“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we can’t help but feel sorry for each other.” Seeing no one besides Saya and Rei, Li Yalin unexpectedly said such a sentence. Of course, after Li Yalin finished saying this, Saya coldly snorted turned around and left.

“Hurry up! See what you said?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, Saeko’s face blushed. Of course, Saeko has never seen Zhou Xingxing’s Qiuxiang, this kind of line For Saeko, the impact is still huge.

“Yes, hurry up and chase Saya, I think she looks very angry.” At this time, Rei also walked over to persuade.

“Oh, I get it.” Li Yalin touched his nose, and after a light kiss on Rei’s cheek, he ran to chase Saya, although he had already been more intimate with Li Yalin. It happened, but at this time Rei’s face still couldn’t help showing a blush.

“This bad guy.” After Rei murmured, he looked at Saeko next to him and smiled, watching Li Yalin chasing Saya’s back together.

“Saya…Saya, what are you running, wait!” Although Saya’s speed is not very fast, Li Yalin has given Saya a lot of face, otherwise this tsundere glasses girl can be another It’s going to be a little temper.

“Why?” At this moment, Saya suddenly stopped, but she didn’t look back, just asked Li Yalin where she was.

“What and why?” Li Yalin was a little puzzled by Saya’s sudden question.

“Rei is fine, why do you need Saeko-senpai first…” At this point, Saya was already a little choked.

“I have nothing to do with Saeko…” Hearing what Saya said, Li Yalin felt that he was really wronged.

“I don’t care! I don’t care!” At this moment, Saya turned around and ran over and hit Li Yalin’s body directly, while beating Li Yalin’s chest with her powder fist, the tears in her eyes couldn’t stop. Flow down.

“Sorry Saya, I’m really sorry…” Li Yalin understands what Saya’s means. As a girl who grew up in modern times, Saya’s naturally has the same dreams as ordinary girls. One day You can step into the wedding hall with the person you like and stay together forever forever.

Although Li Yalin’s is right in front of Saya’s now, the cruel fact is that there are too many Li Yalin’s girls who want to share with Saya. Can you say that Saya can’t be wronged? Originally, Saya had been accumulating this emotion, but now she couldn’t help it after seeing Li Yalin and Saeko, this resentment broke out completely.

“Don’t say sorry to me, and don’t say sorry to me forever. Since I decided to be with you, I knew there would be such a day. Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, It’s really not as simple as I thought.” Saya said after covering Li Yalin’s mouth with her hand. At the end, Saya’s face showed a slight self-deprecating expression.

“I’m sorry…” Li Yalin can say only this sentence now, apart from this Li Yalin doesn’t know what else to say.

“You said, don’t say sorry to me, it’s not the first day I met you, you indecisive womanizer!” Or just talk about the girl’s thoughts, don’t guess, you cried a moment ago Of the weeping beauty, now Saya pursed her mouth and looked at Li Yalin with disdain. This really made Li Yalin somehow didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Okay, don’t make this expression with me. After venting it, it is really comfortable. Let’s go back. We will continue on our way in a while.” Looking at Li Yalin’s depressed expression, Saya But pffft smiled, and then she dragged Li Yalin back and walked back. Saya had run out of this oasis just now because of the awkwardness.

“I said Saya, can you stop scaring me from now on?” Li Yalin just let Saya drag him. At this moment, his mouth is full of complaints. Just now Saya’s performance really scared Li Yalin. It’s a jump.

“Who makes you always care about me!” Saya turned her head and made a face at Li Yalin, which looked very playful. This kind of scene is rarely seen.

“Didn’t I apologize all…” Li Yalin said aggrieved, but Saya laughed louder in exchange.

“Okay, reward you, but you have to keep it in your heart what I just said.” At this moment, Saya suddenly turned back and quickly kissed Li Yalin’s lips, and then He released Li Yalin and ran away quickly, leaving only Li Yalin alone.

“What did you just say?” Li Yalin was muttered in a daze.

After returning to the camp, everyone is basically ready to pack and can continue on their way at any time, so after Li Yalin’s order, Drilling Armor Beasts immediately opened, moved towards City of Hell’s direction keeps going. The speed on this road is fairly fast, and it only took more than two days to reach the City of Hell, which was much earlier than expected.

“This is the area of ​​City of Hell’s, we can’t go any further, we can only send you here.” After sending Li Yalin to the city of Hell about two kilometers away After the place, the Drilling Armor Beast family stopped. If they continue to move forward, they will be within the power of the City of Demon. No one can tell what will happen when the time comes. Naturally, the uncle Drilling Armor Beast cannot take the family. Go to risk.

“This is all right, the past few days really thank you.” After getting off the Drilling Armor Beast’s back, Li Yalin smiled and expressed his gratitude to the Drilling Armor Beast family. After the help, it is indeed a lot convenient. Li Yalin didn’t care that Drilling Armor Beast didn’t send them directly to the destination. It’s just such is human nature. Li Yalin can understand it completely. Besides, the City of Hell can already be seen here. It’s only a few minutes away.

“Goodbye…Although I don’t know that we will not meet again in the future…” At the time of parting, the little Drilling Armor Beast looked back three times, reluctantly, but Li Yalin knew it in his heart. This big stomach king is totally reluctant to Li Yalin’s food, and he is not reluctant to Li Yalin them.

After bidding farewell to the Drilling Armor Beast family, Li Yalin and the others walked to the so-called City of Hell. After stepping into the City of Hell’s sphere of influence, Li Yalin and the others can feel an astonishing Power of Darkness. This power erodes Li Yalin and them all the time. Although the erosion power is not very strong, it wins. In the lasting, staying in this place for a long time will definitely go crazy.

After coming to the entrance of City of Hell’s, Li Yalin and the others discovered that the building called City of Hell’s has a total of 13 layers. It is really an ominous figure, and only these so-called Do you like Demon?

The entire City of Hell has only one entrance. At this time, Li Yalin and the others are standing in front of the entrance. This is a gate made of unknown metal with black lacquer, carved on both sides of the gate. There is a statue of Demon, and what is more spoof is that there is a plaque directly above the gate with the words Heavenly Wind Continent’s written in four large characters-City of Hell.

“It’s a vulgar name. I don’t know who made it?” After reading the four characters on the plaque, Li Yalin shook the head, leaning his hands on the gate of City of Hell’s. With a light push, along with Li Yalin’s afterburner, the door was slowly opened.

After entering the gate, Li Yalin and the others are presented with a very gorgeous hall. The whole hall is divided into two floors, which is invisible from the outside. From the outside, the entire City of Hell is all black, with black city walls, black windows and black doors, but how come it is different inside?

“Didn’t expect, didn’t expect, it’s really beautiful here!” Li Yalin smiled at everyone, but everyone didn’t pay attention to Li Yalin, but was all curious. Check it out.

“che, it’s boring.” Li Yalin turned his head a little uncomfortably, and then looked around the hall very curiously, but at this moment, the door that was still open slowly closed. When I got up, just as the light all around dimmed suddenly, all the candles on the walls and in the hall were all automatically lit.

“What’s the matter with Nymph? Is there anything wrong?” Li Yalin asked quickly moved towards Nymph.

“There is no way for the Master, just like in the Forest Ancient Domain, my radar has completely failed.” Nymph said frustratedly, although there is usually no problem, but whenever this critical moment, Why did your own radar lose the chain?

“What about Galatea?” Li Yalin quickly turned his head in the direction of Galatea. After some investigations, Galatea also shook the head.

“No, Dark Aura here is too mixed, I can’t tell it at all.” Galatea said very frustratedly. Although Dark Aura is also similar to Yoki, there are still some differences in essence. It is Yoki who is perceiving now, Galatea may not be able to distinguish it in such a mixed environment, let alone the current Dark Aura.

“Then there is no way, now I only have to take one step and look at one step, Yuriko Aunt and Saya you two. You have to look at the map and the terrain. If there is a situation, you should tell me immediately.” After listening to Galatea’s After that, Li Yalin didn’t have any good solutions, so Li Yalin could only rely on Yuriko and Saya. Even if he couldn’t detect other things, he still needed to pay attention to traps.

At this time, although the lobby looks a little horrible, there is no change. After carefully looking at the navigation map, Li Yalin suddenly discovered that the First Layer and Second Layer in the lobby are unexpectedly There is a secret passage.

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