“How do you know about the barrier on Heavenly Wind Continent? I can feel a little diversity from your body. Are you a Gods Descendant? No, your energy circulation method is completely different from ours, isn’t it? You are a foreign Gods Descendant? But where do you know about barriers?” Ice and Snow Goddess Adria’s voice seemed a little surprised. But what she said made Rose and the others even more startled. Li Yalin clearly denied that he was Gods’ descendants. Then why does Ice and Snow Goddess now say that Li Yalin is a Gods Descendant?

“Regarding the question of Gods’ descendants, I can clearly say that I’m just an alternate heir to an unknown god. Attention! It’s just an alternate, simply not Gods’ descendants. As for Gods’ descendants. I heard about the barrier issue on Heavenly Wind Continent. I heard Elf Goddess mention it.” When it comes to the issue of Gods’ descendants, Li Yalin simply doesn’t have the consciousness of this aspect.

“Oh? Did you hear about it from Elder Sister Pokky? Is Elder Sister Pokky okay now?” didn’t expect to hear about Elf Goddess from Li Yalin’s, which made Ice and Snow Goddess was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked Li Yalin.

“Do you know Elf Goddess? Oh, yes, you are all Lord Gods of the Eleventh Rank, and you will definitely be in touch. I am actually just the Elf Goddess I just met not long ago and I am helping Elf Race met once when resisting Undead’s attack. It seemed that she was doing well, but she couldn’t come to Heavenly Wind Continent.” Seeing Ice and Snow Goddess cares so much about Elf Goddess, Li Yalin was also quite surprised. Could it be that these two Is the relationship between Goddess good?

“Of course, Elder Sister Pokky and I were the best friends at the beginning, but after the Great War of Gods and Demons, we never met again.” When it comes to this, Ice and Snow Goddess’ tone is already full of loss.

“Her Highness the Goddess, why do you appear here?” At this moment, Arania suddenly interjected and asked. This question has been held in Arania’s heart for a long time, and now I can’t bear it. I asked it out.

“This is a long story. In the last Great War of Gods and Demons, I was given a sneak attack by a Demon Race. At that time, I was seriously injured. There is a possibility of falling. So I quickly left the battlefield and wanted to find a place to recuperate. Just after I returned to Ice and Snow Kingdom’s Snow Mountain, I was suddenly sealed by an unknown force, After I awaken, I His body has been completely sealed, and I can only wait for someone to rescue me.” Ice and Snow Goddess’ words contained helplessness, bitterness, and even fear of that powerful and unknown force.

“Then how can we rescue you?” Li Yalin asked immediately.

“Only the Magic Gem of these six regions can automatically release my seal. This is the information left to me by the unknown force, and I only know this.” Ice and Snow Goddess sighed, it seems she is really helpless.

“Is it Six Magic Gems again?” Li Yalin lowered his head and pondered then said, but a thought suddenly popped up in his heart that that powerful and unknown force would not be that certain Great A masterpiece of God, right? This so-called foreign space Quest might not have been designed by him a long time ago, right? If this is the case, Ice and Snow Goddess is really innocent.

“Since this is the case, this does not conflict with our actions. We have to get the Six Magic Gems before we can Teleportation back to Heavenly Wind Continent. Now it happens to be one move, two gains.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, it would be great if you could sell a face to this Ice and Snow Goddess, after all, the other party is an Expert of the Eleventh Rank, and it is indeed not a loss to make a few friends.

“Really? This is really very good!” Listening to Li Yalin’s words, there was a hint of excitement in Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice. It seems that she was indeed sealed here. too long.

“Schoolmate Yalin…thank you…” After Ice and Snow Goddess finished speaking, Arania behind Li Yalin also murmured his thanks to Li Yalin, if Li Yalin really rescued Ice and Snow Goddess , Then he is the entire Ice and Snow Kingdom’s great benefactor.

“It’s nothing, it’s still important to do business now, see if there is a sixth level next, and only after the end of the level can you get the Magic Gem in this area.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, then To continue to explore fifth pass.

“There is no sixth level, here is Forest Ancient Domain’s last pass, Magic Gem is here.” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Ice and Snow Goddess even said directly moved towards Li Yalin.

“Oh? So you can finish Forest Ancient Domain’s Quest right away? This is really good.” Li Yalin said with a smile, didn’t expect to find First Magic Gem so soon, although Going through some twists and turns, but finally came to the last pass.

“Indeed, although my body is sealed, my Spiritual Power often wanders in the six regions, so I know these six regions well!” Ice and Snow Goddess is very proud To Li Yalin, but to everyone, Ice and Snow Goddess is like showing off his little child?

“Well, I know Her Highness the Ice and Snow Goddess in six regions very well. How should we find this First Magic Gem?” What everyone didn’t expect was that Li Yalin cooperated with Ice and Snow Goddess very well. Snow Goddess, and after making a gentleman’s gift in Li Yalin moved towards the air, in the sky came the silver bell-like laughter of Ice and Snow Goddess.

“In fact, it is very simple to get the Magic Gem in Forest Ancient Domain. In the center of this sea of ​​flowers, there is a seal barrier. As long as you break the seal barrier, you can get the Magic Gem in the barrier. “I’m an expert, Ice and Snow Goddess said, but then she added: “By the way, this barrier is very strong, it’s difficult to break it.”

“Okay, I understand!” After Li Yalin nodded, he took everyone to the center of the sea of ​​flowers.

When Li Yalin and the others came to the barrier in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, everyone was shocked by the magnificent scene. This seal barrier is not like an ordinary barrier. The color is single or simply transparent. . At this time, the entire seal barrier is exuding a illusion of light, and the colors in it are changing at any time, giving people a feeling of being in a dream.

In the seal barrier, a ping-pong ball-sized gem with dark brown brilliance is quietly suspended in mid-air. The gem is brilliant lights and vibrant colors, which makes people wanting Take one more look.

“Well, we are about to start work now, let me do it first!” After Li Yalin looked at the girls all around, Ragnarok in his hand fiercely attacked the seal barrier, but The barrier is not damaged in the slightest, just a slight ripple.

“So strong?” Li Yalin frowned. Although he didn’t use any skills, he was considered his own powerful attack. Didn’t expect didn’t work at all.

“I’ll try it!” Seeing that Li Yalin’s blow didn’t work, Saber raised his Excalibur, and the same sword slashed above the barrier, but an unbelievable scene happened, Saber The full strength attack still has no effect.

“Impossible!” Li Yalin stared wide-eyed couldn’t believe it. Even Saber’s attack didn’t work. Isn’t this barrier too hard?

“Let’s come together!” Since there is no way for one person, Li Yalin decided to gather the power of everyone. Li Yalin didn’t believe it. So many people couldn’t break this shit barrier.

After allowing Rose and the others to retreat to a safe range, Li Yalin and the others surrounded the barrier group and each performed their own nirvana stunts, all kinds of big moves do not need money moved towards The seal barrier blasted past, but it was unbelievable that after the huge explosion, the seal barrier was still not broken except for a few shakes.

“You do not work like this!” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice appeared again. “If you want to break this seal barrier, you must use a physical attack, because one of the functions of this barrier is the neutralization of Magic.”

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” Li Yalin has some moving towards resentment Said Ice and Snow Goddess.

“I have forgotten things, it’s been a long time, I just remembered it.” Hearing Li Yalin’s complaining voice, Ice and Snow Goddess seemed aggrieved.

“Forget it, physical attacks will be fine? But for physical attacks, that is, me, Saber, and Astraea strongest, so let’s try the three of us!” Then Li Yalin copied Ragnarok wanted to continue attacking, but before Li Yalin and the others started attacking, Ice and Snow Goddess continued to speak.

“It’s better not to attack by three people, because this barrier will absorb the attack energy of others to defend against other attacks. That is to say, it must be the strongest attack from one of you to break this barrier, three Personal attacks will cancel out all attacks.”

“I said you have something to say in one breath? My Highness the Goddess?” Li Yalin’s imposing manner loosened and almost didn’t lie down. on the ground.

“I just remembered it too!” Ice and Snow Goddess said aggrievedly.

“Well, if that’s the case…you have to retreat!” Li Yalin closed his eyes after instructing the women to retreat, holding Ragnarok tightly in his hands. And just in an instant, Ragnarok suddenly emitted a very dazzling light, and everyone couldn’t open their eyes under the strong light. This light lasted for a long time, and it wasn’t until five minutes later that the light gradually dissipated.

At this time, everyone looked at the Ragnarok in Li Yalin’s hands and found that Ragnarok has completely changed its appearance, but the change is not the main thing. The main thing is that Ragnarok at this time exudes a kind of majesty and Divine aura is like the Divine Might distributed on Li Yalin Zeus God Cloth, but the Divine Might distributed by Ragnarok is even stronger than the Divine Might of Zeus God Cloth. It can be said that there is a feeling of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth. .

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