“Since you know this problem yourself, why…” Saber didn’t understand Li Yalin’s words very well. Li Yalin knew everything he said, so why is it still like this?

“Let’s say that, I’m a person who feel at home wherever one is. I’m actually forced to come to this step. At first is to survive. I started to work hard. After I have enough strength, I have you again, and you have become the source of my hard work. As long as I live happily with you, that is my greatest happiness. As for other things, I don’t have Taking seriously, money? Power? Or strength? All of these are secondary, just to help everyone survive! Aiya, I don’t know if I have expressed my meaning clearly after saying so much. I don’t have too many pursuits. It’s just OK to finish my life in a plain life. Of course, occasionally some irritating things are used as flavoring agents, which is actually a good choice.” Li Yalin touched his nose. Some were sorry. Said.

“You really are…” Saber really had nothing to say about Li Yalin like this, but after finishing his thoughts, Saber said to Li Yalin very seriously: “Since Yalin You have already said that, then I won’t say anything more, but no matter what, I’ll be by your side.”

“Thank you Toria, I know I am a bit headstrong, but even It’s for you, and I will continue to cheer hard.” Li Yalin said with a smile after he stepped forward and hugged Saber.

“You…you just have this mindset… By the way, how did you find the last Frozen Spider just now? I didn’t even notice.” Saber blushed a lot, just He even stuttered a bit. After a while of silence, Saber, feeling a little embarrassed, quickly changed the subject.

“This is actually very simple. Just when all the Freezing Spiders are in chaos and arbitrarily moving back and forth, only the previous Frozen Spider is stuck there in a daze, then I don’t Who will kill it?” Li Yalin laughed at hee hee’s replied.

“so that’s how it is, the Frozen Spider, which is not panicked, is showing its feet. If you look at it really carefully, I didn’t even think about it right away.” When it comes to this, Saber Looking at Li Yalin with admiration.

“Don’t say this, if you always praise me, I will be proud, but I just ran into it accidentally. To find Frozen Spider among so many Freezing Spiders is also considered It’s luck.” Li Yalin quickly explained.

“Speaking of luck, Yalin, you are really lucky. No matter what it is, it will always fall on your head, as if something is pulling you in the dark.” Fortunately, even Saber had to admire Li Yalin.

“According to you, it looks a bit like this. Maybe this is the traction of fate. Fate brought me to this continent, which gave me strength, but what awaits me next, I really don’t know what it is.” After speaking, Li Yalin let out a long sigh.

“Hey! What are you talking about? I don’t know how to come and help!” During the period when Li Yalin and Saber were talking to each other, the Freezing Spiders had killed each other to death, and some of the wounds remained. The soldiers were directly killed by the women. Now everyone is collecting the Demon Core from the spiders. Although these furry guys feel very disgusting, the Demon Core is a good thing, so everyone has to pull yourself together to collect them.

“Okay, I get it! Let’s go Toria, I would like to ask you to take care of it from now on.” After Li Yalin replied loudly, he blinked at Saber and then turned around. Start collecting the Demon Core on the ground.

“Yes, from now on…” Saber’s voice became smaller and smaller when he said that, even Li Yalin couldn’t hear with such ears. As for what he said, there is only our great King Arthur. She knew it herself.

Collecting Demon Core is a big project. After all the Demon Cores have been collected, Li Yalin and the others finally came to the place where Frozen Spider was guarded. It turns out that this is a square stone platform, and there is a long groove on the stone platform. It should be put in the groove to open this mechanism.

“It seems that this is it!” Li Yalin compared the Magic Scroll obtained before with the grooves on the stone platform and found that it was just right, so he directly put the Magic Scroll into the stone platform. After the scroll was placed in the groove, the entire stone platform suddenly emitted a dazzling green light. As the light gradually dissipated, a green Magic Gem appeared in the air.

“so that’s how it is, this Magic Scroll is the key Item for the Magic Gem Teleportation. Without this Magic Scroll, the Magic Gem might not be stored in which space.” Obvious feeling When it came to Teleportation Magic’s unique Magic Power fluctuations, Saya immediately showed an expression of awakening.

“That’s good, it seems that you have a high understanding of Space Magic.” After Saya finished speaking, Ice and Snow Goddess also said to Saya in an admiring tone.

“No, I’m still far behind.” Saya said quickly and modestly. Saya’s Space Magic is also one of the best in the entire team. Except for Li Yalin, no one can be in Space. Magic is comparable to Saya, especially the one-hand dimensional exile, even Li Yalin sighs. Although Li Yalin can suppress Saya in Space Teleportation, there is still a gap between Li Yalin and Saya in Space Attack Magic.

After getting the fourth Magic Gem, the Teleportation Gate to the Fifth Area opened again, but after passing through the Teleportation Gate to the Fifth Area, all the faces of Li Yalin and the others were There was a look of disgust.

It turns out that the Fifth Area is all composed of swamps, while the goal of Quest is called Death Abyss. Listening to this name, you will know that it is not a good place. It may be more than the previous four areas. It’s dangerous.

“By the way, Yalin, I’d better go back to sleep for a while. I will show up again after you reach Death Abyss. At that time, I should be able to replenish enough Spiritual Power, at least in the Sixth Area. By your side, because the Sixth Area needs my help in addition to the last pass.” At this moment, Ice and Snow Goddess suddenly said to Li Yalin.

“Well, then you can take a good rest and leave it to me.” From the Ice and Snow Goddess’ voice, Li Yalin could hear a trace of fatigue, so Li Yalin Hastily replied. Ice and Snow Goddess did not continue to answer, it seemed that he had gone back to sleep.

Turn your head and look at the swamp in front of you. There is a white mist in the air. If you only rely on your own eyesight, you simply cannot see how far away, and the ground is full of dead leaves and loneliness. The branches, mixed with yellow soil, formed a disgusting color combining yellow and green. Because the humidity on the ground is too high, a thick layer of yellow-green mixture will be stained when you step on it. This is just the edge of the swamp. If you continue to move inward, you will inevitably encounter a real swamp. .

“Yalin, this won’t work, let alone other things, this swamp alone is enough to make people a headache.” Saeko stared at the frowned of the swamp, turned his head and said to Li Yalin.

“Indeed, it seems that it is better to fly through the air, but for such a heavy fog, you still need to fly at a low altitude and slow down.” Li Yalin also observed the situation of swamp very carefully, if it is It will be very difficult to walk, so it is better to move forward from the air.

“Nymph, how is the radar detection?” Li Yalin moved towards Nymph and asked at this time.

“The Master has been investigated. After analysis, it is concluded that the Death Abyss is far away from us now. Even if Yes, Master summon leaves the Giant Dragon to fly, it will take two days to arrive. “Nymph, who turned on his radar for detection since the moment he entered the Fifth Area, quickly replied.

“So far?” Li Yalin said a little surprised, Giant Dragon’s speed can be said to be quite fast, and it will take two days, which is really not ordinary far.

“Yes, this is only a conservative estimate. If there is no other unexpected situation, it can arrive within two days. If there is any accident, it will take longer.” Nymph nodded and said.

“Well, you have to go through this swamp anyway, Nymph, you will be responsible for showing the way.” Immediately, Li Yalin summoned five Green Dragons out of the Evolved Space. After everyone was on the dragon’s back, under the guidance of Nymph’s, five Green Dragons quickly lifted into the air and moved towards Death Abyss and flew over.

In such a big fog, Li Yalin didn’t dare to let the Green Dragon fly too fast. In the event of any accident, the speed would be too fast and the rescue would be missed. Fortunately, there was nothing serious on the first day. Everyone got a good rest on the green dragon’s back, but on the morning of the 2nd day, Li Yalin and the others suffered a sudden attack by Arrow.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yalin, who was still sleeping on the dragon’s back, woke up immediately. Looking at the agitated Giant Dragon, he quickly moved towards Rei and asked.

“We were attacked. Although it was just a wave of Second Rank Archer attacks, the number was extremely large. The Green Dragons were not injured, but they were slightly surprised and will soon recover. That’s right.” Rei quickly moved towards Li Yalin to explain the situation.

“Archer? How can there be Archer in this swamp?” Li Yalin showed a surprised expression.

“Not an ordinary Archer, but Skeleton Archer!” Rei immediately explained this. After hearing the news, Li Yalin’s expression immediately became serious.

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