“Junior Brother Yalin, I really didn’t expect you to be like this…” Saeko didn’t say anything next, but Li Yalin knew that she was going to say beautiful by looking at Saeko’s expression.

“Hehe.” Li Yalin could only deal with it with a smirk, “Then Saeko-senpai, what’s the matter with you here?”

„Oh.” Saeko then reacted, “I I’m here to find you guys to eat…”

“I see, trouble you, Saeko-senpai.” Li Yalin bent down and pulled up Saya, who was still shy, “Okay, come on. Order to eat. I have something to tell you after the meal.”

“Ah? Oh, um.” Saya nodded agreed, but how does Li Yalin feel that Saya is absent?

Li Yalin just followed Saeko and Saya to the restaurant. As for his glasses, Li Yalin doesn’t plan to wear them anymore, because he thinks this is very interesting. He really wants to see Rei for a while. See his expression.

“Huh? Younger Brother Yalin, why didn’t you wear your glasses?” Shizuka was the first to discover, but she had seen Li Yalin’s real face a long time ago, so I don’t see it now. Surprised, it just feels a little weird that’s all, but the rest of you don’t think so.

“Yalin, what are you?” Rei’s said in disbelief, covering his mouth with both hands.

“Yalin, you…” Hisashi is already speechless.

“What’s weird?” Li Yalin gave everyone a blank look. “You don’t know if you take off your glasses?”

‘It’s weird if you know! ‘This is a sentence that came out of everyone present, but except for those close to Li Yalin, everyone else looked at Li Yalin with suspicion. Of course, Li Yalin knew what they were thinking about. It’s just whether I am a boy or a girl, “It’s all the fault of yukata!” ‘Li Yalin shook his head and sighed.

This dinner was finished in a very strange situation, because the table is not that big, so everyone found a place to sit or stand, but there are indeed a lot of people now. Food has become a big problem, and the food in Li Yalin Evolved Space is inconvenient to take out. He does not want to expose that many things for the time being, and he cannot fully trust everyone present.

After dinner, Li Yalin, Hisashi and Hirano came to the second floor. They both picked up the Telescope and looked at the Onbetsu Bridge, which was not far away. Although the Resident Evil broke out during the day, Onbetsu The bridge was blocked immediately, the huge traffic flow all converged there, and a huge crowd also appeared, all planning to go to the other side of the bridge. However, all this is in vain. The blockade network formed by the police is so strong that none of them must pass.

“No way, when can I cross the river if this goes on.” Li Yalin rubbed his temples, looking a little helpless.

“Yes, it’s really difficult to cross the river just now.” Hisashi agreed, but why did Hisashi look at Li Yalin’s eyes with something wrong?

“Then, we need to find another way out, Li-san…” Hirano looked a little sorry, saying that since seeing Li Yalin’s true appearance, this fellow blushes every time he talks to Li Yalin.

“But now the main thing is food.” Li Yalin lightly sighed.

“Yes, according to Busujima-senpai, the current food can only last until noon tomorrow, which means that we will run out of food after noon tomorrow.” Hearing this question, Hisashi was also serious. Up.

“So our main goal now is not to cross the river, but to find enough food.” Li Yalin looked into the distance with a solemn and sad expression. But what the two boys next to him are not Li Yalin’s tone, but now standing on the balcony, the breeze blowing Li Yalin’s hair, and now Li Yalin gives them the feeling of Goddess in the dark night, solemn and beautiful, and not letting others. Don’t dare to violate.

“Hey, what do you think?” Seeing the two of them in a daze, Li Yalin quickly woke them up.

“Oh, nothing, I’m just wondering where to find food?” Hisashi immediately hit Haha.

“Yeah, yeah, I am also thinking of a way.” Hirano echoed.

“Forget it, take your time to think about it, I’ll ask about the terrain near Shizuka-nee.” Li Yalin gave them a white look, and then walked out of the balcony.

After Li Yalin stepped out of the balcony, the two people who were still standing on the balcony looked at each other in a daze, Hirano first said: “Igou-san, do you think Li-san is really a boy?”

“The Yalin’s I know is indeed a boy, but…” Hisashi did not finish, because now he is also very confused, and his friend suddenly became so beautiful, which is different from Li Yalin’s previous image. The huge gap makes Hisashi unable to speak.

“Do you think Li-san was actually a girl, but for some reason she could not reveal her identity as a girl, and thus pretended to be a boy?” Hirano looked like I was a detective.

“No way?” Hisashi looked surprised, but turned around and thought it was possible, so the two boring people started whispering together.

“Ah sneeze!” Li Yalin sneezed again,’Who is talking about me? ‘Li Yalin rubbed his nose a little angrily, he didn’t expect two unscrupulous people on the balcony had completely dramatized his melodramatic TV. In their mouths, Li Yalin is the melodramatic TV drama. Tragic female protagonist, who takes on the responsibilities of so-and-so, so that women pretend to be men and the like.

“Yalin, have you caught a cold?” Rei asked worriedly.

“It’s okay.” Li Yalin smiled, “It seems that someone is talking about me behind my back.”

“Then Junior Brother Yalin, what’s the matter with you calling us? “Saeko on the side asked.

“I’m calling you over this time. There are indeed some things to discuss with you…” But before Li Yalin could finish speaking, Saya on the side had already spoken.

“Yalin, you didn’t mean to say that your Quest has been completed, and now you can transform the blood for your so-called God, right?”

“How did you know? “Li Yalin looked surprised.

“Didn’t you talk about it before, and now you are coming to us mysterious and secretive again, do you want to go four boats?” Saya looked a little angry.

“Really? Yalin?” Rei looked at Li Yalin with tears, but the conversation between the three made Saeko and Shizuka confused.

“Ara? Younger Brother Yalin, what the hell is going on?” Shizuka pointed at the corner of her mouth, and asked in confusion.

“Yes, Junior Brother Yalin, what are you talking about?” Saeko was also a little confused.

“This…actually like this…” Li Yalin repeated what Saya and Rei had said before from beginning to end. After speaking, Shizuka and Saeko also became silent.

“Younger Brother Yalin, what does this Subordinate God mean?” Shizuka asked naturally, tilting her head.

“In fact, the so-called Subordinate God is actually a subordinate or spokesperson that belongs to me. This requires signing a contract with me. After completing the contract, you can get powerful power, but at the same time you have to pay a price. .” Li Yalin thought about replied.

“The price?” The four women felt a jump in their hearts. “What’s the price?” Saya asked first.

“The price is forever to be with me, even if I leave this World.” Li Yalin’s expression is very serious.

“What forever is with you! Shameless!” The faces of several beautiful women were a little red.

“I’m talking about this for a reason.” Seeing that these women had some misunderstandings, Li Yalin quickly explained, “Actually, after I was selected as the God’s Successor, I need to know some I have lived in the World to complete some Quests. You also know that I am now composed of many Worlds. I am not. Now I am here, but those Worlds have disappeared, so I need to return to those Worlds, when The time comes, of course the person who signed the contract with me will go with me.”

“Then can I come back after I walk with you?” Rei asked somewhat sorry.

“Of course I can come back.” Li Yalin said as it should be by rights, “But if you sign a contract with me, it will make you a little bit painful, so you have to think about it. Making a decision.”

“What pain?” Saya curiously asked.

“Then prepare for Hisashi birth.” Li Yalin looked like a stick, but Li Yalin didn’t lie either. During a chat with Feifei, Feifei once said, Now Li Yalin is already the body of immortality. After all, it has been transformed by the Great God. Li Yalin now also belongs to a little god. Although it is immortality, it will be hopeless if killed, so Feifei also told Li Yalin not to be foolish, and the person who signed the contract with Li Yalin belongs to Li Yalin’s Subordinate God, of course, is also an immortal physique. Now, just like Ikaros and Astraea, they are now equivalent to Li Yalin’s Subordinate God.

“Hisashi is born?” The women were taken aback by the word.

“Yalin, you don’t have a fever, right?” Saya stepped forward and touched Li Yalin’s forehead.

“You just got a fever!” Li Yalin said angrily, “I’m telling the truth. If you sign a contract with me, although you may be killed, forever will not Old death.”

“Then putting it that way, after you sign the contract with Yalin, you can forever be with you?” Rei suddenly said excitedly.

“En.” Li Yalin nodded, “Almost that’s what it means.”

“Then I will sign a contract with you!” Rei quickly replied firmly.

“Really? You don’t regret it?” Li Yalin asked, “Even if I have other contractors, you don’t regret it? Even if you leave this World, you don’t regret it? Even if you leave your parents. Don’t regret it?”

“I don’t regret it!” Rei’s expression is serious and firm, “Even if you have another contract, I don’t regret it! Even if you leave this World, I don’t regret it! Even if you leave this world, I don’t regret it! Isn’t it possible to come back at this time! So as long as I can be with Yalin you, I will not regret it!”

Xiaoshuai’s computer went on strike last night, but fortunately there is still a USB flash drive Save the manuscript, I have to fix the computer this afternoon, it’s really tragic!

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