“Let’s go, go in and take a look.” Li Yalin led everyone to the secret entrance of First Layer. Since there was no useful clue in the lobby, the only way now is to enter these two secrets. passage Looking for the way upstairs.

Under Yuriko’s cracking spell, I quickly found the switch to turn on the secret passage, but after Li Yalin and the others entered the secret passage, they discovered that this secret passage is really horrible. Later, two Skeletons were found lying underground. Judging from the clothes that had begun to decay, the two bodies had been here for many years.

“No! It’s so strange, why is there a human-shaped body here?” Li Yalin hadn’t paid attention to it before, but Li Yalin suddenly reacted when he turned his head and was about to leave, whether it was in the desert or It was in the forest. He had never seen humanoid creatures, let alone humans in clothes. So where did these two corpses come from?

“Snowflake, have you ever seen a human like us before?” After listening to Li Yalin’s words, everyone suddenly realized, and Saber immediately asked Snowflake.

“Never have seen it, at least in my memory, there has never been a human being, but from the memory of inheritance, I can learn some basic information about human beings, but it is limited to That’s it.” Snowflake said somewhat helplessly.

“Forget it, even if there are humans, they rarely live in the forest. Let’s move on.” Li Yalin, who didn’t want to waste time on this topic, did not continue to ask. Instead, he turned around and fumbled forward.

The entire secret passage is like the secret passage of a medieval castle. On the walls made of megaliths, torch is hung to illuminate the dark road, but these torches are not as good as they were in the hall before. The candles in it are as bright, because if you look at these torch carefully, there is a little black and gray color in the burning Flame. Obviously, these are all the lowest-level magic flames, although they can’t be compared to Saeko. Compared with their magic flame, but at least this should not be the Flame that appears in the world.

After walking a section of the road, Li Yalin and the others discovered that this is more than just a secret passage, it is simply a super complex maze, all kinds of roads are criss-crossed, and it’s really chaotic. Extremely, and there are many places with secret passages. If you don’t pay attention, you will miss it. The most troublesome thing is that there are a lot of various traps here. Because the passages are relatively narrow, these traps are really real. This caused Li Yalin and them a lot of trouble.

After walking for about half an hour, Li Yalin and the others finally found the exit, but what made Li Yalin depressed was that after walking out of the secret passage in an instant, they went back to the previous hall. Among.

“Are there any mistakes? After a long time, I came back?” Li Yalin flustered and exasperated cried loudly.

“No, this is not the hall we’ve been in before!” Yuriko said while looking at his navigation map.

“What do you mean?” Li Yalin and the others hurriedly gathered around.

“If it is the previous lobby, it will be displayed on my navigation map, but now the Second Layer that we have not walked through is still dark, which means that we have never been to this lobby. “Yuriko explained to everyone.

“That means, although this hall is exactly the same as the one we’ve been to before, it’s not the same place at all. If that’s the case, isn’t it a desert outside the folding door?” Li Yalin touched the dark door and said in surprise.

“In theory, it is true.” At this time, Saya nodded said with a face of approval.

“Since this is the case, let us see what is behind this!” A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth, and then Li Yalin pulled out the repaired Burning Angel Spear. Because Ragnarok is temporarily on cooling, Burning Angel Spear has become Li Yalin’s main weapon again.

I saw that Burning Angel Spear was already covered with divine force at this time. With Li Yalin’s angry roar, Phantom Light Spear was instantly displayed, and countless gun shadows with divine force all hit the black Above the gate, Li Yalin’s strike is not a simple one, because Phantom Light Spear is a combination of Sacred Hammer, Jab and Repel, so the most important ability of this trick is not a powerful attack power. Repel also has the effect of knocking and flying. There is already a trace of Law Power in it. No matter how powerful an enemy is, as long as Li Yalin uses this move, the opponent will definitely be Repel or knock into the air.

So Li Yalin didn’t want to break the door at this time, but wanted to use this move to open the door. As expected by Li Yalin’s, under the influence of Repel, the dark door was really opened by Li Yalin, but after the door was opened, everyone was presented with a miserable scene.

Behind the gate is a very huge room, and in the middle of the room is a corpse mountain composed of countless corpses, as if there has been a very tragic experience here. Massacres are common, among them there are men and women, old and young, and only endless fear and sorrow can be seen from the faces of these corpses.

“This is?” Li Yalin and the others were completely stunned. Didn’t expect to see such a tragedy here. The slaughter, this is completely naked slaughter, who is going to do such a thing? Is it the Demon here?

At this moment, there happened to be a squad Demon swaying towards here in the distance. In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, Li Yalin quickly let Nymph turn on the invisibility function, and Everyone became invisible, and then closed the gate again. In any case, Li Yalin must investigate this matter.

Judging from the energy radiated from the opponent, the opponent should belong to a relatively low-level Demon, probably only about Fifth Rank, which looks like the kind of messy. At this moment, the other party was picking and choosing next to these corpses, which seemed rather impatient.

Looking at these Demon’s picking up the corpses one by one and putting them in different categories and turning around to leave, Li Yalin finally couldn’t bear it, but at this time Saber was even worse than Li Yalin. One step faster, before Li Yalin can take action, Saber has released Invisible Air first, and countless Wind Pressure has directly wiped out this squad Demon.

“I said Toria, should you stay alive?” Seeing Saber kill all the demons in this squad, Li Yalin looked a little helpless. Although Li Yalin himself was very angry, he at least Still keeping their sense, these demons are very important breakthrough mouths, at least a lot of useful information can be learned from their mouths, and now being dealt with by Saber, it completely disrupted Li Yalin’s plan.

“Sorry Yalin, I really can’t help it!” Saber also knew that he was a little impulsive, but there was no regret at her expression, too, Saber is such a person. If she is asked to choose again, it is estimated that she will still choose to kill these demons directly.

“Forget it, kill it if you kill it. Anyway, these guys should be killed, so now we have to be more careful. This place is definitely more dangerous than before.” Li Yalin knows well. Saber’s mood, so Li Yalin didn’t say much, but after shrugging his shoulders, he moved towards the direction the squad Demon came from and walked in the direction. I believe there will definitely be many clues.

Now Li Yalin and their location is like a large warehouse, but the goods here are all human corpses that’s all. After walking out of this large warehouse, Li Yalin finally understands why it is called City of Hell.

What Li Yalin was presented to them at this time was a huge castle, which was completely different from the buildings seen in the desert. There was a ghastly and terrifying atmosphere everywhere, but But unlike Undead, it should be a more pure Dark Aura.

I saw fiery-red lava rolling everywhere in the entire castle. To be precise, this castle was built on top of the lava, but it is slightly different. Maybe this is the City of Hell’s feature, in short, the entire City of Hell is composed of black and dark red. Apart from these two colors, Li Yalin can’t see other colors at all.

In the entire City of Hell, all kinds of demons from hell can be seen everywhere, and even the Three Headed Hound Li Yalin saw two of them. This is different from Li Yalin’s Cerberus, which is positive. Cerberus, with the strength of Saint Rank, is serious.

“It feels like we are in hell.” Li Yalin was still in the mood to crack a joke with everyone at this time. This made all the women a little bit angry, but everyone also understands Li. Yalin is to ease everyone’s nervousness.

“Yes, it feels like another space here.” After feeling around for a while, Galatea sighed and said that apart from this City of Hell, Galatea was completely imperceptible out of the city. In everything, can it be said that this City of Hell is an independent space?

“Anyway, now we have entered the inside of City of Hell’s, so now all we need to do is get the Second Magic Gem. If there is a chance, I will destroy this so-called shit City of Hell!” Li Yalin said to everyone with a firm face.

“I agree! This place must be destroyed!” Saber was the first to agree. After stepping into the City of Hell for the first time, Saber wanted to destroy it directly.

“I have no problem, but should we now think about what should be done next? You know this is not a place to stay for a long time.” At this time, Saya moved towards everyone reminded.

“Well, Nymph continues to turn on the stealth mode. With Nymph, as long as you don’t encounter an Expert above Saint Rank, there is no problem at all.” For Nymph’s ability, Li Yalin is quite good. satisfaction.

Two changes, maybe three changes today, of course it’s just maybe…… (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!)

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