li Yalin turned his head and moved towards Nymph instructed, and it was not too early to see if it was too early. It was time to prepare to camp and rest.

“Yes, Master, it is safe within several dozen li, and there is nothing that might threaten our Demon Beast.” Nymph gave Li Yalin a positive reply after scanning.

“Very well, now everyone starts to collect Demon Core, and then I will rest today.” After Li Yalin spoke to the girls, he started collecting Demon Core.

Actually, Li Yalin and the others are very simple to collect Demon Core. Just use Spiritual Power to take out the Demon Core of Demon Beast within the body. Simply don’t need one by one to dig it out, so it’s very easy. Soon everyone was over, and Li Yalin also picked a lot of edible Demon Beasts and threw them into the Evolved Space. Except for the dinner tonight, all the remaining Demon Beasts became Li Yalin’s. Strategic grain reserves.

“Schoolmate Yalin…” At this time, Rose and the others who had been avoiding them also returned to their original places, but when they saw Li Yalin and them, Arania and Vivian hesitated a little. And Headmaster Wendy and Fewright Headmaster, they all look like God, but Li Yalin, they are so tough. Two Saint Rank Demon Beasts are killed if they are killed, and the other Saint Rank Demon Beast is said to accept the younger brother. Just accepted it, it’s simply non-human.

“What’s wrong? Schoolmate Arania? Did you frighten you?” Li Yalin moved towards everyone slightly smiled, Li Yalin also knew that these people would definitely give each other a big blow, but there is no way. Things, in fact, Li Yalin chose to kill Demon Beast this time. In addition to wanting to get Demon Core, another reason was to beat these Headmasters.

Headmaster Wendy also has two female Headmasters. Let’s leave it alone, the headmaster Dwight with a hot temper and the two black belly Wind Glinding Headmaster and Earth Headmaster, these guys are no longer someone who is easy to Deal with, especially with a group of teachers behind them. However, it is not Li Yalin’s intention to scare Arania and Vivian, but it is also impossible.

“It’s nothing…Schoolmate Yalin…Are you a god?” Arania asked this question after hesitating.

“Of course not. Although our strength is relatively strong, we are still far from the gods.” Li Yalin said with a smile, this god on Heavenly Wind Continent is enough It’s strong, let alone a certain Great God who sent Li Yalin over.

“But…” Arania hesitated for a long time, but in the end she didn’t ask any questions. Li Yalin surprised herself too much today, which made Arania’s brains very messy, it was a mess. .

“Yalin, you tell me the truth, even if you are not a god, are you a Gods Descendant?” After Arania was silent, Headmaster Wendy rushed out, up, down, left and right After taking Li Yalin’s side carefully on the right, Headmaster Wendy asked a question that made Li Yalin almost fall.

“I said Headmaster Wendy, can your question be more reliable, if I were Gods Descendant, I would still hang out with you guys? How good would I be to go to the sky!” After speaking, Li Yalin gave Headmaster Wendy a sharp glance.

Thanks to the memory of star dust, Saberalter, I really want to read this good book, Jian Linghuan, ~Shining&Star~, Seven Realms Wuhen, Rage Durian’s reward.

Speaking of tragic today, I started to burn in the morning when I woke up, and my whole person was groggy. Could it be the fault of walking in the snow yesterday? This sad weather is really speechless. It is still sun shone brightly in the morning, and it snows in the afternoon, so let people live?

Tomorrow Saturday, maybe there will be three changes…just maybe, look at the status……

Finally, I still want to subscribe weakly… (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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