After everyone had breakfast and was ready, Li Yalin told everyone the purpose of the first stop. Even Headmaster Wendy is the same. After all, they also have the right to know.

However, after telling the other party the truth, these Headmasters turned out to be surprisingly silent, and did not make any comments. They just said that they would just go with Li Yalin. This made Li Yalin a little surprised. It was yesterday. Has the deterrence tactics worked?

For the time being, regardless of the attitudes of these Headmasters and teachers, after Li Yalin asked about the specific location and location of Snowflake Forest Ancient Domain’s, Nymph put the 3D Map in front of Li Yalin’s. From the distance point of view, the entire group wants to go to the Forest Ancient Domain not very far, about two days away, but there are indeed a lot of Demon Beasts along the way, so the danger is greatly improved.

“This route is not very good, Nymph, can’t we find another route?” Li Yalin looked at the forward route on the map frowned, Saint Rank Demon Beast has too many territories, and it is entrenched. Seventh Rank Demon Beast is not a minority, Li Yalin and the others can’t continue to waste time because of these Demon Beasts.

“Sorry Master, this is already the best route. There are more than a dozen routes to Forest Ancient Domain’s, but this route is the least troublesome. The rest of the route encounters Demon. Not to mention Beast, the road is very difficult.” Nymph said to Li Yalin with an apologetic expression.

“so that’s how it is, if this is the case, there is no way. Let’s be careful along the way and try to avoid unnecessary fighting.” Li Yalin nodded, it had no choice but to do so.

After Li Yalin’s gave an order, everyone set off as a group. On this road, Nymph and Galatea did a good job. Under the detection and perception of the two of them, Li Yalin avoided a lot of battles. , Even if you meet some Demon Beast occasionally, they are just some Low-Level Demon Beast. You can easily deal with each other without disturbing other Demon Beasts. As a result, everyone’s traveling speed was greatly improved, and it only took a day and a half to arrive at this destination-the most dangerous Forest Ancient Domain in the forest.

After coming to this Forest Ancient Domain, everyone discovered that it turned out to be a huge square building. The city wall is all made of gundam boulders over 5 meters, and from the outside, there is only one The entrance is only, but the decoration of this entrance is very eerie and horrible, and it looks like it can swallow people.

“Nymph, can you find out what’s inside?” Li Yalin turned his head and asked Nymph.

“No, there seems to be such a strong interference inside. My radar can’t find the information inside.” Nymph said to Li Yalin with a frustrated face, and at the same time, she was still constantly try.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, we have to go in. The radar is just to assist us. Now that there is no radar, it can arouse my interest in adventure.” Li Yalin laughed After comforting Nymph, he turned around and came to Headmaster Wendy in front of them.

“Headmasters, you have reached your destination now, but now I don’t know what kind of danger there is. If there is an accident, I’m afraid that when the time comes will not take care of you, so I hope You can wait for us outside.” Li Yalin felt that what he said was very tactful, but after saying this, it seemed to hurt the self-esteem of the Headmaster Teachers.

“What do you mean by this? We are all your feelings. Old fogey. I have been traversing the continent on June 5th for ten years. Even if I die, I will die vigorously. You made me hide stubbornly, this is not my character!” The fiery Headmaster Dwight retorted immediately.

In the past few days, everyone has lost the familiarity and awe of Li Yalin. On the contrary, they are mostly intimacy, especially Headmaster Dwight, although this guy has a temperament. Hot, but he is indeed a very righteous and outrageous guy. After Li Yalin handed this guy a bottle of good wine, this guy almost recognized Li Yalin as his younger brother, which really made Li Yalin a little bit hard to laugh.

“Yes, Yalin, you are really hitting us in the face by saying that. Although we admit that we are not as strong as you, at least we still have some self-insurance capital, right? And you also said It’s dangerous. If you have an accident inside, then naturally we won’t be able to return to Heavenly Wind Continent. In that case, we simply won’t survive for a few days in this forest. Fortunately, if this is the case, it’s not as good as that. Go in with you, so that we can satisfy our curiosity and see more novel things, even if we die, it’s no regrets.” It was Phoenix Dance Academy’s Headmaster Christo who said this, and after speaking, , Christo even flew a wink at Li Yalin.

Speaking of this HeadMaster Christo, Li Yalin really couldn’t understand. Didn’t it mean that Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s women are very strong and tough? Why is this HeadMaster Christo like a beautiful snake? Especially during dinner last night, Christo actually went to Yuriko This big tree. Although all mature women have a common language, their relationship is getting better too soon, right? In this way, Christo grabbed Helen and rubbed Li Yalin for a meal. After that, he became familiar with the women and called them sisters and sisters. Li Yalin is full of black lines in his head.

And that’s not even counted. Christo actually showed an extraordinary liking for Li Yalin. He always liked to go to Li Yalin’s side. This made Li Yalin yell that he has sex with women, but But Li Yalin was helpless. This woman didn’t know what kind of mischievous soup she had poured into everyone, and all the women had a good impression of her.

“Forget it, since you insist, don’t blame me for speaking ugly to the front. If it’s the most critical moment, I won’t take care of you.” Li Yalin looked at the other Headmasters and teachers. All were serious and determined, and Li Yalin couldn’t do anything about it. Since they had already decided, Li Yalin naturally had to respect the other party’s choice, but Li Yalin gave the other party a warning, even though he said so. But at a critical moment, will Li Yalin really leave them behind? Of course not, at most throw them into the Evolved Space, as long as you instruct Teresa in the Evolved Space to stun them and it’s OK.

After everything was ready, Li Yalin was the first to raise his foot and step into the dark entrance. After entering from the entrance, the passage inside was not very wide, probably less than three meters long. Width, but also a piece of black pressed.

After seeing this situation, Rei, Shizuka, Saya and the girls who are proficient in HEALspell immediately turned on Light Source Spell. In a flash, the dark and dark passages that were originally dark have been illuminated. In the daytime, what appeared before everyone was a long tunnel, and you couldn’t see the head at a glance.

“Yuriko Aunt, see if your terrain survey can be used.” Seeing this, Li Yalin immediately asked Yuriko. Yuriko is an expert in this area. After all, in addition to identification , Maze exploration is also Yuriko’s specialty.

“I see.” After Yuriko nodded, he immediately launched a terrain survey, and at the same time, Yuriko also launched a navigation map. Although the navigation map can only show the places that have gone out, it is in cooperation After the terrain survey, the navigation map will also play a very powerful role.

Nymph’s radar could not be used due to interference, so Li Yalin just asked Yuriko to start the survey spell with the mentality of trying, but didn’t expect Yuriko’s spell without any problems at all, and added Yuriko’s strength has greatly increased, and the scope of terrain investigation has also become extremely wide. At this time, all the terrain conditions with Li Yalin as the center and several hundred meters appeared on the navigation map. This has to be said to be a surprise.

But after seeing the terrain on the navigation map, Li Yalin and the others were completely speechless. Is this shit? Isn’t this a big maze? And there are different traps above the maze. Obviously this is a player!

Even if they are full of resentment in their hearts, Li Yalin still has to move on. With the navigation map, the traps in the tunnel are all obvious at a glance. To say that the types of traps here are really endless. There are everything from the more primordial mechanical trap to the rather cumbersome Magic Array trap. If accidentally, it’s really easy to get caught.

It’s no wonder Snowflake is full of fear here. Li Yalin and the others saw a lot of Demon Beast’s corpses along the way. They basically died under various traps, and some Demon Beast’s death is quite tragic. Even some of the Saint Rank’s Demon Beasts can’t match these dangerous traps. This has made Li Yalin a small fortune and gained a lot of Saint Rank and Seventh Rank’s. Demon Core.

After everyone walked for more than an hour with turns left and right, they finally came to the end of the free time, but it’s not that easy to pass here, because the one waiting here turned out to be one A Saint Rank High-Level Demon Beast is a purple hair, looks a bit like a cat, but is quite huge, about a meter high on May 4th, emitting bursts from the opponent’s body. From Lightning’s point of view, the opponent should be a Saint Rank Demon Beast of Lightning Element.

“This is…Is this the legendary Thunderbolt Specter?” Headmaster Wendy said hesitantly, looking at the Lightning Element Demon Beast in front of him.

“Thunderbolt Specter, what is that stuff?” Li Yalin has never heard the name of this Demon Beast.

“Thunderbolt Specter, as the name suggests, it is very fast, and it can also use the Magic of the Lightning Element, which is a very terrifying Demon Beast.” Headmaster Wendy moved towards Li Yalin explained.

Sorry, I can’t make three changes today. I suddenly had something in the afternoon. I guess there is no way to update today. But tomorrow, Xiaoshuai promises three changes.

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