After clearing the battlefield, Li Yalin and the others relied on Nymph’s detection radar to find a relatively safe area. Because there is a relatively high mound, it is convenient for detection not to mention, the view of all around is also very good. It is open and a good place to camp.

Because there are other people, Li Yalin did not come up with anything shocking the world, just took out a lot of tents from the Evolved Space for everyone to rest, and those Headmasters also have them Your own Spatial Ring naturally does not need Li Yalin to worry about. After setting up a camp with the girls, Li Yalin and the others raised a few bonfires.

After the bonfire rose, Li Yalin began to prepare the Demon Beast corpse. It is not easy to satisfy Saber’s stomach. Of course, Li Yalin needs to prepare more.

Because the various ingredients are very complete, the barbecue on the bonfire at this time has exuded a strong aroma, which makes the headmasters who have never smelled this kind of taste been slobbered, among them Headmaster Wendy was the first one to look at the dry food in his hands and the already charred barbecue on the fire. Headmaster Wendy was the first to come to Li Yalin’s side.

“I said Teacher Yalin, can we make a discussion?” Headmaster Wendy asked Li Yalin with a face.

“Just say something.” Li Yalin looked at Headmaster Wendy with slanted eyes, and said with an impatient face. With Headmaster Wendy’s slobber, he could say anything with his toes. Can guess it.

“That…this barbecue you made looks good, can you…can you let me taste it too?” After Headmaster Wendy said this, he also felt a bit sorry, but in terms of food and After weighing the two sides of face, Headmaster Wendy chose gourmet food very bachelor.

“You said this? Of course you can. If you want to eat, just say it. If you don’t say, how do I know you want to eat? You don’t really want to eat, do you? Then you can eat it!” Headmaster Wendy, who said Li Yalin’s series of words, was stunned. Headmaster Wendy, who had never seen the Moonlight Treasure Box, naturally couldn’t understand the meaning of Li Yalin’s words, but after Li Yalin finished speaking, It felt so funny, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I want to eat, hehe, then I’m welcome.” After Li Yalin finished speaking, Headmaster Wendy decided to eat first, but when he reached out to the barbecue, He was shivered by a stray wind blowing behind him.

Unknown Headmaster Wendy quickly looked back, but after turning his head, Headmaster Wendy was shocked. At this time Saber was standing behind Headmaster Wendy, staring straight at him with big eyes. Hold Headmaster Wendy, and there seems to be a very penetrating shadow behind Saber.

“You…you are…” Headmaster Wendy was stunned by Saber’s powerful coercion. For a while, he was a little vague in his speech, but Saber ignored Headmaster Wendy. It was staring straight at Headmaster Wendy.

“Teacher Yalin…what’s going on?” Headmaster Wendy asked Li Yalin shiveringly, but Li Yalin shrugged his shoulders. Simply did not answer Headmaster Wendy’s question, but each Minding their own business flipping the barbecue on the campfire.

After a while, Headmaster Wendy didn’t notice anything unusual, but just when his hand was about to reach out to grab the barbecue, Saber’s powerful pressure appeared again, which made Headmaster Wendy feel uncomfortable. Stopped the action again.

After Headmaster Wendy turned his head, he saw Saber looking straight at herself. After repeating it two or three times, Headmaster Wendy finally understood that this girl cares about her own barbecue. It’s really hard to understand, and Headmaster Wendy forever doesn’t know how much Saber is obsessed with food.

Although I don’t understand, Headmaster Wendy quickly chose to retreat. He didn’t see the Saber battle just now. This girl who can fight Saint Rank Demon Beast is not something ordinary people can provoke. Yes, Headmaster Wendy doesn’t want to get into the soil so early.

Seeing this situation, Li Yalin and the women laughed. In fact, Li Yalin already knew the result, and he said, if someone wants to touch Li Yalin Saber is the first one who won’t agree to cooked food.

After making the barbecue, Li Yalin took out some rice and the dishes that he had prepared. After all, it is indeed a bit boring to eat only barbecue. This time it is like a party picnic. Everyone ate very happily.

After eating the food prepared by Li Yalin for the first time, Vivian and Arania were quite surprised. Didn’t expect that this young man with such a powerful ability could still make good dishes. , This is simply impossible on Heavenly Wind Continent, not just powerhouses, even ordinary civilian families will not have men cook, of course, except for those soft-bodied men in Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s.

After dinner, everyone quickly got into their tents. Today is very tired. It is very necessary to have a good rest. Moreover, Ikaros and the three Angels watch the night. The safety aspect is completely No problem.

The night passed quickly. Li Yalin had already got up early in the morning of the 2nd day. Regarding this Quest, Li Yalin just glanced at it hastily yesterday, and didn’t look at it in depth. Now it just gave Li Yalin a chance.

After watching the entire Quest, Li Yalin’s is indeed a little speechless. This Quest is just like playing RPG. You can get rewards after clearing the level, and the first pass is this forest. Let’s talk about this First Quest first. First Magic Gem is located in a place in the forest called Forest Ancient Domain’s. Although it is just a name, Li Yalin has no idea where this so-called Forest Ancient Domain is. It’s the same as I didn’t say! But then Li Yalin thought about it. Didn’t he catch a local tyrant yesterday? Just ask Snowflake if he can.

After making up his mind, Li Yalin came to Saber’s tent, saying that Saber’s love for lions has indeed reached a state, and he even hugs this Snowflake when he sleeps at night, but at this time Saber had gotten up early and was erecting his mane on Snowflake.

Speaking of which, Li Yalin’s really wants to complain. Didn’t it mean that only male lions have manes? Isn’t the neck of the lioness bare without any hair? Why is this Snowflake lion obviously a female, but a bushy mane grows on her neck? This makes Li Yalin very suspicious of Snowflake’s gender.

“It’s Yalin, what’s going on so early?” After Li Yalin entered the tent, Saber greeted Li Yalin and continued to furnish Snowflake.

“Of course something is going on.” After Li Yalin was nodded, he turned to Snowflake and asked: “I have a question to ask you, are you a male lion or a female lion?”

„Ah? ”Originally Li Yalin asked Snowflake with a serious face. Saber on the side was still a little puzzled, but after Li Yalin asked this question, Saber was stunned for an instant.

“Of course I am a girl, can’t you hear my voice?” Snowflake turned white humanly and gave Li Yalin a glance. After getting acquainted with Li Yalin, Snowflake is no longer so afraid of Li. Yalin is now, and now Snowflake has found Saber as a backer, so naturally there is no need to be terrified and over-cautious when talking.

“Then what’s the matter with the mane on your neck?” Li Yalin asked Snowflake very gossip.

“Of course this is a weapon for saving energy! We Flame Lion, both male and female, will have a mane. In addition to saving Fire Element energy, this can be considered one of our weapons!” Listen When Li Yalin said this, Snowflake opened his mouth and explained immediately, but Saber on the side could no longer sit still.

“I said Yalin, did you come here so early to ask such boring questions?” I saw Saber’s face darkened slightly. ‘Oh, is it a joke a bit too much, or don’t let the little lion turn black. ‘Thinking of this, Li Yalin naturally waved his hands again and again.

“Of course not, I have a very important question to ask Snowflake.” Li Yalin’s smile was a little stiff, and then Li Yalin immediately changed the subject and started to ask Snowflake.

“Since you live in this forest, have you ever heard of a place called Forest Ancient Domain’s?”

“Forest Ancient Domain? Of course you know, there But the forbidden area of ​​the entire forest, do you want to go there? I want to remind you that it is not a place that ordinary people can go to, even the Supreme-level Demon Beast is quite afraid of it!” Speaking of this Forest Ancient Domain, A look of fear appeared on Snowflake’s face.

“Is this Forest Ancient Domain so dangerous?” Hearing Snowflake’s words, Li Yalin’s interest came up and asked quickly.

“It’s more than just dangerous, it’s extremely dangerous. I’ve never heard of anyone who can survive close to it. According to legend, there is a terrifying Demon King. He will eat everything close. Demon Beast in his territory.” At this point, Snowflake was already shaking.

“This will be interesting. Every game level will have an ultimate BOSS. This is the common sense of RPG. Let’s prepare now and move towards this Forest Ancient Domain. Go ahead!” Li Yalin laughed, and simply ignored Snowflake’s dissuasion, but turned back and walked out of Saber’s tent.

“I said we should persuade him? It is really dangerous!” Snowflake moved towards Saber hesitantly after Li Yalin walked out of the tent.

“No, since Yalin has already decided, there will naturally be his reason. As the Master Sevant, I just need to concentrate on guarding him. As for other things, Yalin himself is needed. To decide, I can assist him and give him advice, but I will never interfere with him! Even if he encounters any difficulties and hardships in the future, they are only what Yalin must go through when he grows up. Only cut off the thorns on the road. There will be a bright future!” Saber looked at Li Yalin’s back and said very firmly.

Thank you very much for wanting to read this good book, Hair also kills, Saberalter, Rongguang Knight, Jane Linghuan, ~Shining&star~ for the rewards, especially thank you for the hair also kills, 5888 ah, I am moved. , But the twelve thousand reminder is really deadly…………

Today, you will have to make three changes to your death. If there is no renewal of the twelve thousand compensation, in fact, today I only planned to upload 6,000 Words… (to be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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