“You already got it? It’s incredible.” After Li Yalin and the others described it, Ice and Snow Goddess exclaimed in surprise that the most difficult-to-find key among Fierce Poisonous Worm-hole was actually Li Yalin Kick it out? This also isn’t this too ridiculous?

“Since Magic Scroll has arrived, the only thing left is to enter the deepest part of the Fierce Poisonous Worm-hole, Adria, you can show us the way.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, It seems that I am really lucky.

Under the guidance of Ice and Snow Goddess’, Li Yalin and the others quickly came to the deepest part of Fierce Poisonous Worm-hole, but after reaching the bottom, they will meet BOSS. This is the rule of RPG , And Li Yalin is no exception this time, guarding the fourth Magic Gem is a large group of Freezing Spiders.

Ordinary Freezing Spiders have the strength of Seventh Rank High-Level, but after a careful investigation, Li Yalin and the others discovered that among these ordinary spiders, there are still seven Saints hidden. Rank High-Level Frozen Spider. Things are a bit difficult this time. If you want to get the Magic Gem, you must kill these spiders, because these spiders are like guarding the Magic Gem. No matter what attracts them, they will not leave. Once they attack them, they do. It will immediately Counter-Attack, but it will return to the original place after you escape.

“No, I can’t attract them.” Saber and Ikaros, who went to fly the kite, said with some frustration after several unsuccessful attempts.

“It’s okay. These guys are not very intelligent. They mainly rely on the leaders of the Saint Rank for command. As long as the Frozen Spiders are there, you can’t attract a lot of them anyway. The Freezing Spider.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, comforted.

Just now Saya and Rei have detailed the features of Frozen Spider and Freezing Spider, but if there is a glimmer of hope, you still need to try it. Before Saber volunteered to take Ikaros out, but now It was a failure.

“Then kill the few Frozen Spiders first. If the leader dies, the remaining Freezing Spiders will be messed up too.” At this time, Saya expressed her own thoughts.

“You are right, but these Frozen Spiders are too cunning. They are hidden in the Freezing Spider and cannot be found unless you can go one by one. Try it.” Li Yalin sighed. After Saberand the others went out to fly the kite, Frozen Spider has already discovered that these must be very powerful opponents, as if they had made an appointment together. The seven Frozen Spiders converged their breath at the same time and disappeared. It disappeared between the Freezing Spider, which caused a commotion. After that, even if Li Yalin and Galatea tried to find it, they found nothing.

“Head-on conflict is not a good way. One or two Freezing Spiders are not terrifying. The terrifying is a group of Freezing Spiders. If you encounter a group of Freezing Spiders, even the Expert of God Rank will have to go around. “Saeko said very calmly on the side.

Actually, Ice and Snow Goddess said this sentence just now, but at first everyone didn’t care about it. After seeing Freezing Spiders launching a frozen Magic comparable to Forbidden Spell , You can no longer underestimate these Freezing Spiders whose strength is only Seventh Rank High-Level.

“What should I do then? This can’t be done, that can’t be done, is it possible that we can still set fire to these guys secretly in the distance!” At this time, Saya said frantically. And just after Saya said it, Saya’s reminded Li Yalin.

“Fire! Set fire secretly in the distance! By the way, since we can’t fly kites, then remote monster pulling will not end!” Li Yalin suddenly remembered that these Freezing Spider attacks have a certain range. Restricted, as long as it is out of this restriction, the attacked spider will perform Counter-Attack alone, which will not cause a chain reaction. If you use remote skills to attack these Freezing Spiders, it will definitely cause unexpected effect.

Speaking of long-range attacks, everyone present is very good at it, but if you want to go beyond the range of Freezing Spider’s group attacks, there are very few, except for Li Yalin’s bow and arrow, then Rika’s long-range Sniped.

“Rika-nee, let’s try it together.” Li Yalin moved towards Rika slightly smiled, Angel of Wisdom’s Golden Bow has appeared in his hands.

“Try and try, who is afraid of who.” Rika also blinked at Li Yalin. After flying a kiss on the frivolous moved towards Li Yalin, the H&K41 in his hand was already right. The group of Freezing Spiders in the distance was cleared.

Speaking of long-range sniping, even Li Yalin is not as good as Rika. As Gunner, Rika has a unique talent for long-range sniping. Although he can’t use bows and arrows, he is good at guns. No one can beat it.

After adjusting H&K41 to Pulse Attack mode, Rika can shoot bullets that exceed the speed of sound without any skills. Especially at this moment, Rika’s strength has greatly increased, and the strength of Saint Rank Low-Level is matched by Pulse Attack. Bullet, every bullet shot can produce a powerful shock wave, often after a bullet kills a few Freezing Spiders, it can also attract dozens of Freezing Spiders. This effect is not easily achieved by Saber or Ikaros. of.

Look at Li Yalin on the other side. Although he is not as good as Rika in the shooting speed, he has his own unique skill. Multiple Flame Guided Arrows shoot continuously. Although it takes his own Spiritual Power to control the Arrow, However, the effect is still very significant. Arrow with Fire Element attack can also attract a lot of Freezing Spiders.

After the Freezing Spider was lured to a certain range, it was time for Ikaros and Saya, who are also good at long-range attacks, to take action. Although the attack distance is not as far as Li Yalin and Rika, But after a little distance, a few beautiful women attacked, and the homing missile, Fire Dragon, and Flame Storm were frequently sent out. Before the Freezing Spiders could react, they had already been wiped out halfway.

In this way, Li Yalin and the others are killing these Freezing Spiders at an extremely fast speed. At this time, the Frozen Spider hidden in the Freezing Spider group has found that something is not good. If this continues, Your little brothers will definitely be killed, when the time comes, don’t you want to be slaughtered by others?

Under this pressure, Frozen Spider began to command Freezing Spider to perform Counter-Attack, which is comparable to Forbidden Spell’s Ice Element Magic moved towards Li Yalin. They are slowly approaching, and this is exactly What Li Yalin wanted to see.

“It’s time! Let’s start Counter-Attack!” After Li Yalin yelled, all the women present disappeared in place. After the Freezing Spiders started to move, then Frozen Spider is bound to expose his position. Because if you want to command these Freezing Spiders, you simply can’t do it without using your own energy, and Li Yalin is waiting for this moment. At this time, Li Yalin’s target has been locked on a newly exposed Frozen Spider.

After the target was locked, Li Yalin’s Bomb Exploding Arrow was launched. Before the Frozen Spider could respond, dozens of Arrows with Flame blasting power had all hit the target. The moment it hit the Frozen Spider, the huge explosion even affected countless Freezing Spiders near the Frozen Spider. It can be seen that the power of Li Yalin’s blow was so powerful that it left no room for the opponent at all.

Like Li Yalin, all the women have their own targets. After this first round attack, there were only one of the seven Frozen Spiders left. This one was because it was not exposed. Only his own survived. Obviously, if it does not direct these Freezing Spiders, which have begun to appear chaotic, then Li Yalin and the others are bound to succeed. However, if it appears to direct, the tragedy of its own companion just now can be seen completely. In the eyes, and just as it hesitated, Li Yalin’s Bomb Exploding Arrow had hit its body. Just when it was dying, he didn’t want to understand how Li Yalin found himself.

In this way, after all the seven Frozen Spiders were killed, Freezing Spider fell into a state of no leader. Originally there was a commander of Frozen Spider. Freezing Spiders seemed to cooperate very well, but there was no Frozen Spider. Afterwards, these Freezing Spiders attacked each other in a panic, which Li Yalin at first did not expect.

“This is actually very simple. Originally, these Freezing Spider everyday all lived under the command of Frozen Spider, so that they don’t have to waste their brains even if they are not smart. There is a big difference with those Demon Beasts who live alone. Only in the cruel environment of struggle can creatures evolve faster. This is an unchanging fact. The result of blindly pursuing ease is like these Freezing Spiders. After losing the leader, he will become so unbearable.” As if seeing Li Yalin’s doubts, Saber on the side explained Li Yalin meaningfully.

“Yes, but Toria, you have hidden meaning, do you want to tell me not to pursue comfort all the time?” After Li Yalin sighed, he stared at Saber with his head tilted. Said.

“Although it is not entirely true, but I do have this meaning, Yalin, you are indeed a little too lazy. It is not about other things, but about your personality. This can be done from many places. It can be seen. The most important thing is that your self-motivatedness is really not very high. If we were not there, I really don’t know what kind of life you would lead.” At this point, Saber is already slightly sighed.

“What you said really made I have nothing to say, maybe it’s just like what you said, I’m indeed a bit too lazy, but there is no way, if I really don’t meet you If I did not become the heir of this so-called god, I guess I would live a life of three-point-one-line eating and waiting to die.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, did not justify, but directly and generously admitted.

Thanks to Saberalter, Jane Linghuan, Priest, Xingxie no memory for their rewards.

Speaking of this new Shanda advertising system, is it really useful… I found a bug yesterday… (To be continued, if you want to know what happens, please visit www .qidian.com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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