“Yalin, is it really okay?” Before leaving, Rei quietly grabbed Li Yalin.

“Don’t worry, silly girl.” Li Yalin smiled and pinched Rei’s face, “Don’t forget that I am the strongest!”

“Well, you must be safe Come back.” Rei was still a little worried. But Li Yalin didn’t speak any more, just waved his hand, leaving Rei a firm back.

Although Li Yalin said not to use heat weapons, the equipment on Li Yalin did not move, and Hisashi was also carrying his own shotgun. This made the other three people a little dissatisfied with it, but Looking at Li Yalin, they didn’t dare to say anything.

After going out, a group of five people each took their own weapons, Li Yalin took the lead, Hisashi delayed, and the remaining three were in the middle, moving forward lightly. But in the process of moving forward, the gloomy man kept shivering, which made Li Yalin a little impatient, and said that you are afraid that there will be a limit. Now you are not a drag.

After staring fiercely at the gloomy man, Li Yalin moved on. Now there was no one on the street, and the doors of each house were closed. Occasionally, I found that several open doors have also become Territory of zombies. In this way, the very slow walked for more than 20 minutes, and five talents came to the door of the convenience store, but after arriving at the convenience store, everyone discovered that the convenience store was already full of zombies.

“No more!” The gloomy man sat down on the ground, muttering hard. The yellow-haired man and the other boy were also shaking a little, Hisashi’s face also trembled a few times, and he whispered to Li Yalin, “Yalin, what should I do?”

“Cold!” Li Yalin He took a funny look at Hisashi. To tell the truth, Li Yalin really didn’t put these zombies in his eyes. Just a few Charged Strikes can be done with just a few Charged Strikes, and it doesn’t take much trouble at all.

“Seriously!” Hisashi was flustered and exasperated.

“Who is not serious?” Li Yalin gave Hisashi a white glance, but Hisashi was taken aback by the style of that glance. “Do you have a few of these zombies?”

“About twenty.” Hisashi said after counting.

“You also know that there are only more than twenty!” Li Yalin said angrily, “Just so little zombies are scared like this, then how do you survive in this world in the future? pull yourself together Come on! Bastards! If you are like this now, no one will be able to save you in the future!”

“You mean, the main purpose of this time is to train soldiers?” Hisashi’s eyes were Shrunk, said unbelievably.

“I am creating conditions for you to survive in the future.” Li Yalin’s words are irrefutable, but Li Yalin’s really thinks so. Although Li Yalin thinks he can’t save everyone, he never From the bottom of my heart, I still hope to save the people I know. He is not a cold-blooded animal. Otherwise, the yellow-haired man hits Li Yalin again and again. Li Yalin would have killed him a long time ago and can still make them live. Today?

“Now you are facing the first pass in front of you, take the weapon in your hand, like a man.” Li Yalin’s encouragement is very useful, at least the yellow-haired man is already tight He took the iron pipe in his hand. These iron pipes were unearthed from Minami Rika’s house. The three-meter-long iron pipes were transformed into four parts. Except for Li Yalin, each of the four iron pipes is one for each of them. The iron pipes are a little more than two catties in their hands for these students. We use it almost enough.

Li Yalin knew that what they lacked was a role model, so Li Yalin took the brunt of it and cut off the head of a zombie wandering in the vicinity with a single knife. The sound of the zombie falling to the ground caused the surrounding zombie Looking around, and slowly approaching Li Yalin’s direction.

“What are you still thinking about?” It was another zombies that was approaching, and Li Yalin shouted loudly.

“Oh!” The few people in Rumeng Fangxue also clenched their weapons, staring at the zombies in front of them. Even so, the gloomy man and another boy didn’t make any shots. Instead, it was the yellow-haired man and Hisashi. The two of them still had the courage. After hitting a zombies with a stick, Hisashi also laughed.

“Ha, these guys are not as difficult to deal with as expected.”

“Nonsense, if it is difficult to deal with, I won’t let you over.” On the neck of the zombies, Li Yalin complained about Hisashi.

The battle ended very quickly. In less than ten minutes, the zombies in the convenience store were all killed. Even the gloomy man and the unknown boy on the side were killed separately. I got one, but after killing one, I was already sitting on the ground and panting.

“Look, if you want to do it, isn’t it okay.” After killing all the zombies, Li Yalin clapped his hands and exclaimed.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’m exhausted.” Hisashi smiled and replied. Although the battle lasts for less than ten minutes, mental fatigue is unavoidable, so even if Hisashi is Karate’s Expert, It is inevitable to sit down and rest.

“Haha, forget it, take a break for ten minutes. Seeing your hard work, I will help you check if there is a fish that escaped the net.” Li Yalin also laughed , Li Yalin then started to check the convenience store a little bit. In fact, this convenience store is not big, so there are not many zombies here. Otherwise, it is impossible for everyone to complete Quest so easily.

After the inspection, Li Yalin found no abnormalities, so Li Yalin began to choose the food to take back. First of all, water is necessary. Although Minami Rika’s house has not been without water, there is not that many in the house. Water containers, so the bottled mineral water must be brought. Then came the food. At this time, the first choice should be compressed biscuits, but Li Yalin didn’t find the stuff after looking for it, so Li Yalin had to take three boxes of ordinary biscuits, of course. , This kind of biscuits is a box of five catties, not the kind of oversized boxes. After that, there were canned food. Meat is an indispensable thing, so Li Yalin found two boxes of canned meat. This thing is very heavy. The two boxes of canned food together are at least 70 kilograms.

What more can I get? Li Yalin tilted his head and thought, instant noodles? This thing is very light, but doesn’t take up too much space? You know that Japanese instant noodles are all cup noodles. A large box of instant noodles is actually very light, but it takes up a lot of space. Forget it, just take two boxes.

After finding all the food he needed, Li Yalin used to evoke four boys who were still resting on the ground. The gloomy man was very thin, and he knew that he could not hold much, so Li Yalin took it out. The rope prepared in advance tied three boxes of biscuits and a box of instant noodles together, and carried them on the back of the gloomy man. Although these things are a little big, they are only more than 20 kilograms in total, so the gloomy man can still handle it. .

The next thing is two boxes of canned food. Li Yalin thought about it. It’s better for Hisashi and the unknown man to have one box. This box weighs more than 30 kilograms, but they can handle it. . Next is the yellow-haired man. Li Yalin was very rude to him. Two boxes of mineral water were directly filled into him. But surprisingly, the yellow-haired man did not lift the bar. It was just the result of the bundled mineral water silently. The water was carried on his back.

Li Yalin is a bit strange about this, but because the location is really not allowed to chat, Li Yalin went to find a big box, some high-calorie chocolates, and some miscellaneous snacks Throw them all into the box, take another box of instant noodles, and carry them on your back together.

But then the yellow-haired man said: “Li-san, if you don’t mind, I’ll help you carry another suitcase.”

“Huh?” Li Yalin was curious. It’s weird, my heart said this girl doesn’t have a fever, right? Don’t you always play against me? Is this going out today without taking medicine, or taking the wrong medicine, or taking too much medicine?

Looking at Li Yalin’s puzzled eyes, the yellow-haired man actually blushed, “Look at Li-san, there are still a lot of zombies outside now, so many things on your back, and That gun is also very heavy. When the time comes, if you encounter an accident, then you will suffer.”

Yellow-haired male has turned into sex. This is Li Yalin’s first reaction, but looking at yellow -haired man with a blushing face, Li Yalin immediately decided that this guy had not changed sex, but had changed sex! Thinking of this, Li Yalin couldn’t help but trembled. He was not interested in getting involved in the foundation.

“Hehe, no, don’t worry, this little thing won’t bother me. You see that the two boxes of mineral water you carry on your back are heavy enough, so let’s say you should carry your own. “Li Yalin quickly refused.

“Really?” The yellow-haired man said unwillingly.

“Well, let’s go now, this place is more dangerous by one minute.” Li Yalin doesn’t want to say a word to this guy anymore, he regrets it very much now Did not throw this yellow-haired man out to feed the zombies.

The journey back is even more difficult, because everyone is carrying something on their backs, and the weight is not light, everyone walks back with one foot deep and one shallow foot. Just experienced Fighting, now I have to ship goods again, and I am very nervous. After returning to Minami Rika’s house, everyone is tired and collapsed to the ground.

Only Li Yalin looked at everyone with admiration and said encouragingly: “Everyone performed well this time. Although everyone’s abilities are not strong yet, as long as there are no dead people, this shows that we have succeeded. “Although what Li Yalin said was cruel, it is indeed a fact.

“Let’s take a look at our spoils of war.” Li Yalin said happily: “Classmates, you should be proud, because you have grown into a man now!” Hearing Li Yalin said so , Even the gloomy man on the side showed a hint of expression in his eyes, as if he had completed a great career.

Everyone was very happy to hear Li Yalin’s words, especially the girls who were very worried. When everyone came back, Rei and Saya rushed forward to check whether Li Yalin was hurt. Shizuka and Saeko didn’t come forward because of their own reservations, but the concern in their eyes could not be hidden from Li Yalin’s.

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