For Li Yalin’s suggestion, the girls who were selected to participate in the kite squad were naturally nodded. However, Saber did not do it and insisted on participating in the kite squad.

“I said Toria, you don’t know how to teleport, so don’t participate.” For Saber’s stubbornness, Li Yalin felt helpless.

“That won’t work, my responsibility is to protect your safety, and this Quest is so dangerous, I need to stay by your side all the time! And you can also use Space Teleportation to hold Teleportation back Yeah.” Saber’s reason is very good.

“You can’t say that. I’m not a little child anymore. I can take my measure. There are also things you need to do. After we distract these Demon Beasts, you have to kill them immediately. That Berserk Ice Bear, this Quest is very difficult, and among everyone, you, Ikaros and Astraea have the strongest battle strength, so the three of you need to work together to kill each other as quickly as possible, so that’s right for us. The greatest support!” Li Yalin held Saber’s shoulders and said to Saber with a serious face.

“But…” Saber wanted to say something, but at this time Saber was obviously unable to refute it. After all, what Li Yalin said was the truth, and the current situation indeed requires Li Yalin to do so.

“Nothing! Okay, let’s go!” After Li Yalin interrupted Saber, he took Saeko, Saya, Miyu and Rika with the four girls moved towards Berserk Ice Bear’s gathering place flew over.

“Let’s come to Bibi to see who is better to fly the kite!” Li Yalin pointed at the four female winks, and then a teleport appeared in a corner where Berserk Ice Bears were denser, and then A Lightning Attack was thrown into the Demon Beast group, and the chain of lightning with a chain attack attacked dozens of Berserk Ice Bears in a row before it stopped. In this way, at least hundreds of Berserk Ice Bears were alarmed by Li Yalin, and this was not over yet, and then Li Yalin’s second Lightning Attack was thrown out again.

“Yalin, you shame! You sneaked away!” After a pout of dissatisfaction, Saya immediately moved towards the Berserk Ice Bear below and used a wide range of Gale Raging Flames, which was created by Wind Pressure The spell composed of S and Flame S, the fire also disturbed a lot of Berserk Ice Bear by the wind. Although it is not as good as Li Yalin that many, it is only slightly inferior.

“Let’s start too!” The remaining three Saeko women after looking at each other, they all dispersed and then attacked Berserk Ice Bear, especially the Fire Element attack that can attract Ice Bear’s attention. , The three women used more frequently.

But Saeko and Rika are better to say that when Miyu is here, she is a little embarrassed. Dark Warlock is not very proficient in spell, and Miyu is best at speed and one hit strike. Magic for group attacks is really rare. Now Miyu can only swim and leaping everywhere between Berserk Ice Bears. Rock S is used for harassment and lure tactics.

Just after Li Yalin and the five succeeded in attracting most of Berserk Ice Bear’s attention, Saint Rank Berserk Ice Bear, who was resting at the entrance of fifth pass, also opened his eyes. Li Yalin understood The battle has been half-successful, so I immediately notified everyone to spread out, as much as they could take away. After Saber and the others got the little BOSS, everyone could teleport back right away.

In this way, Li Yalin and the five of them sent out Magic from time to time to attack these Seventh Rank Ice Bears, and they kept backing away, and finally led most of the Berserk Ice Bears away. At this time, they were guarded. There are less than a hundred Ice Bears at the entrance of the fourth pass.

“It’s time for us to play!” Don’t let slip an opportunity. The time is no longer to come. Now is the best time to solve the opponent. So Saber bears the brunt. The Ice Bear of Seventh Rank basically has no enemy.

“Artemis!” Before Ikaros had received the order from Li Yalin that he didn’t need to keep his hands at all, so Ikaros had the maximum power output of homing missile as soon as he appeared, and countless homing missiles blossomed in Berserk Ice Bear. , But this angered the Saint Rank boss.

Berserk Ice Bear is called Berserk Ice Bear because its temper itself is very irritable and irritable. As long as something goes wrong or someone disturbs it, then It will attack each other mercilessly, and after Saber and the others make such a move, Berserk Ice Bear naturally can’t continue to sleep at ease.

I only saw the Berserk Ice Bear of Saint Rank loudly roared and discovered that the deaths and injuries of the little brother beside him are very few, and the other little brothers have been cited by Li Yalin. Go, this made Berserk Ice Bear even more angry. I saw that all its hair was erected, and then the ground began to freeze. The shiny ice cubes instantly scattered around Berserk Ice Bear, the cold freezing Qi seems to freeze the entire world.

Faced with the oncoming icy air, Saber and the others did not retreat but moved forward. They saw the Excalibur in Saber’s hand continuously waving, and all the frozen ice crystals on their side were chopped into pieces. , Ikaros and Astraea are more direct, opening the absolute defense circle directly, blocking all Berserk Ice Bear’s attacks.

After Berserk Ice Bear used his 1st move, he immediately ran from the same place moved towards Saber. I really don’t know how the fat body can move so fast, that is In an instant, Berserk Ice Bear has already arrived in front of Saber, and the fat bear paw has been moved towards Saber and photographed.

If Saber was hit so easily, then the title of SaberKing of Knights’ would be called for nothing. When Saber backhanded, he blocked the opponent’s paw with Excalibur in his hand. Excalibur and Berserk Ice Bear’s claws formed a fierce collision. This collision caused Berserk Ice Bear to suffer a big loss. After all, Saber’s hand was the legendary Divine Sword. Not only did Berserk Ice Bear this slap not hurt Saber, it was because Excalibur was wounded.

After withdrawing his paws, Berserk Ice Bear learned well, and moved towards Saber blew a wave of Blizzard. Although it is a small Blizzard, the overall attack power is still good. But what the other party did not expect was that at this moment, Astraea suddenly appeared in front of Saber, Aegis-L in his hand was fully expanded, and Berserk Ice Bear’s attack was blocked.

At this time, Ikaros was already holding Apollon and aimed at Berserk Ice Bear. Just after Astraea launched the absolute defense circle, Ikaros’ Apollon shot instantly. It is indeed the final weapon. In the absence of defense from Berserk Ice Bear , Let this bad luck Berserk Ice Bear get the lunch.

“Good job! Everyone can retreat!” Li Yalin who was flying the kite at this time, of course, could feel that Saber and the others’ battle was over. After an admiration, Li Yalin immediately notified the kite squad. All the members of, and he himself teleported to the entrance of fifth pass in the same way.

Soon, everyone gathered. After collecting all the Demon Cores, Li Yalin and the others opened the gate of fifth pass. After arriving at the fifth pass, everyone found that there was no I don’t want to be the same as the previous levels, not to mention the difficulties, there are traps and Demon Beast rampant everywhere. The fifth pass turned out to be a piece of Sea of ​​Flowers, and it didn’t seem to be in a forest building, because the blue sky could be seen here, and the warm wind blowing in the air made everyone feel quite fresh and pleasant, and it felt quite refreshing. Comfortable, the fatigue in the previous few levels has been wiped out.

“Welcome to you, foreign space visitors!” Just as everyone was watching the all around scenery, a gentle female voice suddenly appeared in everyone’s ears, and everyone looked around. After Fan, no trace of anyone was found.

“You don’t need to look for it. I am not in this space. I’m just using my Spiritual Power to talk to you.” As if seeing everyone’s movements, the gentle female voice was again Ringing in everyone’s ears.

“Who you are?” At this time, Li Yalin’s frowned, not in this space. What does it mean? This shows that the woman who is talking to herself and the others must have the strength above God Rank, and may even be the Lord God Expert of Eleventh Rank.

“My name is Adria, you can call me that way.” The gentle female voice, Adria, said to Li Yalin.

“Adria…Goddess Adria? Isn’t this Ice and Snow Goddess’ name? Are you Ice and Snow Goddess?” After thinking for a while, Arania first shouted out in surprise.

“Is it Ice and Snow Goddess? You did call me that before, but I haven’t heard anyone call me that for many years.” Adria said with some aftertaste, but her answer was Everyone is startled.

“Her Highness the Goddess, didn’t expect to meet you here, I am the current Ice and Snow Kingdom First Princess-Arania Blaine.” After getting an accurate answer from Ice and Snow Goddess, Arania He half-kneeled on the grass and said with a pious look at the sky. At the same time, Vivian, Lilian and Headmaster Helen behind Arania also all half-kneeled on the grass.

“Oh? The descendants of that little girl Blaine? Really a kind of fate, didn’t expect to meet you here.” After hearing Arania’s words, Ice and Snow Goddess Adria clearly agreed Frozen, then said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

“Yes, Her Highness the Goddess, seeing you is our life’s greatest wish. You have not lowered the oracle for us for thousands of years, so we have been waiting for you!” At this time Arania’s There was a hint of earnestness in the voice.

“Hehe, are you waiting for me… If you didn’t meet you in this space, I am afraid you are forever and can’t wait for me…” At this time, Ice and Snow Goddess’ words actually carry A trace of desolation.

“Is it because of the barrier that I can’t return to Heavenly Wind Continent?” Hearing this, Li Yalin couldn’t help but interject, but Li Yalin’s words made Ice and Snow Goddess startled.

Thank you for beating the tiger, talking and laughing and watching the red dust, Seven Realms Wuhen, Jian Linghuan, the memory of star dust, not broken, not scattered, Saberalter’s reward.

Speaking of the end of the month, the subscription is still so bleak. Yesterday’s three-shift subscription is not as good as the usual two-shift subscription. Is it a sign of tragic?

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