“Filth Monster…” Hearing the Filth Monster in Li Yalin’s mouth, Nina was silent. Although she had seen a picture of Filth Monster, she also learned the basics about Filth Monster in class, but Nina’s never did I have seen the real Filth Monster. After all, Shelled City moved to avoid the Filth Monster group, and it was natural that Nina hadn’t seen these guys.

“That’s it. During this period of time, your strength has improved very quickly. I also know that you are working hard. Although the Kei Vein on your body has recovered a lot, you still can’t get too tired. If you don’t, you can take a good rest tomorrow.” After Li Yalin smiled and said to Nina, he got up and left the training ground, leaving Nina alone in a daze.

“Really not going? Lili…” Just after Li Yalin changed clothes and walked out of the gate of 17th Platoon, Felli suddenly walked over from behind Li Yalin.

“Have you heard it?” Li Yalin turned and asked, but the smile on Li Yalin’s face made Felli very upset, but when she kicked her to Li Yalin’s, she found out, Li Yalin is already at least five meters away from Felli.

“The same moves won’t work for me!” Li Yalin shook his finger at Felli very proudly, but this made Felli even more annoyed. There is no way to take Li Yalin, although Felli’s skill is pretty good in the ordinary person, but for Li Yalin, it is simply not enough.

After his own blow did not work, Felli did not continue to attack, but after silently glanced at Li Yalin, he got up and moved towards the coffee shop. Li Yalin also knew it was It was time to go to the coffee shop to work, so I followed Felli’s. The two walked one after the other, but when they were about to arrive at the coffee shop, Li Yalin realized that Mayshen was waiting at the coffee shop. Doorway.

“Mayshen, what are you doing here? Why don’t you come into the shop and sit down?” After arriving in front of Mayshen, Li Yalin naturally came forward to greet him, but he finished asking questions at Li Yalin After that, Mayshen’s face was already red like a fever.

“Yalin-senpai…Bento…this…” Holding the bento box in his hand, Mayshen looked very shy, almost speechless, which made Li Yalin feel quite funny.

“Did you send me a bento specially? Thank you, Mayshen.” Li Yalin smiled and took Mayshen’s bento box, and after seeing Li Yalin’s smile, Mayshen was almost happy Fainted.

“I said Mifi and Naruki, are you guys watching from the side interesting?” Just after Li Yalin held on to Mayshen who was a little dizzy, he moved towards a darker corner and shouted Tao.

“Haha, I was discovered, I can’t tell Yalin.” At this time, both Mifi and Naruki walked out with a smile, and the smile on Mifi’s face was completely treacherous. Kind.

“Follow me less frivolous. Mifi is your idea again, right? You know that Mayshen is very shy.” Li Yalin shook the head, making an expression that you can’t help it.

“hee hee, since Yalin you know what Mayshen’s mind is, what do you think Yalin? Can you tell us about it now?” Hearing what Li Yalin said, Mifi immediately Pick things out.

“Although Mayshen is very cute and the cooking is very good, he will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future, but unfortunately, I already have a girlfriend, and there is more than one, so I can only I’m sorry.” Li Yalin said after a bitter smile. Although he still likes Mayshen, there are indeed too many girls who contract with him, and he owes too much emotional debt, so Li Yalin is true I don’t want to owe girl any more emotional debts.

“What? Yalin-senpai already has a girlfriend? More than one? Who are they?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, the four girls present were naturally startled, although they are now There is no law that strictly observes monogamy, and polygamy is not unheard of, but Li Yalin, a gentleman who has never had a scandal, even said that he has more than one girlfriend. Of course, Everyone is very surprised.

“They are not in Zuellni, but if there is an opportunity, I will bring them to meet you.” Li Yalin smiled bitterly and said, Rei and Saya are both here As for the world of «Claymore», Mayshen and the others will not be able to see it at least until the end of this dungeon.

“Yalin-senpai, do you love your girlfriends very much?” Mayshen suddenly asked Li Yalin at this time.

“How to say, we will be together forever.” Suddenly asked by Mayshen, Li Yalin is also somewhat sorry, so Li Yalin can only replied like this.

“Since this is the case, then I understand, but Yalin-senpai, don’t forget the date tomorrow.” After a while of silence, Mayshen seemed to have suddenly figured it out. What’s so ordinary, I saw that her face didn’t turn red anymore, but instead said to Li Yalin with a smile on her face.

“Oh, I won’t forget this. It’s too early, so we went to work first. Would you like to come in and have a cup of coffee?” Mayshen’s sudden change made Li Yalin a little bit awkward. Solution, but Li Yalin didn’t care too much, just smiled and said to the three girls.

“No need, Yalin-senpai, don’t be late tomorrow.” After Mayshen said, he dragged Mifi and Naruki, who were still stunned, and left, while Li Yalin was watching. After the woman left, she walked into the coffee shop with Felli.

“Do you really have a girlfriend?” Just when Li Yalin changed clothes and was about to start working, Felli suddenly came to Li Yalin’s and asked.

“Of course, I don’t have to lie to you, right?” Li Yalin said with an innocent expression.

“Then it’s okay…” After speaking, Felli left blankly, but anyone can tell that Felli’s mood tonight is not very good, just like a The huge iceberg is generally inaccessible.

“Meicchi, are you okay? Did Yalin’s words just irritate you?” Li Yalin didn’t talk about it for the time being, let’s talk about Mayshen and the three daughters. At this time, Mifi was pulling Mayshen very concerned. I asked, if you know that Mayshen today is very abnormal, it is almost impossible to ask her to say these things.

“Don’t worry, Ami, I’m fine, but I won’t give up. Even if Yalin-senpai has a girlfriend, I won’t just give up so easily!” At this time, Mayshen was shook the head, then slightly smiled, and said very firmly.

“Why? Yalin obviously already has a girlfriend…” Naruki said hesitatively after hearing his friend’s declaration, but before she could finish, Mayshen interrupted What she said.

“Okay Nakki, don’t think I can’t tell. You actually like Yalin-senpai, and Ami. I can see your careful thoughts.” The two of them were surprised. Yes, Mayshen said so suddenly.

“Wh…what…mind? I…I don’t have any mind.” After Mayshen said that, Mifi felt like being caught and hurting his feet. He was very guilty and yelled. .

“Yeah, I like Yalin or something…How is this possible?” Naruki also quickly retorted.

“hee hee, you don’t have to hide it from me. Actually, I knew it a long time ago, but it’s nothing. If you like Yalin-senpai, please like it generously, although we will be rivals in the future. Yes, but we are still good sisters.” At this time, Mayshen seemed quite open-minded, but after Mayshen finished speaking, the careful thinking of Mifi and Naruki suddenly became active.

“Meicchi, you…” After that, the three girls got together and didn’t know what they were discussing, but the only thing that is certain is that the center of the three girls’ discussions must be around Li That’s it for Yalin’s body.

2nd day is Zuellni’s day off, so Li Yalin also slept in. It was almost ten o’clock that Li Yalin arrived at the place agreed with the three girls, but it was out of Li What Yalin expected was that the three girls had already been waiting here, which made Li Yalin feel like he was late.

“Sorry, you have been waiting for a long time?” Li Yalin some sorry came forward and said, although there is still some distance from the agreed ten o’clock, but Li Yalin still feels that making the girl wait for herself is a bit unreasonable.

“It’s okay. Actually, we just arrived.” Mayshen smiled and said to Li Yalin immediately. There is a big contrast between Mayshen and the usual shy Mayshen. At least normally, Mayshen must be The last one to say hello to Li Yalin, didn’t expect Mayshen to say hello to Li Yalin first.

Since we have all met, we will naturally look for a restaurant. At this time everyone should go to the match. The whole main street is cold and cheerless, so Li Yalin took three The girls came to the coffee shop where they were working together. At this time, there were very few customers in the coffee shop. You must know that the shop is usually full, that is, the shop will be so deserted during the platoons competition, except In addition to a few housekeeping maid shop assistants, even the ladyboy Uncle went to watch the game, which shows how important the competition is in the hearts of Zuellni students.

Today Li Yalin was a guest. After ordering a few dishes, Li Yalin chatted with a few girls, but what made Li Yalin wonder is that the conversation topics are always It’s around his girlfriend, but there is nothing to hide, so Li Yalin also speaks frankly. Although it is a pity, if Mayshen can give up on this, then Li Yalin can be sighed in relief, but he I knew there that Mayshen not only would not give up, but also dragged his two good friends into the water.

Thank you Bai~ Bai! Bai?, Saberalter’s reward.

Twelve thousand reminders, this time I really can’t figure it out, in fact, the first, second, and the third are all used to save the draft. The upstairs decoration in the past few days, there is really no way to calm down Codeword~~~~

Ask for a ticket~ for the essence of next week~~~ Click on the ticket~~ (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please visit www. qidian.com, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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