“Now that the food is enough, what we need to do now is how to cross the river!” When the girl was going to prepare lunch, the boys headed by Li Yalin began to sit in a group, discussing the next step Action plan.

And I don’t know what’s going on. Since the action with Li Yalin, the yellow-haired man seems to have become a loyal fan of Li Yalin’s. You are the boss and I am the younger brother. I insist on following the party. His attitude makes Li Yalin somewhat unfathomable mystery.

“Indeed, our bus simply can’t cross the river now. Onbetsu Bridge’s is completely under martial law.” Saya pushed her glasses and said calmly. Saya, who is a military division, and Saeko, who has super battle strength, also participated in this meeting.

“Although Hummer can cross the river in a shallower section of the river, Hummer can only carry six people. Even if it is more, it can only hold eight people. What about food? What should I do? these all are problems.” Li Yalin is a little worried about this. Now his idea is to try to keep everyone in front of him alive. After all, this is also a life.

“So how about the main bridge? Would you like to take a look?” Saeko suggested from the side.

“Forget it.” Li Yalin shook the head, but he knew that the main bridge of the bed was completely blocked now. “Let’s observe for another day. If we can’t cross the bridge tomorrow morning, then we will have to cross the bridge.” Li Yalin rubbed the temple. To be honest, he is contradictory now. He doesn’t want to reveal his secrets, but he wants to see him. These people live on, but is it possible?

So Li Yalin made a decision, forget it, as long as everything follows my heart, it’s fine, I do whatever I want, is there anything in this World that can stump me? Yes, all self-confidence is built on one’s own strength. Everything is ready for tomorrow. Today, there is a reason not to go.

Because according to the plot, little loli Alice and her father will appear tonight. If Li Yalin and the others leave, then Alice is really dead. Well, Alice must be saved. Yes, as for his father… Forget it, it depends on the situation, if the situation permits then it will be saved.

The whole afternoon Li Yalin has nothing to do. Forget it, take a few women out for leveling, but there can’t be too many people, so let’s take Saya and Shizuka. Thinking of this, Li Yalin went to find a few women to come over and express his thoughts.

“Are you really going to kill that kind of thing?” Shizuka said reluctantly. Indeed, although Shizuka is a natural stupid, she is a very kind woman. Li Yalin has never concealed her appreciation of kind women, but now in this extraordinary period, it is necessary to improve the strength of all beautiful women.

Looking at Li Yalin’s very serious nodded, Shizuka seemed a bit wronged, but she herself knew that if this went on, she would only be a burden to the team. Although Saya doesn’t like killing zombies, she doesn’t have Shizuka that many reluctance, because she is a smart woman, she knows that she can’t survive if she is smart, and only strength is the only criterion for survival. So I also agree with this leveling Saya.

After explaining with Rei and Saeko, Li Yalin took Saya and Shizuka and walked away secretly. Li Yalin didn’t want to fan out about this leveling, so Shizuka exchanged another one. MAC-10, so that both women can use firearms when leveling.

Because Shizuka’s natural response is always slow, Li Yalin had to take care of her and walked two streets with the two women. Li Yalin stopped because he saw A good leveling up.

This is a small villa on the second floor. The opening of the door tells Li Yalin that there is no one in it. Even if there is, it can only be zombies, so Li Yalin made one for the two girls. Please gesture, “Come on, two beauties, let’s clear the strangeness in the house first.”

Looking at Li Yalin’s weird look, the two girls couldn’t help laughing and watching. After the two women laughed, Li Yalin looked straight at the turbulent waves, but immediately shook the head, cursing the demonic girl in his heart, and then chanted that coloring is empty, and emptying is color while preparing to protect the two beautiful women.

Fortunately, there are only two zombies in the house, a man and a woman. It seems that they were a couple before they were alive, because they wear similar clothes and look very young, but now they have become zombies. , Then there is no need to keep your hands. After giving a little guidance on Shizuka’s use of guns, Li Yalin asked Shizuka to shoot at the zombies.

“But the younger brother…” Before Shizuka could finish, the two zombies had found Li Yalin and the others, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed towards them.

“Ah…” Seeing the zombies pounced, Shizuka closed his eyes and squeezed the trigger, “tú tú tú tú …” Because the silencer was installed, the sound of MAC-10 It’s not big, but maybe because of the first shot, Shizuka shot out all 50 bullets from a magazine in one go. When Shizuka opened his eyes, the two zombies had been shot. The sieve is out.

“pā tà.” Shizuka still reached the ground with the weapon in his hand, turned and threw into Li Yalin’s arms, “younger brother…I’m so scared…” Shizuka sobbed slightly.

“Okay, Shizuka-nee.” Li Yalin gently stroked Shizuka’s back, comforting Shizuka softly, because he also knew how much courage he must muster to kill zombies. I still remember that Li Yalin was more embarrassed than Shizuka when he killed for the first time. He just vomited and didn’t get up after sitting on the ground for a long time. Killing zombies is not the same as killing Demon Beast. How to say zombies are also changed. The feeling of killing zombies is similar to killing people.

“Shizuka-nee, we have to get used to this. If we can’t get used to this, our survival will be difficult in the future. Besides, your current responsibility is very important. You cannot be missing from this team. “

“Really?” Shizuka looked up at Li Yalin, with tears in his eyes, “Does this team really need me?”

“Of course, You are now the doctor and driver in the team. Without you, we would be unable to move a single step.” Li Yalin spread out both hands, said playfully.

“snort! Bad younger brother, you know to tease me.” However, Shizuka wiped away the tears and laughed.

“snort!” At this time, Saya on the side couldn’t look down. “If you kiss me, it will be dark!”

“Haha, I get it! “Looking at Saya’s appearance, Li Yalin knew that the spectacle lady was jealous, so he didn’t choose to stimulate Saya any more. He just checked all the rooms and confirmed that the house is not dangerous. Li Yalin moved out of a big cabinet and put it down in the big cabinet. Doorway.

“Now I’m going to bring the zombies over, you are here.” With that, Li Yalin pointed to the cabinet, “You can take aim in this trench, and shoot whenever the zombies come. “After speaking, Li Yalin turned and walked towards the street.

“Yalin!” Saya yelled at this moment.

“What’s the matter?” Li Yalin looked back at Saya and made a quiet gesture at the same time.

“be careful.” After saying this, Saya’s flushed with a burst, and then lowered her head to play with her submachine gun.

Li Yalin smiled knowingly. At this time, Shizuka also told Li Yalin to be careful. Li Yalin came to the main street. At this time, the zombies on the main street were hanging out, so Li Yalin It only takes a little sound to attract a lot of zombies, so Li Yalin just took out the katana and gently knocked on the street light next to him. On August 07, only the zombies heard the sound and Li Yalin walked over.

Li Yalin doesn’t care about these zombies. Even if the zombies are close, Li Yalin can push it a few meters away with just a little push. Therefore, Li Yalin made a sound while walking, and more than a dozen zombies were attracted along the way.

“Here, ready to fire.” Saya said to Shizuka after hearing the movement outside.

“I see.” Shizuka still looked a little nervous.

“I’m back.” Before the words fell, Li Yalin had already jumped behind the two beautiful women. “What are you staring for? Shoot!” Seeing Shizuka in a daze, Li Yalin quickly reminded.

“Oh!” Shizuka hurriedly fired, Saya on the side also fired, two micro-blasts ejected two tongues of flame from hell, sending the attracted zombies to hell one by one .

The rate of fire is very fast, and the full shot can reach 16 rounds per second, and Shizuka made a common mistake made by novices, that is, holding the trigger and not letting go. Saya on the side is better. Although it was the first time to kill the zombies, I was trained in firearms at any rate, so I knew how to shoot, but Shizuka shot all the bullets in the gun in just a few seconds, and then looked at the MAC-10 in his hand. Somewhat in a daze.

“I said Shizuka-nee, don’t you know how to change the magazine?” Li Yalin said with a headache. Although Shizuka looks pretty cute now, it’s a battlefield. You won’t Are you in a daze on the battlefield? Fortunately, the remaining zombies were killed by Saya. Otherwise, it is estimated that Shizuka will accompany these zombies in a daze.

The whole afternoon, Li Yalin and the two girls spent the upgrade. These zombies don’t have much experience with Li Yalin who is a Fifth Rank High-Level strength, so Li Yalin’s Quest is just a guide Come to zombies and let the two girls kill, but although it is a bit boring, but the reward is huge.

First of all, the strength of Saya and Shizuka’s has been upgraded. Now it is the strength of First-Rank High-Level. Although this upgrade speed is still a bit slow in the eyes of Li Yalin’s, it is in the eyes of others. But it’s different, which can be described as Divine Speed.

Secondly, the two women learned a new spell, and finally got rid of the embarrassment of only a few Low-Level spells. Although there are not many spells, they are very practical, especially the navigation map learned by Saya. This is simply a human GPS, as long as it is a navigation map of the place you have been to, it can be displayed, although it is a pity that the zombies cannot be displayed.

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