Everyone was silent on the road that followed. In this broken world, everyone’s heart was very heavy. Shizuka’s drove very fast, but when it came to Minami Rika’s house, it was already dark.

After solving the zombies near Minami Rika’s home, Li Yalin entire group came to Minami Rika’s home. Now Li Yalin has six other than Li Yalin with four daughters, Jinghao Hisashi and Hirano Kota. There are 18 boys and 5 girls. After Li Yalin told everyone not to turn on the lights or make loud noises, they went to look for weapons.

The Hummer that Minami Rika placed in the courtyard has been seen by everyone, but the driver is Shizuka alone, so it’s a pity that this Hummer has to be given up, but Li Yalin doesn’t think so. Knowing that he still has an Evolved Space, Li Yalin plans to throw this Hummer into his Evolved Space before leaving.

“Hisashi and Hirano, come with me.” Li Yalin called the two to ask them to go upstairs with him, because Li Yalin knew that Minami Rika’s weapon was in the master bedroom upstairs.

When he came upstairs, Li Yalin spotted the cabinet next to the TV at a glance. After prying open the cabinet with Rei’s long spear, the fat house Hirano became excited.

“Really!” Hirano’s face was distorted looking at the three weapons in the cabinet.

“If you say there is nothing in it, it would be a headache.” Li Yalin said in a tranquil voice. Of course he knew there were weapons inside, so he was not surprised at all.

“But I don’t know if the teacher’s friend is who?” Igou Hisashi on the side also said.

“Oh! Springfield M1A1 supermatch? Although it is semi-automatic. Well, that’s good, the automatic shooting of the M14 series is just a waste of bullets. The magazine can hold 20 bullets, which is illegal in Japan. Yeah breaking the law!”

“That…Hirano…” Seeing that Hirano had entered the frenetic mode, Li Yalin and Igou Hisashi both looked at him with wry smiles.

“Knight’sSR-25sniper rifle! No, because Japan can’t get this product, so it should be completely rebuilt with AR-10! What’s left in the cabinet is a crossbow, which is Robin Hood. The offspring of the bow that I have used! BarnettWildcat C5, made in England, a crossbow that can kill even a bear!” Li Yalin smiled at Igou Hisashi and made a gesture, meaning you see Mine, so he took out the shotgun that was left in the cabinet.

“That’s the IthacaM-37RITO shotgun! A very violent gun made by the Americans! It was very active in the Vietnam War!” Hirano saw the shotgun Li Yalin took out and made it excitedly. Explained.

„Oh?” Li Yalin slightly smiled,’kacha’ was loaded, and then the gun was aimed at Hirano. This shocked Hirano, and quickly stepped away and said, “Li-kun, even if you don’t have bullets, please don’t point your gun at others. You can aim…”

“Only them “Li Yalin has already answered Hirano’s next words, “But Hirano, you have to remember that if someone hurts the person I want to protect, then even if it is a person, my gun will still be aimed at him.”

“Yes!” Hirano was stunned by Li Yalin’s imposing manner, and immediately stood up and replied loudly.

“Don’t be like this, Hirano, we are partners now.” Li Yalin looked towards Hirano Kohta and Igou Hisashi with a smile on his face.

“Yes, we are companions! If there were no reminders from Yalin, I think I would have died.” Igou Hisashi also said with a look of gratitude.

“Hehe, it’s okay. I saw this incident at the school gate on the rooftop. Now that I saw it, I couldn’t stop the spread of the incident, but at least my friends I hope they can all live. “Li Yalin said sincerely.

“Yes, we are forever’s friends.” Igou Hisashi is also sincere.

“I hope I can also be friends with you!” Hirano on the side seemed a bit conscientious.

“You are now our friend!” Li Yalin said loudly with a smile.

“Of course.” Igou Hisashi beside him also laughed, and Hirano also laughed amidst the infection of the two.

The next weapon allocation was decided by Li Yalin. Of course, the AR-10 automatic rifle was given to Hirano, while the shotgun was given to Igou Hisashi, and Hirano was responsible for teaching and using it. M1A1 was equipped with a bayonet and intended to be used by Rei. Anyway, Rei’s shooting accuracy is not low, and the dark White-Tier long spear Li Yalin took back the Evolved Space without paying attention.

“That’s right.” Li Yalin seemed to remember something, and hurried downstairs. He remembered that several women in the original book drank some wine after taking a shower, but they all disappeared in the end, especially Saeko’s naked apron outfit, Li Yalin doesn’t want others to eat some beautiful woman tofu.

Li Yalin, who rushed downstairs, was surprised to find that even though the women had taken a shower, they were all dressed in clean clothes. They were chatting in twos and threes, while Saeko was chatting together. Leading the two girls to cook, Li Yalin couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, but why was there a slight sense of loss in his heart?

“Yalin, did you find the weapon?” After watching Li Yalin come down, Rei greeted him with a happy face.

“Well, I found it.” Li Yalin was also gently replied.

“Really? Very good!” Rei clapped his hands happily, but then Rei frowned and looked at Li Yalin’s bloody body and said: “Yalin really, take off your clothes quickly, I will give You wash, you hurry up and take a shower.”

Li Yalin looked at his body, it was indeed full of blood stains, but this is already familiar to Li Yalin. Because it wasn’t blood in Demon Beast Forest’s someday, but since Rei had already spoken, Li Yalin obediently took off as a battle uniform and walked into the bathroom to rinse.

Li Yalin rinses out very quickly, because his body has been transformed by a Great God and turned into a little god, so his skin does not absorb the dust in the air, so Li Yalin’s body It’s not very dirty, just a simple rinse is OK.

Li Yalin, who walked out of the bathroom, did not find his clothes, but saw a female bathrobe in the dressing room, so Li Yalin loudly shouted: “Rei! What’s the matter? Where’s my clothes?”

Hearing Li Yalin’s shout, Rei replied loudly: “Yalin, I have washed all of your clothes, but there are no other clothes. Yalin, just use that clothes for the time being. , The clothes will be dry tomorrow morning.”

“This is a woman’s clothes!’Li Yalin said with a bitter smile.

“It’s okay! What time is it now, do you still care about this! “Before Rei could answer, Saya’s shouts came.

“You women! “Li Yalin gritted his teeth, women are only women, and they won’t die. Thinking of this, Li Yalin efficiently put on the bathrobe, put the towel on his head and walked out.

When Li Yalin walked out of the bathroom, he suddenly noticed that Saya was a little different. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Saya was wearing a pair of rimless glasses. Seeing Li Yalin’s curious eyes, Saya’s blushed: “It is not appropriate to wear contact lenses now. ! “

“It suits you well. “Ignore Saya’s tsundere, Li Yalin just said with a smile. But when Saya saw Li Yalin now wearing a female bathrobe, Saya sitting on the sofa laughed.

“you guy, really. Suitable for women’s clothing. “Indeed, Li Yalin’s body is not tall, and the body is not as strong as a boy, because his body is now perfectly remodeled, and now Li Yalin puts a towel on his head, and he can’t see his face. People think that this person in front of me is a girl who compares to the airport.

“Saya you guy. “Li Yalin, who was ridiculed by Saya, became a little angry. He stepped forward and grabbed Saya and started tickling Saya’s itch.

“Hahaha…stop…” Saya, who was laughed at by Li Yalin, hurriedly told mercy. , But will Li Yalin agree to her? The answer is no. Li Yalin gets worse when he hears Saya’s begging for mercy, but Saya also started Counter-Attack.

Just when the two were playing with each other, Li The towel on Yalin’s head was torn off by Saya, and all of a sudden, Li Yalin’s appearance appeared in front of Saya’s eyes.

Since he had just taken a shower, Li Yalin did not wear his glasses, and he also I combed her slightly long hair a bit. So now Saya thinks Li Yalin’s look is really very beautiful. Saya feels that she has never seen such a beautiful person. Although she has known Li Yalin since she was a child, Saya is only now I realized that I had never seen Li Yalin’s true appearance. From the time I remembered, Li Yalin seemed to have been wearing these invisible glasses, and his hair forever was messy. I know how to sort out, why do I like him? Is it his gentle character, or… Saya can’t think about it anymore, but she only knows that she really likes the boy in front of her.

“You… “Just when Saya was about to speak, a voice suddenly appeared and interrupted her. Saya turned around and looked at it. It turned out that it was Saeko who came over.

Li Yalin and Saya’s faces were both Yihong parted quickly, “Saeko-senpai, are you looking for us? “Although somewhat sorry, Li Yalin still asked Saeko.

“Are you? Junior Brother Yalin? “Saeko asked in disbelief.

“Of course it’s me! “Li Yalin looked at Saeko suspiciously, but then he reacted and reached out and touched his face. Sure enough, he didn’t wear glasses after taking a shower just now. No wonder Saya reacted like that just now. Actually, he did. After experiencing the experience of Rose and Shizuka, Li Yalin deliberately found a mirror to see what he looked like. I didn’t know it. I was shocked. It was not that Li Yalin was ugly, but that Li Yalin really was. Beautiful to the extreme, even Li Yalin himself was surprised. Because Li Yalin didn’t pay much attention to his appearance, Li Yalin simply didn’t know if he grew up like this or because of a Great God’s transformation. I remember that I was still there. I deliberately found Feifei and asked about this. Feifei’s answer also made Li Yalin relaxed. The transformation of a certain Great God was only optimized on the basis of Li Yalin’s original. So in fact, Li Yalin’s has a good foundation, and it has only become so now. ‘Beautiful’.

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